Watch: Little boy getting chased by hungry chickens

This must be what it's like to get chased by velociraptors.


  1. I didn't realize the evidence for bigfoot was this compelling.

  2. William parcher has been pwning footers for 8 years. Great work william I hope you keep it up for another 8 years!

    1. William Parcher is a Bigfoot lifer and one of only about 5 adults on the whole planet who's obsessed with Bigfoot while simultaneously claiming to be a skeptic and that all of his fellow footers are liars.

      The biggest simpleton and closet bleever the world has ever seen.

  3. Anti! Anti! Get it? Pretty cool, huh? By the way- I like Rush. Care what I think! Please?

  4. "To me all of the skeptical notions are just angels-on-pin talk.  I want to know what is causing this stuff to happen.  Suppositions won't work there.  I want proof." -DWA

    Respectfully, I don't think that you do. What you want is for it to be proven that what is causing all of this stuff to happen is Bigfoot. Any other explanations you dismiss out of hand. You dismiss evidence of the frailty of human recall, you dismiss any notion that some of this could be caused by social or psychological reasons. Many of which have been posited here in this thread. You won't even consider them as likely candidates. Your mind is made up, sir. You don't want to see what is causing this, you are convinced what is causing this and you are just awaiting proof of your conviction. To consider any other reasons is outside of what you have displayed is within your ability to do. And before you bother, I know what you are going to say. Go prove the reports wrong. Prove they didn't see a Bigfoot. But we all know that is not a practical charge. No one, no matter their intentions, can disprove an anecdotal report. That is precisely why they are not accepted as scientific evidence in the first place. Yet you constantly throw that charge out there like it somehow negates the potential for competing ideas or theories. Yet the very basis for your charge is simply not practical. And the very reason it is not practical is the same reason that anecdotal reports cannot be taken as scientific evidence of anything, much less Bigfoot. Yet you will happily sit back and say until you do the impossible, then people saw what they say the saw. And then you consider that some sort of victory. But it hinges on an untenable premise--that anyone can prove, or disprove, an anecdotal report.  So while you will pretend that you are simply waiting to see what is at the root of all this evidence, your mind is squarely made up. You are simply waiting for someone to prove that it is Bigfoot. Anything else simply does not compute in your worldview. And since proof of Bigfoot will never come, you get to sit there in your position and never have to waver. Since the opposing theories are based on the argument that the creature does not exist, you get to sit back and charge the impossible task of proving a negative.  But what could happen, and woefully has not to date, is someone, somewhere, providing a Monkey.

    1. Anyone come close to reading ANY of that?

      What idiot would respond to a BFF post on this blog?

      Are skeptards getting so rattled they are losing their grip on reality?


    2. That moron has too much time on his hands. His bigfoot obsession is rotting his brain.

    3. I'll bet JREF footer AlaskaBushPilot wrote that. That asshole is not playing with a full deck.

    4. JREF footer AlaskaBushPilot is alaskaloner on the BFF.

    5. That was Bigfoot obsessed pretend skeptic "dmaker" who wrote that long winded post.
      He's a 24/7 footer.

    6. Anon 6:00 pwoned all you footers, you know he did, and you like it. It irritates footers when they're told to prove Bigfoot exists. They know the burden is on them, it's not up to us to prove a negative. Let the insults continue... but it still won't make the fantasy man ape real.

    7. MMG and Joe are one and the same looser.

    8. 9:56..dmaker ? The massive simpleton who idolizes Kitakaze ? Listen you credulous moron, he never saw the P/G suit, he read the story about a poster seeing it 6 years ago and imagined it to be true. He convinced Munns, who is also a moron, that he saw the suit. In convincing Munns he knew he'd convince the P/G suit bleevers that at least his story was partly true. He left Bigfooting all frustrated because he couldn't keep up the lie anymore.

    9. I've never encountered AlaskaBushPilot on the BFF. Must keep a low profile.

      Dmaker on the other hand I like. Skepticism is fine by my me as long as you have a rational argument.


    10. Anon 10:29 pm, you're wrong. I don't even know who Dmaker is and I never mentioned the P/G suit. I don't believe the suit exist anymore, It might have gotten lost or destroyed but, just because no one can provide the suit after so many years, doesn't mean that Patty is the real deal. Is that all you've got? I apologize if I hurt your belief system, you nutgrabber.

    11. Yeah, it would be nice and simple to say a real animal is the source of most of the stories and legends, but it simply did not pan out...Bigfoot is probably just an on going myth with living participants adding chapters to the story....

    12. Anon 6:00, It's really, simple... We don't just have anecdotal reports, we have evidence from various professionals and experts and we have a recognition by modern science in Dr Bryan Sykes... explain that.
      Anon 6:25, how convenient that the suit should be lost or destroyed? Back up your claims with facts... No suit, no evidence of a 'suit', no evidence of a hoax.

      Got magic monkey suit?


    13. Anon 7:36...
      I really don't think you are up to scratch with the facts... We have so much evidence to prove that Bigfoot is real where as you don't. As science is developing we are learning more and more, be it slow steps, but we are... whilst you are no where closer to disproving it.

    14. Please, please, please, bring me the names of actual experts that have studied the creature and have come to the conclusion it is a hoax? You can't, because anyone who has done anything to that extent has determined in the end that it's real. Where are your professionals and experts to back up your claims?? I can provide expert opinion based on thorough, long term analysis and you can't.

    15. Joe, first of all, you keep talking about all this evidence that we never get to see. Where's the video, photo, DNA, or body of Bigfoot to show the evidence of his existence. We don't have to prove a negative. It's up to you to present the evidence. You have nothing, as much as you wish for it to be true no one can prove it. Peace

    16. The evidence requires you allocating the time to look at it... would you like those sources of evidence? I will happily provide them for you.
      Oh... and the fact that you couldn't provide me even one expert to back up your claims confirms mine.

    17. Time and time again, I keep posting the sources that back up my claims, and people like yourselves keep ignoring it? I love the way skeptics maintain that there is no evidence and when it's offered to them, they skip around the subject. Those sources are...

      John Bindernagel
      Anna Nakaris
      Jimmy Chilcutt
      Harvey Pratt
      Scott Nelson
      David Paulides
      Dr Bryan Sykes
      Jim Vieira
      Bill Munns

      ... All these are experts & professionals that have actually taken time to study the subject with thorough analysis, as opposed to just offering an opinion.
      You will also find these sources on YouTube. Once you have done that, I can happily provide you with more.


    18. Sorry Joe but, that all amounts to zero evidence. You're the one saying Bigfoot exist. Show us the body. No body, no Bigfoot.

    19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    20. Ha! Denial! If you can't allocate the time to look at the sources of evidence that accumulate to proof, when you have asked for them, then you contribute to the example of lazy, ignorant skepticism that I love highlighting on this blog.
      Check out some Jim Vieira for help with your desire for biological evidence!

    21. Thank you. I'll check and see if Jim Vieira can provide us with, at least, a picture of some biological evidence that may resemble the so called Bigfoot.

  5. DWA is the whack-a-mole of the bigfoot community. Dozens have pounded him right into the fucking ground,. He'll just pop right back up, with that nauseating sig pic, blathering on about some damn thing or another. Who cares anymore? This is the place where bigfeets belong, wreathed in nonsensical slapstick.

    1. You got a thing for that guy, don't you ?
      I'll bet you're known as being petty in real life.

    2. And you're known as an insufferable ass.

    3. Should you not be bitching about DWA on the bff? Would have thought it would be more fun than whining behind is back.

  6. I didn't realize the evidence for Bigfoot was this compelling.

  7. This chicken stuff is on a bigfoot blog why?

    1. because your either too lazy or stupid or both to go find us a sasquatch

    2. I would argue the fact he hasn't bothered looking proves he's plenty smart.

    3. Bigfoot is rumored to eat ten chickens at one sitting..then fart out their feathers and use them as a pillow.

  8. Lets glue the chicken feed all over that child and give him a real reason to scream.....More fun in 3rd world countries.

  9. Where I come from and adult would have intervened, consoled and calmed the child and given the chicken their feed but hey that's just the crazy place I live I guess....

  10. looks like a herd of border jumpers running to get their welfare checks.


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