Will the Real Minnesota Iceman Please Stand Up

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Matt K., a Sasquatch enthusiast. Visit his blog, Bigfoot Crossroads.

As much mystery surrounds the Minnesota Iceman as does ice. The famous Frank Hansen exhibit of the 60's has been talked about and argued throughout Bigfoot circles since the frozen creature first started making its rounds in shopping malls and county fairs across America. Speculation, hearsay, and rumors abound, the creature seemingly vanished like its Bigfoot counterpart, forever leaving the question of "Was it real?"

Click here to continue reading "Will the Real Minnesota Iceman Please Stand Up" at Bigfoot Crossroads blog.


  1. Matt K. is one of the most credible voices in the bigfoot community.

    1. I heard he is actually a certified cryptozoologist.

    2. Heard it from a friend who
      Heard it from a friend who
      Heard it from another you been messin' around

    3. Hahaha too effing funny!

  2. It's now July of 2013, but still no Bigfoot.

    1. And there never will be.

    2. Show us the miraculous magic monkey suit then, boys.

      You have nothing, and you seem frustrated by that.

      Tard on, skeptards.

    3. Burden is on you, actually. Cute how you try to sidestep that.

    4. Why is it that skeptics are referred to as retarded? An intelligent individual is always skeptical. I want to believe in bigfoot but science and zoology tell me its impossible for a giant ape to exist undetected in north america. The number of these animals it would take to sustain a population for this long would prevent them from going undected no matter how intelligent they might be. I love the culture and want them to exist but until solid evidence is provided, I will continue to be a skeptic. Does that make me retarded????

    5. ^
      I think they're referring to lying pretend skeptics such as Kitakaze, Parnassus, Drew, GT/CS, dmaker, Parcher, AlaskaBushPilot etc. These obsessed and previously obsessed morons are not skeptics.

    6. Yep, there never will be. Never ever ever. Suck on that footards!

    7. Why do people keep saying Bigfoot is undetected? Thousands have seen it. So it hasn't gone undetected!!! Get it Right Retard!

    8. Who said your intelligent Anon 7:02? You may think so but your posts say something different.

    9. Of the thousands and thousands of Bigfoot witnesses, can one show me a body, or at least some real evidence?.......... I didn't think so.

    10. I'm anon 7:02. I asked a question yet I was insulted and not given an intelligent response. I think my point has been proven. Are there any grown ups on this blog?? Anon 8:56, bigfoots are most definetly undetected by science and zoology. In fact, they don't exist in their respected fields. I suggest you learn to read, sir. Anon 8:59, my "posts say otherwise"?? I only posted once and it was a legitimate inquiry. Do you not possess the mental capacity to respond in a mature and intelligent manner??

    11. suck my bigfoot hating cock DWA!!!!!!

    12. 7:02, you're ill-informed bigfoots are not apes they're a hominin as Dr Ketchum's dna study revealed, possibly a genetic experiment by aliens once upon a time. Yeah realize how it sounds, but relax that's just because we've become so used to the ridicule these fields are attacked with by those orchestrating the cover-up. Unfortunately, this subject is included in the press embargo (that mainstream science is also part of) for the simple fact authorities do not want us to find out the true origin of the species. That is why you never see serious news reports on bigfoots dead or alive, it's an understanding and always stopped on orders - or - it simply happens so rarely due to the clever nature of the elusive beasts.

  3. There was a show on last night about magicians and the bullet catch was discussed and a guy actually did the bullet catch. I guess 12 people have died performing the bullet catch. I saw it done in a strip bar in Thailand. Chick caught the bullet with her bum. Then to prove she caught it, well I will leave that to your imagination.

  4. I cannot disprove the Minnesota Ice Man.

    1. (clive squashy)

      As a young iceboy he got his first big break posing at a wax museum...the rest is history.

  5. The pics above are obviously fake. They look nothing like the exhibit in the 60's.

  6. Sheesh...that Minnesota Ice Man is one ugly bastard...but I mean it in the nicest way possible

  7. (clive squashy)

    Minnesota Iceman was discovered at a plane crash site and in the wreckage(no survivors)a strange hand written note was found beside him...all it said was...

    I remember
    We were flying low
    And hit something in the air

    1. Huhmm.?Isn't that a line from the song"DOA".The group called Bloodrock I believe.I saw them back in the 60's.They were the pioneers of heavier rock-n-roll,leading to hard rock...showing my age now.

    2. (clive squashy)

      Some say that's what inspired the song...

      Nice catch.

  8. To the skeptics ok this blog page...

    What would be the only thing that would turn the thousands, sometimes multiple person eye witness accounts into something 100% credible? Your answer would most certainly be biological evidence wouldn't it? Ok, what if I could show you evidence of a cover-up of the remains of giant skeletons found across the United States?

    A gentleman two weeks ago posted on this blog that he has signed a total of 5 non disclosure agreements, to keep the lid on giant skeletons being found my himself and others. What does that tell you?

    I keep referencing it, and I will maintain this reference to prove my point time and again; Jim Vieira amongst other things has uncovered countless news articles and printed media that confirm that these skeletal remains are being found up and down the country... How can you debunk consistent, long term printed media? You can't... Plain and simple!
    The economy of the United States is way too important for habitat to be set aside and logging restricted for this evidence to be broadcast to the wider public. In 10-15 years, you WILL get used to the idea in the same sense as UFO skeptics did during the 1990's. You will not able to ignore eye witnesses for much longer, it's inevitable and come the end of the year when one of the most credible scientists I'm modern times declares this species a reality; I will still be here to help you with your new desire to learn as much as possible about this species. The clock is ticking...


    1. As for the Minnesota Iceman... I've gotta say, it looks fake as heck.

    2. Agree with you Joe on the press thing, there's definitely a massive hush-hush thing going on there via the major news agencies they need folks inside those outlets to play along and control issues like these. Just look how they're desperate for Snowden now, who knows what he has therefore his life's in great danger. This field is a no-go zone for the press successfully kept so for decades, and made this long lasting by ridicule and misinformation to win time basically while talking about apes in America that don't exist it's all been a deliberate myth. This is no ape species it's nonsense and time people see through that scam like Ketchum was on to something but mainstream science refused to play along, because of the same truth embargo basically that exists for ufos it's quite thinkable we're dealing with ETs here. One of the few shows dealing with that possibility is Ancient Aliens' bigfoot episode we're getting short on other options.

    3. Spot on sir!
      You always post amazing stuff, what can I refer to you as?

    4. A drug addict I believe,stop using heroine


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