M.K. Davis discusses the giant hand print on a cave wall

An enigmatic print of a hand on a cave wall recalls a desperate scene in ancient times. Don Monroe and M.K.Davis happen upon a rare find that has meaning for all of us.


  1. Has anyone seen or heard from Travis?

    - Henry May

  2. HEY!

    If you were homeless and had basic outdoors survival skills would you A. Prefer to survive in the city...
    B. Live and survive off the land in the woods?

  3. I always get a little nervous when somebody starts a sentence with: "I want to show you something.."

  4. If a group of giants were burned alive in this cave, would there not be some remains? Some teeth, etc.?

    1. Check out some David Hatcher Childress... Complete cover-up.


    2. spoken like a true footer joe. "Don't believe this footer? Read this other wackos BS and then you'll get it." putz

    3. If anybody needs me I'll be at the park where your children play, in the paneled van with chocolate.

    4. your van paneled with chocolate? what happens when it gets hot outside?


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