Breaking: Twitter User Just Watched "Shooting Bigfoot" Mockumentary Featuring Rick Dyer (Updated #8)

This just in: Rick Dyer has hoaxed the world once again. According to Twitter user @rougemount who attended the viewing of the mockumentary "Shooting Bigfoot", the famous 2008 Bigfoot hoaxer "had a friend in a suit" to attack a film maker in the middle of the night. The popular group, Facebook Find Bigfoot who's been promoting Dyer had front row seating and according to @rougemount, they "didn't move and looked all shock". More to come about this late breaking news:

Here's a copy of the ticket @rougemount sent us to prove he was there:

Update #2:

rougemount @BigfootEvidence here is the Facebook guys holding court after film trying to explain it lol

Update #3: rougemount is giving us the full run-down of what happened in the movie. We're currently waiting for his email.

Update #4: Facebook user wrote this about Dyer a few minutes ago: "He is saying that he doesn't understand what happened because they had lots of footage of the bigfoot and doesn't get why they decided not to put it in the documentary. lmao maybe because there was NEVER a bigfoot UGH /facepalm"

Update #5: Rick Dyer is now on damage control. Says he doesn't understand what happened why his "Bigfoot" was cut from the film.

Update #6: His damage control just got cut short. Here's what people are saying on YouTube:

Update #7: Here's the review of "Shooting Bigfoot" as promised by @rougemount on Twitter. Click here to read.

Update #8: Facebook Find Bigfoot Now Claiming They Knew Rick Dyer Was Hoaxing All Along. Click here to read.


  1. Replies
    1. What up Chew Dog? Adrian says hi! By the way, did you guys like my paper?

    2. Was more in to the High Def your work

    3. Way to get out in front of this. First scoop, first blood. Just like the old days Shawn, you marvelous bastard.

    4. Hold Jeff and Jack to their mid tarsal word, shut down FB/FB! A deal is a deal, Dyer is still trash, nothing has changed.

    5. Liar Dyer now says August 15th is the release date of the body...

      Daisy is in the box, listening to the brush 'a poppin' and watching a shag rug inflate then deflate.

    6. Rick Dyer is on the run!! That is why NO "Rick and friends" in the last couple days!
      He is probably in jail for this, or going to be. I Love it!

      BFE RULES!

    7. What happened to all the Ricktrolls lol


    8. I think this is what happened

    9. I knew he would claim the footage of the bigfoot was "cut" from the final product. What a douche!!

    10. Tom Biscardi is portrayed in Shooting Bigfoot as the "Godfather" of bigfoot researchers. The media will love that.

  2. Replies
    1. Was going to say first but didn't feel's a sence

    2. Yeah who didn't see that coming

  3. So he shot Bigfoot, not a Bigfoot. I guess there was just one all along.

  4. inb4 there's a sequel. It comes out in the next 3 years.

  5. Then why have the other reviewers said the ending is inconclusive? We need more responses!

    1. Yes much too early to tell.......hee hee...

    2. the others didn't see ricks 3 minute movie that was 'premiering' with shooting bigfoot.

    3. I reported this a month ago, I will remind you just like Robert Lindsay always does

    4. it was inconclusive but likely just a suit and Rick and so called homeless guy are in on it. no body, just a very brief attack. Poor facebook findbigfoot guys

  6. Na- na na-na-na-na Hey hey hey goodbye!

  7. Robert Lindsay is officially a hoaxer !!!!

  8. Fallingforitagainandagainfoot

  9. Rick Dyer hoaxed? What a shocker. Whatever will we do now? Oh no, the world is coming to an end.

  10. No wonder Morgan Mathews gave up at the end.

  11. My husband is a liar, filing for divorce in the morning.


    1. You do because you're here

    2. "Why would Shawn post this" You mean information about what's happening in the bigfoot community on his Bigfoot website?

      What were you expecting to be posted? Information on fried chicken? And it's obvious you do care, or else you wouldn't be here commenting and posting. Just curious, are you mentally retarded or "special"? And I do mean short bus special!
      Ya Twatwaffle.

  13. That sure is a fancy ticket stub.

  14. Preparation H to RELIEVE!!!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. "Now"?

      If you're just NOW figuring those tool bags out then you have big problems psychologically.

      Big.........and I mean BIG problems............

    2. Own your comment Tomahawk.....don't hide.

      What Tomahawk said was:

      You guys (FB Find Bullshit) have "NOW" lost credibility.

      Funniest thing I've read all month and that's not a joke.

  16. Its like a ghost town over on FB/FB hasn't been a post for about 5 hours

  17. "Hoaxed the world, AGAIN"?

    LMAO, nah, it was just a few inbred degenerate schmucks who are also patently retarded fuck-stick rejects.

  18. Dah!
    A piece of advice.....never give a liar the time of day....all you get is more lies. And when they are a psycho, thieving, lying loser like Dyer, this is what you get.
    If you just ignore him, he will eventually go away.
    Shame on you FB/FB. Your credibility sucks now.

    1. FB/FB's credibilty has always sucked. Almost every single one of their "analysis videos is wrong. They are self proclaimed "experts" in a field where there are NO experts. The whole thing is a farce, and nothing more than a ploy to beat people out of money to put in their pockets. By the looks of it, that has obviously failed for them as well. Can't FB/FB get anything right? ha ha


    RD continuing the BS live. Promises Aug 15 reveal. Lots of stumbling on his words. Check it out if you an stand it.


    1. And its down! At least for me. Maybe the FBI came to the door.

  20. I like turtles (and i like this post)

  21. Can we have an emergency podcast from Rictor please?

  22. yeah, hilarious is the word. Did FBFB really believe Dyer? impossible. but it still doesn't make any sense.

    Or did their con not pan out, so they decided to play the gullible patsies? "oh, we were fooled, so sorry, back to business as usual"

    1. Thats what I keep trying to figure out. How did it pay for them? More traffic through fb/fb help with book sales? I just cant understand, hope it becomes obvious in the end.


    2. They saw the body. Of course they believe him. I would expect pics of the body to be released in the near future now that the film is out. But then anti Dyer crowd will say they are pics of fake body. If Dyer has scientists come out and say its real.. they will be called actors, hoaxers. They only way you people will believe in Bigfoot is if one is captured live, escapes it's cage and rips peoples bodies in two on CNN at the press conference.

    3. Exactly. They wanted to promote it, but after seeing the pictures of the empty theatre, their lies and BS have not paid off. What they will probably do now, is say they were hoaxed, and are also a victim of this terrible injustice to the BF community. Lol.... I called this a hoax in the beginning, and lots of other people did also. The signs were all there, and facebook find bigfoot was trying in a very clever way to promote this, putting "everything" on the line as they said. Well, a youtube account and a facebook page doesn't amount to anything anyways, but we'll see if they keep their word. I doubt it, why would they start to have integrity now?

    4. to chick - I think they planned on it not falling apart as early as it did. though I agree with you, what was in it for them? book sales could add up quite well, especially for an e-book, maybe up to six figures.

  23. The doctors better be good in order to spin this one back on track. A person would need to be seriously mentally deficient to continue believing Rick Dyer.

    1. yeah, but the FBFB lads should be able to spin it easily enough.

    2. I have a sick feeling that a few just might continue to believe.


    3. denial is a sad thing racer. Many will continue to follow and believe Dick Ryder you watch.

  24. wonder which torrent group will have it first for download

  25. well, Dyer's hoaxing days out in the open might be over.

    But WATCH OUT!

    He will become a "behind the scenes" hoaxer from now on. Manipulating others while he remains in the background.

    1. Yep you got it. Hes not going away. Its all about making easy money.

  26. Anyone with half a brain should have known this was all BS from the beginning. The FB/FB youtube group did all they could to help promote this phony piece of trash, now their eating crow. I guess those 20 sold tickets in the empty theatre are not exactly the pay off they all expected! Lol.....

  27. I traced her footprint through the snow. I found her little footprints in the snow. Bless that happy day that Nellie lost her way, for I found her when the snow was on the ground.
    Bill Monroe - Father of bluegrass

    There is no Stanky Squach.. If there was I would have shaved it by now with a rusty hoe and a blue oven mit.
    Spot on the wall - Who Flung Poo

    1. That's some eclectic musical taste you have there friend.

  28. There will undoubtedly be those that will STILL believe that piece of FILTH despite all of this. You all know that's the case. I'll wager the crew over at FB/FB will hang in there. They are NOT gonna close that page down. They've got too much invested in this to quit now. They'll hang on till the bitter end. This is NOT the end for it ALL.
    Trust me, That LIAR has planned for this. He'll have contingency plans, good scam artists always do. He'll roll right along as if nothing ever happened. "The footage is there, I SWEAR IT IS. BELIEVE ME FOLKS, I don't know why it was cut. I bet it's got something to do with the Non-Disclosure Agreements we all signed. I just talked to my lawyers and they have been in contact with the Minnow people and that is apparently what the problem was. I'm trying to get it cleared up now so I can show everyone. I'll present HANK to the WORLD on August 1 in a moving display in a custom made rig my investors are having built for it." That's what it'll sound like, or something to that effect.

    1. Hey that's pretty good! He should just use that.

    2. well i had an experience saying he was right in front of me real in day time too

    3. Like you said, a scam artist always has a back-up plan. You nailed it, Dyer the Liar will continue to push and ride this hoax as long as he can collect a dollar off it. Even people that know it's all BS, the fact is it creates internet traffic every time someone types his name, or searches out info about this scam. That makes him $$$. So whether you agree with Dyer the liar or not, he doesn't care, but just keep doing google searches etc, so he makes money. That's what its all about for him, internet traffic and people typing his name so he keeps making $$$.

  29. finding bigfoot/ finally beaten

  30. I messaged facebook findbigfoot asking them what was going then read this blog posted it up then got deleted.HAha why Are They sO sErIoUs?

  31. Hahaha knew it. Time to give it up folks. Bigfoot is NOT real.

    1. gosh id really like to .i mean i really fucken like to think that bigfoot isnt real but damn i had a face to face encounter man..and thats on the real man..i know one was real the one who ended up in my backyard was really fucken real dudes..and i dont even need attention like these fucktards..and i was scared as a mofo ever after that...i kind of dont even mow the back yard i pay some one else to do that....

    2. This has nothing to do with whether or not Bigfoot is real. Dyer is a Liar, anyones whose the least bit credible knew this movie was a hoax. Only the uninformed believed Dyers BS. I personally encountered a Bigfoot 20' away from me, and saw it first hand. I didn't have a camera, and I've never been on any show to talk about it. The fact is, they are real. There was NO mistaken identity, it scared the living crap out of me when it happened. That's a fact. Don't base your opinion on the failed presentations of a liar.

  32. 10,000 years ago it was real.Science even has its fossils but rather or not it still remains.Is becoming more and more especially with events like this, unlikely

  33. i was hoping to see what i had seen or to see if the one they supposedly shot was the same looking as the one i encountered...

  34. The circus will continue for his 30 or so believers until Aug. Some of these folks however may join another cult before then.

    One thing is clear. The perpetrator and all his minions who helped make this farce happen must be dealt with.


  35. Relax, I'm gonna kill one for real in about 3 weeks, so everyone can calm down. 12 gauge slug to the forehead after blinding it with a spotlight. I'll allow FB/FB to tag along when I release the body so they can regain some of their pride, but they're not allowed to talk, just sit there in "time out". I'll make an offer of 30 million to begin the bidding for the body...don't care who buys the body, but I kinda hope a Japanese Billioniare buys the body and eats it in hopes of it giving him a hard on, like how they grind up tiger baculas...Sasquatch Meat, the ultimate Viagra......

  36. I think someone should dress up in a bigfoot suit and shoot Rick Dyer

  37. Put the final nail in this coffin. Have @rougemount review this photo...!

  38. Hoax Movie watchers, a pregunta:

    So did Rick Dyer kill that homeless guy's dog?

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  40. can anyone tell me were I can get the link to shoting bigfoot, seen it last night ,,no matter what anyone says ,,hoax or not this has been the best thing for bigfoot ever ,,I for one love it ,,


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