M.K. Davis Release Evidence of Bigfoot Sleeping In Tractor Shed

Last week M.K. Davis released a video of a Bigfoot reportedly making noise from inside a tractor shed. In this follow-up video, Davis shows the inside of the shed and an unusual blanket with some bread crumbs next to it. "It looks like someone's been sleeping and maybe eating a little bread there," Davis explains. Davis believes the creature in the shed may also been the same creature in the "Bottle Tosser" video. Watch below:


  1. Bread crumbs... Yep, it's a Bigfoot.

  2. Now we know where MK eats and sleeps. Where all footers end up eventually.

    1. MK done humped a hole in his binky!

    2. Not all footers. Some like Moneymaker are laughing all the way to the bank. You have to go to your hum-drum job while he goes and makes sasquatch calls in the woods.

  3. Crap 0% chance of being real

  4. this is the real deal folks.

    1. I was skeptical till I read this comment. Thanks real deal guy.

    2. ...there is always a chance of it being a hoax.

    3. Agreed, and the chance of it being a hoax is about 100%.

  5. Why is it that the same group of clowns time and time again seem to come up with evidence?

    1. Huh maybe because the evidence was gathered over a long period of time and is just now being released?

    2. Because it is the same group of clowns that took the time to set up the video cameras and bait the cans, etc. OR, conversely, run the hoax. Either way, just lie back and have fun, I always say.

    3. Because Clowns are a Type of People.

  6. "lends credibility.." good one, really funny...

    1. How can he say it's bread crumbs, when there is nowhere for the bread crumbs to be???

  7. Mk, this Sells shit is really stale. Give it to Melba, she is on the hunt for video evidence...

    1. Don't lift up the blanket. There's a half dozen dead bigfeets that MK massacred under there.

  8. 1-2-3 on an owl a turkey or a bear!

    Ali ali oxen free!

  9. THere's something in the shed on the hill!

  10. Let me see, Phil the Pill will probably say the two stray dogs were shot with a BB gun or something like that, me, I see fear in those dogs tear-assing out of there once they saw whatever it was.

    1. Those are the dogs I was talking about last time Shawn posted MKs hoax videos from Mr.Sells.

  11. Wait a minute - MK's forgot to include the evidence again.

    1. You mean a stinky blanket with breadcrumbs on ISN'T decisive evidence??

      I just don't understand some people.


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. We need a lot more convincing evidence before we could even begin to speculate. Until then, we'll just assume it's a runaway Muppet from a strange experiment that Jim Henson's studio doesn't like to talk about...

  13. Replies
    1. They are a kind of people.

    2. Bigfoot does hop trains.

    3. Trailer for sale or rent, fake bigfoot shoes to let 50 cents...

  14. And this is why evidence isn't released. Because aholes like you want something for nothing and then want to bitch about it, too. No matter what it is, how good it is. I'll be keeping mine to myself, thanks. The phrase that comes to mind is cutting off your nose to spite your face...

    1. So what you are trying to say is we get nothing?

    2. Real evidence should be shared with the community freely. People should not be in the field of Bigfoot to make name so that they can make a buck, they should be in it to make a difference

    3. a bag of stale bread flying through the air is evidence? keep your evidence to yourself, please! or at least throw some peanut butter and jelly along with it.

    4. The flying bread was not the subject of the former video, it was the vocals that came along with the flying bread. And I suggest to you that if pb&j was in there with the bread it would have not been thrown! Or at least the vocals wouldn't have seemed so frustrated.

    5. So, I gather your evidence is comparable or worse than a scuzzy blanket from Mike Sells shed. Please release it, so we can troll the shit out of it, I'll give you a dollar....

    6. Thank you for making my point.

    7. I set my Squatch up at the Hilton...Hairy Bastard deserves it. Plus, free blueberry bagels for breakfast. Tractor Sheds are for Skunk Apes. They are a type of Nothing.

    8. Sorry I can't show you pics though....same reason as the guy above. Everybody will just make fun of me....That's Rich

  15. Bearking here. I bet it was my wife. She left me last week and I haven't seen her since. She snores like a hog! She's probably shacking up with uncle Jed. She likes old men with high ass cracks that smell like sewer holes.

  16. Bigfoot has himself a man cave?
    Now that's irony.

  17. M.K. makes a good argument. But, could this be a hobo? A large one that is mentally challenged? Or is hopped on drugs? I have stray dogs that come around and I will yell go and/or toss a rock in it's direction. Sometimes I get the same reaction. Something to think about.

    1. When I toss rocks at strays they will run for a short stretch, but most of the time then they will stop and turn to look back at the very least. Those two looked DAMNED scared. But you may be right, this is all just good humored speculation.

    2. Those blobs could be horses which easily behave in the manner shown on the film with little provocation.

  18. I doubt there's anything to it but it's the most interesting video this month.

    Oh man! That says a lot.

    BTW the pace could be a little quicker, too. It takes MK 55 seconds to say, 'That's the door there on the right'.

  19. What I see is the figure giving chase to the cows on all fours and at a rate of speed that would be hard for a human to duplicate. Then a little later the figure is standing and appears to be tall and massive.
    Just my opinion.


    1. lol yes he was a massive 2 pixels tall.

    2. Quad anyone?

      This is some redneck kid on a quad doing the day version of "cow tipping"

  20. wtf. what has he got a bed side light and reads till hes tired. what a load of nonsense

  21. Hi Chuck, good to see an appearance every now and again. You old fossial...lol.

    1. Hi Samuel. Yeh I'm still kicking. Been a very busy year. How is the best Golden Retriever on the east side of Ohio doing. I know Rush would like to get together with him soon. I will give you a call in the next night or so and maybe we can get together for the Salt Fork bigfoot conference weekend coming up in 2 1/2 weeks.
      Your friend Chuck

    2. How have you been Chuck.

    3. You know, there are things like email and phones which allow you to communicate besides bigfoot forums.

  22. if so much activity has been going on in that area. If they know they have a squatch bedding in their shed then for heaven sakes why not invest in better cameras and put them up . At worst they get nothing and keep their property safer and at best they get some amazing video . Of course that is if there were realy squatchs visiting that property. A possible story of the century event and they rely on crappy cameras.
    Dig a hole and make it deep enough and maybe one will get caught falling in

    1. Remember, these are not new videos, so this may have been the best they felt they could afford at the time.

    2. Finally, someone with a brain replies to these "shoulda coulda I woulda" posts. Thank you, Cajun.

    3. Cajun's response is still just speculation (note the word "may") so we have speculation compounded on speculation which gives us more speculation that you determine is a brainy response. Get real.

      Perhaps the most direct answer to shoulda, coulda, woulda is that it's all an illusion and the quality is as high as they could set it without exposing the trick!

      The MK/Sell's "evidence" is fun but not convincing and in the grand scheme of things will never amount to evidence of any value. If bigfoot is ever proven real then it might have some historical "I told you so."

      It's really just Bigfoot porn

    4. MK's trying really hard to build this mystery and land himself on a cable bigfoot show. Too bad for him no one is buying it.

    5. If Mk bought these videos he got ripped off big time. I have no way of knowing when they were taken or if the activity is still ongoing. i know that if bigfoot was regularly appearing on my farm I would be thinking of how to get some really great evidence other then poorly fimled videos from a million miles away Unless a person is as inept as Wily E Coyote or it's all B.S which I think it is. Next week i'm filming a bowl of popcorn go flying and claim bigfoot didn't like the movie.

  23. Did M.K. Davis stop his youtube submittals during Ketchums's DNA news release, and Dyer's hoax publicity, in order to not be competing against them for eyes? Or is that just how Shawn selects this crap off of youtube?

    1. One hoax at a time as it sucks all the oxygen out of the room.

      It's an unwritten code among hoaxers. It's the only ethics they have.

  24. How about setting up a web cam in the shed? Is there some reason why those don't work on blobsquatches?

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who has thought of this!

    New lurker to the site- it's fun!

    1. The shed belonged to a hoaxer named Mike Sells. He passed away. The property now belongs to a UFO hoaxer and on his site he says the hole in the blanket is due to an anal probing...OUCH!..

  25. These videos, when taking in full context, are intriguing. If you're intelligent and not a dumb dingleberry like most of the people who post on this site.

    1. And by intriguing you mean what exactly? It's intriguiing that MK continues to spin cycles on this stuff or that he sees "signs" in every pixel?

      Nothing in this video is evidence! You have some guy throwing a loaf of bread in the creek, a hobo's bed in the barn and some pixel blob chasing cows but to MK it all adds up to bigfoot and not JimmyJoeBob's "BuckWild" audition tape.

      If the place was so active then why or why don't we have video that stands on it's own. Or better yet, shoot the sucker and immedialty drag the body to the nearest network new station and end the debate. I can tell you why, cause the big fellow aint there...

    2. The full context is that these are Mike Sells garbage that MK Davis is trolling everybody with and pointing out Bigfoot in them like religious kooks see the Virgin Mary in a grilled cheese sandwich. Real "intriguing"...

  26. Shaun Where is the Australian Blob Fish article???

  27. Aren't you those 2 boys that have been Whackin in my Trailor Shed? Never seen 2 boys do so much Whackin...

    Mr. Anderson

  28. I couldn't sit through it, made it to about the 4 min mark. Ho-hum.

  29. This guy is as boring as Phil Polling. So we can assume Bigfoot carries the key for the shed in his fanny pack

  30. red blanket - I'm assuming it's from being dragged through the bloody puddle from the massacre prior to the PG "fim" ;)

  31. I probably shouldn't be saying this but I spoke to M.K. Davis off the record and he told me they also found stuck together tissues and a copy of Big Hairy Titties beside the mattress. They are waiting on the DNA results.

  32. Now we know where Mike Sells slept one off after he got kicked out of the house.

  33. Why doesn't everyone that believes in these videos ask MK where they came from and to play the entire videos including their audio all the way thru? These are the Paris Videos, and they are linked to Tom Biscardi and they were admitted to be hoaxed.

  34. Rush and Mayor McCheese and the other firsters must have a hard time getting out of their respective parents' basement and GETTING A LIFE!!!


    This guy, like a number of others, is a repeat hoaxer who has and should be given zero credibility. It's the serial hoaxers that make bigfoot believers the laughing stock of closed minded people.

    Dismiss this as the BS it is.

  36. 3:28, You wish you had my life.

  37. Everything is blurry.... why wasn't there a camera setup inside the building in the first place.... it seems like the camera shots are 200 yards away?

  38. I assume that MK Davis is single.

    We need to set up a date between him and Janice Carter. The two are made for each other.

    1. Yep, they're cuckoo for cocoa puffs!!!

      Bat shit crazy

      Crazier than shithouse rats

      One flew over the cuckoo's nest type crazy

      Fucking Looney Toons!!!!!!

  39. bread flying through the air is evidence of Sasquatch! Lol


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