Henry May On The Rediscovery of The Minnesota Iceman

Is the Minnesota Iceman a Bigfoot or a primitive human being? Henry May is super stoked about the body now that it's been found and will soon be exhibited to the world once again in Austin, Texas at the Museum of the Weird.


  1. Replies
    1. Oh he looks super stoked alright !

    2. Do a little hous cleaning Henry

    3. I think I see a foot behind him in the rubble.

    4. That's just an old pickled pigs foot.

    5. That's Just Travis foot u see... He hasn't woke up yet!

    6. I can see what Travis sees in him. Those titties look delicious.

      Old Man Rivers

    7. I like me some hairy ass titties.

    8. If you look on henry's facebook page, he has a pic of travis licking on his man boobs.

    9. why is 12:37 checking out his profile

    10. Sean, your lack of integrity is evidenced by the company you keep. Blog hits and google adsense income is far more important than doing the right thing and moderating comments, isn't it? And see what you've ended up with? You've encouraged your little corner of the internet to become a cesspool of pubescent hooligans and nothing more. It speaks very poorly of you, but as long as you can pay the bills, no matter what the cost to decent people like Henry, I guess you can sleep at night. Hurray for you.

    11. Henry May, " A REAL BIGFOOT RESEARCHER "

    12. Lon Strickler tittie love never gets old,Pork chop rules

  2. A Henry May first! Excellent is you can stand the smell.

  3. Replies
    1. The preferred nomenclature is "bro" brah.

    2. How can you two sleep in that funky room, Travis?

    3. Does a tree really need to be cut down to provide toilet paper for this guy.

    4. yeah if you notice he is still PUKE Burping

      so he must have just eaten before this video was created.

      and where is the superman shirt henry?????

    5. Travis, i bet there was A LOT of Gay sex going on in there between Henry & Travis...

    6. Yeah, i'm sure Travis asshole REALLY stunk up the place.. Oh, and Henry's titties look as if they put out an odor (defense mechanism)....

    7. I imagine that room Smelling like a freshly rape'd egg mcmuffin.

  4. Where's joe? Is he watching the x files?

    1. Joes giving your mom a pearl necklace. He'll be back.

    2. I thought it was pearl moustache? Either way he's making skeptics cry into their cheetos.

  5. Is it wrong to want to squeeze his tits!

    1. Not after today's Supreme Court ruling

    2. if you can pinch more than an inch then no, it's perfectly acceptable

  6. Henry, that loaf in your lazy boy is getting a little ransid.

  7. was it henry May or Clark kent I can not tell
    he seems to be out of costume today.

    But yes he does look EFFEN stoked about it.

  8. Someone please dare Henry May to travel to austin and lick the iceman

    1. If Henry will take a bite out of the Minnesota Ice Man, I will drop all charges against Travis for taking a bite out of my hashbrowns.

    2. Bullshit Fozzie. I bet you 10 bucks Travis never licked a brown hash mark off of you underwear.

  9. He's multitasking leave him alone. Ask yourself how many of you can do a video and watch TV at the same time??..

  10. Henry has nice titties. Just sayin.

  11. Tired of spending hours and hours doing research in the field, and accomplishing next to nothing? Perhaps you need some professional grade field callable howls. For the first time, they are now available on ebay. Just type in "bigfoot calls".

  12. Moderator,

    Bullying is defined as aggressive behavior with intent to cause harm or distress that is repeated over time, and usually occurs where there is an imbalance of power or strength in the relationship. Cyber bullying falls under one of the indirect bullying categories as it lacks direct contact between the individuals.

    Bullying will not be tolerated here!

    Thank you

    1. yah but we all agree Henry sucks and he is NOT here. So technically ----- no one is getting bullied. He just so damn funny because he must not realize what a dope he looks like for making vids and he can't even stop eating ho-ho's long enough to clean the freaking basement so we won't have to look at his personal twinkie wrapper trash heap!

  13. I saw this exhibit in Illinois in about 1965 or so, it may have been the county fair but could have been State fair at St. Louis. It was sad as a kid. It was next to -male boys with glass window in their trailer... popular freak shows both but people who viewed had little to say afterwards. Those twins are still alive I saw them on cable the other day.

    1. "co-joined" boys meant to say.

    2. Wow... Those two toured for years and retired fairly well off. There was a cable documentary about them-"The Worlds Oldest Siamese Twins" and they said they hoped to break the Bunker brothers longevity record....

  14. Too much to read.....plus I guarantee they dont have the actual iceman body....just the ebay fake

  15. Heuvelmen and Sanderson managed to get representatives of the Smithsonian interested in the iceman, but Hansen refused to defrost. Real shocker. The reps figured it was a hoax and blew it off....
    With mainstream scientists safely out of the picture, Hansen freely concocted the unchallenged excuses and fables that have become part of the lore....

  16. I saw it in the summer of 1968 at the Minnesota State Fair. It was in the new truck and it was leaking melt water.It smelled of putrification leading me and my Dad to wonder if it might be real?

  17. Breaking news--the next video by this guy in 5 years as they attempt to remove his 900 pound body from the Lazy boy chair.

    1. hey hey now did you not see henry's last post
      hell my man he is losing weight

      shame on you for speaking the truth

      that is not P/C and should not be spoken in the English language.

      Sho NUFF

  18. Hey we could always send henry for a ride with Aaron Hernandez and his buddies.

    just sayin

  19. (clive squashy)

    New spinoff TV series

    Walking thru woods one day

    (he found) H. May with no place to stay

    We can split a space - It'll be gay

    It's Biggut roomate...

  20. Jane Russell is turning over in her grave about now.

  21. Jane Russell is turning over in her grave about now.

  22. Does it matter that Henry May is by far a more decent human being than any of you asswipes will ever be? Anonymity equals cruelty and cowardice, apparently. This site, by encouraging this kind of behavior, has taken this subject to a new low and kept it there. The only pathetic thing here is the people attacking a nice guy's weight because their mothers were as fucked up as they are and didn't teach them how to behave like anything but rabid dogs.

    1. Henry's a Big boy (no pun) he can take care of himself!

    2. No No. He mumbles through topics grasping for the facts. He seems somewhat slow in general. He knows the topic, but doesn't know it. He repeats topics as he stumbles along trying to make it interesting.
      He may be a nice guy. But he sucks at presenting and when he doesn't seem to care about presenting himself or his environment well, than so be it!

      Buy the way, you must not have viewed his shit storm against MK. Now that was fucking hillarious watching him melt down.

      I don't think any of us went to the "MEAN" lengths to make a video about Henry.

      Were just bagg'in on him cause he is a total and complete dork!

      I personally thought the man-boob comments were a bit 3d grade!

    3. And "YOUR" ho ho comment wasn't a bit 3RD GRADE?!

    4. could be, least it wasn't calling out his masculinity, but something has obviously made him very fat. maybe its cheetos and budwieser!

    5. He's a fat fuck,I think he realizes that

  23. Put a Henry May video up and you get cock fights all through the comments, everybody swinging their penises around like fucken Lite sabers! You guys better be carful with this guy Henry.....have you checked your pets lately?

  24. looks like henry gained back that 20 pounds he lost. Plus 20 more.
    Henry!!!! You need a bra

  25. Thank goodness for the internet, people who live in filthy houses think they can become famous. This guy talks on the internet, because he bores his family to death. Can you imagine this guy reading the nightly news, the station would have no viewers in 10 minutes. He may be a decent human being, but for sure he is a boring human being.


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