Does The Uniqueness of The DNA Prove That Ketchum's Right?

The Bigfoot blog Bigfoot Lunch Club received an email response from a microbiologist named Dr. Tyler Kochjohn who suggest that Dr. Melba Ketchum's paper does not prove Bigfoot, but rather, it proves that there is definitely "something unique and unrecognized roaming the woods". Konchjohn points to Ketchum's data on the hair morphology, and unique traces of nuDNA consistent across multiple samples from around the world. Konchjohn also explains why Ketchum's paper was rejected the first time and wrote that her first publication target was a forensics journal -- "which rejected the paper because it was too genetic and biological".

The microbiologist believes Ketchum's data points to an origin that has two clear possibilities: Bigfoot is either hybrid or mutant.

The mtDNA is fully consistent with known human sequences (given a base pair or two). The maternal lineage is, without a doubt, H. sapiens sapiens. Even more interesting, is that the oldest mtDNA sequence found was from about 15,000 ybp, while the youngest was only a few thousand years old, if that. This means that bigfoots have been continuously splitting from or interbreeding with normal humans since about 15,000 ybp until rather recently. The problem with the hybrid idea is that if bigfoots are a cross between humans and some closely related hominid (Homo X), then they probably would have breed with Homo X, and we should find unknown mtDNA from Homo X; but there is not, at least, not in the bigfoots from which samples were collected. Some people might think that the Homo X chromosome 11 and human chromosome 11 should still be distinctly identifiable, but chromosomal crossover could have mixed them together, turning a heterogeneous hybrid into a homogeneous race.

The other option is that bigfoots originated as a mutation from H. sapiens sapiens. We used to think that mutations occurred individually and slowly over time, but fossil evidence suggests that new species pop up fast, driven by gene pool isolation, and then stabilize with population increase. There was a global disruption about 15,000 ybp, and it is quite possible that bigfoots are cold-adapted humans. Given their physical features, they do seem to be dark skinned and negroid, which were the predominant human traits until about 6,000 ybp (when human skin color lightened in the north). Add in the hair and size, and you have a bigfoot.

Check out Bigfoot Lunch Club for the full letter from Dr. Tyler Kochjohn.


  1. Replies
    1. Finland eh..well through another shrimp on the barbie mate

    2. ^^^ geography fail on 12:39.

    3. zero point zero! excellent!

    4. That's how much anon 12:39 knows Geography.

    5. FYI: “On July 1, 2000 a Grants Pass psychologist, Dr. Matthew Johnson, took a hike with his wife and children on Big Tree Loop Trail behind the visitor's center at Oregon Caves National Monument. They heard odd sounds coming from the forest nearby and detected a terrible scent. When he hiked off the trail alone he was shocked and dismayed to see a huge Bigfoot that had been following them.”

    6. Congratulations Finland. You got any bigfeet or big women or big women with big feet over there ?

    7. I got a mouth hug from a chick from Finland once. *Sigh* The good ole days

    8. ^^^ from the guy who like manties...

    9. ^^^ spelling fail on 12:39.

    10. No bigfoot here as far as I know but Russia is only a couple hundred km away. Ladies are very beatiful :)

  2. Replies
    1. Just because I'm a fraud doesn't mean you can't donate money. Donate now.

    2. Right here! let it be known that fraudulent activity is not part of my programming, my robot bigfooting brethren and I have been designed and engineered soley for the truth, and also for humorous commentary on bigfoot based websites, the future of bigfooting is in robotics, not DNA.

    3. Is it true that you can eat a bigfoot steak and poop out the DNA results?

    4. Rocky Balboa could eat lightning and crap thunder.

    5. Mm-Mme-um.....Cro-Magnon
      It's mutantin' hybridizin' time!

    6. I don't often drink beer, but when I do, I will hybridize with a Cro-magnon Woman. Stay Thirsty my friend.

    7. Mainstream science just proved itself to be the government controlled fraud by not accepting good solid scientific data, it's not Kethcum's fault it's yours.

  3. No one (in their right mind)no normal thinking people will take bigfoot seriously until really good films of these creatures are shown (I mean really good film like National Geographic stuff) and a body or capture takes place. Period.

    That's real science folks. Plain and simple. Time to move on until this happens. It will be all over the news anyway if it does.

    1. You proved something with that post,
      it' proves your dumber than the dirt in my yard,
      and that's some dumb ass dirt.

    2. well said, sir, well said.

  4. Video evidence will never surface. Dr. Ketchum has proven that sasquatch can disable recording equipment by emitting electro magenetic pulse burts from their minds. It is akin to their ability to hunt using infrasound to stun and disable prey.

    The mainstream scientists can't keep Dr. Ketchum's results down any longer. The information age makes it very difficult to hide the truth. Soon, Dr. Ketchum's great work will receive the recognition she so richly deserves, and we can begin the true work of protecting these creatures and learning about their telepathic and mind abilities.

    Time will prove Dr. Ketchum right. Sasquatch is out there. The skeptics are going to be sorry they tried to ruin her life when she comes out on top.

    1. Time to take your meds, dear.

    2. I can't tell whether you're joking or just plain mad.

    3. She has to be joking. The grammar's too good for a telepath level footer.

      There are none crazier and generally they can't sit still long enough to form sentences.

    4. 12:38 is just pretending to be a Ketchum supporter, in case anyone's wondering.

  5. These things will eat you. I seen on back in 1984 it and its buddies followed us up the ridge near crater lake. we thought they were hobo's until through my binoculars I saw one tree peeking and it was naked and caveman like. we got out of there.

  6. There is lots of proof out there it goes back decades if people are not out there looking how in the heck can one be found or caught?
    Their out there an I'm not afraid to say so I've had my own experience of hearing one an seeing foot prints!!

    1. Now, Lita here (12:40) is the real deal. Several spelling errors and the usual erration punctuation.
      Not a telepath level footer but definately an eye-glow bleever.

    2. I seen's me one so's I know they be real.

    3. 6:14 is payed to keep the public in the dark and dumb them down.

  7. When was Dick Ryder's movie supposed to be shown? Was it April 30th, or was it April 1st? Wouldn't it have to be April 1st?

  8. I was bitten by a bigfoot recently. Will i turn into a zombie?

    1. No but you should get tested for squach AIDS.

  9. Leading Cryptozoologist, Adam Davies, Will Break Bigfoot News Tomorrow
    Bigfoot caught on trailcam by Lori Simmons and Adam Davies Adam Davies, a well-known cryptozoologist will be prominently featured in

    1. let me guess; the image will be blurry? i think the only thing that will break is bigfoot wind.

  10. where is bearking when you need him?

  11. my grand pappy was taking a dump off trail in the North Cascade Mountains and saidhe saw two of them walk right by him not more than 100 feet away..they stopped and looked right at him and he feel over on his side and pulled up his britches and ran like hell.

    1. without wiping? i don't care how many bigfoot are staring at me, i'm wiping my ass.

    2. be prepared!!! kleenex, never hike without em'.

  12. Own up then. Who paid their $30, got nothing, and liked it?

    1. I did and it was worth it. Maybe a moron like you should stop commenting on shit that you don't have knowledge on and put your money where your mouth is!

    2. It's just the Tazers/BFEs rambling amongst themselves here.

  13. The very fact that a microbiologist took kooky Ketchum seriously enough to waste his time looking at her self-published nonsense automatically disqualifies him as a credible source.

    1. I think 10 sounds right. "self-published non-sense" ... I have been looking for serious critiques of the the methods and data published in the paper and have found nothing but a few thoughtful comments regarding some conclusions. Nothing to justify the organized hatred displayed toward the work on this website.

      Sorry Shawn - I am out of here -good luck with these losers.

    2. ^ Don't let the door hit you in your butt hurt

  14. Well, once finding a white faced steer in a lava cave in 1980 is possibly a piece of evidence. This was out by West Crater, northwest of Jordan Valley, OR, while hunting for a “virgin” unexplored cave. I hiked across the desert to explore the cave, a typical lava tube. It was walk-in size and continued that way over a floor of jumbled lava boulders. When about a hundred feet into the cave I came to the carcass of a white faced steer. It had not been eaten on, but was just lying there. A meeting guest commented that a steer of that type might weigh 800 pounds. So…how did it get back in the cave? Might there have been a creature hiding behind one of those boulders?

  15. All footers have is excuses. There simply is no monkey. Footers try to explain away the fact there is zero evidence by applying superhuman attributes to their mythical creature in an attempt to rationalise why a 9 foot creature could be walking all around america, be seen by thousands of people and yet incredibly not leave a single trace of its existence.

    There is not one valid argument for why we haven't found any evidence. You can try but in the end your only argument is based on a belief system and not in a scientific understanding of reality.

    1. o.k mr. science, thank you for that refreshing reality check. may i remind you that believing that bigfoot doesn't exist is also just that; a belief. you haven't looked behind every tree have you? it isn't in bigfoot that you have to believe or disbelieve, it's the witnesses who say "i know what i saw" that you have to contend with. you see you actually don't know, you believe. if you believe in or don't believe in an elusive hominid you're just a believer one way or another. a smart skeptic says "i don't know if they exist or not." someone who says they don't exist isn't even a skeptic, they're just someone who stands a fifty-fifty chance of being wrong. with all of the witnesses, lore and legend, and vast unattended wilderness out there, i would say the odds are a lot higher than fifty-fifty that the sasquatch exists. and maybe they're a lot smarter than we are.

    2. That's horrible logic.

      It's the same as saying Santa Clause is real because you can't prove he's not.

    3. Agreed. Stop with the prove a negative Bullshit. It makes you look stupid. That being said, yes, the stories are intriguing and I'm inclined to believe some of them. However, "Prove it's Not Real" is just weak....Next

    4. I lol'd at the 50-50 chance....more like 99.98-00.02 chance

    5. It appears that evolution has inadvertantly spawned a new type of paid scoftic. This mutant appears to be the CUT & PASTE SCOFTIC. Since time is of the essence, and the more he posts, the more he makes, the CUT & PASTE SCOFTIC just keeps pasting the same diatribe, over and over. This way, he doesn't really have to reassess the evidence between posts. He just thumbs his nose at real time research findings, and robotically keeps punching his CUT & PASTE buttons. Although one might think that the Darwin Award might kick in somewhere along the line here whereby the dumbest person in the room, somehow offs himself in order to improve the remaining gene pool. But since these CUT & PASTERS don't actually touch a pair of scissors or jar of glue, they are not exactly at high risk except for either a heart attack or a pissed off Bigfoot materializing into his computer room only to rip his typing fingers from his wimpy torso. So until a team of Bigfoot, track this yahoo down, we ALL have to suffer. Let's all just say a few prayers to the local eavesdropping Bigfoot in our vicinity, just to see if anonymous 2:07 oneday shows up typing with his elongated nose.

    6. there's churches, temples, and mosques all around this country dedicated to a being that no one has seen. bigfoot has a greater chance of being real than god. who has seen god? nobody thats who. but do i know that god doesn't exist? no i don't, just like you have no clue about bigfoot. bad logic? as far as your concerned it is because you don't have an answer, at least not a logical one. you call me stupid and you call a point weak but you offer no intelligent argument. what do you say to to someone who says "I KNOW WHAT I SAW"? ....and 23:00^ it's not the same as saying santa claus is real. parents admitted to the santa hoax, in case you missed that.

    7. Anon 2:07: "There is not one valid argument for why we haven't found any evidence."

      I believe there is loads of evidence - but not enough proof to satisfy many. Scientists have had many theories over time that they then had to prove - finding evidence along the way to support their theories. WHY IS THIS ANY DIFFERENT?

    8. The Santa analogy is just plain stupid! I don't know one single person over the age of 12 who claims to have seen Santa Clause yet alone found his crap, hair , and footprints! 40,000 who claim to have seen Bigfoot VS Zero teens and adults who are not mentally challenged who have seen Santa! Sorry kids ( and a few immature slow idiots on this site)!

    9. Plus Anon 2:07 and anon 4:23 we don't have Santas DNA. DNA is science Moron!

    10. "DNA is science"...definitely sounds like someone who paid 30 bucks for her bullshit "paper"...

    11. Absolutely - worth twice the price. More EVIDENCE (that anon 2:07 says does not exist) to study.

    12. What DNA? Lemur DNA? Human DNA?

      No one has Bigfoot hair, no one has Bigfoot crap, no one has Bigfoot DNA, and the only foot prints you have are from hoaxers.

      You can believe Meldrum and regurgitate his nonsense all you want. Whilst simultaneously ignoring the rest of the scientific community. If you honestly think that's logical.

      The fact is, you can't prove Bigfoot exists. At all.

      So accept the fact that you got nothing and like it.

    13. If i can find someone over the age of 12 that believes in Santa does that mean he's real?

    14. On what basis can you claim that:

      "No one has Bigfoot hair, no one has Bigfoot crap, no one has Bigfoot DNA, and the only foot prints you have are from hoaxers.

      How are you in the know?
      Seems to me, this is what you want to believe, but you have no basis for it.

    15. Exactly - that is their belief - they have no basis for saying there is no evidence.

      There is plenty of evidence to test.

    16. critical thinking is in short supply in this day and age. it is fine to not believe the "evidence" that exists is bigfoot, it is another to say there is no evidence. it demonstrates the inability of the poster to make a logical argument to support his opinion. very sad

    17. Probably the same poster who says first all the time!

    18. and everyone who saw bigfoot is being completely honest right?

      go to Youtube, you could probably find 40,000 videos about bigfoot and not one is worth a damn.

      Yet you believe each and every single eye witness account is 100% credible and true.

      I mean, don't you realize that there are credible scientists and biologists who go out into the woods and track and tag wolves, coyotes, cougars, moose, bears, wolverines, etc, etc, etc. You think these people would find Bigfoot and just ignore it?

    19. Anon 7:50 prove your position on all these hoaxes ! You can't because you have never left your laptop Dick Weed. Why do you deny evidence? What the F*ck have you done to contribute Moron? You have only contributed criticism and denial! What a nut case you are!

    20. Anon 8:07 - I agree that there is a very large percentage of hoax/mis-identification, no one says there isn't. But there is still enough evidence that should be tested and not dismissed. To assume everything is a hoax is just as bad as assuming everything is not a hoax. There is plenty to keep testing and speculating.

    21. Ok, quick refresher course..Bigfoot has not been proven by science so how on earth can you justify something "unknown" to be Bigfoot evidence?

      It's like claiming to be a bigfoot expert. You can't do it.

      If you want to talk about abnormalities or anomalies, knock yourself out. But calling that Bigfoot is like calling it a Ghost or an Alien.

    22. Anon 8:07 if you did an ounce of reading or research you would find that a lot of people who are witnesses are hunters, fish and game, forestry, and wildlife experts. I personally met with DNR and law enforcement to cast tracks. Before you talk do some research .

    23. I second that and hope that Ketchum study will be found good or bad soon from credible sources. Proving theories is what science is all about.

    24. you can call me names all you just means you are mad because you are losing.

      If you are so confident in your beliefs you won't be so butt hurt by someone else pointing out facts.

      Show me where you have Bigfoot DNA, Hair, Crap.

    25. Anon 8:14 your right - you can not call it Bigfoot evidence, it suspected (or hoped for) Bigfoot evidence.

      It does appear (if Ketchum sequencing is right) that there is an "unknown" species from multiple locations with the same sequence that came from suspected bigfoot evidence. This needs to be verified and then explained.

    26. Anon 8:14 goes straight to ghosts And aliens. Typical Crap! No use in arguing with ignorant idiots like him. It's impossible to be 100 percent hoaxed on 40,000 witnesses. You sound like the stupidest person on earth saying such a dumb statement! Who let's low IQ people on here like anon 8:14?

    27. Can we all agree with Anon 8:23 who said:

      It does appear (if Ketchum sequencing is right) that there is an "unknown" species from multiple locations with the same sequence that came from suspected bigfoot evidence. This needs to be verified and then explained.

    28. Anon 8:18 I'm not losing! I do my homework ! You? NADA! Opinions and Ignorance is not Intelligence!

    29. Anon 7:55 basically pretended to be multiple posters trying to support his position! What an Idiot!

    30. 40000 YouTube videos not worth a damn? What a bone head. You think Bigfoot sighting have just started since YouTube came out? What a Moron. That's why you never get a single person to believe your 100 percent hoax theory . LMFAO!

    31. Yeah, the misinformation office is hard at working tonight with their Santa jive. Santa is fiction from the recent past whereas sightings of the Sasquatches go back countless centuries, on different continents.

  16. my son, you don't remember me.. i'm jor-ell i'm your father!

  17. Look how majestic Cthulhu looks in that picture. Warms my heart.

    1. He is just chilling on the Mountain of Madness...

  18. The yeti of the Himalayas are crustaceous extraterrestrials from Pluto wearing furs to conceal their true forms.

    1. It's not impossible and your joking may actually be the truth.

  19. I seems as if Ketchum's Facebook page has been cleared of all wall posts (as of 1:15 am on 3-29-13). I'm not sure if it's maintenance related or what. If it's not a glitch, I wonder if there is a reason it was cleared.

    1. so it wont be used as evidence in a class action lawsuit.

    2. It's all back now. That was weird.

  20. Ok, quick refresher course. Bigfoot has been proven by science because the Feds held them in captivity in the early 60's, which was before the internet was born. The documentation is not available in any public library, nor on the internet. Non-government scientists did particiapate in the observation portion of the study. Most of them would be in the 80's, 90's or deceased today. If you want to find someone who has read the documentation, check around Livermore, California in the retirement communities. The documentation is tightly held because the public has not yet reached a state of Hollywood movie conditioning, whereby they could deal with a shape shifting, interdimensional, multi-phase, hairy forest person who stinks when annoyed. The movie "Predator" was generally modelled around the Bigfoot's interdimensional capabilities, except Bigfoot is not agressive and not out to skin you alive and hang you from trees.


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