ParaBreakDown Will Return After This Weekend

If you haven't noticed, ParaBreakdown's Phil Poling has been on vacation all week -- taking a little break from breakdowns videos. Don't worry though; after this weekend, he's going to be back revitalized and he has some mind blowing breakdowns waiting to be shared publicly. *Hint: Bart's thermal footage from the Sierras. While you're waiting for Phil to get back from the Virgin Islands, check out his YouTube channel:

Click here to subscribe to Phil's channel on YouTube:


  1. Rum & coke and a cigar in the Virgin Islands. Living the dream.

    1. True dat.True dat.

    2. And bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and,well you know where this is going....

    3. Cruise ships will be pulling up to him....

    4. How to be a footer
      a) Be fat
      b) look for bigfoot
      c) At all costs adhere to a.

    5. Please stop this hateful fat shaming. Some people have glandular problems, and others have a low metabolism. Just because they have a different lifestyle choice doesn't mean you have the right to be mean to them. I suggest you educate yourself on these issues, you can start here:

    6. Phil in the Virgin Islands? It figures.

      Enjoy your hols Phil and tell Merchant to stop muscling into the breakdown circuit.


  2. This is the most convincing photo of bigfoot i have ever seen

    1. It's not Bigfoot- It's Fatfoot

    2. Likes to set up his own crappy jokes.^^

      Take it to the house bitch.

    3. Fat Bastards coming back!

  3. a shallow victory on a meaningless post

  4. 50 years ago Patterson filmed his friend in a monkey suit pretending to be a mythical creature "bigfoot".

    50 years later thousands of people dedicate their lives to searching for this mythical creature.

    Roger Patterson is possibly the greatest troll of all time. RIP roger, the greatest that ever lived. Peace.

    1. It wasn't a monkey suit. It was a Bigfoot suit. Get it right.

    2. bigfoot = mythical monkey = monkey suit

    3. Innocence of the Muslims was the greatest troll of all time. Nothing that has anything to do with bigfoot is significant in any respect.
      Except a dyke named Holland. That's funny.

    4. It was 45 years ago, so you're wrong. Agreed? Good. Now, if you say its fake, and you are wrong,which you admit, then it follows the film is real...

  5. Chimpanzees are known to us as amusing circus attractions and are even popular as pets, but when they attack the results are frightening and horrific. Just as disturbing, across the U.S., witness reports suggest that chimpanzees may be on the loose. In the 1920s and 30s, chimps were common in Florida as part of road side carnivals and zoos, but in some cases these animals were let loose or escaped. Today, not only are attacks from pet chimps on the rise, but witnesses in Florida describe encounters with what may be wild chimpanzees.

    1. Did you ever scotch tape a banana to your weener and stick it in a monkey cage and after the chimp tears it off balls and all you start to think it was a bad idea?

    2. To Fake Leroy,only on Sundays.

  6. 5:20, rush pwns you nevertheless the universe.

  7. You = Will Get Nothing and Like it.

  8. This is just a gentle reminder to the Moron!Idiot! guy that as of 03/29/2013 the comments here are still unmoderated, and I hope it has ruined your life.

    First! you taterhole!

  9. Woooooooooooooooooo woooooooooooooooi livin the dream for you and ken brother

  10. Harry,what's the update on the Skunk Ape?Hope you're having a good one.

  11. I didn't get to stay tonight my back was killin me but that video was taken by a local I hung out with him a few hrs both he and his son are good people and he seen the thing run on two legs they darted after it and his son is quick and the thing was gone the lady with the telephoto lens didn't want to share her info she was a tourist I whole heartedly believe he saw something I'm camping tomorrow hell or high water this was a really good guy do I believe with no doubt there's something there and he has me convinced it's not an ape

  12. I mean he's a good down to earth guy I me he treated me and my wife with hospitality never having met me invited me to his home and I didn't know this was his video then we got to talkin and he informed me I just got back to my cousins from there

  13. Phil's chillin like a villian! I'll try not to be jealous, but if it gets cold in NY again I'll be trolling Poling...

  14. This guy sucks - who cares if queer breakdown comes back.... Well actually I bet a lot do - it was nice when he was gone! This sucks! Just a fucken big fat bastard is all he is!

  15. I hate this fat guy, he is so annoying its not even funny

  16. wow,this uy is deranged. how will we survive without his sarcastic brekdwn of the most hoaxy GF films out there.

    I can see by the girth he couldnt possible walk ,never mind, do any field wirk. so churlish sarcastic breakdowns is his ony contribution to footery.His parents most be so proud of this obese nobody
    thats my breakdown of phil. if he doesnt like it he'll know how thise who hve put up something for us to watch,hoaxed or not, is better than his dullard voiceovers

  17. Ken posted earlier but I don't know if he's doing any better.Sounds like you've had a good time except for the back issue. Keep us posted and as usual have a great one.

  18. what a miss to footery he will be

  19. I have just drank a bottle of Nyquil and put on my black jump suit put on my ole purple suede low top Nike's I am laying down on bunk beds waiting for Rick Dyer to come take me to the promised land in May with 10 of my buddies. I sure hope Rick was right becuase it sure hurt when we Casturated each other.
    Squatch Nuts

  20. Yeah I'm gonna head back out in a little bit I had a good time yesterday trekking around in the woods and met a lot of cool people man all together I had a good time it was awesome and I got my wife and I lost in the woods and ended up outside the park and Steve picked us up yeah a lot of really good down to earth people I talked with a bunch of people from the group at the the restaurant thing yeah a real decent group of people and we all suffer the same thing people hoaxing and makin stuff up and everyone is kinda tired of it


  21. Is he looking more like Orson Welles every day ?, maybe it's the cigar.


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