Watch this: U.S. Soldiers Encounter With Entire Tribe of Rock Apes In Vietnam

During the Vietnam War, many soldiers reported encounters with large bipedal apes in the jungles of Laos. This story is about a platoon attacked by a family of giant man-like apes:


  1. Replies
    1. I know we are from the arse end of the world but never take a first for granted.

    2. Kudos my Aussie friend. Another shrimp on the BBQ to celebrate?


    3. Everybody should realize that the military is wrong, and violence is not the way to solve problems. If only women were in charge, there would be no more wars.

    4. Yeah, but who gonna protect you from 'dem 'dere rock apes, Cyndi?

    5. That might be true Cyndi as long as there is no shortage of chocolate, then there would be Armegeddon

    6. If there was no military industrial super complex there wouldn't be any wars, if there was no dependence on oil there would be less wars too

    7. Shut up Cyndi, ya stupid Libtard!

    8. What makes this site great is frivolous firsting and sarcastic arguments over what may be a nonexistent beast devoid of politics and political ideology. STFU Cyndi.

    9. How many radical feminists does it take to change a light bulb?

      Two- one to do the work and one to blow me!!

      Cyndi is a dude trolling y'all...

    10. Cyndi would rather our wives and daughters be sacrificed to the sexual deviancy of Melba Ketchum and the Rock Apes. Man, that would be a kick ass name for a band.

    11. dude, i mean cydni. a female dominated world would be really sweet and then for some reason, on a dime, everything will get really dark and mean, and then soon everything will be lovely, and then for who knows why, out of the blue, things will get really shitty, and then some really beautiful times will return and then like lightening, all hell will break lose, and then the warmest, most wonderful days will pass.......don't think i don't have this stuff figured out.

    12. You noticed that our country was founded by a majority of men, not women n. If we let women in charge of our country, then it would be a whole lot worse than it is right now. Women get -n the rag and turn into bitches. Women should have limited rights. They make me sick sometimes! The women back 30-50 years ago were good women. Now women of these days are total scumbags!.

    13. I bet Cyndi uses cucumbers to pound her stank box on a regular basis. She sounds so filthy.....

    14. Man you people are all screwed up

    15. B.S., Cindy. If women were in charge, there would be a new world war every 28 days or so. Yeah, it'd only last a week but we'd be lucky if they didn't nuke each other every time.

    16. Hold on to your wallets!!! Woman's in the post.

  2. Replies
    1. Sierra Tango Foxtrot to Victor Charlie Squatch. come in Victor Charlie Squatch...

    2. Sierra Tango Foxtrot to Victor Charlie Squatch we are two klicks west of your position and we are Oscar Mike to rendezvous point Bravo

  3. I want to massage Dina Palazinis tummy with shea butter.

    1. I want to wrestle her in pancake batter.

    2. Who is the tall skinny brunette in the Bigfoot Seekers? She is a succubus. Every night she comes to me in my dreams and gives me a diamond stiffy.

  4. With all of the drugs used in that era, Im sure the soldiers saw a lot of things.

    1. Don't forget the LSD being sprayed from the helicopters :)

    2. They need to spay a bit more of that, up the dosage man! Those Viet Cong are too uptight man.

    3. Poor bastards haven't seen the bats yet!!!

    4. Actually LSD isn't exactly relaxing.

    5. Then you're not doing it right.

  5. Rock Apes

    Skunk Apes

    Wood Apes

    What's your favourite?


  6. Why can't u just load videos n fb. I don't read yur blogs just watch vids.

    1. 175 83(4u53 y0ur'3 a 7w17. If y0u w0n'7 u53 gr4mm4r 1'll 3p34!< 7ee7 817(h.

  7. Replies
    1. I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to exterminate rock apes.

  8. Here comes Dr. Squatchin-Fail...Hoppin down the Looney trail...Hippity HopSquatch..Nothing's on it's way.....

  9. I can't wait to eat my easter dindin with all the the crucifixings!

    1. We're having Squatch for Easter Dinner today. If you haven't tried it, you really should. Tastes like Wookie with a hint of Nothing. MmmmmmmMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

    2. ^ BFEer roaming freely.

  10. C'mon all you big strong men
    Uncle Sam needs your help again
    Got himself in a bit of a jam
    Way down yonder in Viet Nam
    Put down your books and pick up a gun-
    We're gonna have a whole lot of fun!

    Ah, Woodstock. Good times, good times...

  11. well i for one am shocked there is no footage of the said 'rock apes'! its a bit like bigfoot[the famed[lol] p/g film hoax apart,as BF havent walked out in daylight in open ground in daylight since.]yeti,yeren or any other cryptod

    utter nonsense as per

    1. Sorry to inform your gullible ass that footage is no hoax but your trolling is.

    2. Upon further review, it is an obvious hoax. What was I thinking?

  12. Bigfoot isn't real, doesn't excuse swearing out our servicemen you scum.

  13. I was with Sgt. Guts and his Howling Commandos. We killed all the stinkin' rock apes. Danced on their bodies. Splashed around in their brains. Disgusting creatures.

    1. None of your guys made an ear necklace wtf is wrong with you sissies.

  14. What documentary is this from? Anyone know?

  15. Well it's safe to say tht the dust has settled, and Ketchum laid a great big retarded goose egg.

    Rumor has it Shawn is going to start a Peruvian mummy blog, and market a line of Peruvian mummy belly shirts, to be modelled by D. Palazini.

  16. They need to make a show finding these rock apes. An entire series being in this jungle, stealth it up and use all kinds of equipment. Destination truth found some pretty good evidence and usually their just a bunch of assholes finding nothing.

  17. It's just odd to me that in FBs season finale not only do they leave the Country but go to another Continent all together.

  18. So I decided foolishly but fortuitously that it'd be fun to drive back without lights on. As I rounded the last bend before my school I saw a large bipedal creature standing under that street lamp looking up at it. At that point of rounding the turn i was about 400 yards away. I saw it for about 3 seconds, it looked down, took three swift steps and was out of sight into the vast forest. My initial reaction was to explain it away as something else, but I cannot deny it was anything other than Bigfoot. I was honored to have finally seen one for my own satisfaction and for further verification to their existence beyond my internal feeling, and the observations of others.

    1. The most elusive creature on Earth has been known to hang out on the side of the road, illuminating itself under street lights.

  19. I wasn't with that detachment. However in ' 67 I was with a squad of LRPs in the same area.
    We were following up on some ordinance fired in FROM Vietnam into Laos. While look in' under the rug for any
    Enemy KIAs we found a group of 6 (six) of these animals
    Their shit was scattered pretty good but there is no doubt
    That's what these were. One was suffering so I shot it, cut
    Off its ear and put it on my string. None of us on these teams drank or took drugs ESPECIALLY not on can compare the ears now and tell there not like the gook ones. Love your freedoms and most of all
    Love. America


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