The Bionic Ear and Booster Set

Editor’s Note: Dr. Matthew A. Johnson is one of the most credible people in the Bigfoot world. In July 1, 2000, Dr. Johnson had a "Class A" Bigfoot encounter with his family while hiking near the Oregon Caves. After his life changing sighting, he went to the public and described one of the most intense encounters ever. You can join him on Facebook at Team Squatchin USA.

In the near future, with the assistance of Guy Edwards, we will have our website up and running. When you visit our website, you will be able to listen to the Bigfoot sounds that we have recorded in our Southern Oregon Habituation Area (SOHA) and in our Washington Habituation Area (WAHA).

You will be able to hear (1) A Mamma Squatch comforting her fussing Baby Squatch; (2) A singing Daddy Squatch; (3) A whispering Adolescent Squatch; (4) A whispering Juvenile Squatch; (5) A 900 lbs Owl impersonation mixed with Wood Knocks; (6) A talking Squatch giving the "All is clear" call as we leave the WAHA area; and a whole lot more. The coolest thing is if you've ever doubted that the Squatches have an intelligent spoken language, these recordings will remove all of your doubts (100% Guaranteed!!!). When they talk, it sounds like a North American Indian dialect with staccato syllables.

I want to encourage you to get your hands on a "Bionic Ear and Booster Set" via Amazon.Com. No, I don't make any money off this suggestion or by you clicking on the link below. I'm simply trying to help you obtain the same incredible recordings that we have obtained by utilizing this device. I want to hear your sounds too. It's passive technology and noninvasive. You can record them from several hundred feet away. We hook our Bionic Ear up to a Sony Digital Micro-Recorder and we record all night long for 9 to 10 nonstop hours.

WARNING!!! I've recorded hundreds of hours of wind, rain, crickets, singing birds, cows, barking dogs, jet airplanes, etc., in order to occasionally come up with these audible "gold nuggets" that you will eventually be able to listen to as well as share them with your family and friends. In other words, using the "Bionic Ear and Booster Set" to record Bigfoot sounds is much like panning for gold. You have to go through a lot of dirt, rocks, and water, before you find the rare "gold nugget" in your pan. HOWEVER, when you find that rare "gold nugget", it was worth spending all those hours to find it. Give it a try!!!

Big Hairy Hugs!!!

Dr Matthew A Johnson
(Owner of the “Team Squatchin USA” Facebook Group)


  1. Joe why is there no proof of bigfoot?

    1. Obviously you have never been to a library in your life.. These buildings, troll, are filled to the brim with newspaper articles that prove government agents instantaneously appear whenever someone finds a bigfoot bone...
      Clearly, the government has figured out how the bigfoots quantum tunnel their way across the space time continuum...There are thousands of sightings yearly across the USA and no physical evidence: The scenario I outlined is the only logical way to account for this..troll...

    2. No, but I agree with every assertion he and every proponent makes because they are right and therefore bigfoot is real...

  2. (Here's where this belongs)Does Guy Edwards really want to be associated with this crack pot? Oh wait, he's best buddies with the ultimate mind tripper - Thom Powell. Woo-woo!!

  3. That's just plain creepy "big hairy hugs" what a weirdo

  4. "You will be able to hear (1) A Mamma Squatch comforting her fussing Baby Squatch; (2) A singing Daddy Squatch; (3) A whispering Adolescent Squatch; (4) A whispering Juvenile Squatch; (5) A 900 lbs Owl impersonation mixed with Wood Knocks; (6) A talking Squatch giving the "All is clear" call as we leave the WAHA area; and a whole lot more. The coolest thing is if you've ever doubted that the Squatches have an intelligent spoken language, these recordings will remove all of your doubts (100% Guaranteed!!!). When they talk, it sounds like a North American Indian dialect with staccato syllables"

    Good lord help us. What a complete delusion.

    1. No kidding, once the mind opens to other dimensions, weaker ones tend to lose theirs. Amateur.

  5. what does thom powell believe?

  6. Note to Editor: Johnsoh is the biggest fraud and charlatan on the planet!

  7. N A W A C - Field Study Discussion


  8. I disagree, Travis is one of the most credible people in the Bigfoot world

  9. Is Johnson the most pwned of all footers? He is certainly in that conversation.

    - JREF Randi nut hugger guy

    1. ^^^better to be a real nut hugger than a false magic monkey

  10. TEAM SQUATING is really fun. Don't knock it till you've tried it!!

  11. I used to scroll through this crap and would occasionally find a funny nugget or two..but admit it've played all your lame-ass jokes out and none of you are funny any longer..and no..I'm not mad bro.

    Get some new material..Bigfoot's too funny to waste!

  12. Invest in is well worth it!


  13. Oh well, looks like we'll all (skeptics & enthusiasts alike) have a chance to check out his claims soon enough. For someone who really enjoys debating Bigfoot vocalizations like me; bring it on!


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