Leopard Enters Apartment Building In India And Captures Dog [NSFW]

As humans are taking over their natural habitat, leopards in India are quickly adapting to living in human areas. They are now hunting stray dogs because they are everywhere and are easy preys. BTW, this is probably not safe for work, or kids, or Americans who love their dogs.


  1. Replies
    1. ...anti-first... rush rules

    2. One less barking lawn crapping dog! Score for the leopard. Dog owners are rude.

  2. People in India are crazy not at all peaceful, there's a YouTube video of a village setting a leopard ablaze probably as revenge for something. Insane motherfuckers, hope they all do down in a flood.

    1. In the Bible Jesus healed the leopards

    2. If a leopard killed your child or dog what would you do ? Pet it, douche ?

    3. Be a good Hindu and accept it as a needed part of the karma cycle....

    4. Killing the leopard won't solve it. Douche. Maybe watch your kids or quit encroaching in " Their " territory. Nowadays only relocation if you can find any space for them in India. People in India needs to put a clamp on their nuts and stop having so stinking much kids! What is the end game? A big ass die off from disease and overcrowding. India is a nasty polluted littered garbage pit.

    5. Don't ever perform cunnilingus on an Indian girl. Or at least take a shower with her before. Fair warning.

    6. Robert Lindsay runs tours of India,he loves India

    7. 2:22. I'd set it free, douche. Can't be certain it's the right one anyway, ergo complete superstition and evil human ignorance.

  3. Replies
    1. How about Kitakaze ? Both of those clowns lost their marbles seeking fame over the P/G film.

    2. The Munnster pwns the JREF'ers.

    3. according to munns aslong as you state what settings you use in the software to sharpen up still frames of the pgf it counts as real science...

      wow just wow

    4. Are you JREF simpletons afraid to say anything about an obvious pathological liar like Kitakaze, who made you look like fools, because you're afraid to be separated from the pretend skeptic herd ?

    5. None of them have the integrity or possess the intellectual honesty to go against their own.

    6. I love the fear that kitekaze strikes up among the footer community.

      Afraid of the suit being revealed most likely.

      Lets not forget the cornerstone of the religion of footery is the pgf, even though it has been shown to be a hoax time and time again. Footers can ignore all claims of hoax for aslong as they want but when the suit is slapped infront of their acne ridden faces they will truelly be pwned.

      It is no matter that kitekaze did not get access to the suit, that is not under his control, so the footers are safe for now. The magic monkey man is safe and sound in the minds of the footers.

      Skeptics are required to do nothing because there is no monkey, sitting and laughing at the gullible bleevers is fully sufficient.

    7. ^
      Look at this ignorant asshole...LOL

    8. Ignorant of a magic monkey?

    9. Munns likes taking money from the credulous, and I like laughing at them. This blog pwns.

    10. 'I love the fear that Kitekaze among the footer community'.

      Fear? The guy set jref sceptics back 200 years.

      He was everything you claimed Patterson and Gimlin were.

      Skeptards ask for truth and proof then proudly highlight Kitekaze's trickery and lies as some kind of victory.

      Kitekaze is dead. Randi is gay (and dead).


    11. There is no suit Randi jerkoffs and Bigfoot's not a monkey it's not even an ape or magical in any way. Entirely natural only covered up because the truth probably does seem like magic to us, hence the cover-up.

  4. Sweet! Finally something good comes out of that shithole India! This could really help out in the U.S. with stray animals?

    1. Ps. We are finally eating horses any day now! I'm hungry already....

  5. an evolutionary scientist debating a footer would be like a geologist debating a flat earther or a reproduction scientist debating an advocate of the stalk theory, no need to lower yourself to the level of a footer

    1. ^
      As a footer yourself you shouldn't be so critical of your education.

    2. ..Or a metalhead debating a disco loving guido...DISCO SUCKS!!!..

    3. Hey I called sceptics flat earth believers. Footers are too opened minded to believe that crap. You're totally wrong . Try another analogy because a sceptic follows the flat earth follower theory perfect. No matter what is shown to them or is told they flat out deny the evidence.

  6. A shit leopard can't change it's spots.

  7. dmaker has been pwning mulder and dwa again

    1. Pwned like footers when Sykes gives them nothing.

  8. That got pwned like DWA and Mulder in a Bigfoot debate.

    1. Pwned like Janice Carter taking a lie detector test

    2. Pwned like a Facebook post that states "buckle up!!!!!"

    3. Pwned like gimlin when recieving a phone call from Chris packham.

    4. Pwned like the pwned guy spending his day on a BF blog expecting a Sharon Hill reach around after a hard nights trolling.


    5. Sharon Hill looks like Jack Palance.

  9. Pwned like Dr. Matthew A. Johnson driving 12 hours every weekend to sit by himself in a tent.

    1. Ahahahahahaha oh my sides

    2. Resume, you're embarrassing your fellow pretend skeptics with your nonsense. Get out, get some air, find something constructive to do with your life.

    3. Who is this Resume guy? I keep hearing about this jerk.

    4. A jrefer that pwns footers

    5. The butt hurt skeptards guy is sure doing a lot of fire fighting tonight.


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