Ketchum Now Extracting DNA From Giant Skeletons, Sets Sights On Shroud of Turin

Last December, we discussed the possibility that Dr. Melba Ketchum may be studying "giant skeletons". Giant skeletons have reportedly been found around the world. Critics have criticized Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA study suggesting contamination maybe the reason why her data shows a homo sapiens / unknown hominin hybrid species in North America. In a new Facebook posting, it seems Ketchum has taken the next critical step in proving that there is no contamination -- by extracting DNA from giant bone fragments supposedly from Bigfoot:

"We are working on teeth and bones....can't wait to see if we hit pay dirt so to speak!!! Have a variety of samples...we shall see what we get..... Dr. Pat, my second author is amazing. Even the Armed Forces lab was using his extraction techniques last time I heard (You know, they identify bones from MIAs and other lost servicemen and even identified the person in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from the Vietnam War). He taught me the technique, but he has the wonderful robots that make extractions more perfect than I could ever do manually. He has never failed to get DNA from bone. Even manually his techniques are SO fantastic that I was able to get usable DNA from cremated remains in two separate cases (one cat and one human) and I never thought we could do that, especially without robots. We recently extracted DNA from some 2000 year old tissue and hair and got good results (DNA profiles) using these extraction methods without having to amplify the DNA (WGA) or make a "library" like they did for the Neandertal and Denisovan hominins prior to sequencing. We have one sample that is highly degraded bone and it will be interesting if this will be the first time this extraction technique fails. I am betting on getting DNA though. The academics could sure learn a few things from forensic scientists about extracting good DNA from minimal samples and also how to determine if there is really contamination other than just assuming that there is... It is so awesome! I gotta love science!!!!"

Hot off the heels of all the excitement, Ketchum posted the following statement on her personal Facebook page expressing interest in extracting DNA from the Turin Shroud, the famed burial shroud that many Catholics say bears the face of Jesus has been dated back to Christ's time:

"While we are on the subject of Easter, wouldn't I LOVE to get blood sample and therefore a genome from the Shroud! I could die happy after doing this! The paternal side should be nothing less than a miracle if it is real. I know a technique that wouldn't harm the shroud when done property."


  1. Replies
    1. Rush owns the crappy bands you like.

    2. Like the Stones, The Who, Zeppelin.
      I guess they all can't have beak-nosed squeaky-voiced singers.

    3. Working my way back to the top was tough. Success does not come easy. With this in mind, I dedicate this first to one of BE's legends Ken.

      Take care bro.


    4. You guys rock. Ken, I hope you are on the way up brother.

    5. Yo MMG, your mother needs to wash her dirty twat.

    6. wow, now she is trying to prove that the shroud of Turin has the dna of Jesus! The woman continues to impress AND amuse me! A definite DNA Goddess!!!
      You just cannot make this stuff up!

    7. ^ you can she was joking you Moron. You're the most Gullible Idiot ever!

    8. No, I am. I paid $30 for her study.

    9. Only the MoronIdiot guy would believe Ketchum was joking. His world has collapsed. Anally raped by a mystical monkey. I hope he dies soon.

    10. ^ funny I thought u would die soon plus there are a lot of others who use "moron" Moron! What has collapsed ? In your fukin retarded brain yes, but otherwise no. Melba has done more to bring this to the world than others and the crap that you think is collapsing is the made up crap about her gullible dicks like you believe. See ya MORON!

    11. You're right. She has done more DAMAGE to the world of Bigfootery.Put that in your pipe and smoke that.

    12. I think it's beautiful they are teaching the retarded to use keyboards.

    13. ^exactly like anon 6:16! Poor Tard Boy!

    14. Anon 4:19. We've been over this. My mother passed away 12 years ago. She has no need to 'wash her twat'. Her 'twat' (or vagina for those unfamiliar with UK cussing) is now dust and therefore the hygiene issue is no longer a concern.

      Thank You.


    15. Lots of retards here who won't admit she's cracked the bigfoot mystery, it's what we're all here for and what does she get, ridicule. Planned.

    16. It's pronounced YYZed.... Neil Peart stands alone

    17. It's pronounced YYZed.... Neil Peart stands alone

  2. Just because I'm a fraud doesn't mean you shouldn't donate money. Donate now.

  3. Sweet baby jesus is a type of people.

  4. I'm just relieved she's got "the wonderful robots" on the case; I think we can all breath a sigh of relief now.

    1. Just wait til one of those wonderful robots leaves Melba with sore lady parts.

    2. I am glad she's got robots to extract becuase ya know after she was nap raped she has his Bfoot yogurt all over her hands and tits.
      S N

    3. Robots? ^ is this person Retarded? Star Trek Nerd!

  5. It's about time someone examined the large skeletons all over the world-especially the ones tucked away in museums and the indian reservations.

    1. Wanna see my giant boner?

    2. Well... I've just spent some time in the Danish Museum of Natural History. They actually have some bones there (still) labeled as bones from giants, but they all turn out to be from woolly mammoths, so now the journal says something like "bone from a giant (Mammoth)"

      Everything big found in the past, is pretty much said to come from giants, just saying... but again some of the skeletons found could be BF, but i guess most of them is from aleready known megafauna animals.

  6. Robots are the wave of the future--Go Skynet.

  7. She wants a sample from the Shroud of Turin so she can claim god was a lemur.

  8. A frien of mine told me that Ketchum is extracting DNA from some poops in a jar.

    1. I sent her a sample of explosive poo that originated from my anus after consuming an unnatural quantity of Mexican white cheese.

    2. I was recently informed by a secret BF informant that Ms Ketchum has 'brown' under her fingernails.


    3. You crazy fools! Bigfeet never poo, they don't want to leave signs behind them, they wanna cover their traces!

    4. So I would say they are a bit constipated...
      What happens if at some point they don't succeed in holding on?

    5. Trolls, very little people

    6. You have apparently never seen Trollhunter.

    7. Just a question, why footers never laugh?

    8. bigfoot is no laughing matter. Neither is schizophrenia.

  9. So Jesus was a Sasquatch? Lol

  10. On the Third Day Christ rose from the Dead.....Is Melba trying to do the same

  11. First of all it's not a shroud. It's a poncho that the Jesus left in the tractor shed.

  12. There is a better chance of me burning down the Vatican and exclaiming "Fooled ya! I'm a Protestant!!" than there is of her getting her conniving paws on the Shroud of Turin...

    1. Oh ya? Well, she published her very own paper so there!! She can do anything when she puts her mind to it!

    2. Hate to be the one to rain on anyone's parade here but wasn't the Shroud exposed as a Medieval hoax when they carbon dated it like 20 years ago? It's funny that Melba made those comments about extracting DNA from those bones as that's actually what Dr Sykes is famous for, extracting DNA from very old human remains. Think he might know better than our favourite hoaxing cat vet.

  13. Have you ever put your balls in a ball washer at the golf course and after about the third pump you realize it was for the golf balls?

    1. I did the same thing. There should be a warning sign about that.

  14. Well. I thought there might be some useful comments. Guess I was wrong.

    1. Oh how much you are serious culturally advanced

    2. Try the BFF, there are a few suckers holding the bag(of shit); swimming against the tide and pretending she actually conducted a real study and published a real
      The rest of the world, including Melba, has moved on...

    3. Thinking is definitely not your cup of tea.

    4. Thoughts are like assholes: everyone has one and hovers them over jars and than poops in those jars...

    5. 4:17 please go away. You are not wanted here anyway. We trolls own this site now.

    6. Congrats trolls, you won. Now move on to the next thing to make fun of, like your inbred families and lost hopes and dreams you try to full fill by making fun on the internet because none of them came true

    7. That would be the normal procedure for clowns like these only the problem is they're under government contract to fool around here, so where normal trolls would get tired and move on these bubbas stay for the whole ride.

  15. Welcome to the Decline of our Civilization

    1. Really? You come to a Bigfoot site and preach that?

      OK THEN.

    2. True - I came to the site for intelligent discussion on an interesting topic - what a fool am I!

    3. Ok, you start. What intelligent comments do you have to contribute on this topic?

    4. How about why can the DNA from multiple sites, tested in different labs produce the same results?

    5. IDK,you tell me oh Great One.

    6. Because Bigfoot has existed for just as long if not longer than modern man. Sorry its the truth, ask any Native American, I trust their stories over any the Gov tries to tell me is History.

    7. well said, sir, well said.

    8. I hate the gubment so much.

    9. 9:13 you got that right. It's long past any fun for the troll guard hanging around it's a tiresome job for them, they're some tiny back office fraction at the Pentagon or someplace like that.

  16. Actually she is doing DNA analysis on a piece of toilet paper that bigfoot wiped his ass with. The title of this article should have read Shroud of a Turd. Not shroud of Turin

  17. It doesn't surprise me.

    These footers deserve to be banded in with the looney toon paranormal types.

    1. ^ why? You make no sense!

    2. 4:52, give up, nobody thinks that is a good joke nor do they care about aliens this is a bigfoot blog

    3. Funny thing is, Bigfoot probably is an alien which explains the jokesters parade 'round these parts.


  19. I think there's one on the hill!

  20. I don't beleive a damn thing that comes out if her psycho mouth

    1. Nobody cares what comes out if your mouth.

      Get it? I made fun of you being dumb! HA!



  22. Jesus is the bigfoot that boinked Melber.


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