Bigfoot Begins Is Actually Pretty Good

At first, we thought we were wasting our time by watching film. Boy were we wrong. It's actually quite entertaining and it was good enough for Flim Fest '08 and then we think it's probably good enough for you for you to spend 5 minutes watching it.


  1. Replies
    1. firsting allowed...

    2. First, motherfuckers. Do not deny tradition.

  2. That's what Dick has planned for Frank.

  3. Ha --this crowd can't spend 5 seconds looking at a video.
    Too much visual overload-

  4. Howard Stern says sixth...

  5. Yep. If it's longer than a traffic reporter from Saginaw drawing a penis on her screen we'll pass.

  6. Jesus H Christ, I'd rather watch Gary brush his huge choppers.....

  7. Why was Bill Munns banned from the bff?

    1. Dont know about bff,

      But Munns was banned from JREF for being a self righteous, overbearing, litigious, insulting, condescending, unqualified, unscientific, combative, defensive, self aggrandizing, fraudulent piece of shit.

    2. All of which is utter horeshit you JREF fucking groupie. Have a great day!

    3. Hi Bill.

      Seems I touched a nerve.

      You're still a fraud and a huckster.

    4. WAIT...munns was a member on JREF???????

      What did I miss???!!!!!

    5. Several BFF and JREF members used to post on both sites..I noticed it when reading some older threads..These days, they just troll each other here...

    6. How to Address a Typical JREFing SkeptardFriday, July 26, 2013 at 6:40:00 PM PDT

      Oh, anon 4:47, you mean an entire organization of self righteous, overbearing, litigious, insulting, condescending, unqualified, unscientific, combative, defensive, self aggrandizing, fraudulent pieces of sh*t accused Munns of being:

      a self righteous, overbearing, litigious, insulting, condescending, unqualified, unscientific, combative, defensive, self aggrandizing, fraudulent piece of sh*t?

      Oh, you mean that the entire JREFing organization is made up of delusional hypocrites?

      Yes, I see.

      You are quite correct then.

      Congratulations to you.

    7. ^^^^True that, quite true!

    8. Excellent post 'How to address a typical Jrefing Skeptard'.

      These guys used to have free reign on here posting any old crap without being challenged.

      That is far from the case now. Delighted to see these trolls being kicked upside down on here on a daily basis.

      Keep up the great work folks!


  8. Let me be the first to say this is a good recreation of Smeja's excellent adventure.

  9. Shawn's slow...Better story on the front page of Yahoo. 10 Mil to who proves Bigfoot plus new show coming out in Jan 2014.


    (I'll forget the "firster" crap and cut to the chase)

    1. Shit was posted days and months ago breh slow your roll

  10. Does anyone like DWA? Do the believers even like him?

  11. Hiroo Onoda was a Japanese WWII soldier who continued fighting until 1974 because he did not realise his country had surrendered. After joining the Japanese army Onoda was taught methods of gathering intelligence and conduct[ing] guerrilla warfare, then, in 1944, he was sent to Lubang Island in the Philippines. His orders were simple:

    You are absolutely forbidden to die by your own hand. It may take three years, it may take five, but whatever happens, we’ll come back for you … Under no circumstances are you [to] give up your life voluntarily.

    Onoda’s fellow soldiers outranked him and prevented him from carrying out his assignment, which made it easier for the allied forces to take the island when they landed in 1945. All but Onoda and three others died or surrendered so the survivors retreated into the jungle. Living in the mountains they carried out guerrilla activities, killing Filipino islanders, and engaging in shootouts with the police.

    The first time they saw a leaflet which claimed that the war was over was in October 1945, which read: “The war ended on August 15. Come down from the mountains!” However, they concluded that it must be Allied propaganda. Later leaflets were dropped by air with a Japanese surrender order printed on them, and in 1952 letters and family pictures were dropped from aircraft urging them to surrender, but the group again determined that these were not genuine.

    Eventually his companions surrendered or were killed, leaving Onoda alone. In 1974, he met Norio Suzuki, who was traveling the world looking for “Lieutenant Onoda, a panda, and the Abominable Snowman, in that order”. Onoda and Suzuki became friends, but Onoda still refused to surrender, saying that he was waiting for orders from a superior officer.

    Suzuki returned to Japan with photographs of himself and Onoda as proof of their encounter, and the Japanese government located Onoda’s commanding officer, Major Yoshimi Taniguchi, who had since become a bookseller. He flew to Lubang where he finally met with Onoda and fulfilled the promise made in 1944, “Whatever happens, we’ll come back for you.” Onoda was thus properly relieved from duty, and did not surrender.

  12. Most truthful video I've ever seen


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