Fascinating Bigfoot Story From Bigfoot Evidence Reader Travis B.

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Travis B., a devoted reader of Bigfoot Evidence with over 1,000,000 Reddit Karma points -- which is why you should read this.

I became interested in bigfoot basically through a joke. In high school, my best friend was supposed to write a paper about spending an hour in the woods. He didn't and wrote a hilarious story about meeting bigfoot in the woods, and failed English. We had a band, and from then on, we pretty much wrote all our songs about bigfoot. One day he informed me that there was a local bigfoot research group that he saw ranting and raving at this monthly event called "first friday". We contacted them and found out that they went on expeditions, and the public was welcome.

In the summer of 2005 we finally got to go out with them. We went about 40 minutes outside of Grants Pass, OR. I was definitely not expecting to see bigfoot during this trip. I brought two friends, Hank and Zach. We were basically expecting to gather material for songs to play in our crappy punk band.

There were 5 people there who were already associated with this research group, 4 local people, and one guy who flew all the way from Minnesota specifically for the trip. I forget the exact reason for this, but it was something along the lines of "a silver spirit bigfoot approached me and told me to". So we were all thinking "holy shit", we are going to be able to write hilarious bigfoot songs for the rest of our lives from this!"

We set up camp and got to know everyone, and listened to their stories about all the multiple sasquatches they had seen here, as well as the orbs, ghosts, UFOs, etc etc etc... We were having a hard time keeping straight faces so we decided to take a walk down this side road to catch our breath. We were walking and cracking up for about 5 minutes when we became aware that it sounded like something was walking parallel to us in the woods. We would occasionally stop short, and whatever was walking would stop too. We decided to walk back to camp, and came to the conclusion that we were just freaking ourselves out because we were in the middle of nowhere with strangers who were talking about orbs and holographic alien sasquatches.

We were all sitting around as it got dark, and started to hear movement in the woods. The co-leader of the research group informed us that "that was them", meaning sasquatches. I was thinking this seemed pretty convenient; we've been out there for a few hours, and they just come right to us...... highly unlikely. As it got later and later nothing eventful happened, and people started going to bed. Hank and Zach were asleep in my car, and myself and two other young participants put up lawn chairs down the road from camp. We were sitting and bullshitting when one guy said "OW". He informed us that he had been hit in the leg with something. We sat silently for a few minutes, and a small rock clacked off the ground in front of us. The way it bounced indicated that it came from our left, the uphill side of the road. As we sat this happened every few minutes for half an hour or so. It sounded like the rocks were coming from two locations.

Suddenly, from down the road and off into the brush, we heard 5-6 bipedal sounding footsteps coming toward us. They stopped and a powerful grunt/groan (hard to describe) sounded off. We decided we had had just about enough of this, and were going to bed. I was honestly terrified. I climbed into the back of my car and went to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night Zach woke me up and asked me if I smelled something. I did, and it reeked. It was like a combination of shit and ammonia. It faded after a few minutes and I drifted back off to sleep.

Hank and I woke up at the crack of dawn because the sun was turning the car into an oven. We got up and checked the bait (PB&J and vienna sausages, funny I know) that we had put behind the camp the night before. Some of the sandwiches were disturbed, and forgetting my terror the night before, I thought nothing of it. I went back to sleep in the car and Hank stayed up. Everyone else was still asleep at this point.

As I was sleeping in the car with Zach and Hank was sitting outside, he apparently heard movement in the woods and looked up just in time to see a gorilla like head through a break in the trees. Scared out of his damn mind, he jumped up and got into the passenger seat of my car. He didn't think to wake us up and say "hey guys, I just saw a damn bigfoot". He sat there silently because he was scared.

Apparently a few hours later, he heard a loud thrashing sound behind camp, near the food. This time he woke me up, terrified. We got out of the car and snuck commando like back to the food, and Mr Minnesota Ghost Bigfoot was rustling around in his tent. I started laughing at Hank because I figured that's what he heard, and I didn't know yet what he saw earlier. He looked at me, a scared look in his eye, and said we needed to look at the food.

We rounded a corner and came across the food site and it was totally picked clean. Nothing there. I immediately started looking around the hillside as Hank said "it's gone", and turned to run back to camp. The second he turned, I saw a gigantic something rise up about 60 feet uphill from me. It was enormously built and reddish brown. I could only see it from the low back up, but based on the way it's body shifted it took three steps uphill and to my left and was gone.

The first two steps it took, it had its hands lifted up by its head. On the third step they started to go down to a normal walking position. I think this was to avoid smacking brush with its arms, because it was damn near silent. This gave me a great change to see its biceps and shoulder muscles, which were huge. It didn't appear to have a prominent neck. I didn't see a face because it was at a three quarter profile.

Basically, I suspect it grabbed the food, heard us coming, and ducked down out of view uphill from the food. When it saw Hank turn, it thought that was its chance to slip away unnoticed so it took off. I just happened to be looking at it.

After everything settled down, I made Hank and Zach stand up where I saw it so I could get a size comparison. It dwarfed them. It was twice as wide, and about 3 feet taller. I would estimate the height at 9 feet. I've never been good at guessing weight, but I would guess over 400 pounds. The other members of the research group seem strangely unimpressed/uninterested with my sighting, which I found odd.

After I told everyone else what I saw, we all walked up there because Hank and Zach told me there were footprints. Indeed there were. They were about 16" long and stamped into pretty loose soil, so they weren't exactly well defined.

I know everyone is probably thinking that this is a HIGH probability that I was hoaxed. I mean, I go out with a research group and within 12 hours I've seen a sasquatch? Yeah, right. I was thinking the same thing until I saw the footprints. They went up a pretty steep hill. It was possible for me to stretch my legs far enough apart to match the steps. However, from that position I couldn't advance my trailing leg up far enough to even come close to taking another step. It would have been possible to match the stride on flat ground, but on a steep hill there was no way. And the thing I saw was moving very quickly and comfortably. None of the people on this trip were big or athletic enough to match what I saw. In fact, nobody on the trip was what could even be considered "moderately fit". There was no way there were running around with any agility up steep, overgrown hills.

The other possibility would be that they had some giant, athletic guy planted in the woods to fake us out. This actually seemed somewhat reasonable. Due to my skeptical nature, I have tried to think of all the possibilities. I have come to the conclusion that this was not the case, because I continued to go to this location without the research group, because I thought they were whackos, and I continued having encounters. They would have to have someone living out there in the woods year round to hoax us every time.

I've already typed way more than I wanted, so I'm going to sum up the rest of the encounters I remember in minimal detail.

First time back up- Winter 2005. Heavy snow, hiked ~1.5 miles through the snow with my friend Rick to where I saw it. Nothing happens on the walk in. Get to sighting location, hear a howl, like the "Ohio Howl" from adjacent hillside. Freak out because it's getting dark and we are way out there in heavy snow. Get the hell out of dodge.

Summer 2006- Forgot the mention that the night after my sighting, we hung up christmas bells on twine and tied them a few inches off the ground near our bait piles. No real luck with that.

Anyway, we take off for the location, get out of the car, and I'm taking a leak facing uphill while Rick is overlooking a distant town. Total darkness. I hear a metallic jingle coming down the granite slope I'm currently peeing on. I call Rick over with the flashlight. One of the bells from a year earlier had been thrown at me. Something cuts across the road behing us really quickly. We turn and it's already gone. We can see the trees moving from where it exited the road. Freak the mighty hell out, leave.

The dates after this are pretty rusty, so I won't even try. I'm just going to remember things that happened and note them in no chronological order.

1. Brother has a party with his friends at this location. I was not there. They get hammered ass drunk and pass out. The one sober kid hears screeching and running in the woods all night. In the morning they find a tree at the edge of the camp broken and facing towards them. I check out there the next day and confirm the tree is broken.

2. Hear wood knocks on one summer night.

3. Arrive at location. Step out of car with friend Sean and mess around for a while, yelling and wood knocking. After a few minutes we are facing downhill and something on two feet runs VERY QUICKLY AND NOISILY directly at us. It stops inside the treeline. We shine the flashlight at it, and suddenly it seems to be 15 feet to the left of where it just was. Freak out, go home.

4. Arrive at location with same friend Sean and his sister in law. Sit in lawn chairs and he plays a recording of his infant son crying. Immediately something walks up the road toward us. It seems to be behind some bushes. Sean possibly sees a head poke above them. We never see or hear anything from this spot again. As we leave, we find a small trail up the granite embankment to a gap in the foliage, possible escape route.

5. My brother and his friend Travis go up the location. As they are walking out, Travis takes a step towards to woods and something stomps very loudly at him. They leave.

6. Summer 2008?? A big thunderstorm hits Grants Pass. For some reason, Rick and I decide to go to the location after the storm has passed. The night is dead silent due to the storm, and the skies are now clear with moderate moonlight. We sit in the bed of my truck, and hear movement from 4 different locations. 2 uphill/in front of us, one downhill/behind us, and one off to our left. I suggest we pretend to be asleep and make snoring noises, and we do, to great success. Movement becomes much more bold, although nothing moves out enough to be visible. This continues for several minutes. I reach up and scratch my nose and immediately all the movement completely stops. Dead silence ensues for ~15 minutes. Suddenly, straight uphill from us takes off like a bat out of hell. We clearly hear bipedal footsteps sprinting uphill and over a ridge, and the occasional crash as it smashes into branches. This thing moved insanely fast. Freak out, leave.

That about sums up the major events. Nothing has happened at this site for several years now, although I don't go there very often anymore as I have been living out of state in NM, WA, and now CA. I kind of suspect that they were there because they were displaced by the Biscuit Fire of 2002, which was massive, and now that the Kalmiopsis wilderness is bouncing back perhaps they have moved on.



  1. Replies
    1. War! huh-yeah
      What is it good for?
      Absolutely nothing
      Say it again

    2. Travis had time to look for bigfoot because hes unemployed

    3. He saw a creature that doesnt exist? Riiiiigggghhht. WAKE UP YOU IGNORANT DOLTS!!

    4. He has over 1 million Reddit points!!!

    5. Oh oh..........this is going to explode!!!!!!!!

    6. Chewbacca I told you a month ago your persona is old and done. Come up with something new please.

    7. The real Wake Up Guy uses three !.

    8. Real wake up guy is stand-in guy and he is also that nappy guy

    9. H,what did the Doc say about the shit running out of your eyes?How's the taterhole holding up?

    10. I thought I saw a bigfoot once but it turned out to be travis's mom

    11. How is it travis is unployed and lives in is moms basement yet he gets his own damn post?? I have to admit it, I'm jealous! I'm quiting my job tomorrow!


    13. Travis B is an American hero....

    14. First.... The correct way!!!

    15. Where's travis? Did he get hired back on at dennys?

    16. Travis, how come you forgot to mention your gloryhole days in this stupid article?

    17. Bullshit write up Travis. How long did it take to make this shit up. ...

    18. When you don't have a job, you have lots of spare time to write storys

    19. Alright Travis.....time to drop the bomb......tell them about your Dogman encounter......hee.hee...:)

    20. Enjoyed that Travis.


    21. So how'd the band turn out then?

  2. Too much reading (but i read it)

  3. The Primus of BFE! Travis sucks! ;)

    1. He has no job AND hes a liar. Well done travis!

    2. He has over 1 mil Reddit points!!!

    3. True dat. True dat.

      - stand-in guy

    4. Primus kicks major ass, what the hell is wrong with you? "Too Many Puppies", come on douchebag! Rush, pfft

  4. Travis, how could you not be first on your own damn post! Did Denny's rehire you? I don't see what the big deal was with eating a customers hashbrowns. At least you didn't eat their tater tots.

    1. He has over 1 mil Reddit points!!!

    2. What the hell is a Reddit point? Sounds gay...

    3. You gain Reddit points by being credulous and having no life

  5. Pwned like getting a mud helmet in the back of your car when you've run out of wet wipes

  6. I'm not reading all that, does he got monkey or not??

    1. I'm psyching myself up.......this much reading makes me sleepy.....so sleeeeppppyy.......Travis might need some uppers.....black beauties might work.

    2. How many reddit points do I get for reading this???

    3. Travis is one of the most credible people in the bigfoot community.

    4. I skimmed it. I cuold be wrong: Seems when he was a kid some guy accidentally or purposely scared him and his friends and his memory exaggerated the event.

      Later on, (wanting to see one) he had a few of the usual "shadowy", "funny feeling", "acorns falling" nothing encounters that are legion in the data bases....

      He does not have a bone or a body....

    5. but he has over 1 mil Reddit points

    6. Sounds like another mulder in the dark incident. Kids can be cruel.

  7. Call him Alowishus Devadander Abercrombie. That's long for Travis so I've been told.

    1. Travis hasn't earned a dime in several months. Or was it years.

    2. The breath of that fat bastard could bring any man to tears.

  8. Travis you just confirmed my suspicions that you saw a bear.

    Now knowing that your friend claimed seeing a gorilla head at night (imagination got the better of him) that put bigfoot firmly in your mind. The bear rummaged through your food which you then jumped to the conclusion was a bigfoot and to seal the deal you caught a glimpse of the huge bulking bear at a distance. By that time your mind was already made up.

    Thanks for this Travis it gives me a little bit more understanding of why people claim to see these magic monkeys that don't exist.

    1. But eyewitness testimony has put millions of people in prison! Two narcotics cops witnessed my cousin selling coke and he went to jail...

    2. Seems like you skimmed, but I'll bite.

      He didn't see the head at night, he saw it in daylight. He didn't tell me about it until after I had my sighting, so he didn't plant it in my head.

    3. Travis you might make the Fringe News.....then Squatchers Lounge.....team Zen Yeti will be recruiting hard.....for a fee of 10% of your reddit points I can manage you. Please sign a power of attorney form.....

    4. Next stop Finding Bigfoot......some guest spots on Letterman & Leno. Monsterquest will pay big bucks.....then we will go on tour. Can you still play an instrument ?

    5. Travis, i want to apologize for giving you shit these past couple of days. You seem like an alright guy, and you know how we do it on here.No hard feelings!


    7. Its still kinda funny.I have thick skin. No worries. I knew what to expect

    8. I like you, Travis. Wanna get together sometime? Maybe take our pants off and listen to Linda ronstadt? I'm flexible

    9. Dude I knew you were going to get laid from this....although you haven't told your wife about this..

    10. MD 20/20. Good times. We used to steal bottles of that stuff then head out to our campsite to get wasted and loaded. The best night we had was when two of our teachers showed up. Turned out they were looking to get stoned, so they joined us.

  9. Sounds like you should plant a few trail cams

    1. We need some trail-cams in the mineshafts pronto.

  10. How did Patterson process the film in the amount of time he claimed?

    1. He didn't. After the viewing at UBC a reporter asked him about that. He gave an evasive bullshit response....

  11. Travis do you guys smoke the chronic? For medical purposes only, of course...

    1. Your new persona could be Z-fats

    2. Not that there's anything wrong with it.....bobo partakes...

    3. Just packed my bong with the finest medical

    4. There's so much around so just eat it. MUCH BETTER !!!

  12. For those that can't read--just select all and have your browser speak it to you.

  13. Greetings queers,
    Find that peeking yard ape?

    1. How rude and that's a wood ape to you for I am the all knowing bipto!

  14. Pwned like a mud helmet in the dark

  15. Gimlin admitted to packham it was a hoax and roger set him up

    1. Weasel. No way, no how was he dragged up there to be lied to and conned by Roger. There is a greater chance the film is genuine than that Gimlin was innocently made a dupe. Risible non-sense....

    2. Gimlin is a hoaxer and you like it

    3. Peckham managed to fool the American public with some clever editing.

      He fucked up his costume, so without setting up Gimlin he had nothing

      Footers have Bill Munns.

      Skeptards have Chris Peckham.

      No contest.


  16. Hoax like all the morons who went to the 'Sierra' kill site with the killer and lo and behold, the magic monkeys appear! LMFAO

    1. Its possible Justin told some of his buddies about the outing and planned some chicanery. Shawn, Ro and Bart aren't hoaxers...

  17. I would just like to say - Labia Majoris.

  18. I have been there. It is good that Travis did not tell you the Bigfoot w/ wings story that the trip leaders experienced. You would all have had to change your underwear, before continuing your immature comments. The Bigfoot there have worked out a standard set of tricks to entertain the hairless humans, aka the Tricks for Food Program.

    1. The farmer upon whose land it resided, referred to it as Batman. He invited the researchers. The researchers experienced one side of their open top jeep being hoisted several feet off of the ground by the alleged invisible winged Bigfoot, with one person inside. They heard the wings flapping as it approached. This vehicle liftoff was witnessed from the outside by the other two researchers. They never returned to my knowledge. The mistake that they made was putting the food they had brought, out on the ground too early, and too close to themselves. The invisible entity appeared to be trying to separate them from the nearby food.

    2. And this is where I was? How do you know that?

    3. I never said that this Batman event occurred where I was. The trip leaders go to other places too. In this case, they went to a farm on request of the farm owner. I was not there. I heard about it several years after the fact. I was at the location where Travis was. There is only one group in Grants Pass, that has achieved anything of significance. That would be the Sasquatch Mystery Center. I have my own stories from their main location, because I camped separate from the main group.

    4. Just bring food and you will come back with a story or two to tell.

  19. FAKE!!!!!!!!!!


  20. Good job Travis. Thanks for sharing.

  21. (clive squashy)

    Souinds to me that the poor brute just wants another peanutbutter and jelly sandwich.

  22. Eh, could just be another of many bigfoot tall tales.

  23. Isn't the ultimate FIRST to write the article? Travis Kicks ASS on all the trolls!
    Burkfly the Misfits Guy!

  24. bigfoot & ?

    I likes jelly breads.

    I REALLY likes jelly breads.

    I REALLY REALLY likes jelly breads !


  25. This was posted on BFF many moons ago. It rang true then, and it still does today. However, Rush will forever and always suck. Just sayin

  26. Thanks for this exclusive article Travis!
    This stuff is what makes BFE the best bigfoot blog!!


  27. Hey! I've got a million reddit points too. I have been to the same three way intersection, out past Selma. Travis must have hit it on a slow weekend.

  28. Bwhahahahahaha!!! He was hoaxed as a kid and its effected him till now! Reason he's hands were up in ther air was because the mask was loose numbnuts!


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