Did These Ghost Hunters Just Have a Bigfoot Encounter And Didn't Know It?

On May 24, 2013, a team of paranormal investigators in Northern Burke County witnessed a black mass peeking from behind a tree. Several team members witnessed the figure standing in the treeline pulling leaves attempting to cover itself. Here's a video of the investigation via Facebook:

If the embedded video isn't working, you can watch the video on Facebook by following this link: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=610807228929631

The “Overmountain Victory Trail” Investigation

Friday May 24, 2013

This is a very activity area where each team member had multiple personal experiences. Staying true to T.U.I. please view the video and YOU DECIDE!

I have asked each attendee from the investigation to comment on the post and video. As always we ask for constructive feedback. Any comments deemed inappropriate will be removed. We do not challenge anyone’s personal or group integrity/credibility we ask the same of each facebook viewer.

Jeffrey Lynn Porter Sr.
T.U.I. Founder 1997


  1. Replies
    1. anti-first and counting...

    2. When I was a child
      I caught a fleeting glimpse
      Out of the corner of my eye

      I turned to look but it was gone
      I cannot put my finger on it now
      The child is grown
      The squatch is gone
      I... Have become comfortably dumb

    3. I saw a bigfoot on heroin..How he got my heroin I'll never know....

    4. That Bigfoot infrasound makes you crap your pants man

  2. Oh, I have Bigfoot encounters all the time without knowing it, I think.

    1. your mom had a Bigdick encounter last night

    2. First.. The correct way!!!

    3. ^correct way is lame and sad...

    4. ^You anti-man, are sad and unoriginal..Oh the irony

  3. #looneytoons approved folks

    this makes even bipto look like a sane guy

    1. And here is living proof that the trolls or "Skeptics" do not actually look at the article... There is no way in hell you would not be laughing at this or pulling it apart.... Oh well, your loss

    2. Can you please change your name? It looks like a typographical error.

      How about "H"?

    3. ^^ Tzieth, the pissed off cock muncher! ^^

    4. Go back to the forum and let us "trolls" continue to make this blog the funnest bigfoot blog on the web!

    5. It's not funny.. You ruined the blog. "Us trolls"? You speak as if it is not just three of you.

      At first I figured you were a bunch of kids.. But then I noticed you are on 24/7. You called out that Travis guy on this, but what is your excuse? You do know that your writing is a signature right? You use the same stupid vocabulary and the same word arrangement every time. When you try to defend your self with... well your self lol, Everyone on here knows it is you.

      What kind of messed up life do you have? I mean seriously! Enquiring minds want to know... What sort of depravity causes someone to sit on a long dead blog and talk to themselves? You are not a skeptic, a skeptic would actually read the topic or watch the vids.. What the fuck is wrong with you?

    6. Trollandia is alive and well. The forum died because it was overrun by clueless BFF rejects and folks with real mental heath issues....

    7. Big Ginger and Masterbarber would have this Shit locked down in a blink of an eye.

      BFF is now controlled by the Habituators and the BF contactees.

      It's funny and sad in equal measure.


    8. Skeptards are so afraid of death it's fucking hilarious no difference there between bf trolls or trollers of any such subject deemed too upsetting by science for the public at large, truly pity those like that going through this life fearing their own bodily mortality so badly they must handle that doubt in attacks.

    9. "WoW".!what do you think of the "Anoymuos">?

  4. Operation Persistence is still on lock-down. Somebody must be vewy, vewy angwy.

    1. Hehe the idea of hunting wood apes is hilarious. Shooting at random movement in the woods. Zero evidence that there are even monkeys out there but claim they are anyway.

  5. My Beagle has me habituated to feed him pieces of meat from my fork as I sit in my recliner. The other night we had turkey and I gave him a lot. A couple of hour later my wife started screaming about him passing gas. It truly was the Great Pumpkin of all dog farts.

    1. One of our hounds ate a whole chicken except the beak. Her farts knocked out power in 5 mile radius.

  6. Ghost hunters are morons. Why do they want to spend so much time and effort looking for something that doesn't exist?

    1. Same can be said for bigfooters.

      They enjoy being in their secret club in which they think they know more than the general public but infact they are deluded.

    2. They spend the time because it clearly does exist, some people are just too scared and not equipped well enough mentally to get it like our moronic duo poster 3:41/4:03 safer to retreat into sheep-like fantasy.

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    Large tornado on the ground in South Oklahoma City!!!!!!!

    1. Let me know when it reaches Upstate NY

  9. Those people are bat shit crazy.

  10. (clive squashy)

    Ghost Hunters & Bigfoot

    It's all fun and games til Ned Beatty comes crawling out of the woods.

  11. It has to be said, these aren't even trolls. Game is weak. Look at these comments, it's not funny, it's bad and tacky. It's at best 5-10 middle aged people that like to think of themselves as open, modern, enlightened. YouTube has better and more creative trolling. Have fun with your midlife crisis guys! Better get back to your keypad now.

    1. Ghosts and other paranormal bullshit is not worthy of trolling. Its would be like making sarcastic remarks about Down's. Bigfoot should be honored that Trollandia embraces him...

    2. ^ Denying realities he can't grasp while masturbating in mom's closet.

  12. What a gathering of fools in this video! Geez!

  13. "Big Ginger and Masterbarber would have this Shit locked down in a blink of an eye.

    BFF is now controlled by the Habituators and the BF contactees.

    It's funny and sad in equal measure."


    Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll come over here and toss this stinky poo-poo diaper thread, too.



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