Did You Know The Provo Canyon Bigfoot Video Has a Book Written About It?

We're not sure how this slipped under our radar last year, but the Provo Canyon Utah footage filmed back in October 31, 2012 has a full blown story behind it. And get this: The book about the sighting was published on Amazon.com on November 1, 2012 -- just a day after the footage was uploaded to YouTube.

Back in October, the footage made headlines around the world and became a viral sensation for several weeks. The video now has over 7 million views on YouTube. Though the witnesses claim they're not exactly sure what they saw that day, the video is still being debated within the Bigfoot community. The author provided this note on Amazon.com:

Though this is in fiction, it is a true story.

I went camping with my siblings and my sister in law earlier this week. While camping we encountered a creature. At first we thought it was a bear, but after watching the video footage that we got, it may have been Bigfoot.

It is hard to think about the experience without getting chills. But I had to record the event while it was fresh in my mind. This is the true story of our bear, Bigfoot, or Sasquatch encounter.

I am still not sure what exactly it was. Bigfoot sighting? Bear? I am just glad we are all safe.

Here is what's inside the book:

The video:



  1. Replies
    1. Someone once wrote something about me crapping in the woods too!

    2. Just be careful what leaves you wipe with

      Can you even reach around with them itty bitty arms of yours?

    3. I have to drag my ass on the forest floor like a dog on carpet. :(

    4. You need to get yourself a soft furry bunny rabbit.

    5. Or a pair of man boobs. Bigfoots are intrigued by their softness.

    6. Bigfeet sounds more proper. It is plural after all

    7. ^ Moneymaker will stomp your ass for that.

    8. Moneymaker and his high healed bootys

      But doesn't it make sense?

      And as far as a bunch of bigfeet goes they should be described just like people. A bunch of people. Or a group of bigfeet.


    9. Good job on the firsting Fonzy.

  2. Provo Canyon is the Realicus Dealicus.

  3. Ha ha, that's me in a suit.

  4. Replies
    1. He is re-reading Melba's paper in anticipation of joining the BFF and smacking down her detractors...buckle up...

    2. Where is big Jim?

      Anyone know how he is?


    3. Haven't heard a thing. Hope the big guy is doing well. For a 206'er he's okay.

  5. "I saw a Bigfoot. Or I saw a bear."

    Excellent opening line.

  6. Rimming me softly with his tongue, rimming me softly, tasting my last meal with his tongue. rimming me softly with his tongue.

  7. There is a hot chick requesting a chat from me!!!!

  8. Does Guy Edwards really want to be associated with this crack pot? Oh wait, he's best buddies with the ultimate mind tripper - Thom Powell. Woo-woo!!

  9. Who’s the hairiest? Bigfoot, Travis, Chewy or Fozzie… Hmmm, I guess only their hairdressers know for sure.

    Oh, and nice job Firsting Fozzie :/

    1. Stacy Brown Jr. Is the hairiest bastard in the industry.

  10. I hope to see pictures of a stunk ape soon and one that's real.

  11. Oh come on....This guy is full of shit. It's a damn bear and NOTHING more. He knows it, she knows it but would rather get attention. You imbeciles actually believe in monkey men?

    Show me the monkey!!! Oh, wait.......there are none.

  12. ^You aint nobody, why should we listen to you?


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