Just Like Today, Rick Dyer Was Able To Convince Thousands In 2008 That He Had a Bigfoot In a Freezer

Check out this video and picture FB/FB or Musky Allen in place of Tom Biscardi. Biscardi was thoroughly convinced that Rick Dyer had a body in a freezer and staked his reputation on Dyer's words. In Dyer's new scheme, the popular Facebook group, FB/FB is standing by Dyer's claim by promising to shut down their page if it's proven to be another hoax by Dyer: "To those skeptics and haters, we have not shut down prior to the April 30th. We are still 100% behind the camper/tent videos. It is a real Sasquatch and we back Rick Dyer’s account 110%."


  1. Replies
    1. you can garentee that pwned butthurt bleevetard on here got fooled by dyer in 08 and I bet he still bought a gold membership

      what a tooner!!

    2. Platinum $199/​24 hr sale​​
      See Photos and Videos before Public and Silver​

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      *After April 30th 2013 - Fee will increase!

      Plus More!!!

      Too good to miss out on, I bought 5.

    3. Does he accept poop in a jar?

    4. Do you sell it by weight or volume?

    5. He doesn't accept poop in a jar, only Jack shit nothing in a freezer

    6. Mr. Ricky Dyer is a FAT HAIRY CUNT!! PERIOD!!!

    7. True dat.True dat.

  2. Sometimes I get them Menstrual Cramps Real Hard.

    1. Just push as hard as you can.

    2. anon 1:24 got the reference.

    3. Its almost like I have read this conversation before...its so strange.

    4. Deja vu type experiences on Bigfoot Blogs are a tell tale sign that a Sasquatch Mind-Rape has recently occured. That, and an engorged taterhole. May the force be with you.

  3. fourthsies.. and is Rick is a TOOL -

  4. Bigfoot Tonight blogtalk radio...LIVE...TONIGHT...9 PM!

    Guest: Robert Lindsay!

    I made this announcement yesterday and I apologize, the show is tonight, NOT last night. If anyone got over excited with anticipation about it (like me) I apologize!!

    My wife is still at her mother's(!) (she goes every weekend because of my blogtalk listening marathons).

    Guys, there is a seemingly endless supply of bigfoot blogtalk shows online! It is incredible! A plethora of information awaits everyone on these reruns!

    1. A bunch of recycled Nothing for the Liking...Sweet

    2. I would make sure your wife is really at her mothers dude. Just sayin

    3. Are you trying to insinuate that this guy's wife could be having an affair because he spends all of his spare time looking for/talking about a creature who's existence is debatable?

      Shame on you.


    4. ^That's what I was thinking. You might wanna pop on over to mom-in-laws to check in. She might be at Todd Packers place..

    5. Maybe she's just protecting the kids by keeping them away from Lindsay, Dyer is a piece of shit but Lindsay ls just as bad.

    6. He looks like he would eat spam straight out of the can while writing his blog. Potted meat.
      Spams gross

    7. Spam is a type of made from people food.

    8. SPAM - Sasquatch Potted Anal Meat - MmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmm!

    9. Fried Spam in a Tortilla MMMMMMMMMM

  5. biscardi is one of the greatest footers of all time

    1. Beckjord is the greatest footer of all time. Period. He would kick everyone's ass if he was alive today.

    2. Ray Wallace and Roger Patterson are the most important figures in footer history for sure. Ray started this fiasco in '58. He and Roger provided Green, Bryne and Dahindren etc with the "evidence" throughout the '60s...

    3. What we need is some Beckjord interviews up in here. That would be something!

    4. You'll have to settle for Nothing up in here...and like it.

  6. Biscardi was in on the Georgia hoax from the beginning. He and Dyer are peas in a pod nd it would not be surprising if they try again soon.

    1. Soon as in.....NOW! GOTCHA'GAIN HA HA!

    2. What Dyer isn't trying enough for you already?

    3. G Marshall has just awoken from a year long coma. Give the guy a break...


    4. Pretty sure I saw these guys spreadin pixie dust on the Tilt-a-whirl ride at the Ga State Fair last year. They said they hope to be barkin for the Yak Lady next go-around. These men are going places.

    5. Anna Nicole died! When did that happen!!

    6. Birds of a shit feather flock together

  7. If I wasn't so Damn Stupid, I'd stop coming to this site. Oh well, pass the nothing, Please.

  8. The only thing Biscardi was convinced of was that he could get some mainstream media time if he hitched his wagon to this hoax. He lied about having touched and smelled the body. He had no misgivings about the true nature of Dyer's claims because he knew it was a hoax from the beginning. Biscardi and Dyer are cut from the same cloth.

    Frankly, the people who believe Dyer this time around deserve zero sympathy, and unfortunately, it now looks like FB/FB is not a group of overzealous, well-meaning BF enthusiasts, but bonafide scammers in league with Dyer.

    1. Biscardi made several million dollars in the scam by charging people to view pictures on his website. In some kind of legal action, he returned the money of whoever asked for their $0.25 back. Few asked for it back.

  9. So they stumbled upon a corpse of bigfoot just leaning against a tree?
    Wasn't this the bigfoot they claimed they shot in the back of the head?
    I can't keep this story straight-
    And didn't anyone in the audience bring up the hoax this guy put out before.
    And why were they in the woods?
    looking for bigfoot? He never believed in bigfoot?


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