Cryptozoological Report: Vietnamese Rock Apes

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Jay of the Bizarre Zoology blog. For info on weird and amazing facts/theories of zoology, paleontology, and cryptozoology go to or follow him on Twitter.

I am glad to say that here, at the Bizarre Zoology blog, I have the chance to add to the growing list of documented reports of cryptozoological animals. The latest cryptozoological report which will be going on file on this blog is from a man who I had personally met and spoken to. At the Cabela's Strange, Rare and Unusual Sightings Seminar in West Virginia, my dad and I sat behind a man (named Bob Lennox) who told us about a bizarre encounter which he had as a soldier in Vietnam. Mr. Lennox was very open and generous with telling us about his encounter, and he explained that it was this encounter which had brought him to the weekend event. His encounter was with an animal which his fellow soldiers referred to as a "Rock Ape." I have received full permission to share his report, which will also be added to the Cryptozoological Report Files page on this blog. Here is Mr. Lennox's report:

"My story begins when I was in Vietnam 1971. I was on post, which means I was alone with my k-9 out in the jungle at night. My dog's name was Teko. My job was to report any activity at night in my area, and report it back to base. One night while I was on post, sticks were being thrown through the bush in my area. My dog only looked in that direction and did not alert (which is what he was trained to do). He would alert to an animal differently than he would to a human. Teko not responding at all puzzled me, and made me kind of nervous! I don't remember how big the sticks and stones were because it was very dark in the jungle at night, so I really never got a good look. But it is hard for me to believe that a small monkey could throw things through the thick bush. Whatever it was it didn't want me there. After talking to Dr. Meldrum that day at Cabelas, he informed me that, based upon his studies, there are no large apes in the Vietnam area. But to date, there have been three animals thought to be extinct found alive in Vietnam. I wrote to a few of the guys who were stationed with me there, and I am enclosing their comments—From Bill Diorion: "I remember that they used to throw stuff at us. Bomb dump is where I remember them being located. They made a lot of noise going through the woods, and someone once told me it was because of mating season. Not sure if that was true."

Continue reading Cryptozoological Report—Vietnamese Rock Apes at


  1. Replies
    1. The secret can now be revealed. "Firsting" on this blog is encouraged.
      The ad money obtained from so many constant reloads is funding a giant and sinister project. You fools are paying for your own enslavement.
      The wind farms cropping up all over the country and actually transmission towers, transmission towers for...them.
      It won't be long now before they control everything, you have been warned.

    2. I love my pretty pony. Has anybody seen the new Justin bieber video ?

  2. My farts smell like Easter eggs.

    1. Jesus Christ rises from the grave and takes out the fuckin trash! He goes on a murderous rampage and kills everyone that fucked him over. He cuts off Judas' balls and shoves them down his throat. Wraps the crown of thorns around his fist and punches his fist through Pontius Pilot's face! You turncoat motherfucker Simon Peter! You sell me out! Jesus puts his nuts in a vice and cranks it! Then he starves him to death and puts leaches on his skin. THAT would be a cool thing to celebrate. I can't beleive Jesus got owned like that!

    2. now that is one hell of an unchristian story line.

    3. mayor is it true that you were once prepared to buy a pair of male undies?!

    4. how dare you guy is rockin' out on the one mr. mayor.

    5. How DARE you guy smacks down anyone who questions Sasquatch or the sweet baby jesus

    6. I wasn't going to buy the underwear. I told ALL CAPS to sell his underwear on Ebay. He said they smelled like fish.

    7. Still makes you a fag for being interested.. C'mon now Mayor that was sum SICK SHIT!!!!!!

    8. Fuck you ALL CAPS I know that's you because you spell like a retard.


      ALL CAPS-

  3. Replies
    1. jay, don't take offense to this but what the hell your other profile pix of??!! for a sec it looks like a old ugly asian witch hag..

    2. Hahaha other people said it looked like cat $'s fine haha I'll ask Shawn to change it next time. It's a model of a Gigantopithecus head with a reconstructed skull next to it.

    3. Models, reconstructions and drawings..sigh. I tell you, at some point you have to wonder why there are no bones, bodies or fossils for any of these ape men. Very discouraging....

    4. That's not true at all. There is a wide diversity of hominin species that we have discovered through fossil remains, so fossil "ape-men" did exist. It really isn't that discouraging when you realize that we only have a few bone fragments for the chimpanzee fossil record. Why no Wood Ape body? Consider this—these are very likely long living apes. With no natural predators and a lifespan of around 50 years, death is going to rare. When death does occur, predatory mammals often hole up in out of the way places to seek seclusion while dying. Wood Apes would certainly do this also.

    5. thanks for the interesting response cat shit jay!! lol jk your ALRIGHT jay..

    6. i hate calling them apes though. i call my uncle fred an ape. but these creatures are hominids that may be a couple of dna clicks away from us.

    7. Jay, as you point out we have fragments of long extinct species in the hominae family. What we don't have is 1 lousy piece of physical evidence for anything that people claim is STILL alive. I would think the chances of finding something from an extant species is much greater.
      Thanks for the response...

    8. I think that the hundreds of anatomically accurate footprint casts we have count as physical evidence. Mike Rugg also has a tooth that was found in Scotts Valley. I was able to speak to Dr. Meldrum about this and he said that it matched the proportions of a Giganto tooth (although it was heavily grinned down). Thanks for your response, I understand the skepticism.

  4. Still don't mean bigfoot is real.

    1. Cat shit jay is gay.....

      Sing it with me!!!!!

    2. Can you even spell half of the terms I am knowledgable of? By the way, I'm not gay. There were no equal signs in my profile picture a few days ago haha ;).

    3. You don't end sentences with prepositions, Jay. The equal signs were a meme created for straight allies, and methinks you protest too much.

    4. Sorry, I just don't like people trying to insult me. I just don't like getting criticism when I spend hours on an article.

    5. Thanks man. Really do appreciate the effort put in here.

    6. Sorry I get so defensive, I need to learn to joke around. Thank you.

    7. The comments on this blog are so sexist, racist and homophobic. Do you really have to talk about being gay like it's bad? I am just so happy Obama is in the White House, he's going to clean up all this hate and legalize gay marriage so everyone will finally be equal.

    8. Yeah. he is taking America in the rite direction he wants to take away guns let gays get mareied.

    9. uh-oh. who opened a can of stupid.

    10. Guns are horrible and nobody should have them. If all guns were banned and women ran the world there would be no more wars or violence.

    11. "Cyndi" is trying to stir the pot.

    12. If you are implying I should be in the kitchen cooking, that's sexist and in bad taste. I'll have you know I'm a college graduate and much more than a domestic servant.

    13. Take no offence Jay. Nothing is sacred here. The baby Jesus and Lord Meldrum get roasted here in equal measure. So you're in good company.

      Keep up the good work.


    14. Lol, thanks. The sad thing is that Jesus is the most important person in my life, and Meldrum is one of the most influential. But I can always laugh, so it's fine.

    15. Yep, its blatantly obvious that based off of Cat Shit Jays responses..........He's definitely gay!

      Silly faggot, dicks are for chicks. Stop watching tranny porn, queer bait! I know what you've been watching, don't lie.

    16. ^^^^ Will die tomorrow due to severe, irrational trolling. They just pop eventually


  5. Dwa has gone off the rails again. I'm pretty sure its Mulder's 2nd account.

    1. Ketchum really pulled the rug out from under some BFF members. She self-publishes, does nothing to defend it or counter the rebukes then moves past it to focus on protection. She left the suckers holding the bag(of shit)....

    2. ^
      Just like that lying sack of shit Kitakaze who pulled the rug out from under you JREF buttplugs. Do you lemmings still bleeve he found the P/G suit but gave it up to become an international diplomat ?

    3. jref has just as many phonies as bigfoot

  6. (clive squashy)

    Don't wanmna get to technical but a scientist told me that vietnamese rock apes are shorter and the female's shakey puddin' spot runs sideways.

  7. (clive squashy)

    Ya'll must know the same scientist.

  8. Great article cat shit jay! You wanna butter my nut sack? You are still gay? Right?

    1. Flamer looking for anal.^^^

    2. agreed. What straight guy would even think about asking another guy that?

  9. Another good article Jay ( the crypto sleuth ). The rock apes were well known to the American (and I would assume NV and VC ) in the central highlands during the war. At the time they did not know they were possibly related to the North American Bigfoot as most had not even heard of a bigfoot. They just thought of them as a huge monkey or orangutan specie that was indigenous to this secluded mountainous area, that threw rocks and sticks, shook trees frantically, and would do anything to intimidate the patrols into leaving and were quite successful at doing this. One can find letters written home to a soldiers parents talking of their encounters with these creatures.

    The giganto theory makes since, be it a direct descendent, hybrid, or smaller evolutionary version, or even maybe something genetically manipulated. It is all out there for you to discover and good luck to you.


    1. Thanks very much Chuck :). I have received some criticism for suggesting that Rock Apes were Gigantopithecus descendants, even Loren Coleman had retweeted it saying that it was a weak theory. Of course I had to ask how his theory that the cannibalistic giants of ancient times were 15-20 foot tall Gigantopithecus made any more sense ;).

    2. Well since we absolutely know that giganto existed and probably within the last 30,000 years if not today and actually is the bigfoot, and we have no evidence of 15 to 20 foot tall giants, it would seem your theory makes more sense.



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