Breaking: The Men In Black Just Took Hoaxer Rick Dyer's Bigfoot Body!

We knew this would happen but did anyone expect it to be this soon? The Men In Black has reportedly taken Rick Dyer's Bigfoot body and is storing it in a secret government facility. This happened to Rick back in 2008, and you'd think that a hoaxer would learn his lesson to keep things on a down low until someone actually buys the body. Last night, blogger Robert Lindsay wrote this:

MIB’s came to see Rick Dyer’s Bigfoot body. Government agents recently came to the undisclosed location where Dyer is housing his Bigfoot body and took samples of the body. Interesting, they did not confiscate it. They were merely concerned that Dyer may have killed a very odd looking human being. They took samples to do genetic testing on the creature to make sure it is not Homo sapiens sapiens. If Dyer shot and killed an H.s.s., then he committed homicide, and law enforcement may get involved in terms of arrest, incarceration, trial and punishment.

Dyer’s body is being held at a US government research facility. I reported earlier that it is being held at a US government facility. However, I just learned that this is a research facility of some sort. In addition, a US government team of scientific investigators there has been tasked with studying the body for about 5-6 months now.

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!
[via Robert Lindsay]


  1. Replies
    1. Even if no one besides Bigfoot knows it was me who firsted first it's still a rush.

    2. Poor Robert, he really fell for this one, didn't he?

    3. I don't like Bigfoot, oh no, I love him, oh yeah.


    4. A bigfoot hit his head on my gutter, last night and left a big dent.

    5. sociopaths. Glibness and Superficial Charm = Justin Smeja and Rick Dyer. If you keep giving these inhuman scum-bags print..your heiping form a relationship of human waste with the normal general public: ordinary people.

      Lets bury these pieces of walking human waste please. There are much more bigfoot news to report.

      No more please.

    6. ^ If Sykes is on board with Justin then there's a possibility! Dyer is a different story. Keep up the reporting on Sykes and Justin!

    7. If the data doesn't show magic monkey, Sykes cannot claim magic monkey, no matter how much the footers try to romance him.

      Which means that this will be the most epic of failures for the footers. It will be their crushing blow, from which they won't recover.
      Sykes will drive a stake, right through the heart of the magic monkey.

    8. Really what a SHOCKING turn of events

    9. The Mib dont do it like that. They will give you an appointment and while your their they are at your place. So you dont know they did it

    10. Sure they do that's how everyone knows them. Lol you don't get to be the most secretive organization on earth by making appointments.

  2. Second to none .
    No one steals my bigfoot body and gets away with it.
    Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones not only stole my bigfoot body but they also stole my sex doll that was hidden under my bed. I'm pissed and want both back dammit !

    1. They will be sticky as hell.

    2. Damn, Lindsay knows so much its almost baffling to the mind. How in the hell does this hack lknow Dyck Ryder? He must be in on this haox as well but well all know he promotes hoaxes of any sort!

  3. What are you daft pansys talking about? The article clearly says "they did not confiscate it" But you headline says they DID?


    1. I didn't even notice. Must be because my eyes glaze over as soon as I see Rick Dyer's name written.

    2. I saw that too! Poor Journalism! PROOF READ SHAWN! Your so interested in discounting something you didn't even read what you posted! THIS IS BULLSHIT! THIS has become a sceptics forum! It's not Bigfoot evidence it's BE= BASH EVERYTHING ! Bigfoot Tonight Show is the best place for fair and balanced non-bashing Bigfoot stuff. Best Show out there hands down ! Another great show is Del - Rio's! I can't wait for them Sunday and Monday nights! Professional Shows! This site is like Jerry Springer on Fox News!

    3. ^^^Cathliee McMillan^^^ He can't take Dyer or Melba being BASHED lol.

    4. ^ I have no opionion on those people Dork! I just like good journalism!

    5. ^ Everyone knows you are throwing a hissy fit because Dyer and Melba(with a strap-on, I hope) choo-choo trained your

    6. Did u even read my post laughing Dork? What an Idiot you are.

    7. Speak for yourself Anon 5:45! Don't include me in your "everyone"!

    8. 'Cathliee McMillan' AKA John Preston.I've seen that tranny wanna be argue with a squirrel over an acorn whether it was a peanut or an acorn and the damn squirrel won.

    9. ^masturbating Mommas boy ( anon 6:11).

    10. 'Cathliee McMillan' AKA John Preston.You still lost that fight with the squirrel.

      Google Cathliee McMillan John Preston and you will see the real 'Cathliee McMillan'.

      What is wrong with you John.Did I strike a nerve?If so answer back,John.You are a weak ass troll John.

    11. Nope you're the one getting worked up over absolutely nothing . ^ DORK!



    13. Anon 8:19 ???? WTF are you talking about??? Are you slightly Retarded????

    14. Cathliee McMillan-John Preston,is the same person?Wow,he plays the part of a woman so good.I didn't believe it till I Googled it and BAM!!!!There he was.Looks like he was in his mommies basement.You've been found out Cathliee-John.Go troll another site.Like Trannies or Us.
      What a dip shit.Does he get off by doing that?Weird fella that one is.

    15. ^ your a weird Mutha F*cker!

  4. Fuck man this is starting to piss me off!
    There is no Bigfoot body....Shawn knows this!

    Nobody from the US Government or Men in Black came to take a look.... Shawn knows this!

    This is just a bunch of made up crap....Shawn knows this!

    Only a girl (female) spells her name Shawn - Shawn knew this & spells his name this way because he's gay!

    Bigfoot Enquirer is what this site should be called

    1. It's not about the monkey, it's about acceptance from faceless strangers.

    2. Its not Shawn's article. The site is a hub, so they post any Bigfoot related content that is put out on the web. Shawn's commentaries or articles make up less than 10% of the posts....

    3. but the headline he selected doesn't match up with the story, did he read it?

    4. Shawn is responsible of the content he posts Anon 4:05. He needs to check his sources and at least comment correctly to what the article says! Epic Fail!!!!!!

    5. I'm not a footer you F*ck Nut!^

  5. I don't know if Shawn is gay & really don't care but Justin is defenetly a queer that's for sure!

    You don't have to be gay to figure that out!!

    Justin is one Gay Blade...or just your average gay hick country secret squirel type of gay!

    1. No way. The guy does not own a pair of sleeves! That is some manly shit, bro...

    2. He just gets his shirts through the Larry the Cable Guy Collection
      S N

  6. Justin could have got a better sample of the Bigfoots he shot but his backpack was filled with Moose meat. & he had no room!

  7. Smeja and Dyer's Bigfoot's went to a food bank in an undisclosed location in Asia and will be eaten by unsuspecting people. They are being told it's crow but it's Squatch meat. Along side that they will offer candied moose ball's and deep dish yak dick. Yummy, I wish I knew which place was serving this. ;)

    1. I dropped a ten footer, last fall and our family has been eating him, all winter. All we have left is a foot and two ears. Gonna make a big pot of foot soup...Yum!

  8. I completely believe this. They also confiscated the alien spaceship I was keeping in my barn and then kidnapped my vampire boyfriend. Siiigh

    1. I can't tell exactly what you are doing in the photo, its very small. Kinda looks like you're gingerly stepping over some bigfoot poop...

    2. Trying not to trip over my dog. He is a St Bernard and always has to walk right in front almost as if he is trying to trip you on purpose.

    3. Hi JIll!! Nice to have you back here!! This place was getting too gay with-out you!!

      John: Time traverler from 2036

    4. Thanks. I didn't really go anywhere it was just so busy at the Wookie mask factory after all that fuss so I didn't have a day off for a few weeks....

  9. Forget about them men in black. But pray to god you never encounter the men in brown. Lest they come for your taterhole.

  10. Jill -- you can tell us. Is our Mayor gay?

    1. You're goddamn right he is.

    2. Pffft...absolutely! Happiest cheeseburger in town. Probably how he got elected mayor, so dang happy he is.

    3. Not sure what will be the biggest disappointment of the year in BF. The Ketchum DNA fiasco or the news that the Mayor is 'batting for the other team'.

      I'm a Gay Mayor skeptic myself.


    4. Jill is dude playing a girl that is still a dude.

    5. Thats so gay...I think.

  11. Most of Lindsey's "scoops" come from just listening to Dyer's shows and scouring the internet.

    1. sociopaths. Glibness and Superficial Charm = Justin Smeja and Rick Dyer. If you keep giving these inhuman scum-bags print..your heiping form a relationship of human waste with the normal general public: ordinary people.

      Lets bury these pieces of walking human waste please. There are much more bigfoot news to report.

      No more please.

  12. Even if this did turn out to be a Homo sapien of some kind you can not get done for it at all because its an undiscovered species, there is no law against shooting something that isnt supposed to be real, the definition of homicide is one HUMAN BEING killing another HUMAN BEING. Also, it clearly states that the BIM did not confiscate the body. What a load of shit Shawn. As someone always says in here I keep my Shawn in a jar although its getting a little cramped with team racist squeezed in there too. Thank you for your time this has been a fuck you minute - TEAM RACIST APPROVED!!

    1. Fuck off idiot. If someone went into a remote jungle and shot a native just to prove the undiscovered tribe he's from exists it'd be the same thing; premaditated murder.

    2. I shot a bigfoot in my pajamas.

    3. How on Earth did that bigfoot fit into your PJs?

    4. No annon 8:36 your the idiot. If bigfoot is not HUMAN HUMAN HUMAN (i said it 3 times so you could get it through your thick fucking skull) you can not get done for HOMICIDE HOMICIDE HOMICIDE!! If I shot a HUMAN from an undiscovered tribe of HUMANS then I could be done for murder (homicide). DO YOU UNDERSTAND IS THAT CLEAR ENOUGH FOR YOU fucking retard!!

  13. Replies
    1. BIM = Black in Men???

      That doesn't mean what I think it does. Does it? Oh my Lord!!


    2. No sorry MMG it was a typo brought on by rage!! I have rage dyslexia!! I am a member of the DNA = National Dyslexia Association!!

    3. anyway MMG (this is the same anon thats posted all of the above) whats your feelings on the RD body situation?


    4. I've followed the story for the last 6 months Anon. So many inconsistencies right from the start Anon. The latest idea that the 'body' is being guarded in a US government and Dyer is allowed to bring people in and out to see it when he chooses is simply ludicrous.

      Dyer is shunned by the bigfoot community and will never be accepted. This hurts him tremendously. Musky is a Skeptic so is more than happy to make some footers look like fools. FB/FB & Lindsay are hit hungry and their greed has allowed them to be taken in.

      Justin Mah's movie synopsis has finally killed this hoax off despite Dyer and now Minnow Film's attempts to keep the mystery alive until the premiere next month.

      Game over. Time to move on guys.


    5. I see what your saying but surely there must be some part of you that thinks this is true.

      The fact that RD has so much to lose and really not a lot to gain from another hoax. I have watched or listened to every single one of his radio shows and my feeling is that he is most definately not the 'bad' person some people make him out to be.

      I really do believe 100% that he is telling the truth and that Musky and FB/FB are also 100% telling the truth. They sound very convincing and to me everything fits.

      The camper vid looked good to me and the fact that RD was behind it made me believe it more. You say there are many inconsistancies but true storys do have inconsistencies. If you listened to 5 peoples versions of anything there will be holes, in fact if this were a huge hoax on such a grand scale involving so many intelligent, well educated people then I would expect there to be 0 inconsistencies.

      Lindsay is a nut and to be honest I dont even take a blind bit of notice he obviously knows nothing I doubt he can tie his own shoes.

      RD has stated that the facility may have an aspect of government funding, that does not mean its a government facility.

      The synopsis released could well be a ploy by the film festival or a promise to minnow not to have discussed the most important part (this could also gain a shock factor when people see the film = awards) The film festival was contacted and they remained constant with a no comment stand, then the guy who contacted them got an email out of the blue from the director of programming saying they will not comment on the last part of the film.

      Minnow then released a statement saying that it contains some fairly dramatic scenes filmed in the woods. I am from the UK and the word fairly is used all the time and does not mean slightly (eg. a friend of mine is in hospital in a fairly bad way with fractured skull).

      Iv stated this before surely someone related to someone involved would have had a fall out, a drunken beans spill, accidently let slip or something, something at all.

      The fact is no one has proven this to be a hoax infact all Steve Kulls digging etc has proved it not to be to me because hes that hell bent on proving this to be a hoax I bet thats all he does with his time and has done for the last 6 months. A hoax really has to have the majority believing it to be true and thats not the case.

      I very much doubt that Minnow films would be a part of this if it were a hoax because in the grand scheme of things the bigfoot world does not make up a huge number of people, so I ask you what have they got to gain by going along with this?

      Thanks for your intelligent conversation MMG


    6. Likewise PG. I wouldn't use words like intelligent around these parts too often though!

      Interesting to converse with someone who has bought into this. I'm amazed that you could listen to 10 minutes of Dyer's ranting never mind all of his shows.

      We all know about Dyer's past and if he has managed to convince you he is a decent guy well it's not surprising. He was a used car salesman after all.

      Musky is a liar. No more, no less. His claims that he was a student of Rene Dahinden were false. He has also been caught out by claiming to have contacted Dr Jeff Meldrum and the $5.5K fee fiasco. He has also let slip that 'worked' with Dyer when RD decided to 'expose' Shawn-Evidence long before this farce began.

      The film synopsis is what is. A description by a guy who has watched the movie. Interestingly it seems that RD has complained and got the 'socially awkward' description of him removed from the new worded synopsis. The new blurb STILL in no way alludes to sensational footage of a BF being shot by a guy in his underwear.

      You are correct about someone blabbing if there was sensational footage contained in the film. If there was a shooting of a BF it would be the cornerstone of the film. Not slipped into the last 3 mins.

      The film will soon be aired on BBC 4 within the 'Storyville' season. Not the place for the most sensational pieces of footage since the moon landing.

      You are quite correct. No one has proven this to be an outright hoax. The burden of proof however, is squarely on the shoulders of RD. He is the one making these incredible claims, therefore the onus is on him to prove these claims.

      Minnow and Morgan Matthews are involved in the hoax. Matthews has allowed this RD to carry out this farce by maintaining his silence over the last three months. The Minnow 'statement' regarding the 'fairly dramatic' scenes in the woods in NO WAY hint at the movie containing the most sensational TV footage since the moon landings.

      Keep an open mind PG. Dyer will turn on the 'believers' when this is done. He will call you fools for being duped again. Thankfully you guys are in the minority this time!

      Please take the time to sign my 'Hang a hoaxer' petition.


    7. Yes thats why I said intelligent, I agree!!

      I do keep an open mind but I have looked at both sides, read a lot of info, watched a lot of vids etc and my conclusion is that this, to me, isnt a hoax, if it is I will hunt you down here and admit my foolishness.

      I just believe RD has too much to lose and not a lot to gain over this.

      He hasnt managed to convince me he is a decent guy I think he is, I hear the way he speaks to people that support him and people who ring in that dont and dont believe him. He does good things for the homeless etc and more or less everyone who speaks about him who has spent time with him always comes back with good things to say about him. Time will tell. Again, thanks MMG

      If you have time have a listen to a full show of his (if you can!!)


  14. Replies
    1. I've been Zeefing on command lately, I've decided to train a limited amount of clients on how to do it , trust me people will hire you for parties and Bar Mitsfas and banquets.
      Sq N

    2. Don't you quee on my pinch.

  15. Stock oρtion traԁer 247 ρeгiod.
    Disclоsure: I have no desire tο buy sοmething when іt's already crunch phase. Spindel goes on until 2015. The Dow Jones industrial average was up 0.

    Check out my blog post; trading 247

    1. Actually the Dow Jones was down 90 yesterday. Thanks for playing though. Maybe next time you can win that year's supply of rice-a-roni

    2. Are you soliciting or giving out investment advice? I bet the SEC would be interested in talking with you about compliance!

  16. Aaarrghh!

    The blurry hand of Bindernagel is one of Bigfoot's biggest mysteries.


    Breakdown please Phil.


    1. Breaking News:

      The blurry hand of Bindernagel has disappeared. Must have been the BIM's. The mystery deepens.


  17. I just want to say fuck-you to all the people that ruined this web-site! with your gay ass first crap. and with all the childish wise cracks and what not. this used to be a place where real b.f.ers could ask questions and state opinions on the articles. now you have to go past the 10to20 i'm first! gay shit before you can read something intelligent or worthy of thumbing down the page. so again fuck you children who have made this site a fucking big joke! and what's the real kicker is that most of the stupid i'm first people that say they don't believe, then why in the fuck do you post here. grow the fuck up! assholes!!!

    1. You read something 'intelligent' and 'worthy' here? I smell another hoax...

      Oh my Lord!


    2. this blog is a minature clown car and you'll like it! now shut up and work on some poop jokes!

    3. Wow, some gay guys get really pissy when they don't ever get to be FIRST! Sloppy seconds are always fun, just have to have the right mind set LMAO

      Skeptard Troll

    4. This blog was never intended to be a serious bigfoot blog it only started that way as a set-up for the smearing of the Ketchum study results they knew were coming Down the road, so we had all the casual bigfoot breeze before that then all of a sudden they pushed the button and opened the floodgates and the trolls (themselves to a large extent) came marching in.

    5. The firsties are footers, hoping that people will get bored reading their nonsense and not make it down to the shit that embarrasses them.

  18. Lindsay will write anything and endorse it 100%. His credibility (huh?) is gone. I think RD adds absurdities to see just how many people will still hang on to it. The future gloating will be painful.

    Bindenagels hand confirms on blurry... I see it now!

  19. yeah for grow the fuck up assholes!

  20. Robert Lindsay at Beyond Pedophile is no longer any use to the community. It is clear he uses information for his own glorification and is in on this hoax.

  21. Rick Dyer is the nicest person on God's green earth. He saves the homeless.

  22. RickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyer!

  23. Rick Dyer killed a bigfoot. He will go down in history.

    1. Yep,he will go down for a fair price!

  24. they stole my sex doll too 121am but i will have the last laugh its a black one when they blow it up it will mug them and run off with their wallets!

  25. Rick Dyer never beats up pregnant women, and has never scammed people on eBay. He is the master tracker we should all respect and honor.

  26. The FB FB novelty items are going fast! I just picked up a life size Rick Dyer Doll with the flap in the back.
    Squatch N

    1. Definitely going to be some taterholing tonight.

  27. Britney Spears recently was snapped exiting a California KFC toting a bucket of chicken, just hours after finishing a cover shoot for the diet magazine Shape.

  28. I respect Rick Dyer and what he is doing.

  29. I am last of the posthegans!!!!

  30. The US Government has no need to study yet another Bigfoot body. They got a pile of them from the Mt St Helens blowup, and are currently up to their eyeballs in Bigfoot bodies. They don't need to study Dyer's body because it does not exist.

  31. I, Chingachgook - Last of the Mohicans!!

  32. Rick Rick he's our man if he can't do it no one can!

  33. For those who care and call themselves bigfoot researchers do your job. Bexar County Texas has an abundance of bigfoot sightings dating back to 1973. If Dyer did indeed kill one of these creatures there are more roaming this area. Get some boots on the ground and start doing some field research.

    1. OK, will do.Live in New Braunsfels, Tx.Be right back after I look behind the local Home Depot.

    2. Nope,no Bigfoot here in San Antonio. Just a bunch of homeless Meth Heads with BigfootTracker hats and size 12 Taterholes.

  34. I say Bobo should run for president, he would get my vote. He has a great perspective of things, highly intellectual, to an extent I have never seen before, such that I don't understand anything he is saying, which obviously makes me less intellectual than he is. If the entire earth was to have a single president, it should be Bobo. Great man, that Bobo.

  35. Rick Dyer helps the homeless people.

  36. The purpose of all federal law enforcement personnel, is to protect U.S. citizens. Sometimes that involves protecting them from themselves. Which means, protecting them from their own fears that tend to arise out of their being generally uninformed about certain subject matters. The news associated with an actual Bigfoot body, would be one of those items that federal law enforcement people would be interested in keeping from the public so that mass hysteria does not break out. The MIB would most likely have full access to all U.S. Government research facilities. If the supposed MIB found a body in the possession of a private citizen, no matter where they found it, they would confiscate it ON THE SPOT. Therefore, Rick Dyer has no Bigfoot body.

  37. The naivety just drips from every posting by both Robert Lindsay and by FB/FB. It is a tragedy of epic proportions, that the First Amendment for Free Speech applies to them. If they had to pay us all to listen to their school girl rumors, perhaps they would not be so compelled to put those halucinations in print.

  38. How have they been studying it for 5-6 months in a secret facility, when this happened last September? And how did Musky Allen go to Las Vegas and observe the body if the MIBs had it?

    It's all bullshit.

    1. Are you good at math?LOL How many months are there between Sept6 and March 6? Second, who said MIB had the body?

    2. Obviously Robert Lindsay isn't making sense. In the beginning of his post he says the MIBs came and took samples of the body but didn't confiscate it, but then he turns around and says the body has been at a research facility for 5-6 months, so which is it?

      And know Sept to March is more than 5-6 months, but it doesn't matter because this is all total bullshit.

  39. Has anyone ever seen the South Park episode where the boys start their own Backyard Wrestling? And a bunch of idiotic rednecks and trailer trash start watching and become completely obsessed with it like a Soap Opera, because the story lines are so fricking ridiculous.

    That's what all of this giant Soap Opera.

  40. bullllshit dyers a fraud, hope he dies in a carfire

  41. seems like everyone who supports his claim are the ones getting to see the body and/or having "inside information"...HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

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