Photographs of Animals You Didn't Know Existed

Thousands of animals are discovered each year, but most of those new species are just small invertebrates. However, every now and then we stumble across a new monkey, large lizard or some other incredible animal that we've never seen before. Here are some amazing photographs of some fairly large animals that were recently discovered:

The Dhole

The Dhole is a species of canid native to South and Southeast Asia.  The dhole is a highly social animal, living in large clans which occasionally split up into small packs to hunt.  It primarily preys on medium-sized ungulates, which it hunts by tiring them out in long chases, and kills by disemboweling them. Though fearful of humans, dhole packs are bold enough to attack large and dangerous animals such as wild boar, water buffalo, and even tigers.

Pink Fairy Armadillo

The pink fairy armadillo is approximately 3.5-4.5 inches long, excluding the tail, and is pale rose or pink in color. It has the ability to bury itself completely in a matter of seconds if frightened.  It is a nocturnal animal and it burrows small holes near ant colonies in dry soil, and feeds mainly on ants and ant larvae near its burrow.  It uses large front claws to agitate the sand, allowing it to almost swim through the ground like it is water. It is torpedo-shaped, and has a shielded head and back.

The Gerenuk
The gerenuk, also known as the Waller's gazelle, is a long-necked species of antelope found in dry thorn bush scrub and desert in Eastern Africa. The word gerenuk comes from the Somali language, meaning "giraffe-necked".  Gerenuks have a relatively small head for their body, but their eyes and ears are proportionately large.  Gerenuks seldom graze but browse on prickly bushes and trees, such as acacias. They can reach higher branches and twigs than other gazelles and antelope by standing erect on their rear legs and stretching their elongated necks.

Snub-Nosed Monkey
Snub-nosed monkeys live in various parts of Asia and get their name from the short stump of a nose on their round face.  Snub-nosed monkeys inhabit mountain forests, in the winter moving into deeply secluded regions. They spend the majority of their life in the trees and live together in very large groups of up to 600 members.  They have a large vocal repertoire, calling sometimes solo while at other times together in choir-like fashion.


Lampreys are a type of jawless fish that live mostly in coastal and fresh waters whose adults are characterized by a toothed, funnel-like sucking mouth.  They attach themselves to fish and suck their blood.  Lampreys have been around for nearly 300 millions years and their body structure has remained relatively unchanged.

Check out the rest of the other newly discovered animals here:



    Who da man?

    1. WAHOOOOO! That was close!

    2. Travis git fired from dennys last night

    3. I just read that on the last post. Poor guy can't catch a break.


    5. I see hashbrowns, I eat them. I don't give a shit who's plate they are on

    6. Judging by ur pic travis u need to stay off the hashbrowns.

    7. Travis does that mustache tickle your boyfriend's balls?

    8. Travis you still dieting on tube steak?

    9. Hell yeah! WAR ON TRAVIS!!

    10. There are kids on this site we need to talk in code like travis is sweet. He likes to play with marbles and put glowsticks in his mouth.

    11. ^ I bet these kids today have more code words then you can ever imagine.

  2. Replies
    1. I did it to preserve the integrity of firsting. One must say "first", "1st", or something witty derived from "first", such as "stay firsty, my friends". Lyrics and verse relating to being first are also acceptable if one wants to cut and paste and first with a flair.

      And Rush sucks....

    2. alas, the first false firster

    3. ^^false firsting like a champ!! rush rules...

    4. I don't understand how I lost. The other guy must have a damn time machine. I'm considering selling my house and moving closer to the server.

  3. First.. The correct way !!!

    1. ^great false first, congrats, you are really good at it!!

    2. Yes, I agree my first is a false, or second first. Another tie for first, congrats to these Firsters. Firsting competition is strong today.

    3. ^you are deluded!! there is no ties in the firsting competition, the first to post is FIRST!! continue your false firsting though, you are great at it!!

    4. check the time stamp. A true firsting tie. Yes there are ties in firsting, which makes it a hardcore sport. You can't take the heat, step aside and leave the firsting to us professionals. Your time has passed old man.
      The correct way!!!

    5. ^time stamp? are you blind? you were a full minute behind three high noon posts... you are a LOSER! and a FALSE FIRSTING professional, congrats!!

  4. Replies
    1. Dammit, you got some purdy lips.....

  5. Is the Dhole related to the Ahole?

    1. We'll have to get a ruling on that from the Taterhole Guy.

    2. No.The Dhole located on your Johnson. Therefore they're not the same.

  6. I don't think the lamprey is newly discovered.

    1. No, but its cousin, the ManFisted Taterholing Swamp Eel is.

  7. 9876543211234567890987654321234567890987654321234567890987654321234567890987654321

    1. a newly discovered number. it deserves a post of its own.

    2. It is a number I didn't know existed.

    3. The sun is 1.989x10^30 kgs while a hydrogen atom is 1.66x10^(-27) kg; since the sun is mostly hydrogen we divide and get 1.2x10^57 atoms compose the sun. Say there are 825 mil=8.25*10^11 stars in a galaxy. We get, very roughly, 9.9x10^78 atoms in a galaxy. Which is almost the number you wrote down! Far out, man...

    4. Wait. Messed p. Its 9.9x10^68 atoms in a galaxy times 10 bil=10^10 galaxies in the universe giving 9.9x1078 atoms in the universe, which is almost the number you wrote down!! Even more far out, man. I gotta do another bong hit...

  8. I told you guys the pink fairy armadillo was real. It is a relative of the bull dyke platypus.

    1. Those are some mean bitches.They stink like rotten shrimp.

  9. The tempo Adagio slow movements evoke a warm and exquisite sensibility ("Adagio" means slowly).
    This will head to a long avenue in improving ones listening skills.

    Here is my weblog; koszulki z nadrukiem

    1. Where is the your mother guy? How can you pass this up?^^ Slow movements, evoke, warm sensibility, head, long avenue....I'm so disappointed.

  10. I don't know what those others are, but that first one is my ex-wife. Serially.

  11. Interesting that these photos are all crystal clear. Do the math, dummies.


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