What Is Habituation?

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by David Batdorf, a Sasquatch Enthusiast/Crypto-Nerd.

"Habituation": What is it, exactly?

(After the painfully long process of habituation to her presence, Jane Goodall, was able to build trust, bonds and relationships with certain individuals)

Habituation is the process of becoming habituated to a particular stimulus. To become habituated to something, is to become immune to its affects or to have the affects, lessened.

A simple expedition from Wikipedia:

"Habituation is a decrease in response to a stimulus after repeated presentations. As a procedure, habituation is the repeated presentation of an eliciting stimulus that results in the decline of the elicited behavior (the process of habituation). This can be rooted from one becoming accustomed to a stimulus to such an extent, that one is simply less responsive or reactive to the stimulus. This process is gradual and is caused after prolonged exposure to the said stimulus."

This term is used most often with regard to psychology or in the physiological aspects of drug use, but there are many other stimulus that one can become habituated to. The most applicable to Sasquatch being, environmental stimulus (e.g. - us in their territory).

The beauty of the concept of habituation is that it applies to everything from our own complex biology and complex culture and brain, to plant and bacterial life (albeit, at a chemical/biological level).

It is because habituation is so simple and all-encompassing, conceptually, that it could certainly be successful. However, it takes a lot of time and a lot of stimulation.

In the famous case of Jane Goodall, which is often referenced by Sasquatch Enthusiasts, people erroneously claim that she "habituated" the Chimpanzees, whom she was able to observe and study in such close proximity. Nothing could be further from the truth, as this is not how habituation works. You cannot "habituate something". The process of habituation occurs within the subject.

The term, "habituator", gets thrown around, a lot. However, there is no such word in the English Language. Here is why:

Jane Goodall did not habituate the Chimps to her presence, by acutely provoking a psychological or behavioral change. She only supplied her presence as, stimulation. Through the tenacity of she and her team, they were able to supply enough of that stimulation that the natural process of habituation occurred and the flight response was lessened and eventually, discontinued. The results were astounding, but the particular outcome was not under her or her team's control.

No tricks, no treats, no anything. Just quietly existing, nearby their troop and usually, out of direct sight.
Once habituation had occurred, her groundbreaking study began its amazing story, wherein, she began to develop bonds and relationships, with the chimpanzees.

So, how does habituation occur?

Lets look at some physical/environmental examples:

A. A person who is addicted to cigarets (or any narcotic... alcohol, included) will become or has already been, habituated to the affects of nicotine. This has nothing to do with the "habits" or "compulsions" that go along with addiction or to do with addiction itself. Once habituated to nicotine, the person no longer experiences or "feels" the narcotic affects of the nicotine. However, if that person were to quit for an extended period of time, they would be surprised to find that they are no longer habituated to nicotine and experience the narcotic affect, as if it were the first time... However, personal experience tells me that this is short lived and habituation to the drug returns, more rapidly after going through the process, once.

B. Imagine that you begin building framework for houses. On your first day, you physically jerk and your heart pounds every time a co-worker blasts a nail into a concrete foundation with a gunpowder cartridge. Through the process of habituation, you would likely be over most of those physical reactions by the time you got to your second or third week. The fear/shock reaction is gone.

C. Here is another auditory example, with psychological instead of physical affects. Everyone has known someone (or has, themselves) lived in a very noisy environment. Wether it's along side an interstate or in a downtown apartment, in a large city. The common question from people who are not in the current situation is, "How do you handle the noise?" The response, if the person has become habituated to the noise is, "I barely notice it, anymore."

So, the basic idea is that to become habituated to a stimulus, is to become so accustomed to it, that the stimuli's affect is lessened.

This brings me back to "Sasquatch Habituators".

Here are a couple of the more popular processes that are suggested and/or employed to "habituate" a Sasquatch:

A. Gifting of Food - This is not a process, by which, habituation is going to occur. It may, however, form a habit of frequenting the gifting spot. The "Sasquatch Hunter/Tracker" groups, who rely on their outdoor knowledge of sporting, would call this, "baiting". The hopeful result of which, is bringing your intended quarry into a predetermined location. The very act of changing the subject's behavior, deters natural habituation and if the subject were to become accustomed to your presence, it would likely only be thus, with the food present.

B. Singing or Playing Music - I can only imagine that this is done to create an environmental interest, much like other camps use call-blasting or howling into the night, while breaking sticks over trees. While this may be a good way to draw the interest of a Sasquatch in a non threatening way, the actual process of habituation could potentially have a negative outcome. After enough exposure, the affective response of curiosity or inquiry could be lessened, through the natural process of habituation.

I am not suggesting that the above examples are wrong, or less affective than other methods. Actually, I feel quite the opposite! At their base, both camps of methods are very similar, but the more pleasant, non threatening behavior of the "habituator" crowd is more likely to yield results, in my opinion.

I don't know of any species that responds worse to calm, non threatening behavior. I would chose these methods over the more aggressive or overt. However, I am taking a stand on semantics and hoping to disambiguate the correct definition of the term "habituation".

Another example of natural habituation, from my back yard:

The deer in my neighborhood are habituated to the presence of humans, in that, they do not flee, unless actively provoked to do so. Even when provoked, they only do so, at a saunter. There is, however, a limit to proximity or directly aggressive and/or quick movements that they will tolerate, prior to flight. They are neither tame nor domesticated and as a control to the previous statement, they are certainly not habituated to canines and will immediately flee from the most well behaved dog, being walked on a leash.

The coyote in my neighborhood will immediately flee from human activity, but are also habituated to human presence in their own, different and more secretive way. They may simply have lost a flight response to human smells and/or sounds, but will still actively avoid sight or proximity. They are definitely able to live in an area that more remotely located packs would avoid, as a response to the urban stimulus.

At no point should I expect an outcome from any species, as they continue to lose responses to human-based stimulation. That will rely solely on the individuals, themselves and is difficult, if not impossible, to guide or predict.

However, with time and diligence, one could argue that as various reactions begin to lessen, eventually, you will get to the reaction that you hope to remove.

So, in closing... Go ahead, use the word "Habituator" and talk about your "habituation" processes. It's okay and I wish you luck! Seriously, I do!!! The non aggressive approach will likely lead to more interesting results.

...And don't worry too much about the semantics. There are thousands of words used in our day-to-day lives that no longer carry their original meaning, but are used (however erroneously) to correctly communicate the intended meaning.

But if you truly want to naturally habituate a Sasquatch, as defined by the word's original meaning... I'm sorry. Natural habituation cannot be controlled and you cannot determine how the Sasquatch will become habituated to you. There are many possible affects of human presence that Sasquatch could become desensitized to and that does not ensure you a Jane Goodall experience with a Sasquatch.

But, HOT DAMN!!! A Goodall-like experience would be pretty sweet, right?!

Please, just keep the boots on the ground, however it is you go about doing so!!!


  1. According to sasfooty its taking a picture of a turd from a known creature and trying to pass it off as coming from a creature that don't exist.

    1. ..lol.."Trying to pass it off" implies she is hoaxing. She may believe that bigfoot took a dump on her front lawn. In that case she would pass a lie detector test, but not a sanity test...

    2. These bff footers know full well there is no monkey

    3. Sasfooty knows goddam well there's no bigfoot. She pisses on her doorknobs cause she's freaky like that.

    4. lol..She's a freak, a super freak...

    5. ^ last 3 comments all the same person. What a Dick!

    6. Good old Sas.

      Not sure if she's deluded or has regular out of the body experiences.

      I'm hoping one day I'll encounter her toast smelling Bigfoot.


  2. Right then joe how do you explain the lack of evidence?

    Every other elusive animal we have plenty of crystal clear photos... bigfoot not so much.

    How does bigfoot know ONLY to ever show itself to a person that has no means to take a photo or video?

    Why do investigations into sighting areas always result in no monkey?

    No shelters or tool use? Lol wat.

    Come on joe stop trying to validate your fantasy.

    1. ^ what is your fantasy? Surfing Bigfoot sites all day? You're more dedicated to Bigfoot than any footer on here . Your Family must hate you and you obviously have no friends . Knowbody -let me repeat knowbody would hang with someone who is a persistent know-it-all asshole as you are Anon 2:30. Good luck with your vigil of "no monkey" on here and your pessimistic life while the rest of us have fun. Ha ha Loser!

    2. Attacking the person rather than the argument means you lost. You lost big time.

    3. Wrong it's called credibility moron. Crybaby! No you list big time - no gives back whah whah whah. So saying no monkey a thousand times makes it No argument either!

    4. No the fact that there is no monkey means there is no monkey.

    5. ^Believes the world is flat!

    6. Anon 7:43 your getting old with your worn out motto. You have no proof it doesn't exist. Why I respond to you is beyond me -in fact would nobody respond to this Moron anymore! If you can figure out what alias he is under.

    7. ^moron

      You have no proof unicorns and flying spaghetti monsters don't exist. Doesnt mean they do you retard.

    8. 1. Right then joe how do you explain the lack of evidence? Easy, Bigfoot are paranormal and are normally invisible during daylight hours so that they can neither be spotted nor photographed.

      2. How does bigfoot know ONLY to ever show itself to a person that has no means to take a photo or video?
      Easy. Bigfoot is telepathic and examines what we are carrying by reading our minds. Only then would they consider their options to toy with us.

      3. Why do investigations into sighting areas always result in no monkey? See answer to 1. above.

      No shelters or tool use? There exists other dimensions and other phases that Bigfoot can transport to. They avoid bad weather by going to a dimension that has good weather, or transforming to a phase that does not feel cold. I have seen tool use where they repurposed man's tools to act as a rain catch barrel, about 2 miles away from where man stuck it into a stream bed to measure leakage from a dam. They hauled it 2 miles with the gravel and water still in the 40 gallon barrel.

    9. ^ So what the F*ck are you looking for Piss Ant ??????. If you're so godamn sure it doesn't exist what's your F^cking mission??? You Jerk freaking Welfare Ass!

      Answer this Shit!

      Why Does a Moron Waste His Time?

      Why are you not at Work Ever?

      Why are you trying to change others minds?

      Why are you Stupid?

      Do you Like Wasting Time?

      What makes you do Certain it doesn't exist?

      We are all wondering if you have some mental issues or ADD to Bigfoot sites or maybe a fetish ? We just like ripping on you and bashing your comments and wonder why thousands of internet users across This country use and read this site and you're the one mostly commenting each day with barely anyone else saying " got monkey?". My idea is you're just argumentative and your mental problem drives you to get your rocks off by challenging people on here. You waste space on earth Turd!

    10. Anon 10:19 use your brain before call people morons. First if anyone has intelligence they know spaghetti can't fly . The possibility of a living animal that breathes and bleeds like us can exist. Before you Make stupid comparisons maybe Try to sound somewhat intelligent so you can be convincing. Moron!

    11. Some fascinating comments about me, I'm really starting to enjoy the attention here to be honest... looks like I'm getting to some people too. As long as they are the intellectually incapable like some on this blog page... I'm perfectly happy about that. There is no camera in production today that doesn't give out a frequency that is undetectable to human hearing, but very much audible to creatures with highly evolved senses of hearing, such as wilderness creatures that depend on this sense for food and survival. further more, we are not talking about a dumb animal that's just gonna stroll in front of a trail camera unawares... these are highly intelligent creatures that have had plenty of time to observe and learn... which is what I'm beginning to think some of the idiots who troll this blog are incapable of doing... the amount I've got to repeat myself at the moment. Ha ha ha ha ha!

      To the skeptics on this blog page...
      If you want to see a video'd big dude; drop the porn for two seconds and check out 'Leaping Russian Yeti' on YouTube. I would suggest you look at the MK Davis' version, as there are screen shots that show in great detail the creature's motion which I'm sure you'll have a nightmare trying to explain.


    12. Oh and before I forget... No monkeys, just giant hairy people.


    13. Joe is this sites superman!

  3. War on -- Oh who gives a fuck-that's old--come up with something new.

  4. Jane Goodall was a hottie.

  5. My god, Travis, how did you hook up with Jane Goodall? You sure are a handsome son of a gun in that photo with her. Have you tapped that yet?

  6. I can't wait for Matthew A Johnson, one of the most credible people in the bigfoot world, to lay the smack down in another epic rebuttal post to David's "silly" habituation ideas!

    Big fuzzy hugs!

  7. What is habituation?

    Short Answer: Monkey grooming!

  8. Gifting basket. Gets me every time.

  9. Thank you Mr. Batdorf for pointing out and clarifying my erroneous use of the word "habituation". Clearing this up for me will now allow me to sleep at night and rejoin society in a productive manner.

    How many times in school did you get a "swirrlie"? Oops, I may have used that word erroneously.

  10. David nice to see you working your way thru the ideas... and also getting into the field! I do think music offers something more than just curiosity, and that BFs actually enjoy it, appreciate it..must get boring out there too. Is the net effect negative from Habituation? We don't know, anymore than tracking and trail cams. It beats heck out of an adversarial approach, and is faster, but takes persona bravery, something many lose with nightfall. I reached my limit, and it was comfortable really, just fell short of proving. Interesting part of habituation, or result of, one feels less inclined to share b/c the events move far beyond the conventional monster wisdoms...and one begins to care less about the human pursuit to prove and just enjoy the personal experience. It is beautiful out there, and a mystery for the ages doesn't hurt the interest level and the earning of the details of the ecosystem in the context of BF needs, etc...is entertaining/educational in itself. Please excuse typos.

    1. Hi AH.

      Still doesn't look like a guinea hen to me. Thanks for sharing.


  11. Patty's the real deal, folks.

    The way Roger shook the camera at the beginning of the PGF is genuine. A hoaxer would not be able to shake the camera like that.

    This is a factual conclusion.

    1. But it's a 50 year old suit.

      Surely you must be able to tear that apart?

      You can't? I thought you guys were convinced too....


  12. Bigfoot at Shaver Lake, CA

    My daughter & I were hiking behind the lake. We kept hearing strange whooping sounds that were all around us. Sometimes far away. Others very near. We also could smell something bad from time to time. We came up on a pretty meadow where the odor was exceptionally bad. We took a shortcut through an area that had just been cut. The ground was bare earth. I was keeping my eye on the ground because I like to watch for animal tracks. It's a habit of mine. I saw a huge foot print. I even have a picture of it. With a smashed spider in the print that it stepped on! I noticed there were more. I actually followed them up the side of a hill thinking it had to be bear prints. But each and every print was a foot. Not a paw. At one point the prints were side ways as if looking back down the hill. My daughter pointed out that whatever it is, I'm following it and might be up at the top watching me! So I ran back down where my daughter was waiting. There was a stand of trees right on the edge of the meadow where we followed the smell to. In the middle of the close circle of trees was a huge mound of scat. Now I'm not talking about bear or mountain lion. I know what they look like. This was piled at least 1 foot high. And had the look of a very huge human feces. But smelled horrible! This spooked us. Because we were thinking whatever made that is huge, and could still be close by. Because it looked fresh! All the way back off that trail we were followed by that whooping sound. I'm getting goosebumps just telling this!!

    So, thats it. Now we are too scared to go hiking back there without any men with us. I absolutely believe there is a Bigfoot!! It is called a Stunk ape in these parts also!

    1. Go back, but with the largest bear spray cans... and a whiste or something...but a video camera does wonders for BF protection too! Collect the scat and put in enthanol, and look for hair...leave a small treat...eggs (from local farmers..no samonela) or something that doesn't rot and is natural... and walla..you will have a friend..just knowing they are there sets you leaps ahead of other humans in their eyes IMO and makes you special/interesting - leave daughter behind though -this is for old ladies/men to ponder w/o worry of small kids to raise. Leave the hunt to the testosterone infused-they will burn that energy for a few decades until they too are old and listen better.

    2. Although you had an exciting audio experience, you were never in the slightest bit of danger. While you were examining the scat, the Bigfoot was no doubt standing right next to you and examining you. Yet you and your daughter were untouched. You did not see the Bigfoot, because they are paranormal. That is why the meat eating dinosaurs were unable to wipe them off the face of the earth.

    3. What an account from Shaver Lake! Great stuff, real good reading!! More of this please to all who have experienced similar! Don't bottle it up, this is the type of stuff that stimulates the enthusiast and educates the skeptic.


  13. Did you get a photo of the Dump?

  14. Who's habituating who? Perhaps they see the experiment as them habituating us.


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