How Much Would You Pay For The Patterson-Gimlin Footage?

According to Bigfoot experts, frame 352 from the Patterson footage is the most famous, purportedly authentic, "monster" photo known to man. This frame is the best shot of "Patty" Bigfoot creature in mid-stride. M.K. Davis currently has a 50 megabyte raw image of this frame and in this video, he explains why it's worth more than the "$17,5000" price that Robin Lynn Forest People is asking for on Ebay. So far no one has placed bid on this priceless photograph originally sent to Robin from a Russian scientist named Igor Burtsev.

If you're unsure if the Ebay posting by Robin is authentic, various sources have told us that Bill Munns' appraised for Igor before it was handed over to Robin to put on Ebay.

How Much Would You Pay For a Good Copy of PGF Footage? free polls 


  1. Replies
    1. Anyone else think Robert Lindsay is helping promote Rick Dyer's latest hoax?

    2. ^ Read his latest blog post. He believes Rick Dyer. I bet he has a "gold" membership...

    3. Lindsay's new post says Dyer will move back the reveal until August. Kinda sounds familiar doesn't it?

      There's a better chance that there's a squatch peeking in my window as I type this than there is that Dyer has ever even seen a squatch in his life. Damn it! This shit is going to drag out forever.

      And what about Lindsay berating a guy for having tons of "sources" but little to no real information. Does he have no sense of irony?

    4. That monkeys gonna have freezer burn!

    5. Lindsay is the lead lemming, calling to the rest of the lemmings to follow him right into the sea.

      Ha ha, Lindsay The Lemming!

    6. The eyes of a Bigfoot are very interesting. They appear to be like dog or cat eyes. Dogs, cats and other animals possess a light-reflecting surface known as the tapetum lucidum, located between the optic nerve and the retina. It operates like a mirror, reflecting the light and allowing the rods and cones another opportunity to pick up the limited amount of light available at night. This explains why their eyes glow when a light source hits them at night. This also would explain why they sometimes glow on their own with no apparent light source. Even on the darkest night with no moon there is still light present. It may be very slight starlight but it is there. Since the Bigfoot’s eyes are picking up this light and reflecting it, it often gives them the appearance that their eyes are glowing at night.

    7. Chewy, you would pay that much for wookie porn?


    1. My taterhole alarm is going off like a buck during rutting season.


    3. I doubt it is real. You can see what looks like an outline of a shoulder pad. The butt and thigh area are bad too. What is that stupid triangle supposed to be? Ugh. Roger filmed at a distance for a reason....

    4. The suit was made in 8-10 sectioned parts. It was done this way so as to store in saddle bags on the horses. This was well known back in 1984 when a study was done by a athropology teacher in LA, Calif. Also read the book by Greg Long for more info.

      This was a great hoax and still is!!

    5. Should be easy to recreate then, right?

    6. Probably easier than hell. But, its so fake why waste the time.

    7. It would be very difficult to recreate the original Patty suit so that it looks identical to Patty. Patterson used his professional leather working tools and know-how to create a one of a kind costume. If you don't know exactly what components comprised the suit (i.e. what type of shoulder pads, helmet, padding, etc. were used) and have someone with the same height and build as the wearer of the costume, any recreation will not look like Patty.

    8. True dat! That's what this Anthropology teacher had mention: "The suit, was made to fit", it was one of a kind.

    9. Just cause a teacher said it doesn't make it correct. Why has the person who wore the suit never came forward and said how it was made or worn. Judging by the statement above it couldn't of been Bob H, he never said anything about a 8 to 10 piece costume. You would think he would be able to say what it was made of.

    10. That's because I made all that shit up JUST TO SHOW YOU what Rick Dyer is doing..Making shit up.

      Its a real creature me thinks.

    11. to all you dumb ass doubters, come into the light. No one has ever made a good copy, because it is impossible to make now, much less over 40 years ago.

    12. One thing I never understood.... if it was a hoax, why did they go so far out in the middle of nowhere to do it? I live somewhat close to the film site (an hour and a half), and there are plenty of places to shoot a hoax that are closer to civilization.

      Any ideas?

    13. Uh yeah. You go somewhere where there are no people so no one sees the guy putting on a costume and being filmed.

    14. ^good point! These people who claim hoax on all of these sightings, thermals , and the Patty film don't realize is people wouldn't go that out of the way to do a hoax. Plus people give up secrets and jokes eventually! If murderers can't keep a secret how the Hell could somebody pulling a hoax or prank On Bigfoot keep it under wraps? They can't .

    15. My point is, there are a lot of places like that around here that are much easier to get to. If you want a zagnut bar, do you go to the store down the street, or get in your car and drive an hour and a half?

      So with so many other easier options, why did they go into the middle of nowhere?

    16. Yes the middle of nowhere, but not "nowhere" enough to have it developed and ready for viewing in 40 hours....

    17. 4:42: Thigh area: The thighs are not covered by a layer of any kind, shown by the vibration of meat and muscle during the semi-stumble. This is obvious on the stablized versions, and more obvious on Davis's enhanced color stabilized version. You will need a new explanation besides suit whent it comes to the legs.

      6:44: A helmet? That's a grasping-at-straws claim.

      6:03, 6:41, 6:44: That's one of the poorest excuses I've ever heard in order to avoid the evidence in the PGF and to claim a costume was used. That's really pathetic. 6:41 what you said in particular is a joke.

      Has anyone determined the measurements and geometry of Patty's eyes? Are they too far apart to be those of a human? If the eye sockets are too far apart for them to be in a human skull, you have a problem and need to come up with more ideas on how it could have been hoaxed.

      The BBC and Bob Hilarious recreation attempts are laughable jerk-motion pieces of junk. You'll be on the floor choking with hilarity when you watch them on YT. Watch the BBC's red-haired fake Sasquatch doing the jerk-dance. They can't even come close to what is represented in the PGF.

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  4. I wouldnt pay for anything to do with bigfoot. Bitches be crazy to spend anything on a myth. Silly.

    1. Amazing work you are doing. Have you ever attempted communication with them through thought?
      Sending a thought of friendship, kindness,a hello. Ask if they can come closer?

  5. I'm drunk as usual, but I'm going to go ahead and say this is the best evidence of bigfoot I've ever encountered, anywhere, ever.

    It's hard to fake nipples.

    I'll review my drunk comments in the morning to establish if sober me agrees..

    1. Hey man. I'm drunk too and I agree. But there is a lot of beer left

    2. ^I concur with drunk me.

      (Sober Me)

  6. I'd like to up the bid to 17,6000 dollars


    1. Phoo BearJanuary 16, 2013 at 7:27 PM

      Based solely on a pre-episode of "Finding Bigfoot, Season 3", when a short clip of the entire "Finding" team (I counted eight people including the BFRO Team Members) was walking single file into a proposed "investigation" area, anyone with I.R. (Infra Red) vision would be able to see this group from a half mile at the very least.
      The reason for this is that every member of the team, be they camera-men to sound-men had an I.R. lamp attached either to their heads or their backpacks as do the BFRO Team Members.
      It seems to me that if the Bigfoot can see in the I.R. range of the spectrum, then these I.R. lamps would illuminate the "Finding Bigfoot" team as they tramp through the forest, always keeping a safe distance from the investigators.

    2. true. it's like deer hunting with a brass band. no chance.

  7. Wow who would pay anything for a film of a bloke in a crappy monkey suit

  8. 26:47 of MK Davis rambling on. It's obvious that I don't use my time constructively---I'm here aren't I? But even I've got my limits.

  9. I wouldn't pay shit for the pgf.

    Free Tontar. Fuck Gimlin.

    1. ^^^Tontar the Tater Invader.

    2. Tontar the hoaxer will be dealt with quickly and effectively.


  10. $17,500 would buy a lot of mud helmet.

    1. Right? Imagine how much you could buy for $17,5000!

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  12. Sorry MK. I don't see an open mouth and I sure as hell don't see any teeth. I am sure you could lasso and boost contrast enough to see her taterhole though.

    1. I would love to talk to you sometime. My family has about 5000 acres of land in the mountains and there are fresh water springs and plenty of woods. Wondering if it would be a good place to look for these humanoids?

  13. Its a dude in scuba gear with fur pasted on it made in 8-10 parts. Back in 1984 my anthropology teacher did a study on this with some other scientist and that's what they cam up with.

    1. Should be easy to recreate then, right?

    2. Yeah, that's what I thought. I guess its a given though that this was proved a hoax and why waste the money and time.

    3. By the way, exactly who proved this was a hoax? When?

    4. then recreate it. All the previous attempts looked like crap comapred to it. So I wish people out there took up the challenge. Shouldn't be too hard with today's better fabrics and technology.

  14. I really enjoy your work. Your passion and intelligence shine in all that you put out there. I love the way you break everything down so that even a first grader could understand. Thank you for all your hard work and please keep up all the great work!!

    1. You're not going to ask me to visit your website?

  15. Amazing field work...Your thoroughness and approach to documenting your findings make for very interesting and convincing material..I have had the privilege of meeting and participating in field research with Dr Bindernagel,( and he was also a welcomed dinner guest) in and around Timbergiant Bigfoots research area and I already accept the existence of Sasquatch as fact..Your work is key in aiding skeptics as well as mainstream science that perhaps, they should be taking a much closer look. If your ever interested in researching in like to extend a peronal invitation anytime.
    respectfully yours,
    Jason kennell

  16. I love seeing these! I have your vid of pics w/ santa hats on my favs and I love to watch it. It just blows my mind to know these are out there! At least these dont look angry at you. Please keep up your great work!

  17. I'm not sure MK is the best person to be identifying the presence of female nipples.

  18. The suit was made in 8-10 sectioned parts. It was done this way so as to store in saddle bags on the horses. This was well known back in 1984 when a study was done by a athropology teacher in LA, Calif. Also read the book by Greg Long for more info.

    This was a great hoax and still is!!

    1. Should be easy to recreate then, right?

    2. Patterson propelled himself into short-lived fame and fortune by exploiting his obsession with the Bigfoot subject and leveraging his expertise in manipulating and conning people to pull off one of the world’s great hoaxes.

    3. Yeah, he was a good carney !! The suit he made fooled lots of folks because of the film is so far away an blurrey. Its pixelated so much you can see faces everywhere.

    4. wait till you see Dyer's prop! Now that's good!

  19. Hi Losers in 8-10 sectioned ape suit parts (LOL Anon. 6:03!!!)!!!!!!!
    Soon Rick Dyer can show you a bigfoot - and Shawn Evidence STILL cannot show you a girlfriend (at least no pretty one..). do not make fun of him: he is just like YOU!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I read that Rick Dyer is a sociopath so I don't follow his research.

    2. The Cardiff Giant

      The Cardiff Giant was one of the most famous hoaxes in United States history. It was a 10-foot (3.0 m) tall purported "petrified man" uncovered on October 16, 1869, by workers digging a well behind the barn of William C. "Stub" Newell in Cardiff, New York. Both it and an unauthorized copy made by P.T. Barnum are still on display.

      Ricky D. will never top this matter how much attention he wants.

  20. Patty is supposedly a female sasquatch. Not to be crude, but when you're out in public (that would exclude the basement dwelling firsters here), watch the butt of any larger woman as they walk away. The butt is not totally immobile. The gluteus maximus moves along with the stride of the walk.

    Now watch Patty's butt as "she" walks away. Patty's butt is entirely immobile. If it was a real creature, that butt would move along with the stride as it does in humans.

    1. That was brought up back in 1984 when the anthropology Proffessor brought that up in a slide show. The suit was well made, but details like that were impossible to duplicate.

    2. Patty is a sasquatch not a human. When I look at humans on the street I don't see arms that reach to the knee or heads that sit directly on shoulders. Point is just cause they walk upright doesn't mean they are going to have the same body dynamics of a human.

    3. Those features can be explained away. Patty's arm length is due to arm extensions in the costume. The appearance of the head sitting on the shoulders is easily explained by the use of some type of shoulder pad under the costume, thereby covering the appearance of a neck.

      What cannot be explained away is the immobile butt. This simply would not happen if Patty was a real creature. Absolutely would not.

    4. Another point. During the last Olympics in London I made a point of studying the female sprinters gluteus maximus. In order to create world class sprinter status, these women and men train this anatomy extensively as it supports all the other leg muscles. There butts are larger than say a model but do not display the nearly the same degree of lateral and vertical movement of a heavier or fat woman. If you were to shave Pattys but or grown several inches of hair on female sprinters they would look the same. Sasquatches are built both for speed and endurance and have been clocked at speeds over 30 mph. They also have a different gait that is more like a well trained cross country skier, which would also account for discrepancies.

      Hope this helps Anon 7 04. You can't compare apples and oranges which Anon 7 48 confirms.

    5. LMAO. I'm sure that everyone else who studied the asses of women sprinters at the Olympics didn't do so for bigfoot research purposes.

      Who clocked squatches sprinting at 30 mph? That's BS.

    6. Observed by many eyewitnesses including police of one running alongside traffic slowed on a freeway. One witness happened to look at one point at his speedometer and it was running along side of the car. Also one that was running across an open meadow that was filmed and they estimated the speed by how it travelled from point A to B. So keep laughing because you havn't researched this subject enough!

    7. Anon 12 36 is correct. Good to see a few people who know something. It has happened more times than people know, when one will run alongside a vehicle sometimes for quite a distance, and it is those people that have documented speed. Some, probably younger athletic males, have been at 40 mph as fast as a race horse. I studied the female rear ends of sprinters to get a comparison of what I see on Patty. I thought that female athletic sprinting women with not much body fat would be as close to a female Sasquatch physic as we could get. Take away the hair and they are quite similar.

  21. They are still talking about this film here (2036) in your future. Can you believe it!!

    John Titor - Time Traverler from the year 2036

  22. Is Bob Gimlin lying through his teeth?

    1. we never find out actually. The myth continues into 2036....sorry

  23. I like the part where he lassos the nipples.

  24. so assuming it was a hoax which many people think it is my question is why do all the recreations look like crap ?

    1. Read some of the comments above related to recreating the costume.

    2. Because its real? But, I think its like the Roswell UFO crash...its back and forth real, not real..

      I made all that crap up about 8-10 piece suit..just to show folks that its easy to say it fake ..but, hard to prove its real..its 1967 and deep in the woos...if Roger faked it..he was doing the impossible as far as I'm concered. How the hell could he have pulled it off? Bob Gimlin swears its real and he's up there inage...why lie. Bob Gimlin is the key.

    3. Just like Travis Walton's UFO abduction..real? Its been since 1975 and nobody has proved he jaked everybody around. Its hard to prove cause we weren't there. His buddies still back him up! Go figure. If its true...holy crap! He was taken by beings from who knows where!! If he made it up...all his buddies and Travis have been jacking everybody around. I find that (jacking)most unbelievalbe. The dude was taken!!

    4. Because Bob Gimlin has said for decades that the creature was real, and he has made money from the film via speaking at Bigfoot conferences.

      Gimlin's reputation would be ruined along with his family name if now, after all these decades of saying that the creature was real and making money, he would admit that the film was a hoax.

      What's happening to Lance Armstrong right now? He's being sued by people who want their money back.

    5. That's a damn good point!! It is possible he dug himself in to deep a hole and he's told himself...I'm gonna go with "it really happened" cause I'd be called every name in da book etc...

      Good point..

    6. Yup. Bigfoot is a multi-million dollar industry. Many make money with bigfoot, and some make a living with bigfoot (e.g. the Finding Bigfoot cast and crew).

      This industry rests largely on one thing, the Patterson film. If Gimlin were to admit that the film was hoaxed, much if not all of the bigfoot industry would collapse. Gimlin is making money (and getting acclaim and standing ovations when he speaks at bigfoot conference), and others are making money. Why shut off the gravy train?

    7. I know the bigfoot industry is huge now and a lot of people are making money (or moneymakers) but I'm not so sure Gimlin has made a fortune for his part. i know he's been at some conferences but hasn't that been recent ? He could have made a fortune writing books, making movies, doing tv shows, guiding expeditions to the original site. Maybe he has made some money but not as much as other known hoaxers or self promoters who seem to be everywhere.

    8. I already blew this up a couple of weeks ago. Gimlim has made next to nothing on this encounter and the 40 some years after. He passed up a million dollar paycheck from producer of Monster Quest, Doug Hajicek to come clean about how they hoaxed it. He stood by the events. His reputation is already stellar with all who know him, and not a one doubts him.

  25. Does the govenment have a secret 'black project' time machine?

  26. Look at the "The Allagash Abduction" is a purported UFO sighting and alien abduction that is alleged to have occurred in 1976. The witnesses said the incident started on August …
    1976 (one year after Travis) something is going on..

  27. Only worth what someone pays...

  28. "The description of the aliens was consistent. The four men – being artists – were able to make detailed sketches of the entities, the craft, and the examining instruments. Chuck Rak added that the aliens' test area was similar to a vet's office, with a silvery table. He also related a strange fact: he had much difficulty in focusing on the aliens. When he tried, he could not put an exact image to them. He compared it to trying to tune in a fuzzy radio station."

    I find this interesting because I myself was faced with an unknown entity and for the life of me (I can draw very good)I can't put pen to paper and draw the sucker! I was face to face with this thing and it even touched me (which knocked my ass out) and I couldn't tell you what it looked like exactly except it was under 5 feet tall, thin ugly ass grinning head, crab like (or pincher) type hands, sort of rassberry color maybe (not sure) it glided it seemed toward me very fast as I began to scream...and befor I was "on me" touched me on the arm..I looked at its "claw" and passed out.

    I woke up buzzzing all over my body. I thought "WTF!!"

    It never happened again . But, stange things did. Very stranges things ...

  29. We are the men in brown. If you are a hot chick, fear us. We come for your taterhole.

    1. Yes we dress up as aliens. That is why there are so many reports of probing.

  30. digital cowboys use digital lassos to herd digital cattle

  31. Check out CNN news. A bunch of college educated people in Santiago Chile took a 3 day old baby taped it to a board and burned it alive in a bonfire. They claimed it was the anti christ. I for one will sleep much better knowing they "got him".

  32. Do you JREF butt plugs still bleeve Kitakaze found the P/G suit then gave it all up to become a secret agent like you bleeved all of his other obvious lies ?

    1. I believe the secret agent part, but think he lied about finding a suit....

  33. I'd pay more for the Kim Kardashian sex tape...

    and I value that right around 1 Canadian Penny.

    1. They don't exist anymore (the canadian penny)

  34. Wouldnt pay one cent .It isn't worth a Looney Tune cartoon.
    Fake crap by fake people to promote a fake creature.
    Got to be an idiot to believe in bigfoot

  35. George Jones, country superstar, has died

    April 26, 2013, 10:23 AM EST

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- George Jones, the peerless, hard-living country singer who recorded dozens of hits about good times and regrets and peaked with the heartbreaking classic "He Stopped Loving Her Today," has died. He was 81.

  36. Scientists Discuss Invisible Alien Life On Earth Open Minds
    This fascinating theory proposes that an entire world of invisible creatures could co-exist here on earth alongside us. Astrophysicist Paul Davies thinks we haven't uncovered this "shadow biosphere" because we haven't looked for it yet. Could this explain shadow people and other shadowy anomalies reported by many people throughout history? Maybe it would also explain this sort of experience too--California witness reports waking to 15 entities in bedroom.

  37. Is there an alternate ending?

    1. Apparently, Gimlin will release a director's cut.....soon

  38. Because there is no better place to film the BLUFF of the century than BLUFF Creek. These old Hippies were smarter than most think. Herbal Remedies can make one get pretty creative.


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