Sasquatch Ontario Releases Bigfoot Vocalization Tapes With Warning Message

To quell the recent hoaxing allegations against his Bigfoot vocalization clips on YouTube, Sasquatch Ontario has released the vocalizations he simultaneously recorded on 4 different electronic devices. He believes his recordings are the "closest and clearest Sasquatch audio recording in history". The Ontario researcher asserts that "there is no manipulation of these audio files." He also attached this warning message cautioning the "power behind the sasquatch":

***WARNING*** Due to the power behind the sasquatch, some of these vocalizations are very close to the audio and may give your head a blast.

Sasquatch Ontario posted the following statement on Facebook group Team Squatchin USA: For those that think this is done in a studio or some sort of elaborate hoax, here's all 4 audio device comparisons. Do you really think we'd only have one source for audio recording?

Do you really think I don't have better things to do with my time than spending almost 5 years, my own money, equipment, documenting in -20C temps, sleepless nights documenting, countless hours of audio listening, gas and vehicle costs traveling back and forth, putting up with ridicule and bs, all for what, to fool people I don't know? Get real.

Watch your ears as he's right at the audio recorder on some of those yells.

The audio shows more than one individual is present.

List of devices being utilized for recording...

2 X Sony ICD BX112
1 X H2 Zoom
1 Sony DCR TRV17 Mini DV


  1. your mom made my head blast last night

  2. It sounds like someone having a bad crap...

  3. And why does it all sound the same?

  4. If it's not witnessed actually making those sounds, then I must conclude without fear of being corrected, that it IS a Bigfoot!

  5. What were the conditions at the time of recording:

    1) What was the weather like at the time of recording?
    2) Was there a full or partial moon? Overcast?
    3) What was the weather like for the week or so leading up to the recording? (Weather patterns can give valuable insight into food availability for a foraging animal)

    These kinds of details can be significant.

    1. It was a dark and stormy will get nothing and you will like.

  6. Most “skeptics” are intellectual frauds. Being skeptical means not believing everything you hear. Skeptics reject the testimony of anyone claiming to have seen a Bigfoot (Patterson and Gimlin), but they believe anyone challenging those claims (Heironimus). Most “skeptics” are actually cynics: They have a pre-existing worldview that says extraordinay events never happen (Bigfoot encounters, UFO sightings, miracles, conspiracies, doomsday scenarios, etc.). They accept evidence that supports this worldview, and they reject evidence that does not. Judging by the condescending tone on skeptic messageboards, their motive is not to advance “science” or “critical thinking” as they self-rightously claim; it’s to insult and ridicule people they regard as naiive, ignorant, or crazy. They are biased, agenda-driven, and emotional—not objective, truth-seeking, and logical.

    1. Not the ideal post to put a comment criticizing the skeptics under: Clowns filming hoaxed footprints and claiming 4th grade bathroom noises were made by 9 foot

    2. What you describe, I have christened the "skeptard". Skepticism is valuable, because you use it to attempt to weed out false evidence from real. When skepticism crosses into skeptardism is when all evidence is rejected, as you say, according to an agenda, or belief system.

      Skeptardism is a kind of stupidity, which disables the sufferer from the ability to recognize good evidence and obvious facts.

      Professional skeptics are therefore mental defectives, or are engaging in said behavior aware of the realities outside that belief system; that is, doing it on purpose.

      For example, despite the rippling shock wave of leg tendon, muscle, and flesh in the Patty stumble, your local skeptard hopelessly bleeves the legs of the individual are somehow covered in a layer of suit or costume.

      While these mentally disabled skeptards accuse others of believing in a magic monkey man, they themselves are bleeving in magic monkey suits which duplicate muscular action and fleshy vibration. That's some astounding ape attire.

      3:37, got magic monkey suit?

      Got astounding ape attire?

      Got costume?

      I didn't think so.

      You have nothing, and we can all tell how much you don't like it.

    3. Al DeAtley, may have the costume. Maybe he burned it, but he knows the whole story. Hopefully he'll hand it down to posterity. Gimlin's too thick to realize he will be remembered as a fraud who sold his honor for a few chicken dinners. Hopeless....

    4. Deatley is a lying sack of shit.Just like that DiscJockey turned secret agent Kitykat.

  7. First... The correct way!!!

  8. Pgf film is a hoax and sucks hard ...

  9. What is my head going to be blasted with? Should I be wearing safety goggles?

  10. I cut and pasted this, only I corrected all the spelling and grammar errors:

    The PGF is a hoax, plain and simple. It has been almost 50 years and not a single decent sequence of footage has been captured showing the same thing. The back story, as Kit showed, is full of holes, and then the dude who made the film, who just happened to be out to capture BF footage, never went back to the area to try and replicate the successful filming, or to maybe gather more evidence?! It is a guy in a suit. The whole theory that the technology wasn't there to make a suit is beyond ridiculous, as Tontar showed many many times. There is no single molecule of evidence to show the BF is real. There is nothing, nadda, zip. The Ketchum Report summed the entire universe of BF research...a whole lot of promises, speculation, and then waiting delaying waiting delaying...but in the end...nothing! I cannot imagine how seemingly intelligent people can actually believe that there is this successful, breading, living off the land, population of bipedal primate giants...roaming around on the fringes of our NA civilization Yet the thing is so elusive that science doesn't know it exists! The only guy to ever capture it on film, was some guy out looking to make a buck off capturing BF on film. Coincidence...I don't think so.

    This is the modern age folks, people are everywhere in NA now. Everyone has a camera. There are more people out there. Thanks to that ridiculous show on TV about BF, there are even more people out there looking, yet nothing! No solid evidence has come forward. Physical anthropologists would be all over the place looking for this thing if they took it seriously. But they don't! What, we can put a rover on Mars, send a sub to the bottom of the ocean, but only some dude with a plan to get BF of film, the most elusive creature ever, can actually go out and get it...50 years ago? And then nobody else can do it again? That is unbelievable! If it exists, there would need to be an entire breading population. Holy crap, it is unbelievable that people actually think BF is a real creature!

    It looks like a costume, and in the stabilized version, it looks even more like a costume. You can see where the leg piece meets with the body piece. Oh wait, someones going to post a picture of an ape with a shadow in the same area, proving yet again, that the lengths to which people who believe in something will go is beyond limit, and common sense.

    There is no Bigfoot, just Bigfootery. Just sayn'!


    1. Still too much reading. Just sayin

    2. You are correct about that PGF. Much more "evidence" of mermaids. Last night I watched Anal Autopsy berofe Mermaids the body found and Mermaids the new evidence. I think the alien was a fake.

    3. Oh shit! I ment to say Alien Autopsy before ...

    4. It was a fake. Did you notice Stan Winston and his crew in awe of that dummy? The same guy that looked at pgf for a second and said it was a guy in a bad suit. Should be pretty easy for him to replicate it then right?

    5. Not sure what a breading population is.

    6. they like to deep fry their shit

    7. Until you can reproduce Patty credibly, you have nothing. How do you like it?

      Here are the attempts:

      Not a film or video but a stop-motion piece of joke-junk of several stills stitched together, Bob Hilarious:

      Here the BBC takes a whack at reproducing Patty:

      Why it's so poor is hard to guess. Patty has lost 200 pounds and turned red, my God!!!

      The stablized PGF is loaded with evidence in favor of Patty being not a human being.

      This blog is loaded with evidence that skeptards are daily living up to their name.

      Tard on, you're doing great.

    8. Whatever you say Sweaty..

    9. She must have had her anti-blur mode on that day. Or maybe she was just a poor little Tardsquatch that didn't know the rule about being filmed clearly by humans. Give me a break.

    10. Al DeAtly is an American hero....

    11. Anon @3:25:00PDT, you didn't do to good of a job on the spelling corrections... Because i never heard of a breading population of anything.. but have heard of a breeding population...

    12. Fish have a breading population.

  11. ^^^ from gods mouth to Anons ears.. Very nice!!!


  13. My dog did NOT like those sounds. Uusually he is indifferent no matter what lion roars or squatch sounds I play,.....not this time. He was alarmed.

    1. Your dog recognized a distressed human voice.

    2. Your dog will get nothing and like it.

    3. Alarmed ? Your dog? Dude your family should be alarmed that you beleive in a magic monkey. You delusional dipshit.
      Oh yeah almost forgot..... I did your mom last night.. Alarmed??

    4. OK I got my dog in here to do some research.

    5. Well my dog didn't notice too much. Then she killed a wasp flying around. Time to let her back out to do some real stuff. She's acting like this is pretty much wasting her time with human voices. She's a woods dog.

    6. I had to have my dog put down a couple months ago. I miss him

    7. I had to have my dog put down 2 weeks ago :*(

    8. My dog licked his balls when heard this then ass pedaled across the floor. Yep, it's a Squatch.

    9. 5:50- What kind of dog? Mine was a Great Dane. Hip dysplasia took him at 2 ½ years old.

    10. That sucks. 2 1/2 years is way too young. :(
      Mine was a Lab. 12 yrs old. Fluid in lungs from heart failure. :(

  14. My dog did NOT like those sounds. Uusually he is indifferent no matter what lion roars or squatch sounds I play,.....not this time. He was alarmed.

    1. Your dog recognised a distressed human voice.

    2. hey nice input..I'll try my dogs.. I have a really little one that freaks at raptor calls..

  15. (clive squashy)

    Memo found on the internet.

    Starkist to mermaid...

    Sorry Charlie.

  16. I am hoping to include an analysis of these vocalizations in my new book: "You Are Sasquatch (in a mineshaft)"

  17. (bigfoot)

    We don't sounds like that...

    lovesick yeti blues goes something like this.

    "Oh-di-lay-ee-, Odi-di-lay-dee-, Oh-di-lay-dee-doooo.


  18. Mr. Bigfoot my click beetles are snapping to the beat.

    Go man go.

    Walter Melon IRA (insect rights activist)

  19. (bigfoot)

    Thanks, I've been working on a new one...



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  21. Gay, stupid, and fuckin fake!!!

    Couple a fags in the woods having butt sex!!!

    What's the difference between a gay and straight man's mustache?

    The fuckin smell!!!

    1. So you've been sucking on a heterosexual mans peepee.

  22. Some of you dumbass chumps need to quit living with your parents, put down your Xbox controls, and get a job and a life.

    If you think the PG film is a hoax, then why are you here? Why are you even bothering with it? Can't you find something else to do with your sorry life?

    Some people have inquisitive, open minds and want to know more, and would rather not hear anything from the brainless, foul-mouthed idiots who distract from the honest efforts of someone like SC.

    I respect the work the man does and I want to hear more of what he has to say. But I get so tired of having to put up with a bunch of stupid, whiney-assed kids whose only goal in life is to proclaim themselves as the first poster to anything new on this page and use it as their personal message board.

    You boys need to get a life.

    1. (clive squashy)

      You tell em Ano.

      By the way what's your position on Barney Rumble having caveman stubble ?

    2. You are about as deluded and wrong as anyone I have ever heard. There is nothing to respect here. SO is a lying douchebag, and you are a gullible, idiot. Of course you don't want people here posting and interrupting your stupid woo worshiping.

      Why don't you go find something real to invest your time in?

  23. ^^great false first, congrats!!

  24. Nice capture. Thanks for the good a thoughtful work!

  25. ^ first.. The correct way is kicking ass, just saying.

  26. ^yes, he is false firsting correctly according to the False Firsting Handbook by Lerxst and Mandrake, frequent visitors of the Fountains of Lamneth.

  27. Your persistence tells of something. You keep delivering and we will keep on listening

    Don't expect people to believe its real right away because it is just TOO GOOD. Understand?


  28. If these Ontario Sasquatch guys were anymore cutting edge, they would be slamming down brewskis and swapping campfire stories with the Sasquatch.

    1. I do that with my squatch friends here in Southern Ontario as well. They don't mind, as long as I do not take any photo's of them.
      It's true though, trust me!

  29. Jesus there's a bunch of assholes on here. Or one posting over and over.

  30. Excellent audio recording. Great work! First sample was freaky as hell. Got my dogs attention that's for sure.

  31. are people actually taking the mermaid show seriously? It actually says at the beginning of the show that it is science fiction. I haven't seen the new evidence show but I'm sure it would have the same disclaimer.

    Tony UK

    1. sadly yes

      in the exact same way people take bigfoot seriously

      I worry about the human race.

  32. We live in an era of logical skepticism. Gone are the golden years of the handshake trust, that ability to look a man in the eye and truly believe what he is saying is the truth. Many people believe and incorporate into their lives stranger ideas than the existence of Bigfoot. Take the pseudoscience behind global warming, a ridiculous concept that many people not only believe, but alter their lives around. There is far more evidence of Bigfoot than for “global warming.” We just don’t want to believe in Bigfoot because it means we are not as smart as we thought we were. Plato famously said, “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” We are afraid of the light of Bigfoot. And that’s why they’re going to kill us.

  33. Sounds like Fasano after a night of eating at Taco Bell pooping in a jar.


  34. Fascinating, thanks for sharing in spite of all the ignorant "noise" posted above. It sounds very much like other recordings made of Sasquatch, including the odd, drawn-out sounds mixed in with what otherwise sounds like language. Maybe one of them knew that you had some kind of equipment out there and was annoyed by it. Who knows? Again, fascinating. Keep up the excellent work.


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