Here's The Damage Control From Rick Dyer's Friend "Musky Allen"

The Rick Dyer hoax machine is now on full damage control and all parties including Musky Allen, Rick Dyer and Facebook Find Bigfoot are on the defensive. Now that the film "Shooting Bigfoot" has shown that Dyer had been hoaxing all along, here's a statement from Musky Allen -- someone who claims to have seen the alleged dead "body":

OK Folks. I've talked with Jack barnes on the phone. He said the film was disappointing. The film showed a Sasquatch running from where the ribs where hung from the tree after Morgan got Rick from the tent....Rich gives chase and shoots into the dark presumably at the dark figure which is believed to be the Bigfoot. Morgan wrestles with rick for the gun. As Rick runs off into the dark the Bigfoot which is seen from 2 feet away slams into Morgan knocking him onto the ground. after a few seconds Morgan regains his camera, stands up with the bigfoot staring into the lens showing it's whole face....after a short scurmish, the film ends...

No daylight footage....If morgan has additional footage like Rick had seen, then perhaps he'll release it with a statement....I don't know!...Jack wasn't too happy how Morgan made the bigfoot world look foolish how he presents the image of these people! - Musky Allen

Here's the review of "Shooting Bigfoot" if you haven't read it:


  1. Replies
    1. Yup i am too much reading

    2. Yes, but you must claim it. Like this: First!

    3. Damn effed up my first first because i was doing Too much reading

    4. I sent an email to Minnow Films well over a month ago, asking for a statement regarding Rick Dyer whom I suspected was in the process of defrauding a large number of people and who was using Minnow Films to add credibility to his claims. I never received a reply.
      Matthew's is just as guilty as Dyer in all this.

    5. How do you spell scurmish?

    6. Robin Forrestpeople spells it skermitch.

    7. FBFB IS DELETING NEGATIVE COMMENTS! SHOCKING! I was first on their latest post (no big deal), basically saying I wasn't surprised people thought the movie was shit, and the bastards deleted it!

    8. False alarm... they posted twice so when I looked at the duplicate and my comment was gone I thought they deleted it. But still, it sounds like the stupid movie didn't prove shit, and they'll weasel out of shutting down the page

    9. Holy crap in a hat they are getting pummeled LOL i think there are to many negative comments to delete

    10. Tom Biscardi is portrayed in Shooting Bigfoot as the "Godfather" of bigfoot researchers. The media will love that.

    11. Biscardi's always been part of the cover-up, I think he's on someone's payroll to act the weird bigfoot clown and really ridicule the subject.

    12. I was at the film premiere. Im a believer, I was so excited for this film, and I left Toronto disgusted and out of patience. It was a mockumentary all along and I fell for it. Shame on me. Im done with this crap

    13. Rick Lier and Tom Discarded should go to jail.

  2. Like he's telling the truth

  3. yes, try to be more confident when first!!

  4. Let's talk about Musky now....What about this "body" you claim to have seen? F*cking prop made by Dick Ryder! I thought it was true this time!

    1. That low-life didn't see any body.

      Musky was in this from the start.

      The gallows await.


    2. I think Tom Biscardi is just a patsy who is naive and easily fooled. He wants to believe so bad he'll even resort to hoaxing others to convince people bigfoot are real.

      He has (had) the potential to have even more followers than Dyer. Hell, if he played his cards right years ago he would be as big as the BFRO.

    3. Biscardi or BFRO, they're all in on it probably payed by authorites to keep the silly and impossible ape myth going. And to make a living doing it.

    4. Dyer bought the "Minnesota Ice man on Ebay. Look this up on YT.
      Is this a BF? Don't know, but Dyer couldn't manage to kill a doe with a machine gun, if it were tied to a tree.

  5. Most of you will still go see it.

    1. I'll wait for the bootleg on the internet

    2. You damn right I will! I want to see what convinced FB/FB and Musky Allen!

    3. This guy g, shawns source for the review, has only 16 tweets. Seems like someone started the account just to tweet about the film. Maybe someone is hoaxing a hoax!

    4. See it where? I checked out Minnow's filmography and it seems their films are made for or picked up by British cable channels. Maybe we will see it on BBC America...

  6. The sane people knew it would end this way. I'm sure Rick will try to perform CPR on this hoax.
    Whoever waits another 21/2 months to see a "body" should seek professional attention immediately.

    1. Where's MMG with his petition?
      Don't we have enough signatures yet?


    3. What do you do for a living, wannabe all caps guy?

    4. Not to defend the all caps guy, but you appear as if you don't have a life either travis. Your on here 24/7

    5. I have been pretty frank about my life. I even put a giant target on my back by admitting that I've seen bigfoot. I work as a Vascular Technologist in Humboldt County, CA. I am married, have a daughter, play guitar in a punk band, play soccer, and fly fish. And due to my sighting, I have had a continued interest in bigfoot. And due to the fact that I have a career, family, and more productive hobbies than actually looking for bigfoot, my interest in bigfoot has now degraded to the point where I argue with morons on this blog.

      There is my life.

    6. Seek professional attention you to yourself about that one Fat Bastard/Pinkie Pie.
      Who goes around dressing up like a woman and calling themselves Racer X??

      So for those still swallowing all of Shawn's 2 inch pecker of propaganda, the review this blog is pushing is NOT how the doc ended.

      But at this point, after posting a fake screen shot, and going into "damage control" (shawns fav. phrase) to say it was a mistake, the usual suspects here are out in full force to push their bullshit further on Dyer with a FAKE review that doesn't even get the end of the doc correct!

      But you basement dwelling sheepeople here are so worked up on your 5 hour energy drinks and super sized Mcd's drinks that you can't pause a moment to realize who is actually pulling your leg here.

      Bear meat boy FAILED, Racer X is a Queen, Kulls is a loser pushing fake credentials to get speaking engagements while running a blog dedicated to everything Dyer and Merchant and his Zen Nazi's are still singing the same ol' tunes.....and don't forget about Shawn Lack-of-Evidence.... the cash collector of posting stories of anything he can think of with Dyer's name attached.... right there leading the pack...
      And this folks is what grown men interested in Bigfoot are doing......bickering like the pussies they are on the internet and all the while collecting cash to hopefully one day move out of mom and dad's and maybe start paying their long overdue child support sad indeed.

      By the way, over the course of these next 2 and a half months that Pinkie Pie is trolling about....guess who here will STILL be gossiping over Dyers name....all of those mentioned above because they have nothing else to contribute to this field except to follow the footsteps of another grown man they all idolize hahahahahahahahaha

    7. ^^^ I'm coming for you Rick Dyer.


    8. 12:06 I love Bigfoot and I love Hula Girl, so this is the place to be. You can't hurt me, my love for Hula Girl will see me through...

    9. 12:06 - you are that guy that runs the bigfootevidencenews blog right? Man, I read your blog a few days ago and you seriously need to check yourself in ASAP. If you had any real friends that truly cared about you they would be suggesting the same thing also. I used to think RL was a bit of a perv until I read your blog. Now I think he is pretty normal in comparison. Seriously dude, once you touch and have the thoughts, you don't just think it away. It doesn't work like that. Please get help. Just sayin

    10. Wait a minute..."SANE PEOPLE DONT BELIEVE IN GIANT APES IN NORTH AMERICA!" The most recognized primatologist in the world, Dr. Jane Goodall sure is a believer...

  7. So someone thought this film would make BFers look good? We are idiots.

  8. Tell ya'll watt. That there dyer fella is fulla it. Ya see, he dawn cum down hears and tolt fokes that he's shot won of them bigfeets.

    I told em, ya'll dont be leaf that fella, hees fulla it. Told ya'll.

  9. Any idea how much if any money was made off this? Blogs, memberships, etc. The movie will probably make money. I always thought from the beginning that all the hype was nothing but a movie promo. If the movie doesn't bring in enough movie he could write a book on how to pull off a hoax. Title would be (How to pull off a hoax after getting caught pulling off a hoax)or (Back to Back Hoaxes - Anyone can do it.) Also keep this in mind. It's not over yet. Don't forget the unvaling of the body on Aug. 15 I believe. So just remember, with all the believers out there, this will just keep on rolling. Someone needs to shoot out the tires and end this.

    1. Of course it will go on. There will be conflicting interpretations of the ending. They will be argued about on the net until, at least, the day it is shown to a wider audience...

    2. They will just keep beating a dead horse that got its throat cut by Rick

  10. Ooops almost forgot. FIRST!!! That's how you folks play here. Right?

  11. People please i assure you i'm not dead from a gunshot wound by Prick Lyer but he did manage to kill that homeless guys dog and i vow that when my squatch brethren and I see him in the woods we are going to slap him like a bitch

    Bigfoot S. Esquire

    1. Is'nt it about time for celebrity wrestling? Melba vs. Dyer would be a compelling match...

    2. Or better yet, boxing. Yes...

  12. Either way Rick Dyer is a hoaxer. Nobody should a fucking word he says. It still boggles my mind that people bought memberships from him. Idiots!

    1. Nobody should BELIEVE a fucking word he says. Sorry forgot the important word.

    2. That can go pretty much unsaid

  13. And Musky Allen is a liar too. He never saw a body. There is no body. Fuck all of em. Rick Dyer,, FB/FB, Musky Allen, fuck you!!!!!

  14. Are there people who are actually dumb enough to wait the 2 1/2 months, still thinking this idiot is going to produce a body? Come on people...Dyer, Biscardi, and FB/Find Bigfoot, are all working together to promote this film in hopes of cashing in one more time on the "Bigfoot bandwagon". The whole FB/FB bigfoot tracker of the year award BS, yea, that was for promotion. The writing is, and has been on the wall a long time people. This guy Dyer is an admitted liar, and a hoaxer. How can anyone think he's truthful this time? He couldn't do it alone with his past hoax and poor character, so he enlisted FB/Find bigfoot, and Biscardi, to help him promote the film and push it onto the suckers to make money. Don't think for a minute that FB/FB isn't cut into the deal as well. Lets move on people, and put all these losers out of Bigfooting once and for all like we should have done before.

    1. He's new, cut him some slack

    2. It is possible FB/FB got hoaxed like some others; no one knows for sure....

  15. They will just keep beating a dead horse that got its throat cut by Rick


    The second most gullible footer in the world, is STILL living in denial of Dyer not shooting a real Bigfoot! ROBERT LINDSAY, is still backing Rick Dyer 100%, in that he still thinks Dyer has a Bigfoot body someplace, and that nobody was ever lieing to him. YOU JUST CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP!

    1. Wait what? ... i'm going to bed

    2. Maybe Dyer should hunt for Robert Lindsay next. Wait, did I go to far?

  17. Rick Dyer, Melba Ketchum and Bill Munns are in a plane when the engines quit. There is only one parachute.
    Munns says "I should get the parachute because I know more about the PGF than anyone."
    Ketchum says "I should get the parachute because I know more about bigfoot DNA than anyone."
    Dyer says, "I know more about a .30-06 than anyone" and shoots them both.

  18. The "review" FB FB posted was hilarious....

    1. About as hilarious as the FAKE one posted here that you all are busting nuts over.

  19. you Zen yeti are pathetics! pffffffffffff make me sick, how about your bear meat!

    1. Maybe you should see a doctor theres flu going around

  20. Musky Allen said Morgan Mathews made the Bigfoot community look bad, what a crock of shit. Rick Dyer made the community look bad and now he is fleecing them again. At least they psychiatrist will be making some jack off of the delusional dipshits that are the Rick Dyer faithful.

  21. Rick Dyer the man is miscreant, shooting Bigfoot am suprised he even knows which way to hold a gun. All the people involved in this hoax should be put on a blog black list and nothing wrote about them again. I wouldn't believe a word out of there mouths and am suprised people did about this. Rick Dyer is just an attention seeking miscreant that should be ignored at all time's, with the hope's he will just fade away and become a bad memory.

  22. are people this stupid ? The film was a hoax from day one. Dyer is a hoaxer who makes money off idiots who believe his crap.
    Let's hope for some real evidence in the future

  23. weve always got Dallas and Wayne to capture a bigfoot

  24. People,the person who actually proves the existence of bigfoot would become a multi millionaire,therefore the proof of its existence is answered by the the first statement......

  25. Minnesota Ice Man. Look it up. Was sold on ebay recently. Is it real? Don't know. Bet Dyer rolls this out as his "proof". Hoax is busted.

  26. Rick Dyer= Elmer Fudd. Even looks like Elmer.


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