Mike Rugg Explains Why There Won't Be a "Big Reel" Documentary on Patterson-Gimlin

Last September, Mike Rugg received a reel containing video of Roger Patterson talking about his Bigfoot footage. The "Big Reel" gives us a rare glimpse into Roger Patterson's world -- two months after filming the creature at Bluff Creek, CA. The film was used as a marketing tool in the 1970s and was shown to audiences during the height of his career. Patterson had presented it to Universal Studios and the BBC, who were especially impressed with the film.

Rugg, a curator at the Bigfoot Discovery Museum had been working on a documentary featuring the "Big Reel" and was planning to release it on DVD. It now looks like the project has turned into a disaster after disagreements over royalties with Patterson's widow entered the picture. Watch below:


  1. Replies
    1. It's satisfying ain't it?

    2. its a bloke in a suit, if you think otherwise please seek medical help

    3. We all think otherwise even you do and love it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Enough Les. You've made your stance on racial equality well aware, no need to use such slander.

    2. We heard you and your hitler loving onslaught last time you attempted to be first. My granny did not find the camps to be a public service.

    3. Les, NAMBLA is not protected by the first and 4th amendments. And you know what? I don't give a shit. Anyone who advocates sex with children should have the crap beat out of them-frig due process.
      Hope to see you in my neighborhood spewing that sick pro-ped garbage. Bring a lunch though, its gonna be a long day....

    4. Wow, I wonder what he said. What a sicko!

    5. He said 'First'.

      It's all part of being a firster. No quarter given.


  3. Money comes into the picture, and things always go down the drain.

  4. You're a good man, Mike. Keep up the good work.

  5. Mikes awesome, he dont charge a dime to go to that museum. I see the taxman chasing him around last year or so for 8k. Why does this museum have to pay taxes?

  6. This man is a true gentleman and does not have an agenda other than to get out the information about Patti and her ilk. I truly hope they are able to find someone to produce the dvd or even put it in the cloud to stream and get everyone involved a little scratch to help out. I know that I for one wouldn't mind helping, but I am rather broke and live a long way off.

  7. Replies
    1. Here's your paticipation ribbon young man!

  8. Why did Patterson use an imposter gimlin when he went on his tour?

    Sounds like a credible guy right?

    1. The show must go on! Gimlin was a pain in Roger's ass from day one. Gimlin would not attend the famous Sunday screening for Green and Dahindren.
      However, its possible Roger thought Bob would crack under pressure....

    2. Yep, total farce.....hairy ass tits, diaper butt, padding shifting at frame 352, horizontal lines at the hip indicating the suit scrunching.

      I know for a fact who it was.......

      Jerry Romney

  9. I don't know this Rugg guy and I don't even believe bigfoot exists but why should any royalties go to this guy or his museum and not any to the actual owners of the material that is central to the documentary or any key person interviewed for the film?

    Sounds like this producer "with a good track record" knows how to produce the green stuff for himself.

    It's sort of like this blog - does Shawn pay any of these contributors or just exploit their generosity and need for attention to get free content to make money off of?

    1. Hell yea we get paid.You should see the mansion and my 2012 Corvette he paid me to write on his blog.

      PS Shawn,we are out of doughnuts in the kitchen at work.

    2. PS PS Shawn,the stripper pole broke last night also.Please replace it ASAP.

  10. Apology?? Go back and listen to the video where he discusses Gimlin and Hodgsen. It's no wonder some were offended. But Rugg goes on and on why they SHOULDN'T be offended thus negating his "apology". There is need to point out HOW people are aging, Mike. As an example, let me point out how the color on your face looks like you have extreme high blood pressure to me. Everyone should know that, right? NO. It's your personal shit. Keep your opinions or "facts" to yourself. That's why people were offended. Apology NOT accepted.

    1. Who pissed in your Wheaties this morning?

    2. You're such a fag......I'll tell your stupid ass right now that its o.k. to be offended. Its not a crime. If you're offended, good. Go fuck yourself.

  11. How cares about another home made Monsterquest? Just release what Roger showed people in the theaters, that is all anyone wants to see...

  12. He'll release nothing and you'll like it.

  13. I think it is very funny how competitive the "Bigfoot Industry" is. I consider myself an outsider and I am a writer and observer of human behavior. I am certain the Bigfoot were kinder to each other.

    It is beyond obvious that negative comments attached to this article are construed by jealous rivals attempting to garner "Bigfoot Fame" whereas they have nothing positive to add to the method of research and education in re Bigfoot so they choose to harm others with unthruths and uneducated opinions.

    How sad is it that people are so empty inside that they have nothing to give except hate and fear.

    The Bigfoot Museum is a "gem" filled with history and knowledge... And the curator of this historic venue, Micheal Rugg, has the character and heart to entertain everyone with a desire to believe and interested on learning the facts (truth).

  14. fuck that bitch just release the dvd. you bums don't have any real money anyway. you are all crying over pennies. grow some fucking nuts & put it out... pussies.

  15. this is pissing me off now. I love cold beer, good music, loose women, hot rods, and anything sasquatch. show the damn movie reels or dvd. cmon don't be a little bitch. I want to see any and everthing bigfoot related. DON'T SWEEP THIS UNDER THE RUGG!

  16. MIKE you look like a bearded John Candy barrel ass. I love ya MIKE

  17. What a bunch of pussy ass crybabies.....Its not a crime to offend someone. All you stupid fuckers NEED to be offended. Fuck apologizing to the pissbaby dickless dweebs.

  18. Well, I think its crazy. Its just a story. Folks get all stupid on these things. No proof anyway. Just stuff.


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