Interview: Stacy Brown Jr. Updates Us On More Government Cover-up and Harassment

Michael Merchant of TeamTazer interviews Stacy Brown (TTBF official Skunk Ape field investigator) on his follow up investigation of the Florida Skunk Ape sighting. Brown updates us on some details on the continuing government cover-up and harassment. Are officials in Myakka State Park hiding something in the swamps of Florida? Watch below:

Link to Stacy Brown's Channel:


  1. I can only pray that we use tax dollars to beef up police so they can stop these guys from harassing our amazing paranormal apes

  2. Have you ever heard of not broadcasting your plans and movement?.

  3. It is illegal to film many law enforcement people. I guess we already know what they are going to book Stacy on.

    Rule #1 for Bigfoot, Sasquatch or Skunk Ape contact, use small numbers of people. Small numbers = one.

    Rule #2 for Contact. Never violate Rule #1

    Rule #3 for Contact. If you violate Rule #1 and #2, bring plenty of beer, chips and hotdogs because you won't be getting any action and will have lots of time on your hands.

    1. its not illegal to film the police

    2. actualy it s if it identifies who they are, details of their uniform etc, try it ad see mr liberal and see,in whar circumstanes, thet tell u t fuck ff. why is he telling them wha his movements are,hes got jack,so hes doi thegovernment thing. couple of stoners,its like listening to beavis n butthead

    3. @12:17 is quite correct.

  4. Stacy is not being truthful. Yes, he has a great thermal, but everything else he is saying about this investigation is not quite true. There is no harrasement, cover up or conspiracy!He is just not following the rules, like the rest of the public.

    This is just the tip of his half-truths:

    1. Myakka does not allow people walking around the park at night. It is closed at sunset unless you are camping there. He has not camped there so he can't be there at that time. Thus his ticket.
    2. Camping reservations go out months in advance - he did not have reservations last time and this time he did but in the place he reserved (only youth camp available) you need be be a recognized entity like BSO or a non-profit. THAT is why he can't camp there. He thought the park would overlook this. They won't.
    3.Ringling Bros that he speaks of is a Museum. At one time it was the winter home of the circus but there is no record of any animals escaping.
    4. If Stacy wasn't so publicity hungry with the park, he would have more cooperation. This is already a circus town and he doesn't have to bring another one.
    5. Telling the public the park is being difficult is no way to gain a friend. He just has to follow the rules like everyone else. (And he is not.)
    6. The park he took his thermal in almost banned him because he leaves trash at his camp site. They really aren't as friendly with him as he is claiming. He got several warnings from Torreya about this.

    1. And who are you oh so wise anonymous person too scared to post under a name or say who you are with your vast array of knowledge of Stacy Brown and his entire life.

      Please, enlighten us all some more!

    2. Why is it that footers find it so important to say who you are whenever you post? As if posting under your real name proves some sort of point? What would they do with that information? Find out where you live and fight you because you don't believe there's a population of 8 foot tall ape men roaming around the parks and backyards of North America? Lol


    3. Just check with the park about the facts! Go ahead and verify that the park's reservations are always full. Call them - ask them why Stacy can't camp there? Why the youth and primative camps aren't available. Ask them why he got a ticket last time he was there. They will share the information that is above with you. Be an investigator and do your research: Discover he is not telling the truth! He'll do anything for hits on his site $$$

    4. In 1 you say Stacy has 'not camped there' but in 6 you say the park punished him for leaving trash at his camp site?

      Also why would the park confiscate his therm if his 'crime' was leaving trash? Again this does not make sense.

      I can only assume you too are part of the cover up.


    5. Bigfoot has always been and seemingly continues to be a big conspiracy, sad but true.

    6. There is no massive conspiracy! It's just something people believe must be going on like a kind of paranoid schitzophrinia to back up their monkey man mythos. MMG he is referring to two different campsites one where the Skunk Ape footage came from that he hasn't camped at in Myakka and the other that he got his thermal footage from and left full of his garbage at Torreya.

  5. rule #4, don't look like a miscreant.

  6. Why is it that when there's not enough proof, they cry government cover up! Please man, grow up, grow some balls! What the fuck are they covering up? I can understand the concept of extraterrestrial life being covered up by government, as they have the technology to find or pursue it. NOW, Bigfoot cover up, WTF!!! Everybody has the ability to go out and look for fucken bigfoot, no need for satellites, spaceships or telescopes! The fact is there is no credible proof of bigfoot( as much as I would love there to be). So now cry government cover up? Fuck!!!!!!

    1. Deep down, Bigfoot researchers know that Bigfoot doesn't exist. They know that they will never find any solid evidence of it's existence. As a result, there is now a trend in the Bigfoot community of finding reasons to stop trying to find the mythical creature. The DNA paper attempted to classify Bigfoot as human so now researchers can use that as a reason to stop searching- they are human, and should be left alone to live their lives. There have been numerous attempts at petitions to "protect" Bigfoots, which is just away for researchers to give up on the search but not admit that there is no evidence proving Bigfoot exists. A government cover-up is another good way to give up without admitting defeat. To the uneducated, the government is an all-powerful and all-knowing entity that controls and has access to all of the information in the world. How can these poor Footers compete with the government?

    2. Seems to be the case. These clowns did not even wait till the weekend was over before laying the foundation for excuses. They knew they were not gonna find shit(oh, wait they did-lol) before they gassed up the trucks...

    3. Deep Down ? Are you insane ? Guess so because many researchers have actually seen these beings so they know full well they're there, essentially proving there must be a conspiracy going on trying to hide the species' true identity. Hence the Ketchum slamming.
      These critters aren't mere apes they're far too intelligent for that so something else is evidently happening and it's being covered up, that shit doesn't just occur in banana republics it's actually how you keep things in check here as well via things like authority denial. Denial of course isn't enough, that method can only work when the other part (the bigfoots) is a clever enough species which is obviously the case.

  7. I'm sure that hanging around a park, breaking rules and harassing law enforcement like a bunch of high schoolers and then crying "cover-up" will drastically improve the status of Bigfoot researchers in the scientific community.

    1. You got that right! But can a redneck huckleberry act professional?

  8. You have no credibility when your are teamed up with T-FAT

  9. Where is the woman with the telephoto lens????..she has better answers than all these guys.... Has there been any real local journalism here? Has there been any follow up at all with her??? Fasano is certainly a red flag...anyone associating with him deserves to have their credibility questioned.

  10. I'm sure that MIB have infiltrated the Bigfoot community i.e. Smeja, etc.

    1. No shit, Sherlock. It's too bad really but it's definitely so since the origin of the big fella for some reason must be kept from our ears and eyes.

  11. They do have apes out there. Have been for years and years. From circus. This is well known to the old timers.

  12. It was Fasano. Your reigning in on his parade and the old fat man just can't take it. He probably called his general friend and had him warn the park rangers that a crazed camper was going to try and get in the park and terrorize it.


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