Bigfoot Paranoia

Editor’s Note: Dr. Matthew A. Johnson is one of the most credible people in the Bigfoot world. In July 1, 2000, Dr. Johnson had a "Class A" Bigfoot encounter with his family while hiking near the Oregon Caves. After his life changing sighting, he went to the public and described one of the most intense encounters ever. You can join him on Facebook at Team Squatchin USA.

I'm sure that most of you have read an occasional post or two, from time to time, about how we need to keep our guard up concerning the Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Forest People. That they might have some evil dastardly plan to fool all of us which will lead to our ultimate demise.

Well...... just a public service reminder:

1. Do any of you....... anyone at all..... have a personal story to share where a Squatch physically hurt you, raped you, and/or killed you? Well, I guess if one killed you...... you probably wouldn't be able to respond to my question. Silly me!!!

2. Do any of you.... anyone at all.... have a friend or family member who was physically hurt by a Squatch, raped by a Squatch, or killed by a Squatch? I'm only aware of two stories where people were killed by Squatches and that's after they took a shot or two at it (i.e., The Squatch was obviously defending itself).

3. When a Squatch growls at someone, breaks trees, stomps on the ground, throws rocks in your direction (and doesn't hit you, I might add), or chases you..... Its simply because they want you to leave their home. You're trespassing!!! There's nothing violent or dangerous about those behaviors. Intimidating, yes!!! Violent, no!!!

4. In the book, "411", is there any 100% undeniable proof that a Squatch abducted and/or killed anyone? Any proof at all??? ..... or just insinuations???

5. Have you heard of any stories where a Squatch has groped a female? I have. I don't think he was trying to rape her and I don't think she was in any danger at all. I think he was a sexually charged, highly testosterone loaded adolescent Bigfoot male who was simply curious about this very beautiful, hairless, human female. They don't have the same values and morals that us humans live by (i.e., Thou shall not touch a woman without her consent). In the Squatch's mind, he wasn't doing anything wrong. He was simply curious and checking out this very beautiful woman.

6. How many of you have gone out in the woods among the Squatches and have returned home alive? I've thought this through several times. This one fact alone has helped me to overcome my fear of the Squatches. For the past 13 years, I've been out there among the Squatches a billion times. Okay that might be exaggerated by just a couple million times. My point is that if the Squatches were dangerous and if the Squatches wanted me dead, I would have died a several times already.

7. Are you aware that throughout human history, whenever humans from all cultures didn't understand something, they often attributed demonic attributes to the new kid on the block. Then they would warn others about the demon and come up with creative ways to kill the demon.

8. How many of you have had pleasant, peaceful, playful, informative interactions with the Squatches?
The Human Race is full of great and wonderful people. Occasionally, a "Jack Ass" comes along and shoots everyone or tries to blow everyone up. That certainly does not make all Humans bad, horrible, violent, despicable people. It just means that there's occasionally going to be one Bad Apple who tries to spoil the whole bunch. Likewise, you might occasionally come across a Squatch who is a "Jack Ass" but he certainly DOES NOT represent all of the Squatches that exist today.

Is it important to keep our guard up? Well, in a manner of speaking, yes it is. I take my 44 mag out into the woods with me for Cougar, Bear, and Stupid Humans. I keep my guard up in the woods. Is it important to keep our guard up with the Squatches? Well, truthfully, I fear a Stupid Human out in the woods more than I fear a Squatch. Truth be told, there's no way you're ever going to successfully Habituate with a Squatch family if they sense your fear and a lack of trust.

The facts speak for themselves. Most Squatches are very trustworthy and there's absolutely NOTHING to fear accept for Stupid Humans. I think we are doing the Squatches an injustice when we suggest or infer that they could be dangerous. If they were anything like that at all, you wouldn't be reading what I just wrote. I would be dead and incapable of typing. Just saying......

Dr Matthew A Johnson

(Owner of the "Team Squatchin USA" Facebook Group)


  1. Does the good Dr. have 100% undeniable proof that a sasquatch hasn't killed or abducted anyone? Let alone that they even exist.


    2. Ok i'll wake up but please next time you wake me up its not necessary to climb into my bed with me and massage my shoulders you silly goose

  2. Replies
    1. Why aren't you out looking for a job travis?

    2. Not anymore, he got fired last night. His mother is very disappointed.

    3. Travis has some nice tits

    4. Travis you want to go tree knocking tonight?

    5. Travis you want to go tree humping tonight?

    6. He can't go tonight. He has to go look for a job.

    7. I don't hate Travis. I hate Dr. Dorkhead Johnson. And Bipto.


    9. Mayor McCheese believes me, and he's twice the man you are, and he's an anthropomorphic cheeseburger

    10. Travis. Ride out the troll storm.

      Will be someone elses turn next week!

      Ps. Still not found the Turkish Wildman/Almasty. However we have confirms on hot chicks and cold beer!


    11. I'm weathering the storm buddy! Have fun!

    12. Travis, what's going on? Why all the grief thrown your way?

    13. I made the mistake of saying what my profession is, and it spiraled out of control!

    14. All press is good press, or something to that effect.

    15. Makes sense though, that Denny's has a nurse hired, what with the cholesterol and all, probably a lot of heart attacks.

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  4. In the book, "411", is there any 100% undeniable proof that a Squatch abducted and/or killed anyone? Any proof at all??? ..... or just insinuations???

    There's 3 books and you can't prove they didn't.

    1. ^ Hey brain fart! Do you believe everything you read? Are you that friggen stupid?

    2. Those books hint to "Dogman" as well but do not name anything. For those that point to Native American legends that refer to them as "Big Brother" or "Protector" and all of that other warm fuzzy stuff, you also have Native American legends that talk about evil creatures that also fit the description. "Cannibal Giants", "Stone Giants" (Who rolled around in the mud to make it sick to their fur so that arrows would not penetrate them when the mud hardened.)

      Some Native American tribes had stories of both the gentle and the "cannibal" type.

      What I don't understand about all of you Sasquatch "Researchers" is how many of you will champion Native American legends about gentle giants, yet turn a blind eye to the stone giants/Genosqua/Rock People/Stick People legends.

      You all have your own theories about "Sasquatch/Bigfoot" when those words have become generic for every reported HB along with Yeti. If you go by ALL reports instead of only picking the ones that suit your own belief, you will find highly aggressive behavior coming from the South along with different descriptions than Patty who somehow became the model of all things Sasquatch. Reports from East Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi are reported to be much shorter with longer hair. Then you have Skunk-Apes and Devil Monkeys being called Bigfoot as well even though they do not fit the description of Patty either. If you go back to the first reports of "Skunkape" the foot prints are not Human shaped, but true Ape. (Hands for feet.)

      I am in the "Human Camp" and humans can be evil.. But if you are in the "Ape Camp" then how many times have you heard of Chimps suddenly attacking people out of the blue?

    3. Chimps are evil!!!!!!!
      Kill em all!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Brilliant Tzieth, truly brilliant. Genuinely excellent reply.
      Peace & Love.
      Joe Fitzgerald.

  5. Editor’s Note: Dr. Matthew A. Johnson is one of the most arrogant,closed minded,know it all in the Bigfoot world.

  6. Zzzz I fell asleep after #3...

    1. Watch out the IGNORANT DOLT guy will wake you up with a sensual massage


    3. Try his bladder massage. It's to die for.

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  9. Travis can you be certain your bigfoot sighting wasn't a misidentification?

    Can you be 100% sure it was infact an undiscovered monkey?

    1. I can't be 100% sure because I didn't shoot it and keep it in a freezer or anything, but I am pretty damn sure it was a sasquatch.

  10. The assholes are multiplying exponentially around here.

  11. Greetings Queers,

    Have you yet to find your magic monkey?

    1. Have you yet to find your magic monkey suit?

  12. Yes we did find our magic monkey! It was up your ass, right next to your head, dildo and puppy that we also found. Why don't you man up and use your name you whimpy penis sucking pussy!


    1. At least one queer answered.

    2. I thought it was a rhetorical question

    3. Naa... Just trying to see which queer would answer first.

    4. Alright Matthew, I'll man up and put down my name. Now, what are going to do about it?! John Smith

    5. Whoa, chill bro. The guy only wanted to know if anyone found a fossil, body, or part of a body.

      I would settle for some photographic evidence
      with good provenance. Thermal is a tough call. Even when the provenance is good(I believe that is so with the Cutino clip-he seems honest and provided all details), it is difficult to say there were no people in the environs...

  13. I would like to thank Dr. Matthew A. Johnson. Just when we thought that we had run out of lunatics to make fun of, he makes his move and viola! A new Bigfoot Looney Douche is born. Dr. Johnson, Trollandia salutes you.

    1. true dat, there are some real nutcases in this world and its no coincidence bigfooting attracts these people.

  14. Why do we even listen to Matthew the hoaxer Johnson! He is so full of it, he is what we refer to as a habitual liar, a hoaxer & fraud. I would believe Melba Ketchum over him any day and I think she is a fake too!

    1. Dr. W.

      Why do we listen to you? The short answer is that, we don't listen to you. You appear to have serious psychological problems that prevent you from incorporating yourself into society. You further make grandeose false statement for which you produce no proof. As Stanton Friedman has noted in one of his 4 rules for Fraudulent Debunkers, "if you can't attack the data, then attack the messenger, because it's easier". You, Dr. W., appear to be one of those people that Stanton Friedman does not speak highly of! Seek help!

    2. you fools just keep jumping to one bigfoot god after the other. Can't you figure it out yet? There are no magic monkeys, yard apes, wood apes, bigfoots and the best bigfeets.

      You are all fools or a bunch of queers doing gay shit to each other in the woods.

      Lets go bigfooting hahahaha.

    3. Anon 1:10--Dr. Johnson, I presume? Seriously, you need help. And God help anyone who has you as a therapist.

  15. I think I am going to go with the JREF crowd, they are intelligent compared to the BFF crowd so its a safe bet to go with them and say that there is no magic monkey man.

    1. Don't forget your vibrating butt plug or the Queen J Randi will pick you as the official butt plug licker. Unless that's what you like, go ahead.

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  17. There are large paranormal bipeds in the woods, that make sounds that Sasquatch cannot make and act much more aggressively than Sasquatch have been reported to make. I have run into a couple of them and was happy that I had remained standing next to my vehicle. These unknown bipeds could easily be responsible for the 411 disappearances, in my opinion.

    Humans, on the other hand, are more likely than Sasquatch, to kill you, to rape you, to steal from you or leave you with the short end of the stick in some fashion. The only thing that keeps a significant percentage of male humans in check for instance, is the thought of getting caught and prosecuted. The humans that go postal, are only the tip of the iceberg, as many times more are constantly plotting criminal offenses. This is because their brains have been programmed since childhood, to be consumed with criminal thinking. They do not stand out in a crowd because they wait for the right time to prey upon you. The more organized groups of criminal thinking individuals, utilize all of the electronic eavesdropping equipment of the U.S. Government. They use that electronics to see inside your home, to track your gps location, and to record all of your conversations. This recording occurs regardless of whether those conversations are over a telephone or not. Then they either use attorneys instead of a gun, to take over your assets, or they simply wait for you to go on vacation and ransack your house.

    So the Doctor's comparison of humans and Sasquatch, does not quite appear to have covered all the aspects of the discussion. But inadvertantly came to the correct final conclusion in that the Sasquatch are not the unpredictable dangerous beings, that fear mongers will have you believe, in my opinion.

    1. So if the Forest People are not to blame for the 411 disappearances (which I neither believe are or are not), who are?? Genoskwa?? Dog Men??? Elaborate on this please if you will???
      Peace & Love.
      Joe Fitzgerald.

  18. (clive squashy)

    "Most Squatches are very trustworthy"

    ...So much for the - one of the most credible people in the Bigfoot world rating.

    HAW !

  19. Again, very disturbing this person is a practicing psychologist. But, don't they say disturbed people often become psychologists so they can correctly brainwash those in need to THEIR way of pyschosis?

    1. Yeah there is really something wrong with the guy.

      He's pretty screwed up in the head.

  20. Maybe one day he'll get is ass kicked by a "testosterone charged juvenile"........LOL

  21. Daisy is in the box!

    I know you retards want to forget that one.

    It is about time for a new hoax, things are getting boring.

    1. Then how about this "Rick Dyer harpoons Loch Ness monster" ahhhh!

  22. 'Dr' may generate some gravitas for this person, however judging what I read he doesn't seem to have a clue. Am I being harsh? I sense, following his views will be a waste of time.

  23. Dr. Matthew A. Johnson is one of the most uncredible people in the Bigfoot world.

  24. 69th! Yes!

    Oh, and Dr. Johnson is a douche.

  25. I have a confession to make Dr. Johnson.......... (sob)I was brutally sodomized by a Squatch. Good thing I have a Taterhole made of steel. I squeezed my steel taterhole and broke off his penis. I am thinking of sending in to Dr. Ketchum for DNA analysis.


  26. I really, really, really like this guy... a lot. But the truth is that we really don't know enough about this species to categorically state with all confidence that they won't hurt our version of people once we intrude in their environment. I WOULD VERY MUCH ADVISE BIGFOOT/SASQUATCH/FOREST PEOPLE ENTHUSIASTS TO READ 'GIANTS, CANNIBALS AND MONSTERS' BY KATHY MOSKOWITZ STRAIN AND 'MISSING 411' BY DAVID PAULIDES, before venturing into the wilderness to interact with these beings, but once you've done that, please check out anything by JP SMITH and FREEMAN YOUNG. Their book 'COMMUNION WITH SASQUATCH' is amazing and a real education, as of course are the previous two books I mentioned.
    Peace & love.
    Joe Fitzgerald.

    1. Joe, did you read my above post about my Squatch sodomy? Atleast that Hairy Bastard won't be touching anyone sexually anymore! A dickless Squatch is like a unicorn without its horn.


  27. I was out squatching 18th may, I will not disclose the location just yet. I left a gift tray out, peanut butter, fish, the works. Late that night while sitting by the camp fire I got a rock thrown at me, landed a few feet awayan as if not to harm me but to just alert me of its presence. I then heard a wierd growl, sorta long and flat. It kept going on and sometimes the growls, actually groans got loud and fast. I got up to go to my tent to get some food, I felt a huge hairy hand grab me, pull my pants down and buttfuck the shit outa me!

    It all happened up on brokeback mountain. Myself and bigfoot now live together...... We enjoy strolls, hand in hand by the wood. Candle lit dinners. Occasionally have the odd quarrel, but we make up instantly.

    1. Ha ha ha ha ha haaaa!!!!! Very funny.
      Peace & love.
      Joe Fitzgerald.

    2. Soon to be trolled on BFF Habituation Thread....


  28. INDEX MORON!!! He's gonna AD into something important....


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