U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Serving As Backup Lab For Sykes Study?

Photo credit: Bigfootology.com

Dr. Bryan Sykes, after his short stay in Washington with Rhetman Mullis -- which changed him from a skeptic to a believer, Sykes is now safely back home in England and continuing his research on purported Bigfoot samples. While in Oregon, Dr. Sykes apparently met with Ken Goddard, head of the USFWS top lab in Medford, Oregon. Goddard is now supposedly in charge of running a "backup lab" for Sykes and will be testing samples. Blogger Robert Lindsay is curious why a professional man with a sensitive career like Goddard would risk his career on Bigfoot. Lindsay wrote the following about Sykes' visit to the USFWS lab in Medford:

They also, very curiously, went to the premier wildlife investigation lab in the whole US, the main US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) lab in Medford, Oregon. There they met some of the techs and spent quite a bit of time with Ken Goddard, the head of the lab. There are photos of Ken, Rhett and Brian posing with various artifacts, and there is one curious photo of Goddard posing with a photo of a Bigfoot drawn recently by a prominent Bigfoot artist.

None of this makes any sense to me unless someone knows something I do not know. The USFWS  and the US government as a whole has never wanted to associate itself at all with Bigfootery, and they have done nothing but deny it if not ridicule it. Now here is the premier scientist at the top USFWS investigative wildlife lab in the US posing with some of the most prominent Bigfooters (who happen to be engaged in very cutting edge research about Bigfoot DNA) and holding up drawings of Bigfoots in a non-joking way.

The only way this makes sense is if the folks at this USFWS lab now either believe in Bigfoot or think that Bigfoot’s existence is a serious hypothesis. What I am getting at here is that Ken Goddard and others at the lab appear to be taking Bigfoot very seriously right now for some odd reason.

Even more stunning is the notion that they may be working with Bigfoot samples at this very moment. Could they be investigating Bigfoot samples right now? Indeed they are, but these are more “purported” Bigfoot samples than real Bigfoot samples proven in one way or another. I can now report that Goddard’s lab is one of the official backup labs for Sykes’ Bigfoot study! How Sykes managed to get the US government involved in testing purported Bigfoot tissue I have no idea, but perhaps he can pull a few strings.

[via Robert Lindsay]


  1. Replies
    1. hehe, that's another one off the bucket list...
      Thanks everybody...

    2. Say hi to Tintin ans Snowy for me.

    3. Will do...
      They said hi back.

  2. Happy Easter everybody

    Jesus Christ is Lord

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Jesus kicked the money lenders out of the temple. Now they're back, and stealing from Cyprus depositors.

    3. So in this book it says that Jesus rose from the dead.

      Was JC the first ever zombie?


    4. In stead of craving brains, he craves your utter devotion or you will burn.

    5. There we have it folks, the trolls outing htemselves as religious fanatics against the idea of another bipedal human species on this planet.

    6. Actually, I'm an atheist and wrote the fairytale remark which could apply to Christianity, Bigfoot or Robert (Child molester) Lindsay's latest bullshit

    7. You an atheist, 9:57? Why I never!

      With your characteristic hyperventilating and nastiness and bling stumbling and backpeddling, I would never have guessed!

      It takes so much faith to be an atheist.


    8. I'm not hyperventilating, or being nasty and I have no bling. Oh, I've never backpeddled on anything it doesn't take any faith to be an atheist either, that's the whole point. The only reason I brought it up is because of that crackpot Bigfoot conspiracist who thinks that every person who is sceptical of Sasquatch is a devout Christian and paid by the Government to comment on Shawn's blog. Much like yourself he seems a very troubled individual.

    9. HAHA BLAST HIM! made me spit out my coffee!

    10. Troll 7:42. You are not to smart

  3. Everyone seems to be jumping the Nothing Train these days...and liking it.

  4. This is intriguing, maybe they have already had something intriguing and that has compelled the Fish and Wildlife Service to join. Happy Easter everyone, Jesus is our Lord (who created Sasquatches ;) ).

    1. The government knows Bigfoot exists, they dont want it to be known to everyone just for the sake of protecting them and the wildlife areas they are in. Eventually, they cant stop it and have to be apart of it and help protect. If I ran the gov I wouldnt want the general public knowing a giant bipedal ape is int he forests.

    2. Is that because the general public might just think you were nuts?

    3. Chuck is only half right. They know about it most certainly they do, and their silence and lacking information on the subject is in effect already acting as protection for these beings. But we still don't know exactly what kind of species this is, they could be ETs and then you should realize we won't be haring about it just yet. They want their Mars thing over with first, you know pretending that rover up there has suddenly found life or past life, which they already know about of course, that'll be the first move setting us up for more to come making UFO disclosure easier to swallow now we officially know life is out there anyway. I don't honestly expect much to happen in either field (UFO and BF) just yet, especially not if it's actually one and the same thing so now you sort of know a flimsy time frame that it's still some years ahead but we're ever so slowly building up to it with Mars life first then Bigfoot, I'd be (happily) surprised the other way around.

    4. If the govt admits the existence of Sasquatch , they would become a protected species, they're wooded forests from deep tundra to common logging grounds would cease and desist! That would cause the price of lumber to skyrocket, the housing industry would severely suffer, and eventually cause a recession in that market!

  5. They are going to control the narrative. Intelligence 101.

  6. Bigfoot still don't exist.

    1. Not in your view maybe but it will.

    2. bigfoot is not as rare as proper grammar however.

  7. I can give Sykes a good lead on a sample and I will tell him were its at, Contact a guy named Rick in Las Vegas he has over 700lbs
    After he's done beaten his wife,your next
    Squatch N

  8. I find it very interesting (not really) that Mr. Goddard hasn't heard of Dyer's Bigfoot. This lab is supposed to be the "premier" lab in the country, and I only seems reasonable that news would have filtered it's way to Oregon by now.
    The lab only deals with wildlife crimes, so this makes the lab a perfect place to absolve Dyer of any wrong doing, does it not?
    I hope Dr. Sykes is successful with his study so all of this lunacy can come to an end.

    1. Found this interesting tidbit. It is from the link below and quotes Goddard.

      As word of Goddard's successes has spread, he has been approached with some strange requests. About once a year, someone asks for his help in examining evidence that might prove the existence of bigfoot, the mythical half-man, half-beast of the Pacific Northwest. "We choose not to take it on," says Goddard. "I don't see it as a law-enforcement issue." http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20109260,00.html

    2. RL's suggestion that Goddard would not know about the alleged Dyer FB kill in Texas does not add up for me. However, how else would he answer the question? 'Yes, I'm aware that a BF was shot and killed in Texas'? He could only answer in the negative.

      Incredible that some still think that the US government would allow someone as unhinged as Dyer to play such a large part in the biggest scientific discovery this century.


    3. Do you not think the work being done at the Hadron Collider is kinda more important than a magical mystery monkey?

    4. What does the Hadron Collider have to do with the US Fish and WIlflife Service?

      I have met people involved in them and trust me, they do not care for discovering the god particle. They are more concerned with fishing and hunting laws. If Bigfoot hasnt been proven, it isnt his job to worry about it. Until he is told it is a real species by those he works for, i doubt they expect him to care.

      Goddard probably had a good talk and time spent with Sykes, and now trusts him and sees he is out for real evidence that is being proven as non human but also human unknown species and drew a real interest out of Goddard. I bet he has a pretty convincing argument. Its 2013 people, these things have been reported for over 100 years in the US alone eventually it will be common knowledge they are real, hell i bet by 2025 its gonna be taught in schools.

    5. The Hadron Collider comment was for MMG who said that proving Bigfoot was the biggest scientific discovery of this century I think when the history books are rewritten Bigfoot if proven to exist will be a very small entry

  9. After all the recent hoaxes, the whole Ketchum circus and the that damn Erickson footage we're never going to see this is finally some interesting news, I just hope this will not end with Sykes posting blurry stick figures and claiming to be in contact with a family of five mind raping bigfoots.

    1. It is not looking good. The whole thing was supposed to be wrapped up in December so he undoubtedly already tested purported samples from European collections.
      He found nothing, and that explains why this once "open" project has taken on the aspects of other projects which found nothing-insiders fueling a rumor mill until its time to unveil a disappointing product; in this case a book or a Monsterquest doc...

    2. You and your nothings. If you're nothing why tell us tell it to nobody.

    3. If he found nothing why would he keep wasting time on nothing? Are you saying he liked nothing so much he came to WA and OR, became a bleever, and convinced a top federal scientist to pose with a bigfoot pic? Sounds more like he found SOMETHING, showed it to the fed and since he has OXFORD after his Dr title he convinced them SOMETHING might be out there.

      What blows my mind is RL might actually have accurate information for once. If the world stops spinning tomorrow and the feds wheel out a few bigfoot bodies, I would not be very surprised.

      Until that happens though we still got nothing. But I don't like it.

    4. Don't think that RL has anything (except several allegations of statutory rape and probably some STDs) but we do know that many of the samples from Europe were existing animals including American Black Bear as Sykes himself has revealed this to UK newspapers. I don't think that anyone inside the study itself is leaking anything it's just people making assumptions as per usual and MonsterQuest got cancelled a couple of years ago. Just because Sykes met this guy and posed for cheesy photos doesn't mean the Federal Government is in the Bigfoot business it just means some old guy held up a picture for the camera.

    5. The Smeja "steak" was bear, that is what your referring to. Justin Smeja himself even said he went back a month later and found that and took a chance that maybe that was his kill from 30 days prior... he was dumb and it shows in the DNA it is not bigfoot. That does not disprove the existence lmao

    6. No I'm referring to the samples from Europe that Dr Sykes has already looked at and was surprised that one of them from Russia turned out to be American Black Bear. Shawn ran a story on it a month or so ago after Sykes had commented on his work in I think it was the Sun newspaper.

  10. FINALLY...all the habituators will be vindicated. I always suspected they were being honest and of sound mind.

    Happy Easter anons!

  11. Is there any proof that the USFWS is actually doing this or is RL pulling these nuggets out of his ass as usual.

  12. Ultimately the burden of distributing accurate information and educating the public about the Sasquatch, falls squarely on the shoulders of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The reason being is that the individual States do not have the right to decide what Sasquatch is, nor the right to put their own spin on the subject matter, nor define them out of existence.

    In so doing, the USFWS will be putting all of the paid scoftics from JREF and cryptozoology.com, into the unemployment lines. Ben Radford, Kitakaze and Karl Rose's entire life goal of influencing the public to not believe in Bigfoot, will be instantly flushed down the toilet. They will all no doubt need to seek counseling. As will the immature morons on BE. Consequently, this news of the USFWS getting into Sasquatch DNA analysis, will turn out to be a gold mine for psychiatrists, psychologists and counselors throughout the U.S.

    1. Again, stay on focus. Do you have a source or anything other than the feces that spews out of RL's mouth to corroborate this?

    2. Yes it would be entertaining to watch the army of skeptards disappear, screaming and whining, down the flusher. It's fun to contemplate that a few might be circling the drain just now.

    3. Why? What's so different to yesterday or the day before that would cause the sceptics to circle the drain?

    4. The fact that the USFWS is taking an interest in the DNA aspect of Bigfoot. After hearing about it for years and years they are finally doing something. Maybe that means were getting closer to the truth coming out that it is out there and has been kept quiet because it will A. Scare the shit out of people to know is true, and B. Protect the species out there, the habitat and prevent hunting/poaching.

    5. If Sykes found anything decent, he would be talking about it in a public forum like a university seminar. The talk would be an outline of what is to appear in some 10-15 page peer-reviewed journal article.
      Instead of meeting with geneticists and anthropologists, he is introducing himself to American Bigfootery.
      I smell commerce(again), not academia....

    6. Do you actually know they are taking a real interest or is all this just based on Robert Lindsay?

    7. Do we actually know any of this is true or just more Robert Lindsay bullshit

    8. Anon 11.03 think he was just collecting samples, he's not finished testing yet so he couldn't really be meeting with other academics to discuss his proposal as he might not have anything to propose yet. Not saying that he's got any Sasquatch proof just that if he's investigating Bigfoot he needs to sit down with people who claim to have evidence that it exists, doesn't mean he's doing a "Ketchum" he's just investigating people's claims.

    9. I hope you're right, thanks for response...

  13. Could we maybe wait for Sykes to say what his beliefs are before we accept what someone else says?

    1. Better yet just wait for the study to be published, if Fish and Game are helping Sykes doesn't that kinda call bullshit on Melba's claims of science not taking Bigfoot seriously? Bet Sykes gets published no problems, wonder why....

    2. Sykes said he is no longer a skeptic. Wait is over?

    3. Did he? I thought that was second hand information from someone he'd spent time with in the US, I don't recall him actually saying that himself just those who him and his wife had gone Squatching with.

    4. Where would you hear him confirm it anyway, it's not like this subject is all over the (infiltrated) news though it should be but this is not a perfect world it's a covered up world where the citizens are deemed unworthy or unfit to know the truth.

    5. Man give up the conspiracy crap, the big conspiracy is there is no conspiracy and that no one in government cares about monkey men or little green men or any other crazy paranormal crapola in fact the big conspiracy is the government doesn't know what the hell they're doing

  14. Smeja is MIB or has met with them. And then meets with Sykes.

  15. Anyway, I suppose you should know that while I cannot associate our lab with advocacy groups such as Bigfootorg (I've told them that in very clear terms), I certainly can associate myself with a renowned professor of Ancient Man genetics from the seriously renowned Oxford University ... especially if his new quest [Is there actual physical evidence of Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yehti ever existing ... or is it all an interwoven mess of legend, superstition, imagination (you know how us fiction writers are) and all-too-human-on-human con games??]. That Professor Sykes and I happened to cross paths that day was probably more than a little bit of serendipity (I'm an actual believer in such ... I'm a forensic scientist et al as the result of a 1968 judo injury) ... in that the Bigfootorg folks he was meeting here in the Rogue Valley happened to mention us ... Sykes was intrigued ... he got on the phone as asked if it was possible that we could meet ... I invited him to have a tour of our lab ... he showed up 30 minutes later (it was a 25 minute drive) ... and I was even open-minded enough to allow his Bigfootorg 'asssociates' to come along and use their cameras. Why? Well, why not? The fed gov is infamous for it's supposed 'conspiracies' (you can imagine what the extraterrestrial believers thought when they first saw the pyramid glass structures --- actually skylights --- on our roof) ... and we can't have public tours of our lab because of evidence, security and safety issues ... but I can certainly take a small group around while keeping a close eye on them ... which is precisely what I did.

  16. PART 1 (the comment above is part 2 ... sigh)

    LOL!!! And many thanks to the ever-observant soul who pointed me to this blog this AM. Especially at the part where I am supposedly holding up the signed Bigfoot picture in a 'non-joking' manner. I thought the genial smile would have been a hint. Apparently not. Okay, for all of you believers, non-believers and just the casually curious: I'll cheerfully provide you with what I consider to be the truth of the matter. But first, you all should know that as a forensic scientist of whatever-reputation for the past 40+ years, I am sworn to tell the scrupulous truth about evidence, crime scenes, matches, non-matches, etc. etc.; however, in my off-duty role as a fiction writer, I am basically a professional liar. It obviously helps if I keep a careful observance as to the day of the week ... and, of course, the time of the day. [BTW: I'm at home on my lunch hour now, so you're taking your chances. :) ]

  17. Part 3:

    And the Bigfootorg folks did ask the expected questions [can we see where you keep your 'special' reference samples? Answer: yes][But can we see your Bigfoot reference samples? Answer: no, because we don't have any]. [But you wouldn't tell us if you had some, would you? Answer (tongue in cheek): no, probably not.]

    Which really isn't true. You see, we used to brush people off when they asked us to examine suspected Bigfoot samples with the standard reply: sorry, we can't examine private-person samples, and besides, it's not illegal to kill a Bigfoot. But that, of course, was before a certain county --- with an apparent sense of humor --- in the State of Washington declared it illegal to kill a Bigfoot ... sadly neglecting to provide us with a scientific description or a comparison sample. So we/I do actually have a legitimate interest in what Professor Sykes is doing, more or less.

    So, in a later visit, without his 'associates', we showed him how we forensically examine a wide range of wildlife parts and products ... and helped confirm his suspicion that a number of his collected Bigfoot hairs were a bit more 'common' ... and even somewhat 'domesticated'. But I did tell him that if he happened to run across something interesting in a morphological sense (he's perfectly capable of performing his own genetic analysis), we'd be happy to take a look at it.

  18. Part 4:

    So, in engaging with a distinguished research scientist such as Professor Sykes, do you all still seriously think I'm risking my 'reputation' (note: several of my scientific friends would probably cheerfully suggest that I'm far more likely to be enhancing it!)?? Me, a guy who wrote three fiction novels on the theme of what would be actual evidence of extra-terrestrial contact [First Evidence, et al]???

    Oh, and by the way, when the then-director of the USFWS, Mollie Beattie, heard that I had written the first one, and was being interviewed by ET advocates, her comment was: "well, someone should be talking with all of these people, so it might as well be Ken." Which, I suppose, and in a bit of a twisted sense, made me the 'designated hitter' for ET and Bigfoot stuff as far as the USFWS was concerned.

    So, all in all, do I really expect Professor Sykes to come up with some real evidence. No, not really. But is it possible that he might? Sure, it's a big planet out there ... and I've spent far too many years conducting and teaching crime scene investigation (including 5 memorable years digging up bodies in shallow graves in the Mohave desert) to make hasty assumptions about what evidence I might find and what it might actually mean.

    So, I'm wishing the professor well in his endeavors ... and all of you in yours ... and now I'm heading back to work. Adios, all ...


    Ken Goddard

    1. I've read all your books! They are kick-butt good!!

      A Fan

    2. Thank you! Hope I can continue to keep you entertained with my stories ... :)



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