Cougar Conspiracy In Ontario?

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Ontario Wildlife Field Researcher Tim Ervick.  Tim is committed to collecting and investigating reports of Bigfoot/Cougar's and any wildlife anomaly in a scientific manner with the cooperation of the general public, Govt. agencies (MNR) and Police services found in Ontario, Canada. For more information, visit his blog, Ontario Wildlife Field Research.

I hate conspiracy theories. I think most are just excuses for lack of evidence or answers. In Ontario a conspiracy theory is making it's rounds on wildlife and hunting sites. The conspiracy is that the MNR (Ministry of Natural Resources) released 20 pairs of Cougars in Ontario to repopulate the species and to help control the Deer population. Now obviously the MNR deny such a claim.

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  1. Replies
    1. Big cats are everywhere


    2. No shit MMC. WOW! go play with travis.

    3. ^^^^^^^ that time of the month again isn't it. You should tell Dick Ryder to use a little lube next time sweetheart

    4. Erm how that 'war' working out?

    5. Most of us have joined before the draft starts.


    6. That picture reminds me of Demi Moore. Cougar, dead pussy, etc.

  2. This same theory floated through NY not long ago. The Game Commission in cahoots with the insurance industry wanted to keep car/deer accidents to a minimum so introduced cougars.

    1. Oh, I'm sorry I forgot. You're not actually supposed to respond to the stories presented on this site. It's only for assholes. Again my apologies.

    2. The official stance is always "it must be an escaped pet". The wolf shot in new brunswick (the canadian province not the new jersey town) was the same thing.this animal supposedly extinct here for 150 years was shown through examination of stomach contents that it was a wild animal eating wild game it's whole life, yet the official stance is still they don't exist here.

    3. Interesting stuff. No doubt deer populations are an issue in NY. In parts of Staten Island( a borough of NYC!), deer crossing signs have been put up. They either swim over from New Jersey(Some beaches on the south shore are separated from Jersey by less than a mile of water) or walk across one of the 3 bridges. The Bayonne and Goethals is sometimes closed late at night as there is not heavy traffic at those times....

      I have not heard reports of black bears yet and am wondering if there presence on SI is even possible. Anyway, its clear the deer pop in NY state is on the rise. I just wonder why it would not be easier to give the hunters more tags than to release cougars....

    4. This is so old.its ridiculous. This theory has been going on for years! Janetville is the purported area of release. North East of port perry or 1.5 hours east east north of Toronto. The joke? Ontario has always had a puma population. It's natural range includes that part of Ontario. The issue is that people are encroaching on their territory in the quest for subdivisions, farmland and territory. Deer have taken the area over. Not a week goes by without an accident with deer. The puma is only going were its food source is.

  3. Tired of spending hours and hours doing research in the field, and accomplishing next to nothing? Perhaps you need some professional grade field callable howls. For the first time, they are now available on Ebay. Just type in "bigfoot calls".

    1. Yeesh... What are they, CD's you put in a boom box?..What would be a good title? "Bobo's Greatest Hoots"...

  4. There's a couple of cougars chained in the basement of The Mayors place. He caught 'em going through the dumpster behind the Wal-Mart

  5. If I hear another time the word "conspiracy", I'm gonna be MAD!

    1. They are generally silly and pointless...

      He says in his article he cannot see why they would need to deny introducing the cougars. The only reason I can think of is they do not want to be sued if a mauling takes place....

  6. Tim,

    Will the OWFR ever release another Simply Sasquatch Podcast? I enjoyed your show for the year and a half that it was on...


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