Here's Dean Cain (Superman) Discussing The 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty Show

Spike TV's reality TV show "10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty" is slated for January 2014. Not much is known about the host's belief in Bigfoot, but in this TV interview with FoxNews, Cain seems opened to the possibility of an unknown bipedal ape in North American. Cain says he started off as a "cynical television producer", but is now starting to feel differently. The show challenges nine teams to produce Bigfoot evidence (via photographic or DNA evidence) and if they can prove Bigfoot's existence, the Lloyd's of London will be handing over a 10 million dollar check.

By given the teams the latest high-tech tools, Chris Rantamaki, the Senior Vice President of Original Series at Spike TV thinks Bigfoot could be proven within the next year, or maybe even sooner. "A lot sooner," he says:

"What better way to find out [if Bigfoot really exists] than to throw the latest, cutting-edge science behind this; find the best Bigfoot-hunting teams possible, including big-game hunters, serious hunters, and people who have been looking for Bigfoot for many, many years; and then put a $10 million dollar bounty on finding out the truth. We just thought it was a helluva fun idea," said Chris Rantamaki, the Senior Vice President of Original Series at Spike TV.

And about the multimillion-dollar poo: Rantamaki says one of the coolest pieces of technology the teams will use in their search is a mobile DNA lab that can provide DNA sequencing results in as little as a day.

"When I saw this, it truly blew my mind," he told Yahoo! TV. "It's not my world, but there's all different kinds of DNA, obviously, like hair, fur, saliva, stuff that maybe scraped off onto branches … scat is obviously a very big piece [of evidence] in the woods. And for the scat, it's so crazy that it can be determined, within several hours, what animal it has come from, very specifically, through the DNA sequencing. And even when samples are found, our experts have this knowledge … and in the lab, there's a textbook that is just filled with pictures of various kinds of scat, from every animal. It shows the picture of the animal, the shape of the scat … it's all really crazy, but hearing all these folks talk about it is fascinating."

So, finding Bigfoot really could come down to poo?

"Yes," Rantamaki said, laughing.

The show, which is already in production, is a fun but still serious effort to prove whether or not Bigfoot is real, as the $10 million prize suggests. Last November, a Texas veterinarian purported to have DNA evidence that Bigfoot exists, but her results remain controversial.

Rantamaki promises that there will be no room for questioning the winner if someone does indeed snag the big prize on "10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty," as the substantiation needed to win $10 million includes both photographic evidence and DNA evidence "that has been sequenced and proved to be from an unknown primate."

"A, it's $10 million on the line; B, it's Lloyd's of London, so there's no screwing around on this," Rantamaki said. "No one who isn’t fully credible, and/or vetted by a lot of people, is involved."

[via Yahoo News]


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, re-runs are on basic...check your local listings!

  2. First to call Joe Fitgerald a taterhole.

    1. That's cowardly since he's in bed right now.

    2. I'm not.

      I'll happily knock this clown out of the ball park on Joe's behalf.

      Clunk. Next!


  3. Finding bigfoot requires a Zen-like not trying, not striving, not doing.

    These huge rewards and massive technologies will fail.

    These represent the Western mind attitude. This attitude of giant money and giant technology and the attitude of hunt-it-down will all fail.

    Finding evidence of bigfoot will need an Eastern mind attitude, a letting go attitude, a respectful attitude.

    1. Money was thrown at the question by Tom Slick in the late 50's and early 60's as we all know..In the eighties Pete Byrne was in charge of an effort which featured a rapid response team, but I forgot where the the dough came from....

    2. Yeah, turning the forest upside down will not find bigfoot. No matter how hard anyone looks, they will not find bigfoot. The only people who can find bigfoot are those that go all cross eyed sitting crosslegged with their tie-dyed robes chanting kumbaya to the cloaking mystery beings. Smoking a few medicinal doobies, for medicinal purposes only, of course, will also help convince the bigfoot to reveal themselves.

      This kind of hokum is what delusional believers always chant about. That's how they justify the utter lack of any serious evidence. That's how they justify the fact that for all intents and purposes bigfoot simply doesn't exist. That's how they justify believing in a myth, believing the myth is reality. That is how they justify their delusion.

      Right Joe?

    3. Sykes is coming... Get your excuses ready if I were you. No new age scene description is gonna help explain away scientific DNA... I am gonna rub your face in it so bad.

      Evidence requires people having one of two things; an agenda not to ignore it and a thorough understanding of the subject to be aware of it. Delusional would be your favored scenario in a few months time when Sykes delivers and denial would be your knee-jerk reaction when mumbling away, preparing your poppa's gun ready for the next time you go camping; arss-winker.


    4. This is how footers behave. They carry a vindictive chip on their shoulders for who knows what reason. Outcast from normal children's games perhaps, so they begin to make up their own fantasy world where they get to make the rules and call the shots, and make empty threats from the safety of their keyboards. The threat of "just you wait..." has always been one of the most lame and pathetic chants often heard. Proof is just around the corner, and when it comes, "we're gonna rub your face in it..." as Joe so eloquently restates.

      Thing is, Joe, tomorrow never comes for you guys. Today the threat is "Sykes is gonna show you proof!". Yesterday it was "Ketchum is gonna show you proof!" And how'd that work out for you, Joe? Not so well, eh? You seem to think that someone's interest, or study, or research means something positive and conclusive, and take that interest as confirmation. Time and time again every single bit of that stuff ends up very, very bad for you guys. If any of your hopes had ever panned out, we'd have had this proof you keep ranting about decades ago. But it never pans out, not even once.

      Sykes will go the way of Ketchum. Nothing. No viable sasquatch DNA, yet again, like last time, like the time before that, and the time before that. It's always the same, zero conclusive evidence. Bear, dog, raccoon. Yep, all those animals' DNA sure has proven that bigfoot is real. But of course, we need to wait just a few more days, weeks, or months, real proof is on its way! Yes siree, proof is on its way!

      Sykes has nothing to deliver, or haven't you heard yet? He's got conclusive evidence of several different animal species, as in the bigfoot samples hat people have provided have ALL turned out to be from known animals, not a bigfoot. The show he is waiting on to compile all this information will reveal that at the end. Nothing THIS time, but who knows, maybe next time. The mystery will then continue to go on and on, safe and sound in the minds of those dedicated few who never seem to accept the age old conclusions that bigfoot simply can't be documented, sampled, confirmed.

    5. Yeah, finding bigfoot will require an eastern mind attitude. Bigfoot must be caned.

  4. MMG dreams of a reach around from superman

    1. What's a "reach around"?

    2. Only men who 'enjoy the company' of other men are aware of 'reach arounds'.

    3. Ohhhh, i naughty rascal!!

    4. Better yet, ' u sick son of bitch'...

  5. They are a type of fucks and they are differently abled.

  6. "you do realise bigfoot does not exist"

    +1 for the host, pwning those footers with a simple 1 liner, BOOM

  7. Why was Bill Munns banned from the bff?

    1. ...because he got them menstrual cramps real hard.

  8. 10 million dollars. Okay, PJ, it's time to get over to the states and hook up with MMG to find the big hairy man person thing and shut us all up. After you guys win the cash, you should go to Disney World's Animal Kingdom and ride EVEREST. There's a pretty cool Yeti that jumps out at you during the ride. It's the real deal. No monkey, just 10 million bucks for finding the giant hairy person. You guys up for the challenge?

    Peeez out,


    1. Peace Joe? He runs around bragging how he has 'schooled' everybody.

      I've got a peace offering for Joe. A tasty treat called Grunt Cakes. I made them myself.

    2. He's too busy waiting tables for minimum wage to take time off to actually hunt for bigfoot. Didn't you hear?

    3. Lol!

      Butt-hurt much my little minions?

      Quit whining. There's schooling to be suffered.


  9. I'm looking forward to seeing The Corporals, the bigfoot hunting team of Gary Burghoff and Jamie Farr. I'm a big M*A*S*H fan and look forward to seeing these two together again on the 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty show. I hope they win. That would be cool.


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