Poll: What the Hell is Bigfoot? Ape or Human?

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor Vicki W.

With all the hullabaloo stirred up by the Ketchum DNA interpretation which suggests that Bigfoot is some classification of human, the debate is at the forefront in a big way. Matt Moneymaker continues to believe that sasquatches are animals, specifically related to the ape family. How about it readers? Tell us what you think by voting in this poll.

What is Bigfoot?
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  1. Replies
    1. I see what you did there. Classy.

    2. Yeah, I've been working on that one for a while now.

    3. Well congrats, you nailed it.

    4. I am the person that wore the matilda wookie suit. I signed an agreement stating that I would not talk about it, but that was years ago and I figure it's run out by now anyway.
      We got some hair die and colored all of the fur on the costume. Then we took combs and teased it to make it look more natural. There's a lot more video than the few that have been seen.
      Erickson knew nothing about it being a hoax, neither did that biologist girl. Dave was in on it though, he even helped me put the suit on. There were a lot of videos destroyed because they weren't good enough and we didn't want them to be found.

    5. It was worth the wait Mayor. I can hardly wait for your next chestnut.

    6. Boy you're just one clever sammich.

    7. Don't worry 2:55, you can come back into the community after committing a fraud. Ask Dyer, he still has supporters... Hoax me again!! I LIKE IT!!...

    8. Mayor I sure hope your vaccinated playing with my mom. You better get checked for mad cow or mad burger head diaseases it looks like you've been infected and affected already please seek medical care don't spread the sickness

    9. tstfruipyho;
      -]=78986- I WANT $395,000.456 NOW WALLY DAMNIT!!! THNX melba...

    10. Will the real Chewie please raise its hand.

  2. Never mind ape or wookie.

    What the hell is the Grimace from McDonalds?

    You know the big purple thing?

    We need a team of science on that.

  3. Those are not wookies ...it obviously a pictures of Bob h. at a recent family reunion..that old hoaxer and his hoaxer family were all in on the pgf film.

    1. She the one 3 rd from the right bottom row..she's getting ready to take her nap.

  4. Sasquatch is a C.H.U.D. - Canabalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller. Either that, or a Leaf of the Deciduous Variety.

    1. I feel less geeky knowing some one else remembers that movie...

    2. Please, don't feel less geeky on my account. Proceed.

    3. lol Thanks..I was happier that way...

  5. Where's my underwear? I miss my undies with moose track stains accumulated after wearing them for 2 weeks!

  6. Those costumes are Bad Ass. In my fantasy, that's what Squatches look like.

  7. Human humans are animals, and some scientists argue that humans are apes. It is more of a question of whether it is of the genus Homo, or if it is an early hominin or an ape. My current vote is on Gigantopithecus or a robust Australopithecine, and I will have an article coming out soon as to why the evidence suggests this.

    1. Go tell that to your mom. If she thinks it sounds real smart, she might take you to chucky cheese. Hurry go tell her, before you forget.

    2. The evidence suggest nothing. Krantz proposed extant giganto's because he had a jaw bone to wave around. That is better than saying "Yeah. The witnesses are right and the prints are real.Thank you, and good night."

    3. I'm pretty sure Jay is a homo.

    4. I am of the genus Homo, but I am not gay. Just because I'm younger than you, doesn't mean you have to make jerk comments.

    5. Again, What is this evidence that you speak of?

      Silly Footers, Evidence is for the real world people.

    6. Jay, here is a little advise, stay off all the Bigfoot forums and websites about Bigfoot!!! You are wasting the best part of your life. You should be out slaying PUSSY!!! When I was your age that's ALL I thought about. Now put that damn keyboard down, comb your hear, forget about this mythical creature and go face plant yourself in some nice teeny twat! Women go down hill after their teeny years. You'll regret this in your later years if you don't. NOW GET OUT THERE AND SLAY/PLAY LIKE A CHAMPION TODAY!!!

      Lou Holtz

    7. You're a very gullible Jay it's terrible how you've fallen for that Krantz/Meldrum crap, good luck finding thousands of wildly roaming apes in America. LOL Stop denying Ketchum cracked it, the dream's over you guys should've listened more to the Native Americans now go watch Paulides' new Mufon presentation.

    8. Are you serious Anon 11:54?! You're trying to say that Paulides, a guy who will yell at you if you call Bigfoot an animal and thinks that Bigfoot fly UFOs, is more credible than two PHD physical anthropologists? Wow.

  8. There's not a choice for figments of imagination.

  9. Lets not forget Damien Bravo's giant ground sloth theory. That one seems the most plausable to me.

  10. Tell the giant sloth theory to the people that claim to have seen these things up close and personal.

  11. Plain and simple: Bigfoot is human, because Bigfoot is a guy in a suit

    1. Every year at Halloween in your house, surely.

  12. Replies
    1. Would certainly explain the cover-up/smear campaign.

  13. Visiting hours are the same as Golden Coral's regular operating hours.

  14. Footers still don't realize that humans ARE animals? Hilarious.

    1. Stop nitpicking you jerk, human is only the label we've given ourselves for classification - same label we'll eventually have to give the squatches.

  15. Does it matter? First priority surely has to be getting them recognised as beings at all, then worry about which way they wear their pants...

  16. You guys are crazy. Apes don't have the brains to avoid being photographed.

    If Bigfoot exists (~2-3% chance) then it has to be very smart, otherwise it wouldn't be able to avoid cameras so effectively. It needs to have higher intelligence than humans, at least in the wilderness, when it comes to evasion.

    It kind of makes sense as an intelligent hominid that evolved to live on the margins of human civilization, exploiting the niches we don't use, while avoiding contact with us.

    It doesn't make sense for a dumb animal to be able to live in isolated wilderness enclaves in 49 out of 50 states, while completely avoiding detection. Sometimes wilderness enclaves get cut down, leaving the inhabitants surrounded by civilization. An animal would get caught in a situation like that, but something intelligent could (semi-plausibly) travel by night to the next wilderness enclave without being detected.

    1. 2% is not long enough, by far. You're talking 1 in 50 which is between 5 coins landing on heads(1 in 32) and 6 coins landing on heads(1 in 64)...

    2. According to some footers here, Bigfoots level of stealth and evasion intelligence is equal to that of the military. I'm not joking, someone here actually argued that point.
      A lot of footers actually think Bigfoots are a somewhat supernatural species that are more intelligent than humans and have special powers to disable and avoid recording equipment. I'm not joking about that, either.

    3. wtf??? are you super cereal?

    4. There's a lot of nutty denial going on here sadly deliberately so from the trolls but fact is that apes - several thousands - simply can't roam undiscovered in our woods for centuries and leave no bones or hairs or bodies or captures. Not only is that impossible it'd also be irresponsible acting by authorities not to warn the public, so if your head's screwed on tight you can forget about that fantasy right now and start betting on either hominin or alien. We only have those two choices left, time it's dealt with seriously now.

  17. I just want to fucking shoot one!

    1. Aim for your skull it's already empty so there should be enough room for one single rattling bullet.

  18. What do you call a bigfoot thats been hit by lightning?

  19. Bahaha. You guys are continuing to try and define characteristics of a creature that does not exist! Lol.
    My favorite part is when you completely ignore your own set of rules when a new video/photo surfaces.
    "They are extremely elusive!!! Except when they are hanging out in backyards and natur parks."
    "The have cone heads and human facial features! Except for that one in the Erickson video. Some have dog noses and teeth."
    "They walk on two legs! Except for the videos where they are on all fours, yeah, sometimes they decide to walk on all fours!"
    "They are huge! 8 feet tall! Except the ones in the photos that are 2-3 feet tall. They must be juveniles, definitely not tree stumps though!"

    1. I do agree that the whole "Bigfoot are curious" idea is not founded by any solid evidence. The Erickson video clearly shows a Wookie mask, so of course it looks different than what is reported. Animals can alternate between locomotion at times, and if these are a form of ape (as I feel the evidence suggests) then they would likely still use occasional quadrupedal locomotion. Look at sprinters, they start off on all fours to propel. Your last argument is just ignorant. Of course there will be smaller Sasquatch, no one in the right mind has said that all Sasquatch are huge.

    2. Wow! You just called me ignorant after arguing about the characteristics of a creature that has never been captured, observed, or proven to exist!
      I suppose that when a new video is uploaded to YouTube featuring a blurry thing tossing a round object to another blurry thing, we can add "sometimes play games like catch" to the list of Bigfoot traits. After all, they are part ape and apes like to joke around and play.

    3. I only said that you were ignorant in assuming that all of them are huge. No hard feelings, please. I admit that it's not worth arguing about the features, but we can get hints of their features from eyewitness accounts and footprint/handprint casts and such. We also have a buttocks print, and the Skookum Cast may be an impression of one laying down, so we can learn a good amount regarding the characteristics from casts. I for one, put no trust in blurry videos. You will have to make that argument to someone else, because I agree that making interpretations from videos is nonsense.

    4. Wow, This kid is Hilarious....

    5. Jay put your retainer in and drink a warm glass of shut the hell up.
      Remember its a school night

    6. School day tomorrow Jay, hit the sack.

    7. Hee hee, you trolls can be truly hilarious sometimes! First someone above told me that I should be out doing women, and now you're reminding me it's a school night. I'm actually laughing!

  20. Bigfoot is a figment of the imagination
    It is blobsquatches and pareidoilea but it isn't a living creature.
    If by chance there was something, it would be purely an animal.
    Hybrids are not possible except through genetic manipulation.

    1. Then how do you explain the time I went camping and suddenly something didnt feel right?

    2. Yeah and what about the time I was waking in the woods of some nature park and saw a rock thrown near me? Surely that was a Bigfoot. There is no other, more likely, explanation.

  21. You can have all the evidence in the world to support your theories and people will believe only what they want to believe. Look what happened to the guy that discovered the quasi crystal. His associates asked him to leave the research team and he was ridiculed by a fellow scientist that had shared a Nobel prize. He actually walked off with the Nobel prize recently and all the money with it and all the jerks got NOTHING. What goes around comes around.

  22. Usually when I stayed in the woods and somthing didn't feel right it was just my Scout leader just trying to fondle me.
    Squatch Nuts

  23. ATTENTION JAY: Jay, here is a little advise, stay off all the Bigfoot forums and websites about Bigfoot!!! You are wasting the best part of your life. You should be out slaying PUSSY!!! When I was your age that's ALL I thought about. Now put that damn keyboard down, comb your hair, forget about this mythical creature and go face plant yourself in some nice teeny twat! Women go down hill after their teeny years. You'll regret this in your later years if you don't. NOW GET OUT THERE AND SLAY/PLAY LIKE A CHAMPION TODAY!!! GO OUT AND GET SOME. STAY OFF THE COMPUTER.


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