Watch: This Little Girl Loved Every Second of Almost Being Eaten By a Camel

This little girl is so cute, this video made it on CNN and the Today Show. Here's the story behind this:

We got a new camera that also does video and I really wanted to catch our daughter's excitement about feeding the animals in this drive-through zoo we found. She LOVED feeding every furry animal that would pop it's head up to our car window. We drove slow through the zoo and allowed her to sit up front so that she could help feed the animals while under close supervision.

This was our second loop through the park and the camels were one of her favorites so I wanted to get a video. My husband tried to move quick and I think he did a pretty good job while I just screamed! There is a lot of nervous laughter too... Our daughter is fine but I think we will be a little more careful around those ornery camels next time!


  1. Replies
    1. I'd like to thank Rick Dyer, Tom Biscardi, Todd Standing and most importantly Timmy Fasano.
      I couldn't have made it this far without there undeniable loyalty and honesty in the field.

    2. I think I'm going to be sick

    3. I can't wait for the gag reel

  2. Replies
    1. Loser.

      You just got served a dish of humiliation.

    2. ^^^^ yes you are a loser. And I am sure humiliation is your daily companion. It doesn't have that way. All you need to do is get a job and move out of your parents basement. You will feel a little better

  3. Is it true that the Shooting Bigfoot movie premiere is not listed on the TIFF schedule now? Anyone else heard about this?

    1. Hi guys! Apparently, Shooting Bigfoot plays at 8:29 PM this evening. That is what the schedule says anyway, not 100% certain.......... Lots of time yet....relax, listen to some blogtalk re-runs!

      BIGFOOT ENCOUNTERS has a show posted from April 29, 2013.
      Guest: Brenda Harris
      Give it a listen! Great stuff!

    2. I sure hope someone in the audience is ready with a video camera to give us a play by play when Dyer charges out on stage in nothing but his damn fruiti of the loonies and starts popping off his shotgun.

  4. One more example why stupid people shouldn't be allowed to breed.

  5. Why do you keep posting stuff like this Shawn? I know there always isn't much news in the world of Bigfoot, but this stuff is getting out of hand.

    But it's your blog so you can do what you want. I'm just saying.......

    1. No kidding right? Maybe EX-Team Tazer will not let him post stories/events that he SHOULD be posting about!! Come on!

    2. I think it is cute

      Her daddy and her are having a lot of fun


    3. I think this is a lesson for all parents. If a camel will try to eat your child, imagine what a bigfoot would do. Don't feed bigfoots even if you thinks you are in the safety of your car.

    4. Well, it's tough to fill a 24/7 bigfoot news blog, and it's not like there is anything going on today that would be of any interest to anyone in the bigfoot world.

  6. Replies
    1. What are you talking aboot?

    2. Well you know how it goes on this site! Put it in a jar dude.

    3. Then set off your taterhole alarm, buy and eel, make friends with a beaver, and buy a crappy membership which will get you nothing and you must then like it!

    4. I can't wait til i have my first period!

  7. Hey, anyone been over to the BFF habituation thread lately? It's kind of like being sucked through a wormhole into an alternate reality. And I do mean sucked...

    1. just like Joe Black's latest bigfoot youtube video....features footage of an alleged bigfoot that can (and I quote): "use infra-sound to diffuse light around their bodies, creating a cloaking effect"


    2. I have been there my friend.

      The mind positively boggles.


    3. HA HA maybe Carpenter found Predator he better GET TO THE CHOPPA!!

  8. There's a bigfoot out there just waiting to be caught.

  9. Citizen Hearing On Disclosure: UFO Believers To Testify At Congressional-Style Hearings Huffington Post
    Get live updates on the Hearings here. There's far too much information coming in right now to summarize it all but we've read some very intriguing testimony so far. Take a look for yourself. This is without a doubt going to be a groundbreaking event in UFOology...Meanwhile, Mysterious Universe explains why we should probably hold off on forming an opinion on the Ata controversy because the results are still preliminary. The whole thing is starting to remind us a bit too much of another case that starts with K and rhymes with "etch 'em"...

    1. Holy sh*t that's fantastical dude!

    2. Sasquatches no doubt are aliens perhaps they're like ET's watchdogs dumped here a long time ago to keep an eye on things.

  10. My taterhole alarm is going off like a buck during rutting season.

    1. why are men so fascinated by this?

    2. Because we are the children of the corn.

    3. Anon 10:38

      The only one fascinated with taterholes is the queer posting that rubbish. He's fishing

  11. Apparently every man is born equipped with a fully functioning taterhole alarm ready to go off at the slightest provocation.

  12. Speaking of taterhole alarms, while trying to find some real news I ran across Fasano's latest video on Dyer. Any one seen it? Pretty disturbing, I think the dude has lost his marbles.

  13. T-Fatts is Jell-ass in a BIG way.

  14. UFO hears going on right now! Live blog at Huffington Post

    It has some big speakers and asstronuts also!!

    1. I cant go listen right now, Im busy washing my spaceship.

  15. What happens if Minnow shocks the world tonight and unveils a Bigfoot body? You skeptics will have to gravitate to a UFO, religion, or Loch Ness site.

    1. Im not a skeptic and even I know that isnt going to happen.

  16. No. 2 Fan: Viva La Rick! ​
    By Jacki Leighton-Boyce

    Well I first decided that Rick was indeed telling the truth about the ‘Hank’ story way back in December and from that point on, have taken quite a bashing every time I have stubbornly defended him. However despite this, I hadn’t really considered myself to be a ‘fan’ as such as I associated a fan as being an hysterical teenager clamouring at the backstage door for a glimpse of their favourite Rock Star! BUT after being asked to help develop his fan site, I pondered and realised that yes of course I was most certainly a fan of his! I am a fan of Rick Dyer for many reasons but mainly for these:

    He is smart. Oh so very smart indeed. Some have said the way he lured Hank to that place with ribs was too simple and easy an idea, but that’s just the thing. The simplest ideas are the smartest. His title of Best Bigfoot Tracker is definitely justly deserved.
    He is brave! I mean – can you imagine confronting a beast almost 9ft tall at close range in just your underpants? And even braver still to come onto the airwaves each week despite endless bashing from numerous critics and still keeping his head held high.

    He is loyal to his fans. We all appreciate that Rick ☺​
    He is funny. Boy is he funny. Although there is remotely nothing funny at all about the story of poor Hank, Rick has injected his own particular blend of humour into this story that has been acceptable and greatly needed. And to prove my point, I am posting this, my very favourite video of Rick ‘The Porsche’.

    Viva La Rick!!!

    WTF is wrong with some people?


    1. I think her a cathiee are one and the same. Which means "she" shaves her face morning and night.

    2. As am I, And that bitch is crazy. I've read bff numerous times and everything she says is fuckin horseshit.

    3. She's nothing but a shill for Minnow Films and will soon disappear.

    4. Dyer couldn't have written a better love letter to himself if he tried. It is to over the top laughable, there is no way she is real.

      Anyone who actually goes to this thing, check the audience for Jacki & cathiee. Tell us if they are real people.

    5. Jacki used to post here.

      Pre-brainwashing of course.


    6. She posted here until she realized nobody was going to be gullible enough to buy her Minnow Films promo. So she skipped off to BFF and found a ready audience to toy with.

  17. She slept with him to get a membership discount.

  18. if any of you people that are here for entertainment and want a really good laugh check out rex duttons latest video. absolute tooner!!! he claims dyer originally had a body in 2008 and the mib took it. DAMNNN I bet that guys got a gold membership.

    1. He accidentally released that video back in early December. Took it down about 5 minutes later -- obviously was supposed to wait for the big movie premier lol


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