Rev Jeff: Everything you know about Matilda the Bigfoot is wrong - Matt Moneymaker

Today's sermon with Rev Jeff: "Today's sermon is on the wisdom of Matt Moneymaker. He says - Everything you know about the Matilda video is wrong... Matilda the bigfoot is described as a juvenile bigfoot that was video taped on the property bought by the Erickson Project. yet the video that was released is not of Matilda at all. Matt Moneymaker was on the After Hours with Team Tazor the other evening and he had much to say about the Matilda footage and its validity."


  1. Replies
    1. FACT: bigfoots are excellent spaceship copilots.

    2. Whatever happened to poor daisy? Wasn't she Matilda's cousin?

  2. Replies
    1. Please stay tuned for the footer cannibal-fest. Watch them eat their own.

      It's about to get ugly.

    2. I'm ready to gobble up some skeptards. I need some tenderizer though, their skin is a little tough.

    3. ^^Save that tenderizer for the sore butt Melba continues to give you.

  3. I want to sleep next to Matilda and spoon with her.

  4. Great. WTF am I supposed to do with all of these f*****g McDonalds pancakes? Shingle my roof?

    1. Put broken glass in them and smother them in syrup. Then you can get a date with Dr Melba.

  5. Moneyraker has met his nadir, and it's name is Matilda.

  6. See, it's not a wookie, MM says so.

  7. If I recall didn't he say that its where the idea for a Wookie came from originally?

    1. Bigfoots have a black nose.

    2. The Wookie is a Dogman, you all have it wrong, seriously.

  8. If he says he has footage of a bigfoot named Jar Jar I'm going to vomit.

  9. Wait until the wall hersom videos of bigfoot surface. He's sitting back laughing right now. Cuz he's got hours of clear HD video of Sasquatches. He's funded most of the DNA study and Erickson project. He's letting everybody have their fame and slice of the pie. Once he releaeses his vids, it will be groundbreaking evidence. Derek randles can't keep his mouth shut. His boss is Wally and once he spilled the beans about the hersom bf vids, then people spread it around. I can't wait for Wally to put out his vids!

    1. Hi,hi,hiiii! You mean there's still some bigfoot video to hope for? YAY!
      Count me in.

    2. Randles and Hersom do not have any unreleased videos. That's bullshit. Hersom has some trail cam photos that have not been released, but they are not in the same league, in terms of clarity, as the videos from the Erickson project.

      So don't get your hopes up and don't be fooled by lying rumor-mongers like Anon 9:33 He's full of crap.

    3. Hi,hi,hiiii! You mean there's no video to look forward to?

      I haz a sad.

    4. Hey anon 10:11 u don't know dicketysquat!!! Ya bitch!

    5. ^^^Batshit crazy footer, isle 9.

    6. There's something on the hill!

  10. southernyahoo is having a meltdown on BFF. Poor fella, I kind of feel sorry for him for getting royally used.

    1. Thanks for the heads up gonna go check it out

  11. The verbal hoaxers have greatly contributed to the downfall of the bigfoot community.

    Here's some fresh crazy from sasfooty...

    I've had some crazy stuff that happened with my camera, too.

    One night they were looking in the high window where I got some pics of eyes a few years ago. I could feel them out there, & immediately started taking pictures of the windows. In the first picture, there was a clear picture of "something" in the window. There were several other pics but there was nothing in any of the others except orbs & sparks that were inside the house. That goes along with them, too.

    Anyway, after looking at all of them, I went back to the first picture & it was gone. The numbers skipped that first one. I looked at all the others again to see if it was somewhere else, but it was gone. Then I went back to where the first one should have been, & the number was back, but the picture was the same as the one before it. There were two exactly alike, but with different numbers & taken on different days.

    There have been several of those weird camera things that have happened. There was also an ongoing thing with the Bionic Ear that took several months to overcome.

    1. There is NO way that is not someone trolling the shit out of the BFF

    2. I see no reason why it couldn't be a batshit crazy footer. There are many levels of crazy in bigfootery.

      The fact that the mainstream footers tolerate sasfooty and others like her, tells me that they condone the batshit crazy behavior.

    3. There are 4 or so regulars on BFF that claim to have habituated bigfeet on their property. If you go through the pain of actually reading what they have to say, you'll soon realize they are either pathological liars, LSD addicts, or both.

      Needless to say, the whole bunch is a couple sammiches short of a picnic.

  12. Who wants to jack this dick!?

    1. You'll get a jimmy kick and like it, Rictor!

  13. Rev Jeff ? Is there a church of bigfoot ?

  14. If people are too stupid to open their eyes then they deserve every bit of heart felt hurt they endure. Its comical.

    She's a Veterinarian NOT a Geneticist

    GenBank easily does what Smelba says it won't

    Her business has a Grade of "F" by the BBB

    Bigfoot braids her horses hair

    Bigfoot speaks to her in her dreams

    Bigfoot communicates with her when she holds a sample in her hand

    Bigfoot used telekinesis to knock her out and make her "sore" down there

    She communes with a family of 5 but has zero proof

    She buys a fake journal and website

    Publishes her non peer reviewed paper in a fake journal

    Uses real science and scientists as an excuse for it not passing a peer review and being published in a real/credible journal

    Cites The Epic of Gilgamesh as supporting evidence

    Cites a Daniel Boone story as supporting evidence

    Cites an April Fools joke unknowingly as supporting evidence

    She tries to get Smeja to degrade his sample so there would be no other sample to disprove her botched findings

    When that didn't work, she used the only excuse she had (Smeja switched samples)

    Trent University tested the same sample as her and found Ursus Americanus and human DNA (homosapien)

    She never even asked for Smeja's DNA to rule out his DNA as contamination

    I think this one is pretty damn easy to figure out

    1. Yes, you're trying to discredit her unsuccessfully.

  15. First! Wow......just, wooooowww.I'm.......late.


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