My Doctorate Degree And Personal / Professional Integrity!

Editor’s Note: Dr. Matthew A. Johnson is one of the most credible people in the Bigfoot world. In July 1, 2000, Dr. Johnson had a "Class A" Bigfoot encounter with his family while hiking near the Oregon Caves. After his life changing sighting, he went to the public and described one of the most intense encounters ever. You can join him on Facebook at Team Squatchin USA.

Lately, I've been running into attitudes from a few individuals about my level of education. Yes, I have ten years of college education under my belt (i.e., BSW from the University of Alaska at Anchorage (1984); MSW from Rutgers University (1989); MA in Clinical Psychology (1992) and Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology (1994) from George Fox University. HOWEVER, I've NEVER claimed to "know it all" nor have I ever stated that "I'm always right because I have a Doctorate degree."

Those kind of accusations spring forth from individual insecurities due to their own lack of education. They conclude that everyone with a Doctorate degree thinks they're better than everyone else. ANYONE WHO TRULY KNOWS ME, knows that is the farthest thing from the truth regarding who I am and how I think about myself. I know my poop stinks. I also know that I put my underwear on the same way everyone else does - Yellow in the front and brown in the back. I most certainly don't think very highly of myself and I put myself down quite humorously on several occasions.

Matter of fact, I truly believe that the reason why I have four college degrees isn't because of how smart or brilliant I am. Rather, it's simply because I'm good at setting goals, rolling up my sleeves, putting my nose to the grindstone, and making it happen no matter what it takes. I graduated with high GPA's not because I was the brightest bulb on the marquis but because I studied twice as hard as everyone else. I had to study twice as hard as everyone else because I'm just an average guy.

Some people in Bigfootdom (past and present) were/are ticked at me because I receive a lot of media attention because I'm "Dr Johnson" (i.e., "The only reason why the media is going after this guy is because he has a doctorate degree! What makes him anymore credible than someone without a doctorate degree?"). Well, they're right. I'm NOT anymore credible than someone without a doctorate degree. I never claimed that I was. HOWEVER, I do enjoy speaking and educating the public. I spoke in 80 cities per year for over ten years (i.e., All 50 States; Most Canadian Provinces; and at the World Family Therapy Conference in Europe). I've trained over 100,000 professionals. THEREFORE, if the media wants to pursue me because I stand out to them because I have a doctorate degree, you can bet your bottom dollar that I'm going to say "YES" to them because, once again, I enjoy speaking and educating the public. I'm a very seasoned speaker, very funny, and my audience is always happy and satisfied when I'm done.

Also, some people "Friend" me on Facebook because of our mutual interest in the Bigfoot phenomena and then they get angry with me when they see my personal political posts on my personal timeline. NEWS FLASH!!! That's my personal timeline. I keep my politics separate from my Bigfooting and so should you. Don't focus on what we don't share in common. Rather, focus on what we do share in common. If you don't like my political postings on my personal timeline, then here's a suggestion for you...... IGNORE THEM and move on. I accept all of my friends for who they are. They don't have to think and behave the same way I do. If I disagree with their political posts, I don't try to pick a fight or put them down. I just IGNORE THEM and move on. If they're rude to me, I simply delete their rude postings. I keep "Team Squatchin USA" free of religion, politics, Chupacabra, UFO's, Lochness, Mothman, Dogman, Elvis, etc. for a reason. "Team Squatchin USA" is about Bigfoot and Bigfoot only.

In short, rather than "ASS/U/ME" the worst about me, how about taking the time to try and get to know me. I may be EDUMAKATED but I ain't be actin dat way!!!

Oh yes.... one last point.... INTEGRITY is everything to me. Unlike some well known HOAXERS out there in Bigfootdom who many blind individuals faithfully follow, I DON'T LIE!!! Actually, I'm one of those people who ALWAYS TELLS THE TRUTH. So if I tell you that I saw something or experienced something...... guess what???? ..... it's because I saw it and/or experienced it. In other words, IT REALLY HAPPENED!!! Now if things such as "Cloaking", "Mind Speak", "Zapping", "Technology Avoidance", and a "Spoken Language" don't conveniently fit inside your small rigid box as to what you think Bigfoot is all about, that's not my issue. That's for you to sort through on your own or I'm willing to help you sort it through. HOWEVER, you don't get to call me a LIAR or a HOAXER because my experiences don't fit in your rigid little box. I'm not a liar or hoaxer. That is NOT who I am nor will it ever be.

I'm glad you're a member of "Team Squatchin USA" and that we are "Friends" on Facebook. If you're not a member of "Team Squatchin USA" yet, please come join us. If we aren't "Friends" on Facebook yet, please feel free to send me a request. We are in this to share our information and experiences with one another. There's much to learn. HOWEVER, unless you have facts to back up that someone is a HOAXER and a LIAR, then don't call them one without first providing proof to back up your allegations. Everyone is equal in Bigfootdom. Edumakation means nothing. Integrity means everything.

Squatch on!!!

Dr Matthew A Johnson

(Owner of the "Team Squatchin USA" Facebook Group)
P.S. "Trolls" and "Moles" need not apply.

Watch Dr. Johnson''s Bigfoot encounter here:


  1. Replies
    1. Web redemtion kid from Tosh.o.gotta love it..!

    2. The enigmatic, and at times even mysterious Red Pill Junkie is featured as a blogger at a variety of websites in the fringe, paranormal, and Fortean circles. Blogger and weekly newsman for sites that include The Daily Grail, Mysterious Universe, and Intrepid Magazine’s blog, Red Pill Junkie scours the web for not just the latest news regarding the unexplained, but provides a wealth of information regarding the strange and often “synchromystic” parallels between different attitudes, ideas, and cultural staples.

    3. Gingers have feelings too

  2. My taterhole alarm is going off like a buck during rutting season.

  3. He says he's not arrogant as he arrogantly explains how unique and special he is. Uh huh, a shrink who needs a shrink.

  4. Gay gay gay, and sticking one toe out of the closet here. First be true to yourself before trying to convince us.

    1. I am a psycologist I would say this about our friend:

      Narcissus, from whose myth narcissism has been named, was the son of the river god Cephissus and the nymph Liriope. He fell in love with his own image reflected in water, pined away, and was transformed into the flower which bears his name. According to the Roman poet Ovid, the metamorphosis of Narcissus was a punishment for having rejected the nymph Echo, who fell in love with Narcissus but who was unable to speak except by repeating his words. The geographer Pausanias gives another version in which Narcissus fell in love with his twin sister; when she died, he thought he had found her again in his reflection.

      Perhaps because of its contribution to debates about the nature of representation and the relationship between what is seen and what is real, the myth has been very popular as a subject in art, both during and since the classical period. About fifty murals depicting Narcissus survive from Pompeii alone. The best-known work from the modern period representing the myth is probably Salvador Dali's Metamorphosis of Narcissus. It is also a significant myth in psychological work. Narcissus' love for his own reflection is the origin of Freud's idea of narcissism as a stage in the development of the ego. Lacan saw primary narcissism as concerned with the creation of awareness of the body as body; he also drew attention to the fragmentation of the body in this myth, with Echo as voice alone, and Narcissus as the gaze. Derrida suggested that Freud was himself Narcissus, the man fascinated by his own image.

    2. Wow, a psychologist who can't spell psychologist.

  5. I believe his ex wife had a few things to say about his truthfulness about Bigfoot. Granted it's his ex, but she's not talking about domestic complaint issues with that subject-just sayin'

    1. Crazy man making money on bigfoot (he's currently writting a book) you just gotta love these carnies that bring in the gulible suckas!!

      He has all these chicks on his facebook page swooning like he's brad pitt.

    2. For just one dollar folks I'll guess your weight, your height or your sex!

  6. He was ok with little Ricky Deyer until Deyer bashed him and called him "Dr. Douchebag"

  7. And at night Kabibonokka,
    To the lodge came wild and wailing,
    Heaped the snow in drifts about it,
    Shouted down into the smoke-flue,
    Shook the lodge-poles in his fury,
    Flapped the curtain of the door-way.
    Shingebis, the diver, feared not,
    Shingebis, the diver, cared not;
    Four great logs had he for firewood,
    One for each moon of the winter,
    And for food the fishes served him.
    By his blazing fire he sat there,
    Warm and merry, eating, laughing,
    Singing, "O Kabibonokka,
    You are but my fellow-mortal!"

  8. He lives in a habitation area that has so many bigfoots that if you don't watch where your walking at night you'll get run over!! (they borrow his golf cart I heard!!

  9. All that education and he still believes in the magic monkey.

    1. Education does not equal intelligence.

  10. Did anyone else notice the incredible number of times this guy used the words "I" and "me" in his rant?

    Self-centred much Doc?

  11. Did anyone else notice the incredible number of times this guy used the words "I" and "me" in his rant?

    Self-centred much Doc?

  12. It's safe to say I'm not a fan of the good doctor.

    I skimmed his epic monologue about himself and quickly came to the conclusion that my initial assessment was indeed correct.

    I also dislike his moobs somewhat. Very unseemly for a man of relatively young age.


  13. Who cares. Look at those tits!

  14. Well at least no one called him a cum catching lice infested vaccuous cock holster.

  15. He did not have a Class A encounter. He was taking a dump, when he saw a large shadow move, pulled up his pants and ran. He called more than one researcher and reported it as it happened then. Not the same story today.

  16. Kinda full of himself and DOESN"T LIE!!!!

  17. He has always been one of the least credible Bigfoot witnesses as far as I'm concerned. Mainly on account of his uncanny ability to turn on the waterworks right on cue, every time he recounts his little lie....

  18. steven streufert,not rumferlife,haSaturday, April 27, 2013 at 5:44:00 PM PDT

    He is a fool of a fool,Shawn,stop defying me and remove him


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