Ketchum Is Hopeful About Reporter Visiting Her Habituation Site

Dr. Melba Ketchum's habituation site is one of the most active Bigfoot locations in the world. Ketchum often have regular encounters with the species and some strange stories have came out of her site, including horse braiding (though no one has ever witness a Bigfoot braiding a horse's mane). According to her latest post on Facebook, Ketchum has invited a news reporter from Boston to her habituation site. If the reporter accepts, it will be the first time a media person has ever set foot at the location:

Had a good interview with Jen Brien at WBZ out of Boston CBS affiliate tonight. It was cleansing as I vented about how things have gone with the project and how unfair the research has been treated. I seldom do this but considering the recent unwarranted criticism, I decided not to be quiet for a change. Jen might be the first media person to visit our habituation sites. I truly hope that she does. Time will tell.


  1. Replies
    1. First on a mane-braiding post. I'm jealous.

    2. The best firsts are on Ketchum claims posts and Fasano guarantee posts.

    3. "though no one has ever witness a Bigfoot braiding a horse's mane"

      I do remember reading somewhere of horses being observed braiding each others manes with their mouths but can't remember where. The pictures looked a lot like the bigfoot horse braid pictures.

  2. Prediction nothing will happen there. Absolutely nothing!!!!! 100%

    1. Melba will sneak away and the reporter will find her in disarray and sore.

  3. Who will be doing the peer review on Bill Munns' paper?

    Seriously, peers? Where are they going to get a bunch of unemployed alcoholic former fx guys that think Patty's the real deal, and not a guy in a costume?

    Buckle Up!!!

    1. Don't tell that to Joe the Welshman.

      He puts a lot of stock in what Bill Munns has to say about Patty.

  4. She's hopeful someone will write something nice about her and she will invite them to see up close Horse Manes.

    Pay to Play is her model.

  5. Me, Matthew Johnson, and Melba went to her habituation site to braid hair. Once there we met Bigfoot, Dogman, and the Easter Bunny. And we laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed...wait where am I?

    1. Cool Linda! Did the Easter Bunny give you some of those delicious marshmallow Peeps? Was Arla or Janice Carter there to join in the fun? Did you find another birthing station? Whew...getting a little to excited there.

    2. I bet the "I like eggs" guy is jealous.

    3. Hey Linda, I think you're being facetious. Everyone knows that Dogman and the Easter Bunny are fictitious.

  6. So why not attach a horse cam to the horse to capture the event?

    1. For the same reason that Janice Carter never installed a camera at her back door to get footage of Fox coming to her door off and on for many years to ask for garlic and other items.

    2. Cause bigfoot is not real

  7. This horse braiding crap is why I know Melba is full of shit. I know her from her horse showing days. She knows damn well that manes just get that way on pastured horses. The weeds, briars and limbs tangle the manes. Every horse with a long mane will get that way if left alone long enough. Good grief!

    1. agreed. Ive owned and shown horses for 23 years. The long manes get 'dreads' if you don't brush them or shorten the mane. TOTAL BULL MELBA, wait why should we be surprised?

  8. Has anyone ever seen an actual mexican donkey show or is that only a myth?

    1. Well I don't know about mexico but there was a farm up the road in Enumclaw WA and this place was a magnet for people into bestiality. It was finally shut down when some guy died from a perforated bowel after having sex with a horse.

    2. That's like saying every black dude plays bass guitar

    3. yall ignant daw

      -da ignant daw guy

    4. Actually Anon 1:08 that's like saying every black dude listens to crap, I mean rap. Blacks don't play bass guitars, they beat on bongo drums you idiot!

    5. Jimi Hendrix was the master of the Stratocaster you stupid fuck!!

    6. You want to hear a black man play a bass, I suggest victor wooten.

    7. I love the Flecktones and Victors brother is a bad ass guitar player!

  9. I would be really concerned for my horses taterhole if its tail was intricately braided.

  10. Dr. Melba Ketchum is a American hero!

    1. If by hero you mean batshit crazy then yes melba is a hero


  11. Anyplace is where she'll publish
    Anyplace, she'll see squatch from
    Lies and secrets become her world
    Anytime, anywhere she takes me away

    And hoax climbs up the steps one by one
    To gift you data that's been collected for fun

    Point me to habituators
    I can't get there with the baiters
    Walk me to the freezer
    Dig up his steaks

    I have seen the Smeja's face
    I have heard of his death place
    I fall down on my knees in praise of the
    Horrible things that he took away

    And hoax climbs up the steps one by one
    To gift you the steak that's been shot by her son

    Point me to the carnies tent
    My $50k has all been spent
    Walk me to Home Depot
    Nail up the ribs

  12. This Melba story is toast (get it). There is zero credibility for Melba. The whole bizarre bigfoot horse braiding and bigfoot telepathy beliefs are all that the world at large needs to hear to shut the door on Melba and her bigfoot research.

  13. joe fitsyertaterhole


  14. All we need now are looney tunes reporters and we'll have it made in bigfootery!

  15. My two horses, twist and kind of braid each others mane from time to time, and its about like in the picture above.. so i don't think that is from a bigfoot.. sorry.. but alot of people out there think everything is bigfoot related, some might be but 99% is not... wake up people..

  16. Jen Brien is not a reporter. She is pretty much the Boston version of Coast to Coast AM. She talks to people on air about UFOs and conspiracy theories. She is not what I would call an unbiased party. Why not contact an actual journalist?


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