New Photo: Bigfoot Faces In Pennsy?

A member of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Association posted this image on Facebook the other day. Is it Bigfoot? According to the photographer, features such as  the "nose, face" are apparent -- actually a bunch of faces. "I walked right by.. 10-20 ft tops," the person wrote.
Click to enlarge


  1. Don't forget to wear you tin foil hat troops when out in the woods and good day to you all !

    1. otherwise, if your brain gets fried, you'll be a mind controlled skeptard who can't reason through mathmatical probability.

      Also, you'll develop commy/libtard tendencies where one belies he should tell others what to think.

      Suck on that majic monkey ya looser

    2. I have found that a more layered apparatus works better allow me to explain.

      first you need an XXX large pair of woman's cotton underwear "preferably used"
      soak them in goat or cow pee for 2 days.

      next you will need Reynolds brand industrial grade foil, must be industrial as this is thicker than most cheap brands.

      After soaking wrap you head with the undies first.
      'yeah I know it stinks but it helps believe me"

      Next fashion your foil hat to your liking I usually try to male it festive looking with markers but you can do as you like,
      however it needs to be at least 4 layers thick minimum.
      place the hat on your head and use a piece of Duck tape for the chin strap to make sure it Is tight and secure and will not let any of those harmful invisible rays get in.

      and there you have it, it will repel anything that you come in contact with.

      Foil hats Rule

    3. I decorated my apparatus with a slogan "When I die, bury me upside down so the bigfoots can kiss my taterhole".....

    4. you see I was always told it was the CORN hole not tater hole????

  2. Once again no monkey just pareidolia.

    Is it a coincidence that the only man to ever get one on film was a con man who claimed he saw bigfoots everywhere?

    When there is no monkey then what would you expect to happen... yep no actual videos just pareidolia junk like this instead.

    Joe cannot produce a monkey. No one can. There is no monkey. Nothing. Nadda. Joe knows it which is why he desperately holds on to government conspiracies in an attempt to keep his fantasy alive.

    Its possible an elusive hominid could exist but that doesn't mean it does. No evidence = no monkey. Simple as that. Do footers even realise how much food an 8 foot monkey would need? I doubt it. Best to ignore such logistical impossibilites to keep the fantasy alive. This thing would have to constantly be looking for food... and somehow remain hidden NEVER slipping up once resulting in being spotted by a human/camera/hit by a vehicle (but the 10000 sightings that contradict that is fine of course, best to hold on to these anecdotes as its the only evidence) And lets not even mention how it survives winter.

    Got monkey?

    1. Shut up Cyndi, ya stupid libtard!

    2. what is a libtard?? Keep your stupid political bullshit to yourself. And tell your mother hello for me.

    3. Hello Anon 3:53!
      Can you account for the amount of elk, deer, fish that are consumed every year by Bigfoot? How would you know? How can you use your opinion & what is clearly not very well thought out logic to assume that there isn't enough for for them to eat?? Have a look at the numbers of deer in Northern California for example, and tell me that you know for a fact that none of those deer go missing every year??
      I find it hilarious that people are in denial about evidence that has nothing to do with my opinion, but fact? There have been, for the past 150 years, giant skeletons found all over the United States. It's not me claiming that, it's in your glorious American news media that states it. You can find it in your libraries all over your country.


      Lastly, I will state this, again, for the people who maintain I am conjuring up some conspiracy theory, and who are clearly dodging the facts...

      You cannot keep criticizing me without looking at what I am offering you as back-up to my claims.

      I think that most skeptics are so used to offering up just their opinion on what they see as evidence for this creature not being real, that they assume that enthusiasts do the same... well here's news for you; I can back up what I say... if you ignore it, then that's not my problem but yours.


    4. Oh and by the way... No monkeys, just giant hairy people.

    5. Joe you completely missed the point. Sure there's food out there but it isnt gonna be handed out on a plate. Time and effort would need to go into hunting. Do that and still manage to never slip up avoiding humans/cameras/being run over... sure. Dreamer.

    6. And are you telling me that there isn't enough space out there for a creature to do that out of sight of civilisation? What if this creature did those things nocturnally?

    7. Also, who's to say that the majority of sightings, aren't when these creatures are in the midst of undertaking such a process?

    8. Joe, I read your post and I usually do not comment on this, but, There is too much misinformation about Big foot that comply me to respond. First off, I a retired full time Fur/trapper/hunter/guide with over 50 years experience. Second I am a full time Big foot researcher in the Catskill/Hudson highlands of New York state.
      Big foots "Do not eat Meat" only vegetation! Many years ago, I captured a Big foot family feeding on Blueberries, right along side a herd of deer. The deer were crowding around this Big foot family for protection from a bunch of coyotes up on the hill.

      Space here does not permit me to tell you everything here. Put it this way, a lot of the 'accepted" big foot info is all wrong!

      My name is John my Email is:

    9. I saw one in Queens that of course wandered over from Nassau County. He was a eating blue berry bagel with cream cheese even though there is lots of meat in NYC....

    10. Thank you for your information and I will happily drop you an email for a more detailed account as it sounds fascinating... but there are way too many accounts of these creatures eating meat and being seen in the process of chasing big game for me to completely bye into your theory. I have to go now, but I will drop you an email very soon.


    11. More contradictions and inconsistencies joe? Looks like the myth is crumbling.

    12. So the original poster states that is 'possible' that BF could exist. That isn't that far away from my own stance.

      The prime difference being the original poster then goes on to state that BF doesn't exist. Why? Well according to him it simply can't.

      The whole 'got monkey' argument falls apart as soon as you admit that it is 'possible' for Bigfoot to exist.

      Should we have a specimen by now? Possibly? But it certainly doesn't mean we won't have one in the future.

      You may be happy to dismiss the footprints, the sightings, the PGF, the sudden interest from Sykes etc but I cannot.

      The above doesn't prove BF exists for me, but clearly demonstrates that there is much more to this mystery than a couple of hoaxing, dollar grabbers.


    13. Anon 8:28...
      Inconsistencies? There are plenty of people who claim that these creatures are either carnivores or herbivores... The debate is a welcomed one. What you failed to focus on in your effort to spring on the slightest suggestion of a theory that counters mine, was that the gentleman convincingly stated he had a very close encounter with multiple Bigfoot. You know when you're taking on the dogma properly when people try and pick up on the such things as opposed to challenging the fundamental theory anymore.

    14. Exactly my thoughts as well Joe . It's not any more different that bears. When the blueberries are in season you'll find then on there ass or rolling in the berries gorging. Deer all around. In the spring a different story. Fawns , bird feeders, ants. Ect. Just because one observes them eating berries ( and im sure the trapper hasn't seen Sasquatch hundreds of times) then that was his experience and he should know that omnivores primarily eat whats in season so the deer where fairly safe. If I as a human had a choice to sit and eat tons of food that is easily available without expending energy I go for the easy stuff and deer for sport or when the food runs out. No inconsistency here just observations by varied witnesses. Lots of large game consist on varied food . Moose only eat plants and they are just fine finding enough to eat in a boreal forest.

    15. LOL. Blueberry eating sasquatches in New York state.

  3. I'm just wondering why game camera researchers aren't setting up several cameras covering areas ranging around each other.

    Each camera could cover fore ground and background surrounding a camera covering the same on its own mounted position, and so on.

    If bears, raccoons, bigfoot, or meddling kids are playing with the cameras, then cameras covering cameras would then increase the chance of getting an answer about ambiguous camera triggers.

    1. This has been done but bigfoot researchers wont let you know about the racoons / people messing with cameras they will state it was bigfoot.

      More proof that bigfoot don't exist.

    2. There is no camera in production today that gives out a frequency that is undetectable to human hearing, but very much audible to creatures with highly evolved senses of hearing, such as wilderness creatures that depend on this sense for food and survival.
      Some people who have intrusion issues with reported Bigfoot, are even sometimes advised to put cameras up which are by all accounts, very successful in stopping such intrusions once erected.


    3. further more, we are not talking about a dumb animal that's just gonna stroll in front of a trail camera unawares... these are highly intelligent creatures that have had plenty of time to observe and learn. Some Native American tribes refused having photographs taken of them, as the belief to them was that a picture stole as part of their souls... Now I'm not endorsing that theory by any means, but I'm using that as an example of the possible mind set that indigenous peoples may have regarding such technology.

    4. Lol...If you have a bigfoot infestation the best way to get rid of them is to try and prove you have a bigfoot infestation...

    5. No, my point was to highlight how useless cameras have been and always will be in trying to get evidence of one... And to highlight further their intelligence levels. Even if one WAS caught on camera, you'd only call it a hoax anyway?

    6. Well,yeah,probably so...but sometimes they do get caught on camera

    7. Joe is code for "Has an answer for everything, no matter how ridiculous."

    8. Actually I have seen very few ridiculous comments from Joe.

  4. I sure hope they find and film a stunk ape soon.

    I don't think there has been one good picture of one.

    This year has been no good for proof.

    Where is mike merchant? What ever happen to the bigfoot he was tracking?

    Why no update?

    Who care's about anything else?

    Who wants bigfoot penants?

    Who cares about crap?

    1. I'm pretty sure Poop In A Jar Guy cares very much about crap.

  5. This looks like a burned tree trunk. Someone started a fire near the base. It's all too uniformly shiny. Likely why it wasn't noticed until the pic was taken.

  6. Only you can prevent forest fires

  7. No Joe, No bones all disproven tabloid junk. I looked at these claims and never found any actual bones. Another person compiled a website and tracked down ever giant bone story and the outcome was always the same just stories no bones. Show us pictures and documents don't just sit there and say there is evidence and expect us to go dig for it. YOU show us. In other words put up or...

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    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Joe If there ever were giant bones then we should still be finding them. And ask trapper buddy where the bigfoot finds blue berries in the middle of winter.

    4. Youtube and facebook,god save the queen

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oh I will check it out Joe tomorrow from work so at least I'm getting paid while I do it. This was something I looked into quite a bit and never found anything positive. If I can find it I will try to find the website where the guy goes thru story by story and debunks all of them. O.k. off to watch ancient aliens on History channel 2. The drone of the narrators voice can put me to sleep every time.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. HI JOE, O.K. I looked him up and found this point by point rebuttle of everything he says. Please go to http// Hope this does not wreck your day. Lots of other stuff to examine. Thanks J.D.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Hi Joe, then have you watched the history channels newer show entitled America unearthed? Pretty cool. Please google the name Maurice Tillet. He was a pro wrestler from the 1950s. He had an affliction that made his bones grow. If a person were to find his skull buried they would easily assume he was 12 feet tall. In fact there is a life sized bust of his head in a museum someplace. Will look you up later. J.D.

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    8. ... And in response to your comment regarding Maurice Tilett, I have not seen that documentary (probably because it hasn't been broadcasted in the UK yet), but will definitely look out for it. However, the condition that made his bones grow would not account for the burial sites that are reportedly deliberately dug in proportion to the size of skeletons held within.
      Have you seen 'America Unearthed: Giants in Minnesota'? This is on YouTube and a very interesting watch, I recommend it.


    9. Hi Joe nice rebuttle I will wait until it comes on TV to see it. It sounds like your interested in stone structures as well. The ones I find intersesting are the one in pima puncu. Also the rock of the pregnent woman. So the Smithsonian and others want to put the lid on giant skelotons but all of the fossile evidence of a much smaller human homo floriensis is o.k.? And genetic information about interbreeding with neanderthals is o.k. as well as is denosovians. So why would a giant race be any different? Check out kenniwick man very unusual things happened when that one was found and it was in all of our newspapers here in washington state at the time Later. J.D.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Bigfoot's queer....this has already been proven.

  10. I am going to try my new tin foil hat out tonight in the woods

    wish me luck

  11. About Trail cameras; In early May, Me and 3 friends on specially trained trail horses went deep into a mountain pass near the Canadian/New York border that local "Native Americans" have told me is a migrating route for Big foots.

    We spent 3 weeks putting out 50 Trail cameras of assorted makes and models which we purchased and some were from sponsors. We put the cameras along all game trails, Terrain funnels, mountain passes and large groves of blue berry bushes. Along with "Fishing lines".

    After a 3 week wait, we returned to get the Film/data. Plenty of Bear, deer, bobcat Fishers pictures etc But not one, not one, picture of any Big foots! These camera were very well hidden too.

    Yet! Our "Fishing lines" were broken not all, but most of them. Fishing Lines? I learned from many years of Trapping and hunting to use "Fishing track Big foots. The fishing line is 4lb test placed exactly 7-8 feet across and above Game trails, funnels etc. They work 7 days a week 24 hours per day. In this area (other than Moose) no animal deer or a very large black bear stands over 6 feet I run these lines, just like a "Trap line" but check them every 2-3 weeks. Believe me, When you see several of these line broken over the course of a mile or so, you just know that a large walking animal came through. There can be nothing else!

    You don't see (or hear) of this method used by so called Famous Big foot "Experts" like Matt Moneymaker ( of Finding Big foot) or Tom "the Hoaxer" Biscardi because they are "city bred" people who know nothing of woods man ship and. . . don't have my kind of experience.

    The point, Trail cameras gives off an odor or sound and the Big foots avoid them. Think about it, no one has gotten a clear Bigfoot picture yet from a trail camera! . .

    My name is John w. Jones, my Email address is

  12. And further information; A lot of people question me about this trip. Remember, we camped out for 3 weeks Did we see any Big foots? Did we find any tracks? Hear any growls etc? No, No, No!

    One of the members is a full 100% Mohawk native American. A very good guide, trapper hunter. Better than all of us. We did hear a cougar scream, but the most exciting part was when our trail horses Blew up! Kicking and snorting etc. The reason we use horses are many; covers our scent, all animals think it is just another animal, and horses have excellent eyesight and smell. They can detect anything.

    After we calmed down the horses, a very large black animal ran up a 100 foot spruce tree. Bear! no! it did climb like a bear (way to fast) got to the Top and jumped into another tree! Bears don't do that! And jump again, and again 100 feet up. The top of the Trees shook from the animals weight and rained down branches, needles etc! We just couldn't keep up with it. At one point, where we could see the sky, we all caught a glimse of it My Mohawk friend estimated it weight 400 plus pounds and had no tail. So it wasn't a cougar. Anyway we lost it in very steep rocky terrain What was it? It's anybody's guess. But it was exciting!

    We plan one more trip in August This is the way to find them. Also we do not use calls, wood knock or investigate at night (Stupid) We do not use these "accepted methods" All the time we think out of the box.

    Later, John W. Jones


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