The Kids In This Video Had Never Seen a White Man Before -- Until Now

This is a beautiful video about a  professional MMA fighter who calls himself Great White Sasquatch visiting a village in Congo where the children reacted to something that's not supposed to exist in their minds: A big hairy white man in the Congo.

Hairy Scary in Congo! 1st time kids see white dude & even see arm hair! First time they see a beard... And they get to see themself doing it on the screen of the iPhone 4s front screen while they are doing it. I love this little kiddo's! They are such a joy. We are working to help these people in need... But that doesn't mean you can't have fun while doing it!

Wouldn't it be SURREAL to be the first of your particular ethnicity to be seen by someone? I got three weeks of it in the remote parts of Eastern Congo... Especially in the deeper parts of the jungle they would even hide behind the tree's.

The vanilla gorilla... great white sasquatch... Or Viking in the video is professional MMA fighter and UFC veteran Justin "The Viking" Wren who went to the Congo to bring aid and love to the unloved Mbuti Pygmy tribe of Eastern Congo.


  1. Replies
    1. great whitey shows up!! and there goes the neighbourhood

    2. ^^^^^^ for sure. Next thing you know whitey will bring food and school books and shoes and shirts and soap and water purifiers and medicine and all kinds of stuff. These poor people won't know what to think

      Then after the white devil's leave the tall people will come and take all the bad stuff that whitey gave to them

      And the cycle of the tribe of Dan continues

  2. The hair samples discussed in the last post point to Unicorn Pubes.

  3. Eastern Congo is Choc-full of Pigmy Squatches. They will Mind-Rape you first and ask questions later.

    1. My head hurt when I woke up. I hope I wasn't mind raped

    2. You were and it was me!


  4. ...and the White Man in this video had never seen a little congo kid toting a baby leg before - Until Now

  5. Replies
    1. +100000000000000000000000000000000000

    2. At least they have proof white men exist =D

    3. You want to divide races? Here, I'll do it for you.

      If you don't like white people you'd better get used to them. Half the planet is caucasian ( of many shades, you decide which aren't white enough to hate ) and there's no sign they'll be disappearing soon, in spite of what someone told you. Check the numbers in each and every country. Include all of Europe, most of North America, more than half of South America, Australia, New Zealand, India ( yes caucasian as well - correct ), Pakistan, Turkey, Russia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and more, etc. Don't forget any countries or you're deceiving only yourself. You'll see there's well over 3 billion caucasian people I guarantee it. Even more than the population of east asia? Correct. More than China at almost 20% of the world's population? Yes.

      Seems there's a meme around today that white people are/were a very small group of evil opportunists. Not actually the case at all. The numbers always overrun any environment. It is not a small clan of people with everything. White people were/are a huge population that travelled the most, hence exploitation/human nature happens. Like it does everywhere. It wasn't adopted or learned from one race more than another. 'White people' just seem to be everywhere, because they are and have been everywhere.

      The vast majority of actual caucasians or even Europeans didn't run any other race asunder.
      What has happened to Africa is complex and not always what seems convenient to say about it. You can't point the finger at any nation or race. It's absurd.

      If you just want to hate white people it's probably because you're bitter and in love with your own ignorance and don't like to think too much. Any hatred of any race is based on complete ignorance. Ignorance = fear/hatred.

      Keeping the races apart based on race itself is a great tool for keeping people divided and not asking the right kinds of questions. Like who specifically is in charge and what they're doing. Willfully ignorant racist people like you are a scourge to everyone in every race.

      If you don't like east Asians, you'd better learn to like them as well. Almost half the planet is in east Asia.

      Know any smart, kind trustworthy, likeable black people, East asians, West asians, white people, Indigenous people? I do. Lots of them. Race isn't the real problem. Just who is truly inherently evil? Maybe it's you with your race dividing views.

      BTW, I enjoyed this video alot. It's different races getting to know each other. It's innocent and cute. These children are adorable and this 'great white sasquatch' guy is meeting people on a real level. He's getting to know these people. This will have an effect on him for a lifetime and create the bond that it should when 'different' people meet. It's novel and normal.

    4. Yeh, i got bored after 'you want...'

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    1. When you hold it between your butt cheeks, that is.

  7. All those kids are telling their friends they saw a HonkySquatch or the elusive CrackerFoot.

  8. white devil
    pale face

  9. So I guess they would not grasp the concept of a potato?

  10. They hould have sent the white goddess Dina Palazini. The primitives could have worshipped her beer belly.

  11. Great article! Now I can read Hot Rod Magazine's write up on Andy Samberg.

  12. Andre the Giant drank 156 beers in one setting.

    Puts the UFC to shame.

    1. Andre was 250 lbs over the heavyweight limit. Puts WWE or F to shame.

    2. Look at the cranium on the Giant!

      -Gorilla Monsoon

  13. Justin" the Viking" Wren was just on the Joe Rogan Experience and gave a very compelling story of his time with the Pygmies. They are slaves to the local "tall" population that views them less than their goats. Amazing podcast.

  14. Yup, nobody treats Africans worse than other Africans. The Democratic Republic of Congo,nee Zaire, is undoubtedly the cruelest place on earth. Best thing that could happen is the Brits return...

  15. How can you say that? Africans have a vibrant loving culture and the only reason there is violence and poverty there are because of European colonialism and the White Male Patriarchy. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

  16. Actually Cyndi, you need to go and read about the history of Africa,including the history of slavery. The mistreatment of Africans by other North Africans and their neighbours in the Middle east is a story of centuries of abuse and mistreatment. My people, like many countries are a product of colonialism. It was never an ideal but there were worse situations before it as well. It is true.
    To be born into slavery for 30-40 generations is something that happened a long, long time ago. In that situation there were no rights for a person at all. The Colonialists learned it from others. They just followed what already existed to a lesser extent.

  17. White male patriarchy pffft.. Anyone missing an agenda around here? It's called let's bash all white males. Screw you moron, and your agenda of hate. Hate and scorn. Pile up the drivel. Racism and sexism against racism and sexism. What's the goal again?

  18. All bullshit politics aside, that was beautiful man.

  19. kill that white mother fucker,tast like chicken!!! loves me some white meat,,it's like K.F.C. without the bucket<<<

  20. i can see it now, yo! get that weed nigger,ya mean...

  21. yo! whitey give me water,YO! whitey give me food YO! whitey give me money YO! whitey give me a new house,YO! whitey give me a new car! give me give me ,give me,And the white guy said, how about i give you a job to get all the things you need? And the chimp said fuck all that shit whitey! i all ready got me and access(snap) card!!

  22. Whitey: sorry but, you'll get nothing from me and you'll like it.

  23. The subject is VERY close to the camera in this one. Only the most sophisticated hoaxers would know how to avoid being accused of staging the guy in the suit very far away so as to obscure details to the point that points can only be confirmed by using cutting edge video manipulation. On the other hand, truly sophisticated hoaxers would know that by staging the subject so close to the camera that the subject appears to actually be clutching it they are opening themselves up to being accused of intentionally avoiding being accused of having the camera too far away.

    I've run this footage through several filters, including one that reduces the footage to a space on my screen no larger than a postage stamp and another that expands it laterally across the entire screen and about an inch tall. The most interesting "reveal" comes by reversing the color palate of the scene — suddenly little white people show up EVERYWHERE!!!

    If this is a person in a white guy suit, it is a very, very good one. The subject confirms on the following points:

    • Vocalizations about "MMA;"
    • Going to Africa to paint churches or dig latrines and making and endless series of little movies about it;
    • Hipster beard; and
    • Holding the camera itself.

    This may be the real deal, folks.


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