50 Imaginary Bucks If You Can Figure Out What This Strange Looking Thing Is [Video]

YouTube user B Ballykelly filmed this amphibious looking creature floating in the water while looking for wildlife to photograph near Loch Foyle in Ireland. Could this strange frog looking thing be an offspring of the Lochness monster? We're not sure what it is, but it's definitely unlike anything we've ever seen before. For the real answer, read the upside down text below:

Answer: ɥɔʇɐnbsɟɐǝן


  1. Replies
    1. A leafsquatch is indeed a prize. Not like a Meldrum which are a dime a dozen. You have done well.

    2. ^^^Thanks for the boost to my pride. I was starting to feel like a village had lost their idiot for being first about a leaf! JW

  2. Replies
    1. I've been on a firsting dry streak, so I'm happy to finally get this one. It was only by a minute so hold your head high. You'll get the next if you stay firsty.


    2. Kudos JW. It's all about belief. Have faith in your firsting ability.


  3. I have a very similar looking creature in my pants?

  4. Um... a ... a Fasano green underwater cocoon turd.. ?

  5. That is a Water Boatman. I get them in my pool every year. They are a type of water beetle. Their scientific name is Corixidae in the family of order Hemiptera. The ones I get in my pool have a beautiful iridescent green blue with reds on their shells and bodies. They are a bug that eats other bugs. So when I catch them in my skimmer I fish them out and let them go. They eats lots of mosquitoe larvae.

  6. Something in the jellyfish family? Oops! NO silly Wabbit! It's in fresh water!...I got nothin...sigh..

  7. Replies
    1. It's a used glow in the dark condom from the machine in the pub toilets :)


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