Breaking: Sally Ramey Shares Clear Shot of Bigfoot's Face

We knew there was something something about Sally Ramey. Ramey's the ex-publicist for Dr. Melba Ketchum before the fallout from the botched Bigfoot DNA study. This photo was recently shared on Facebook and enhanced by Richard LaBrecque of The Squatchers Lounge. Not much is known about the photograph but Ramey offered this explanation:

Again - as I have said before, I don't know the origins of this photo. It made the rounds on BF about two years ago and was subject to much debate. Some thought it was real and some thought it was a guy in a mask. I only selected it as a tutorial subject - please READ the captions for the entire gallery. I appreciate the kind words but this is not my image.

Uncropped and unzoomed


  1. where are the first assholes? so dare I say this fuck you i'm first and last right now so true this bitches.

    1. bigfoot is BS.

      100% BS.

      there is no monkey folks.

      9 foot magic ape men roaming the highly populated, fully explored Americas in the current era of technology completely undetected... yea right.

    2. Only one thing is certain; anti-firsters smoke cock.

    3. First... The correct way!!!

    4. I had a clear shot at Sally's face last night- BadaBing!

    5. "...highly populated, fully explored Americas in the current era of technology completely undetected"?

      Let's take a closer look at that ignorant statement:
      1. Most people live in cities or along roads and rarely venture past their back yard.
      2. Fully 25% of this continent has never been surveyed on foot.
      3. If bigfoot went completely undetected then no one would even know about them, huh?

    6. ^pwned footer with no grasp on reality

    7. ^pwned skeptic drinking Randi's "kool-aid"

    8. Skeptards pwning themselves, not believing but yet coming here daily

    9. #1 That is one of Todd Standings muppets

      #2 Bigfoot is not an ape

      #3 "fully explored Americas" Are you friggen serious? Most of the Amazon rainforest is undiscovered, Most of Alaska and British Columbia is undiscovered and a lot of the U.S. is unsurveyed because it is near impossible to get to some places by foot, let alone vehicles... I take it you are not American?

    10. you are wasting your time trying to talk reality to these twits.

      they hang their hats on a hoaxed 45year old film,blopbsquatch shit hoaxes and footprints. as you say you d think there would be some kind of 'evidence',other than this, if thosands of 8010ft 700pd ape mn were strolling about national parks m pretty sure they would have slipped up at least once allowing at least 1,just fucking 1,clear HD film of it. not 2 cowpokes trying to make a buck half a century ago. they call you a idiot too. oh the irony

      i only comwe on here from time to time in a vain hildood fasination on the subject and to read the ,cleary mentaly ill locals, who spend every day on here trying to out do each other with 1st posts. thereafter much hilarity follows when they try and be witty. fuck its like a playground in here

      fucking tools

    11. Hey you fucking tool,speak English.

    12. "AnonymousTuesday, May 28, 2013 at 10:43:00 AM PDT
      you are wasting your time trying to talk reality to these twits.

      they hang their hats on a hoaxed 45year old film,blopbsquatch shit hoaxes and footprints. as you say you d think there would be some kind of 'evidence',other than this, if thosands of 8010ft 700pd ape mn were strolling about national parks m pretty sure they would have slipped up at least once allowing at least 1,just fucking 1,clear HD film of it. not 2 cowpokes trying to make a buck half a century ago. they call you a idiot too. oh the irony

      i only comwe on here from time to time in a vain hildood fasination on the subject and to read the ,cleary mentaly ill locals, who spend every day on here trying to out do each other with 1st posts. thereafter much hilarity follows when they try and be witty. fuck its like a playground in here

      fucking tools"

      And where do people go when they go to these national parks? Most stay on the developed roads with paved little campsites next to them. Most hike on little gravel trails complete with little wooden signs that point to this or that feature and have maps posted along the way.

      Those "Cowpokes" went on horseback to a region that was not developed or traveled by humans. The majority of sightings are not campers, they are either hunters or people seeing them on their property with a few incidental road crossings in-between when people are not just roaming around with camera's handy.

      On that note with "Today's Technology"... If it is so advanced why can't we stop drug runners, illegal aliens or why did it take so long to find Osama Bin Laden? Because he was not sitting there waving at the satellite wearing a waldo get-up and neither are Sasquatch. As for your "HD"... Paparazzi, who are ready to take pics of celebs and have everything handy, take multiple snapshots most of which get thrown away because they are grainy. So you are expecting someone with a camera phone who may or may not have enough time to get one pic off and have it be perfect? or even video from a camera phone to be quality? In case you have not noticed, there is already plenty of that crap all over youtube.

    13. This from a man who listens to korn and considers it music,sad smug stupidity

    14. Hey tzieth,where you been

  2. Replies
    1. U value technology way too much. What you pull salvage intelligence falling since Victorian times by 14 points it's probably easier for Bigfoot to file hide from us now than it was years ago

    2. Strange, it looks like English, but it's not. Google Voice maybe?

  3. The silky lady Heroin came to me in sleep, whispered into my soul, "I am Legion." I awoke in a sweat, as per usual when the opioid nightmares touch upon me. The next day, I sought deliverance from the demon of I, but I has many minions. Because will surely bring strife, and just when this thought occurred, the sky darkened, Doubt, and Procrastination appeared trumpeting out of the incoming storm. Woe is me!

    1. Woe to you o' Earth and Sea For the devil brings the beast with wrath, because he knows the time is short. Let him who hath understanding reckon the Number of the Beast, for it is a Human Number. Its Number is Six Hundred and Sixty Six... (Or something like that)

    2. The only beast whose number was 666 that I know of was Crowley. Personally, I like the number 6. A number of beauty, equilibrium, and the lovely Sun.

    3. Iron Maiden, wow. I haven't listened to them in years. I used to listen to them a lot when I used to get drunk daily.

    4. You should try them out all over again. A lot of their stuff stands up to the test of time

    5. Maybe after my current Psychic TV obsession fades.

    6. Get a Moneymaker haircut and listen to Screamo

    7. Or,do some peyote and frolic naked in the woods.

  4. Music licenses be variable by company on your acceptable and unsatisfactory royalty free exploit.
    Australia has country figures like Slim Messy and James Blundell.

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  5. I can't say for certain that this is a Bigfoot face... but this is most certainly the face of a Bigfoot!!!!

  6. Looks like it was hoaxed with one of Todd Standing's muppets.

    1. Here you go!

    2. Dammit! It's the exact same thing!

  7. Dear god!

    This is the kind of evidence I come to bigfoot evidence for!!

    Unprecedented, absolute proof of sasquatch!! Amazing!!

    Thanks so much Shawn!!!

  8. This is the real deal folks.

  9. Replies
    1. I miss her too, and Mayor McCheese also, WHERE ARE YOU MAYOR!!!!

    2. Step on the bodies and keep moving- what's gone is gone and I don't give a damn.

  10. What do you think the Sasquatch's find more to their liking? Nihilism, Monism, or Dualism?

  11. Look into the eyes of a squatch!! They say the eyes are the gate way to the soul.

    1. The pink eye is fine.

      But the brown eye is mine.

  12. JREF would like to know... why no unambiguous photos of bigfoot?

  13. does dyer have a bigfoot?

  14. Replies
    1. I saw Sasquatch get KTFO by Cain Velazquez the other night on a UFC championship fight!

  15. That's not bigfoot ! That's my Aunt Petunia!

  16. Anybody read any of Sharon Day/Autumn Forest's porn?

    1. No but i saw big foot get knocked the f>>> out last SAt night Homeboys

  17. The PGF is a hoax, plain and simple. It has been almost 50 years and not a single decent sequence of footage has been captured showing the same thing. The back story, as Kit showed, is full of holes, and then the dude who made the film, who just happened to be out to capture BF footage, never went back to the area to try and replicate the successful filming, or to maybe gather more evidence?! It is a guy in a suit. The whole theory that the technology wasn't there to make a suit is beyond ridiculous, as Tontar showed many many times. There is no single molecule of evidence to show the BF is real. There is nothing, nadda, zip. The Ketchum Report summed the entire universe of BF research...a whole lot of promises, speculation, and then waiting delaying waiting delaying...but in the end...nothing! I cannot imagine how seemingly intelligent people can actually believe that there is this successful, breading, living off the land, population of bipedal primate giants...roaming around on the fringes of our NA civilization Yet the thing is so elusive that science doesn't know it exists! The only guy to ever capture it on film, was some guy out looking to make a buck off capturing BF on film. Coincidence...I don't think so.

    This is the modern age folks, people are everywhere in NA now. Everyone has a camera. There are more people out there. Thanks to that ridiculous show on TV about BF, there are even more people out there looking, yet nothing! No solid evidence has come forward. Physical anthropologists would be all over the place looking for this thing if they took it seriously. But they don't! What, we can put a rover on Mars, send a sub to the bottom of the ocean, but only some dude with a plan to get BF of film, the most elusive creature ever, can actually go out and get it...50 years ago? And then nobody else can do it again? That is unbelievable! If it exists, there would need to be an entire breading population. Holy crap, it is unbelievable that people actually think BF is a real creature!

    It looks like a costume, and in the stabilized version, it looks even more like a costume. You can see where the leg piece meets with the body piece. Oh wait, someones going to post a picture of an ape with a shadow in the same area, proving yet again, that the lengths to which people who believe in something will go is beyond limit, and common sense.

    There is no Bigfoot, just Bigfootery. Just sayn'!

  18. Terrible Photoshop job.....

  19. I've seen better masks at Wal-Mart. Another turd for the books.

  20. I didn't realize the evidence for Bigfoot was this compelling.

  21. Blow it up 400% and it does resemble Patterson Gimlin face shot. Just sayin

  22. So ... the photo is at least two years old and she posted it for a photography discussion in Team Squatchin more than two days ago. Not exactly "breaking." Must have been a slow news day.

  23. This photo is one of the examples the Ketchum camp was keeping from everyone!?!? Ugghhh...

  24. With no back story, this photo is crap.

    1. Trust me, even with the back story the photo is crap.

  25. is it a cardboard cutout? what are the vertical lines on its face?

  26. Looks like some of Todd Standing voodoo pics. Anyone associated with Miss Melba is suspect. "Miss Melba, Miss Melba, I don't no nuthin 'bout birth'n no bigfoot."

  27. Looks like some of Todd Standing voodoo pics. Anyone associated with Miss Melba is suspect. "Miss Melba, Miss Melba, I don't no nuthin 'bout birth'n no bigfoot."

  28. Oh, yes, that photo is so real, no shitty photoshop job there, no, not at all. As for "skeptards", well, I'd rather be a called skeptard for naming obvious B.S for what it is than a window licking retard who laps everything up from the smallest, grainiest blur to the Rick Dyer circle jerk as Absolute Proof of it's existance.

  29. It's this kind of embarrassing bull shit that makes Big Foot lovers look fucking moronic. You dickwads need to stop getting stiffies over ridiculous shit like this and use some fucking brains - though I think that may be impossible seeing how most of you "BFers" (buttfuckers?) carry on about Globsquatch pictures and obvious fuckers in suits. If you seriously believe photos like this piece of shit, you need to go join the rest of the droolers at David Icke's forum where you'll fit right in with all the low-life fuck ups who get off with each other on there. Dickheads.

  30. das ist nicht cool bigfoot hat eine rote nase da bin ich mir sicher!

  31. And everyone atays Anonymous and unknown..... why can't Bigfoot be anonymous and unknown - if you are he is capable


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