Rev Jeff: Alien Lights and Cannibal Bigfoot Oh My!

Today's sermon with Rev Jeff: "Today's sermon is on thou shalt not mix bigfoot and alien theories. Alien lights and cannibal bigfoot Oh My David Paulides! Yup you heard me right these are the two biggest points David Pauldies attempted to make during the last MUFON meeting on the 19th of February. I was able to catch the first 30 mins of his lecture on Youtube. After the first 12 mins of the lecture being a giant sales pitch for his books and wares for sale he finally got into something interesting. Apparently Mr Paulides is trying to form a connection between bigfoot and ufo sightings. Wow really maybe that is the answer. The reason we can't find bigfoot after a sight is he gets in his giant UFO and flys away..."


  1. Now we're talkin. Let's crank the Bat Shit Crazy up a notch!

    1. Why do orbs suddenly appear,
      every time, bigfoot's near?
      Just like my, they're crazy, that is clear.

      On the day that they were born,
      the angels got together
      and decided extract some DNA.

    2. Where you been hiding, Mulder?

    3. I paid her back.
      I hid her stack of scratch-offs.

    4. But that was the old gals retirement plan!

    5. Fuck her, she ate my fruity pebbles too.

    6. I'm wearing my Bigfoot pasties.

    7. Holy galactic gorillas, Batman!

    8. LET ME REPEAT MYSELF- Any researcher or footer who believes Bigfoot is Paranormal or come from outer space and can shape shift are seriously NUTs and need MEDICATION ! Stop that STUPID SHIT RIGHT NOW! It's Flesh and Blood ! PERIOD!

  2. They are a type of paranormal people.

    1. They are a type of cannibal, serial rapists!

    2. That live near trailer parks.

    3. Actually, I think they inhabit said trailer parks.

    4. Those that see the alienfoots, inhabit the trailer parks.

      Take pride in your duoble-wide.

    5. They are not aliens they are poltergeists. Bigfoot is an alien is just about the dumbest thing I've ever heard! They are ghostly beings part of the shadow people crowd. That's why we can't get good images and footage! Look at all the trouble the ghost hunters and taps have! They can't get good shots either!

    6. ^Makes perfect sense.

      That alien talk is just crazy.

    7. Better proof of aliens than bigfoot. Hell even the vatican had a meeting couple years ago about extraterrestrials.

    8. And why do you think it's being denied then just like UFOs? Easy, it could be the same. Aliens are real after all, whether they've been here or not, most agree intelligent life is out there too and unofficially we know it already and have for at least 70 years. You're even using ET technology right now in all your new fancy gadgets like computer phone or tv, that's where we got it and made the leap.

  3. Replies
    1. "I've got to say as someone fairly new to this whole BF thing, this is all an incredibly fascinating study in human behavior."

    2. What's most fascinating, is how the footers keep trudging along, even after being shamed and humiliated, to no end.

    3. Shit this isn't humiliating, humiliating is when the usher catches you sniffing womens seats when the movie is over.

  4. Holy manimal mindbenders, Batman!

  5. Bigfoots are holograms, projected by the aliens to distract us from their nefarious plot, to destroy the human race.

  6. They can clearly move in and out of unknown dimensions. Quit it with this stupid alien crap.

    1. ^^But only aliens can do that.

    2. No crazier than the foot habituators and their crazy assed tales.

    3. If that's true, and I can't prove it isn't, my bleef in bigfoot is only strengthened.

    4. That seems to be the way it works.


    5. It makes good sense, and explains why there's all this nonstop joking and denial going on everywhere from the mainstream press to mainstream science to our authorities.

      We know they're doing it with UFOs so why wouldn't they do it with Bigfoot, especially if the species should actually come from outside our own planet. Maybe they're some sort of placed guards spying and what better design to have than size and hair, when your primary stationed living quarters are the rugged wilderness. Funny these trolls' attempts at dumbing down the public, since it's not working they must bitch and moan here until it goes away which it won't of course.

    6. They have an invisible force field around their body that protects them from all types of weather. This is why they don't need shelter.

    7. Yes, it makes perfect sense to place your spies where people for the most part don't live. That obviously would afford them the clearest insight into the way we do things.

      Footers are batshit crazy.

    8. They have mindspeak capabilities dumbass! They can read our thoughts from miles away! That is why they hide in the outskirts of civilization.
      Just a small piece of their fur/hair is enough to communicate with us. Don't believe it? Ask Melba, she is a "knower"

    9. They know what I'm writing right now, and they don't even have a computer.

    10. I heard (from a reliable source) bigfoots are capable of "remote viewing" according to studies done by NASA.They truly ARE a fantastical race of people

    11. Oh yeah, they are being studied right now, at secret government facilities.

    12. Actually I heard on a blogtalkradio show, long ago (from a source I cannot disclose)) that they really have been studied by various scientific+government agencies (worldwide).
      NASA has clear video of these amazing people/boogers

    13. Um, why couldn't you disclose the source if it was on blogradio?

    14. Blogradio is the CNN of the internet.

    15. I will not tell the person's name, simply because they might not appreciate it.

      Said person is not here to defend themselves from doubters. And I certainly do not have the intellectual capabilities to do it for them.

    16. Lot of flat earthers in this thread born several centuries too late.

  7. We need more Dick Ryder stuff Rev!!
    Now that was some funny shit.

    Hundred Dollar Billlssss!!!!

  8. Bigfoots are inhabitants of another planet, convicted of crimes and sent to a penal colony, which happens to be earth.

    Yes, that's right, we are their Australia.

  9. Dyer is the real deal. You will see. April 14th.

  10. This Paulides guy is propf that if you give a Footer a foot, he'll hoax a mile.

  11. Don't worry folks bipto is out hunting woodapes as we speak. We will all be vindicated!

    1. Yes, Bipto is the real day. Nobody has proven him to be a hoaxer yet, so he's the man.

      They are a type of wood ape.

    2. feelings...nothing more than............ feelings

    3. Feelings like I got get you feelings like I gotta kill you live in my heart

    4. ^^Is that the bigfoots inside your head talking?

  12. You sure the good rev isn't into the cannabis bigfoot ?

  13. How old does bigfoot have to be to obtain his UFO flight license?

  14. Looks like cmcmillan has joined the bff to defend Ketchum and dyer. .. wow.

    1. AFGF

      Another fat girl footer

    2. She's an angry footer. Read her stuff on the forum here and it's like WTF?

    3. Her and that dork Mulder should hook up.

    4. Some people simply don't have the ability to know when it's time to put the fucking shovel down.

      She's now arguing this nonsense with multiple people on multiple forums.

      This complete train wreck will be proven thus shortly, then where does she turn? Her behavior would fascinate many psychologists I'm sure.

    5. She conquered all on Shawn's forum and is ready for the big time. Go get 'em CC!! lol

    6. She's gone? Lock the door now before her inevitable banning over there brings her back. Wacky. Why are those ladies so determined to defend Dyer?

  15. There's a man who leads a life of danger
    To everyone he meets he stays a stranger
    With every thread he makes another chance he takes
    His lack of evidence just leads to sorrow

    Secret asian man, secret asian man
    He's got no proof for Bigfoot
    and his evidence is lame

    Beware of Bigfoot feces that you find
    A Bigfoot turd can hide a possum spine
    Ah, be careful what you say
    Or you'll give yourself away
    His lack of evidence just leads to sorrow

    Secret asian man, secret asian man
    You know there is no Bigfoot
    and the footers are to blame
    Secret agent man, secret agent man
    He's got no proof for Bigfoot
    and his evidence is lame

    Exposing the Melba on one day
    And then sayin' foots are alien next day
    Oh no, you let the wrong word slip
    While kissing Rictor's lips
    His lack of evidence just leads to sorrow

    Secret asian man, secret asian man
    He's got no proof for Bigfoot
    and his evidence is lame

    1. His site is a hub, not an outlet for his own research. He never said he would bring us evidence. He is Asian however and familiar with Confuscius: "Tis wise, grasshopper, not to make claims of evidence, for there is none from the non-existent."

  16. PGF - crappy monkey suit
    Freeman - proven hoaxer
    Hovey pic - movie costume
    Jacobs photos - bear
    Dyer - hoax x2
    Ketchum - deluded / scammer
    Matilda - wookie
    Timbergiant - son in monkey suit
    1000s of eyewitnesses - liers/deluded
    Mulder - Pwned
    Believers - retarded

    I think that covers it, Shawn if you'd like to lock up on your way out thanks.

    1. Good list. But you forgot moneymaker.

    2. Don't be hatin' on the bleevers, they're my main source of laughter. Don't nobody be fuckin' with my funny.

    3. ^^^No doubt, this place has had me laughing till I had tears streaming down my face.

      This is easily my favorite blog.

    4. how does Matt "theres something on the hill" Moneymaker slip under the radar on that one?

    5. Did anyone see that one episode on finding bigfoot, where Matt gets on his hands and knees to sniff the goround? I think he was smelling for a bf fart... Anyways, he looks dead into the camera and says " smells grassy!" I laught so hard..

    6. Wrong on the first: the PGF features an excellent suit...

    7. Moneymaker - milking Wally dry.

    8. ^^It's Bart's turn to do that.

    9. Moron #1 list corrections:

      PGF - genuine bigfoot
      Freeman - caught the real thing on video
      Hovey pic - wtf knows
      Jacobs photos - young bigfoot
      Dyer - hoax x2
      Ketchum - cracked the hominin mystery via dna/hated for it
      Matilda - wtf knows
      Timbergiant - ?
      1000s of eyewitnesses - vindicated
      Mulder - vindicated
      Believers - vindicated

  17. THe reverend's message has unlocked a stream of repressed memories. Of alien abduction, gifting baskets, pancakes, wookies and Cliffy's triple-jointed penis. What does it mean? Where did they come from?
    Nothing. Nowhere. It's simply bullshit.

    1. He always follows the creeks.

    2. In his single engine aircraft, yes. Bigfoot is only licensed for VFRO.

    3. Ya see, they abduct you, when you're dropping off the gifting basket. They do their anal probes and do all kinds of weird shit to you, while they're getting drunk.
      When they're done, they shine a light in your eyes, you forget everything and BOOM. Next thing you know, you're back on the couch, watchin' honey booboo.

    4. ^ Drooling toothless retard.

  18. Being a Native Canadian Ojibway/Sioux, I've heard a lot of old 'tales' and legends of 'sasquatch/bigfoot'
    One thing that bothers me is every time i hear tales being repeated about bigfoot(s) raiding villages is, that they never seem to tell you the difference. the stories get repeated as just bigfoot in general.
    It seems in many old stories that the bigfoot(s) that seem to do the raiding or pillaging if you will are not the wild man of the forest, its really hard to explain it. it starts sounding dumba nd rather silly. However knowing i will only be mocked for saying this anyways, here it goes...

    There seems atleast in old native legends and tales, that there are two distinctly different types of bigfoot(s) out there. There is the 'old man of the woods'. this is the one thats always been there. lives peacefully with its own kind. never causing any harm but just content to be left alone. some legends even call him a protector and a good spirit. in this case 'spirit' meaning his/her disposition to the world around itself. peaceful an content.
    the second type is slightly different. it is an evil spirit. again 'spirit' meaning its general disposition. if that one is in the forest. someone will go missing. a hunter will not come back at the end of the day. a camper/hiker will vanish.
    the second type is called the devil of the forest. its like the cannibal. evil. it rolls itself in mud which dries rock hard matting its hair, giving it the appearance of rock or solid bark like skin.
    some tales and legends tell of great battles between the two types.
    If the old man of the forest is in the area, you are most certainly to be very safe. perhaps even see a successful hunt.
    How do you or would you know the difference? how can you even tell if one or the other is in the forest?
    according to legend and tales... the devil will always try too lure you away.. deeper into the forest. at night it will mimic the sounds of a babies cry too lure you into the darkness. it'll mimic the sounds of a moose, a deer anything to get you to move further and deeper into the forest. you will not be coming back.

    When i hear native tales being retold by non-natives, they almost always seem too leave that part out. about the two different types.
    Again...these however are just that..they are legends and tales.

    I thought i would just put that out there for you people to read. so with that...let the flaming and blasting begin.....

    1. just a reminder..these are just that.. 'tales and legends' perhaps nothing more...

    2. Cool, good post. No flame from this skeptard.

    3. That was actually worth reading, thanks for sharing that. Not very often does something like this get posted in the comments on this blog.

    4. The part about mimicking a babies cry is interesting. Derek Randles told of a great (possible) encounter he had (on the Bigfoot Tonight blog-radio) which brings this to mind.

    5. great post, wish there were source citations.

    6. They probably originated as spirits "of" the woods not "from". Probably representing that the forest is a source of things beneficial for life and is also dangerous. Who knows, they did not write. Anyway, those kinds of myths are expected from an animistic belief system.
      What is unexpected is that adults believe Roger Patterson filmed one..

    7. ^ "they did not write"..."they" being the Indians. Bigfoots can write and use word processing software..

  19. I knew it! Bigfoots eat babies!!!!

    KILL EM ALL!!!!!

    1. They did, before they ate them. Sometimes.

  20. What's more likely, an eight-foot tall species of ape surviving in North America with no definitive proof of its existence or some kind of phenomena at the limits of human perception?

    1. I'll take "neither" for 500, Alex.

    2. If it was only that simple.

      There are actually two different kinds of bigfoots. The Southern 'Foots which pack a horrible odor (just like a skunk) and walk on 3 toes, and are slightly smaller than the other kind.

      Than you have the majestic PNF 'Foot which is much larger, not as smelly, and has 5 toes.

      Hope this helps....

  21. Aliens are not aliens from another terrestrial world they are demons from a spiritual world. The whole alien mock up is a guise and a lie to hide their true nature.

    Their plan is to present themselves as gods and wipe away truth.

    I do feel that the bigfoot phenomenon is in some way related and associated with this lie.

  22. 2013



    1. It has to end sometime, but no one could have predicted what the end would look like: people arguing about how Lucas came up with the Wookie. That is baaaaad....

  23. Ken: I guess one can finally say, the levy broken and this shit is completely over the top.

    1. It is beyond insulting the crap some Footers would have us believe.

    2. Fuck off then should be easy. Skeptard.

  24. There is so much the young 'Squatcher' generation is simply unaware of. Many old timers are decades ahead of you and you don't want to listen.

    1. well, if these "old timers" would release their info/research instead of waiting to profit from it, telling us "wait" ,"be patient" ,"soon", maybe people COULD LEARN. Sheesh!

    2. Why would they come forward more when you see the kind of responses here to Paulides references to the same stories told by old timers?

    3. @Anon 10:45 .... somehow, strange lights and magic portals opening out of thin air and bigfoot(s) stepping in or out of them, i don't think that has anything to do with old legends or tales.. that seems like someone went and spiked the old peace pipe again...

    4. Until you've experienced some of the strange stuff. That generally comes with age and sufficient opportunity for such events.

    5. Look, moron, Paulides is a shyster trying to sell books to multiple camps of crazy people.

      He'd try to tie this into 911 if he thought he's get away with it.

      Footers = Truthers

    6. Absolutely amazing! The Rev wasn't there and twisted the entire presentation to fit his hypothesis. Mr. Paulides spent 80% of the time discussing his "Missing 411" books, never making ONE innuendo about what may be the cause, NEVER. The other 20% was talking about bigfoot and his two books, Hoopa Project and Tribal Bigfoot. He never stated that there was a direct relationship between bigfoot and UFO's and was discussing what Ray Crowe had printed in his newsletter "The Track Record" about orbs and bigfoot in Washington. I can honestly state that the people on this site are making judgements about people where they have absolutely no clue....Typical of this community...

    7. This is true. He just spoke on facts that were once talked about or written.

    8. Well, it's typical Team Tazer character bashing.
      Paulides recently turned them down for a podcast interview. Coincidence?

    9. Unlike the Tazers he's honest about this subject and doesn't fool around he's not got any time for the ape losers.

  25. This is right up your alley Squatch!!


    1. I've eaten worse… make me sick to think about it.


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