This Is The Creepiest Bigfoot I've Ever Seen, And It's From Ohio County

Last Month, Facebook user "Biggy Foot" wrote that he recently viewed a trail camera photo of a Bigfoot squatting down eating the deer feed on a farm. The Bigfoot trail cam pic, caught by a farmer in Ohio County, looked severely deformed, possibly due to "in-breeding". Biggy said the photograph of the creature looked nothing like the Patterson-Gimlin creature. He went on and described the creature's "balding forehead half way up the front of the head, small pointy hair covered ears, hooded nose coming to a little point and longer than I expected, very pale whitish face, very light colored fingers that had no hair from the knuckles down to the fingertips."

"Can anyone say 'Troll' looking?" he added.

Biggy was only given the privilege to view it privately and was not given a copy to share. The farmer apparently has the only copy.

It has now been a month since brought up the photograph and we finally got our hands on a copy, albeit a rather crappy quality copy. On Tuesday, we received an anonymous email with one photograph attached.

Shawn, here is the copy of the trail cam pic that "B***' is showing.

Let me tell you that for some reason this pic is no where near as clear as when I saw it in person. Maybe the guy posting it (B***) has done that on purpose for some reason.
In this pic you cannot see the little pointy (Mr Spock) ears on the side.

Also let me explain one more thing just so you will know. In the 1st pic, what you are seeing is the trail cam pic being shown to some people on a TV screen. The few people who have visited the old farmers house and have seen the pics, the farmer puts the disk into a player and shows the pics on his big TV screen.

Whoever took this pic, is taking a snap shot right off the TV screen, so you can see a light shine on the upper left of the photo, that is the light shining from the old farmers kitchen and coming through the doorway going into the kitchen and shining onto the TV screen itself.

The original trail cam pic when seen at the farmers house are crisp and clear showing very much intricate details...


  1. this is creepy, I hope you all have nightmares...

    1. Pwned like Mulder in the dark

    2. There was some inbreeding going on for sure...

    3. It's another tree, lets see the same scene taken in daylight.

    4. They will always tell you how clear the original is, but NEVER show you.
      And there's ALWAYS some silly reason why the "evidence" can't be released.

      Oh he's a lonely old man and he wants visitors, So you can go to his house to view it, but can't take it with convenient.

    5. ^But people still believe there's a boogey man living in the woods.

    6. For over three years, the footers have been screaming in a high pitched shrill that their beloved bigfoot was about to be scientifically proven to exist. They strutted around, like a bunch of proud peacocks, gloating about proof they didn't have.
      They invested everything in Ketchum and she turned out to be a miserable failure. Such a failure that even THEY can't put a positive spin on it.

      It's time to either produce an ape on a slab or STFU.

    7. I've done worst.....they better not be comparing this cow to me....Chew Dawg did not sleep with this one.

    8. intentionally manipulating the samples herself

    9. @6:10 They won't respond to you. They totally ignore everything that bites them in the ass.

    10. Here I am 6:10!!! Look at me!!!

      Oh, the problem is that even thoough I'm an ape on a slab, no skeptards bleeve it.

      However, you will find roomfulls of skeptards bleeving that Ketchum stealthily spiked her samples with some oh-so-readily-available panda DNA. She tiptoed through zoos as a superhero DNA collector and expertly gathered the samples, undetected.

      They bleeve this the way they bleeve in their invisible bicycles and that hoaxers spend months carving dermal ridges into big fat fake feet.

      You'll notice the person shooting his/her mouth off calling others crazy is, well - stand back - a bit crazy.

      The one hysterically babbling about being rational and logical is always the most emotionally unstable and irrational and illogical one of the bunch.

      Skeptard, you could be delivered an ape on a slab and you would deny it. So your premise is false.

    11. I have a dream, that one day, wookies and humans, will live together in complete peace and harmony.

    12. Party city has the costume being worn in the above pic, on sale for $99.99.

    13. Idiots! Morons! You wouldn't recognize Skeletor if he slapped you in the face with his bonecock!

    14. Dyer has the real thing on a slab. Just wait…

    15. Damn fake that's what it is, what, Bigfoots are blue now ? I know it's the latest pathetic craze in movies but not in real life.

    16. Inbreeding yikes! it didn't do this to the English!

  2. Replies
    1. Soitently not! Nyuk,Nyuk...

    2. If what some claim is true. A BF would be nearly indistinguishable from a person at night while wearing overalls.

    3. The balding is probably due to a nagging old lady or pressure to feed the family

    4. When the still sea conspires an armor
      And her sullen and aborted
      Currents breed tiny monsters,
      True sailing is dead.
      Awkward instant
      And the first Bigfoot is jettisoned,
      Legs furiously pumping
      Their stiff green gallop,
      And heads bob up
      In mute nostril agony
      Carefully refined
      And sealed over.

  3. Replies
    1. That's exactly what Shawn's momma told me lastnight. Squatched that bitch son!

    2. Bigfoots have a black noses.

    3. I'm gonna start wearing a bullet proof vest under my bigfoot suit when I go out hoaxing.
      It will protect me from the crazy footers and give me some win.

  4. Ninth place finish and i want to thank jesis and my mama

    1. Ironic, i had your momma screaming Jesus all night long. Woooooooo! Space mountain bitch!

    2. Yeah cause she was tired of your teeny tiny weewee falling out every time she moved more then an inch on the out stroke

  5. He could be taking a shit right?

    Looks like a plastic mask.

    1. I usually wear a brown paper bag over my head when I'm taking a dump outside.

    2. You should consider wearing one full time...just sayin

    3. You don't need to say "just sayin" after you say something.

      The fact that you JUST SAID it makes it clear that you were just saying something

    4. Unfortunately what was captured on camera here is not a bigfoot, which is why the details of the physical appearance don't match Patty. This creature is actually a hobgoblin. Still, nice find!

  6. Replies
    1. My first visual sighting was no more than 25 miles from a major metropolitan area. Far closer to a very populated than some Bigfoot organizations would readily accept as being possible. It didn't change what I saw and documented. With that said, I feel that some Bigfoot may have adapted to supplementing their natural foraging with dumpster diving in select places near populated areas. A cafeteria of sorts with many good tasting goodies.

    2. ^That's not even from the BFF habituation thread and it's still batshit crazy.

    3. How exactly did you document what you saw? Finger paint? Maybe a sculpture out of pipe cleaners? Or did you simply write it on the back of your hand with a Bic pen?

  7. Replies
    1. Excuse me sir, but as the first poster, would you care to comment on the allegations that Matilda's hoo ha looks like a grilled cheese sandwhich?

    2. Yes, but a very hairy grilled cheese sandwich: the buttery, toasted slices of stale bread being her labia major and the asymmetrical oozing areas of processed cheese food being her labia minor.

      Damn, I'm hungry!

  8. It's a demon, the world is ending run for cover mother f@#$ers!

    1. Devil not demon. Different plane. Ask bigfoot. He tell ya.

    2. I told you ignorant f&$ks the sky was fallin you hard headed biatches never listen

  9. most middle aged men don't realize they look troll like

    1. We know we just don't care. Our prostates are the size of a goat's head.

  10. Jason Voorhees pre-hockey mask?

  11. the blurred image is intentional (WTF for)? This screams hoax.

  12. Finally a good photo of a face and we don't get to see the original? Nothing new here.

  13. ompelling. i can now see why ratinal adults believe in bigfoot. this picture in HD clear shows a bipedal apeman/numan hybrid. case close,good wrk,and well worth the posting

  14. Dunno. Ears look to be about 4 inches higher than they would be on any other primate.

  15. Its a tree surfing on the back of a dead deer...

  16. Funny how they say the farmer has the only copy of this. I have these pics and more. Ones I have that aren't shown look to be quite fake in my opinion, but the genteleman who shared them with me swears they are ligit. They honestly look like a fat guy in a cheap suit. There is eye shine however in one of the pics. I also have a close up taken of the hair from the trail cam. I live in Daviess County, just North and adjacent to Ohio County. There have been numerous reports over the years in Henderson, Daviess, and Ohio counties. This same pic was also posted on another site over a year ago.

    1. My family is from Hancock and Ohio counties....near Fordsville...have relatives in Daviess as well...lots of hunters in my family never seen or heard of anything like this around there...but doubtful folks would talk about it either. To me though it looks like a person.

    2. Whoever YOU are, this picture HAS been seen in a few other places because (someone) the farmer allowed to see his pictures privately' then secretly snapped a pic off the TV screen and wrongly and UN-ethicallly started showing it around. This old Farmer is very sick now, and could end up dying, so he wanted this picture released and the whole truth told about where it came from because many were saying it was from elsewhere and taking credit for snapping the picture. IF you have all the pics, It could be questioned HOW you got them. ???????????

    3. I've never shared or taken credit for the pics. These were shown/sent to me by someone who supposedly knows the landowner well. That person also says the University of Louisville has been to this site on numerous occasions to investigate.

    4. Also from Ohio and this picture has been around for over a year. At the same time though there was also a close up photo showing the hair with it.

    5. And all this time I thought Ohio was a state. Keep on squatchin I say!

    6. Ohio is the same as Chicago I don't see how Bigfoot would make it to woods without being seen through all the plains

    7. Ohio county KENTUCKY goons...not the state of Ohio

  17. Looks a lot like the pic that was already posted here of the "Bigfoot" sitting on a tree stump. Probably the same costume.

    1. Agreed, same costume as stumpsquatch.

    2. Stumpsquatch isn't a costume, it's a photoshopped tree stump. Hence the term stumpsquatch.

    3. It's a pic of a guy in a suit, pasted onto a trail cam pic...dumbass.

    4. No, it's a photoshopped tree stump.

    5. Yes, it's a hollowed out tree stump that's been modified using Photoshop. The "dodge" tool was used to create the vague facial features and the right side of the tree stump has been modified which is obvious as patterns in the foliage-covered ground repeat. This effect is caused by the "clone stamp" tool in Photoshop. The creator of the image then tried to cover his/her tracks by using the "blur" tool over the altered parts of the image.

      If it was a man in a suit pasted into the image, I doubt they would have made it so small, not to mention the proportions and anatomy are completely wacky.

    6. Im more interested in why someone would place a cone headed- baby hanging off the chest looking at the trail cam.
      That's pretty smart thinking for a Photoshopped stump.

    7. ^^^^1:18,

      You're a delusional moron. A come headed baby off the chest? Nope, just pareidolia getting the best of a degenerate footer again. Damn, you're so stupid that you "see shit" in "shit" in a Photo shopped image. A new all time low for footers.

  18. It looks like a guy wearing a mask made out of cardboard and duct tape.

  19. It's a bigfoot, in a bear suit.

    1. Yeah I seen that also he's so sneaky he was looking out of the left eye hole with his right eye and using his left eye to look out of the ear they are ingenious animals

  20. A blurry bigfoot picture? That is strange!

  21. There are some ugly chick Squatches in them woods....I know.

    1. Nice concept, but your "humor" is lame.
      Work on that, ok?

  22. Come on guys, that has to be the ghost of Larry, from the Three Stooges

  23. Please pursue the high rea picture Shawn.


    1. Please get off your fat ass and do it yourself.

    2. Anon 7:02==coward behind a keyboard....would never say shit like this to anyone's face, you can count on it

    3. So, you are fat and lazy then.

    4. Anon 7:02. Shawn has developed connections and inside tracks. I have looked and no high res image is on the Internet. But logic and facts don't matter with a little pos like you.

      Now if you have a problem with being called a POS. then I suggest you blame your parents or come and look me up at the Bigfoot festival here in Michigan this year. I will have a name tag on that reads MMC. You can man up.


    5. Are you inviting me to a bigfoot convention?
      What an honor, I don't know what to say...speechless.

    6. Yay!
      Will you send me a formal invitation?
      Will I be the only not-fat person there?

      I'm so excited and have so many questions.

  24. Arla here - That's a bigfoot dumping use

  25. It looks like a reflection off the tree. Why can't they ever show a good pic?

    1. ^Only a dumbass footer would ask a question like that.

    2. Bro. I'm not a footer at all. I'm constantly bashing the BS evidence being presented. A footer is one who believes everything presented to them.

      Now go do your chores! I'm tired of your mom yelling at your ass with her mouthfull.

  26. I thought trail cams take more than one pic when tripped so isn't there a clearer image?

    1. There are six images from the trail cam, they show the creature walking up, bending down eating the corn, (the farmer had been bating deer with corn when he set the trail cam up), and walking away. The original high quality photos are in the posession of this guy, the picture here is a picture of the original.

  27. We need some MK magic to enhance this!

    1. Mk is busy right now he is revealing megalithic animal structures on the moon with photoshop so do it your f**kin self

  28. Replies
    1. Well don't walk up and sock him, cuz it might be jesus.

  29. There certainly are clearer images of this "creature". I have access to them. These pictures have been floating around for at least 2 years.

    1. Whatever...dumbass.

      It's the same costume that's been used in numerous hoaxes.

    2. I never said I thought it was legit, as a matter of fact, I stated in an earlier post I thought it was fake. Do your immature name calling elsewhere.

    3. No, I think I'll do it here.

  30. Right, the most elusive creature on earth is going to squat down an chew on a deer right in front of a trail cam- which only takes one picture. Sounds legit.

  31. Ken: Doesn't look like a night glow pic from trail cam, or cam with flash. Kinda odd looking photo for sure, whatever it is. For earlier question, camera is manually set for number of pics taken upon camera being tripped, most offer sequence of one to three stills, or video.

  32. Replies
    1. Take your lame ass to school and learn how to spell

  33. RIP Matilda Daisy Dyer box.

    2013: the year bigfoot became mermaid status.

    1. And the three frauds I laughed at most-Erickson, Dyer and Melba Toast
      They caught the last train for the coast
      The day bigfoot died...

  34. hey ken, look poor little anon 9;41 still trying to communicate even after that stroke. Bless his little heart he can't stop his little fingers shaking.aaaaaasssssswwwwhhhhhoooolllllleeee that he is.

    1. Ken: thanks friend, but pay no mind to one with no mind, like fishing in the street, it makes no sense bro.

    2. Neither does bigfoot, but that don't keep you from chasing him.

  35. This image is from way back in January of 2011:

    "Lon, had these pics sent to me and was curious as to what you thought. This person wishes to remain annonymous but I will give you all the info I know. These pics were taken on a trail camera in western Kentucky. The pics are being shown on a tv, and you are looking at pics of the tv. In some pics there looks to be a house door/window in frame, this is actually a reflection in the tv. The land owner claims representatives from the University of Louisville have been contacted and have visited the property to investigate. They also apparently asked the land owner to not let anyone onto the property. I find these to be very perplexing. The pics in which you can see the entire figure look hoaxed to me from the shoulders down, but the face and eyes look somewhat real. The photo's of it bending over and eating the corn on the ground also look somewhat real. I truly don't know. What about you?"

    1. That's ok because these are new footers and haven't seen it yet.
      It can be shown again in a month or so when a new batch of footers arrive and these fools figure out there ain't no bigfoots.

  36. I'm new to this board and don't really actively seek out bigfoot nonsense....but exactly how long has this Matilda / Erickson Project nonsense been taking place?

    Has it really been years?

  37. So why has this picture been circulating on french pages since 2011?
    Here's one example:

  38. Anonymous 5:24, you nailed it. I've always been a skeptic but found the Bigfoot phenom interesting. I've been reading a lot of stuff on this blog lately and if anything I've been convinced more than ever it's all bullsh*t. Next thing you know someone will "find" the actual Holy Grail and then say, well, we can't put it up for viewing due to contracts and this picture we have is fuzzy, etc. etc. If you've got it, you'd flaunt it.

  39. FIRST SUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Looks like an out of focus pic of the Borq Queen.

  41. Looks like an out of focus pic of the Borq Queen.

  42. Looks like an out of focus pic of the Borq Queen.

  43. Looks like an out of focus pic of the Borq Queen.

  44. Totally a real Sasquatch! Just kidding ;). This suit looks identical—

  45. Is this Voldemort drinking unicorn blood?

  46. Whats with the long face, buddy?

  47. Clear as day my ass. Proof not promises.

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  51. All the name calling and remarks about body parts shows how immature and foolish most of you skeptics are. If you don't think he is real why are you wasting your time even reading or posting on these threads or arguing the point. Get a life or some new toys and go play some where because your infantile remarks are pointless, disgusting and really discredit you as a skeptic or somebody to be taken seriously. Honor and respect are definitely not to be found in those who have posted such things.

  52. I am from Ohio county. I do believe that this picture is fake. You can't even tell what it really is. On the other hand, I am an avid BF believer and I have had a sighting in Fordsville along railroad bed road. I came across a lot of dead smashed snapping turtles (12-13) at the most. As we were driving along the road a figure that stood 8-9 feet tall had its arms wrapped around a tree peeking at my vehicle down the road. As we approached the cryptid creature, it released its arms and took off into the woods. It still puzzles me till this day.


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