Breakdown: Bigfoot Seen On American Hoggers TV Show

Here it is folks. The breakdown you've been waiting for all day. This episode of American Hoggers is titled "Turning Point" and what makes this one so special is the fact that 15 to 17 minutes into the show, a dark figure appears from out of nowhere sprinting across the screen in the background. The figure's superhuman speed and quadrupedal movement, suggest to some that it could be a Sasquatch. ParaBreakdown discovered, upon closer inspection, says that it probably isn't a Sasquatch at all. Watch below:


  1. Replies
    1. OK you're first now go and get some dental work for christ sake

    2. That travis, hes the man

    3. Is Phil Poling always right? I bet he acts this way outside of the online community as well.

    4. England wins? This is BS. The English shouldn't be allowed on this site. There are no squatches in England.

      If I quit my job and just hang around on this site 24/7 and wait patiently, then Bob's your uncle, I could be first.

    5. ^^^^^ have you seen any of the royal offspring lately?

    6. My friend Peter likes masterbating.

  2. With two firsts i stand proud now! Keep it clean guys and embrace my firsts! England wins. P.s i do believe ive just pwned the legendary Travis!

    1. Is this the guy, Travis, who just got hired at Denny's? Not bashing you bro, just curious!

    2. Some guy name Travis gets fucked with here on a nightly basis, i mean no harm i just wanna know WHO is this guy named Travis that lives in his mum's basement..

    3. Travis would you fancy a proper wood knock with an English bloke?

    4. yes 12:58. THAT is THE Travis (almost) everyone speaks of.

    5. Hang in there Travis
      for soon they shall see your greatness my friend.

    6. I like Travis. Yeah he is a footer but he is ok.

  3. Why is it that EVERY SINGLE UNIDENTIFIABLE movement or object on video is assumed to be a sasquatch!!!!

    1. Because as bigfoot dont exist without such nonsense there would be nothing to post about.

    2. there is always Travis to post about

  4. Replies
    1. Yep
      Cute little fat fucker aint he???

    2. Always drinkin them there Girly lookin drinks and wearin them sexy woman clothes

      yep that there is real FOOTIN if you ask me

      hey Phil wanna date????

    3. and you know he does not just use his computer for
      bigfoot breakdowns

      hell yeah lookin at the porn

    4. I often times hear his voice when I'm reading some of these I need help???

    5. Whenever I watch the PGF I hear Phil say "What the f*ck"....

  5. Mmmm.... Travis......

    *starts a slow clap*

  6. @12:58, Are you a "used" condom Bro??..Just asking..

  7. See I told you it was a Pigfoot

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  9. Have you ever seen any clip on this site that looks to be even remotely credible? Everything is blurry BS, everything.

    Face it folks, if you had to base the existence of bigfoot on what you see and read on this site, you'd have to come to the conclusion that bigfoot is nothing more than folklore.

    1. I served with Bigfoot in the wild boyz brigade. I knew Bigfoot, hunted with bigfoot. Bigfoot was a friend of mine. Anonymous, you don't know bigfoot. So just be careful next time you're in the woods taking a crap and you hear something strange sneaking up from behind and when you reach for some branches you get a hairy arm instead.

    2. ^ if bigfoot was such a great hunter... You wouldn't hear him sneak up .. Fag

    3. He isn't hunting. He's murdering. He wants to be heard.

  10. but but but....

    what about the:
    Rise-pause-fall movement
    Coned head from cranial keel
    Long arms, possible cupped hands
    Long legs
    Long strides
    Inhuman abilities, i.e. agility
    Observing From Strategic Position
    Shine on back
    High shoulders

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  12. I could have shat a better video than this.

  13. Is there any other clip besides the PGF that even looks like it could be a real bigfoot?

  14. You know, I'm not saying that Bigfoot doesn't exist OR anything like that but Bigfoot doesn't exist.

  15. I'm so glad that sellout Michael Merchant doesn't get much time here on BE anymore. He's the absolute worst kind of "researcher" (LMFAO!). For years he mocked it, abused it, demoralized other footers. Then, one day, he figures out that he needs more money to live on. What does Michael do? Well, he now pretends that he believes in Bigfoot simply because he figured out that if you're a "bleeber" you make MORE money posting videos on YouTube than a skeptic. You know, he has joined the ranks of all time greats like; T-Fats, TGBF, etc etc who have tons of videos with absolutely NOTHING in any of them. But hey, "integrity" and "honesty" mean NOTHING to some people.

    Now Phil on the other hand keeps it "real", you know speaks his mind on the topic, let's his true feelings come out on the subject, calls a spade a spade a blobsquatch a blobsquatch, a person a person.

    Phil continues to stick to his guns because.......well apparently, (and this is the cold hard truth) he doesn't need the extra hand out from AdSense.


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