Watch this: Guy Jumps Into Giant Cactus, Squeals Like a Pig

This is sooooo stupid. Only idiots would jump into cacti. He may as well try to body slam Chuck Norris. Seriously!


  1. Replies
    1. Well, you have to at least admire the strength of his convictions.

    2. He sure got a purdy mouth, dont he?

    3. Owee ?

      We have a contestant for the 2013 Darwin Award

    4. In the main, bigfoot skeptics are credulous. They have swallowed, hook line and sinker, a slew of untested assumptions against copious evidence that is actually passing tests applied by top-drawer scientists.

    5. Hell he main lines all that heron what difference does a few more needles make

    6. That may be true, but we must agree that the world will forever be divided between those who have had an encounter and all others who will NEVER see one on film, in a textbook, popular books and magazines or read about them on wiki.
      A very safe assumption after 60 years, no?..

    7. Bleevers are morons akin to 10 year olds crying after being told Santa doesn't exist.

      Only a stupid, stubborn jackass, would argue at this point that bigfoot is anything other than a series of hoaxes.

    8. ^ Meant for 7:25, but yeah..the guy is a junkie. I've had encounters with those...

    9. ^ I mean meant for 712...This explains why I am never first!

  2. Well, almost first, but almost doesn't count.

  3. Bigfoots gonna get you guys....

  4. Bigfoot has been known to rape men! Why do you think so many are hesitent to report their encounters?
    Why do you see old guys fishing at the kiddie pond when the river is a short drive down the road?

    Because Bigfoot had their way with them...and raped them something fierce!

    You think this is a joke?

    How would you like some wild ape sticking his triple jointed penis in your ass and having his way with you?

    Well unless your Steve Fagfart or some kind of equivalent queer gay guy you would be horrified!!

    So be carefull out there when your Bigfooting my friends or you and your butt hole will be sorry!

    And stay thirsty my friends !

    1. Frailty, thy name is Mulder.

      Tell me where the bad forest man touched you and we'll get through this together, Muldy.

    2. You better keep the Chew Dawg out of this.....Chew dog don't swap light sabers...

    3. How's your cousin, ChewCocka doing? Does he still wear his boxers backwards? Not that there's anything wrong with that...

  5. Steven ! He likes to go by Steven!

  6. I just caught a squatch habituating in my back yard. Right there in broad daylight. Filthy bastard.

  7. Henry May would simply clinch his butt cheeks and rip biggies penis off, or at least part of it anyway.

  8. Replies
    1. Oh, loose lips sink dicks!
      Did you come up with that all by yourself?
      Wow, so creative!

      Why your so creative maybe, just maybe you could be our next Bigfoot Hoaxing celebrity?

    2. Feel better everyday we aren't talkin on the face right

    3. @ anon 1:41,
      You mad bro?
      Your mom take away your WOW account again?

  9. That 80's?

    The 80's fucker, the 80's

  10. Well the Bigfoot orgys I remember were in the late 60's & early 70's.

    They were the so called "Bigfoot conventions" back in the day!

  11. Incrеasіnglу indіviԁuals aгe aԁopting this approach
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  12. This guy should join the JackAss team!

  13. Today Johnny learned that actions can have consequences.

    1. Hello,
      My name is Assad, I am from Arabia and I find it just awful that you Americans would stick a camel in your ass! Why would you want to stick a camel in your ass? Camels are sacred & this is not an animal you would want to putt in your ass ! Trust me I am an Arab and I know this is not something you dont want to do!
      In Arabia we prefer to put a Mercedes's in our ass, it's bigger than a camel therefore more comphortable in the ass!
      Dumb American ass-clowns !!

    2. Bullshite Arabs don't call themselves Arabs way more self importance they same I'm Arabic

    3. arabs can shove a nice 5.56mm up their asses for all I care...

    4. Your a dumb ass, Arabs will say they are Arab and Arabic ! They may say that they are from Arabia - it depends on the conversation, most are pretty dumb anyway - everyone knows this!
      Who cares?

  14. The Jackass team? Do they stick cigarettes in their ass and smoke them?

    Were do I sign ?

  15. what people do for a few views hahaha

  16. kEN; when Dyer finally admits the body isn't real, what are those guys going to do? Close up shop and go home? I wonder what they are really thinking and planning,I wonder if being stoned is on their minds?

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  18. Pwned like Mulder in the dark

  19. what an asshole!!! did you see the one needle come out his arm bleeding bad,must have hit a mr. asshole what would you have done if you got a shit load in your neck? nothing like something sticking in your jugular vein!!

  20. you got that right !! wouldn't look to cool then!!

  21. This is a good sign. People who like to create retarded videos and share them with the world are apparently getting more creative. Bigfoot hoaxes are unfunny and fooling no one(well, no one except FB/Fb...)

  22. I've been tracking Cactus jumpers for 25 years. There's something stuck in my ass!

  23. Finally, some Authentic video footage!

  24. I think at this point just about most of us here could body slam Chuck Norris. His hair-piece might give you a little push-back though.

  25. And yet this cactus-jumping moron STILL isn't as big of a retard as bigfoot believers.


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