Michael Revisits Paralyzed Bigfoot Footage From New York

Does this footage from New York show a paralyzed Bigfoot crawling across the pasture or is it a person in a jacked up monkeysuit? Carl Olinselot has provided Michael with enhanced images of the footage for a second look at this strange creature.


  1. Replies
    1. the usual fakery and idiocy sorrounding bigfoot. Lets see more matilda pictures or even a video to prove this gian mythical human-hominin hybrid is really out there...in my backyard...waiting to be habituated with copenhagen and blueberry bagels.

    2. you are RIGHT bigfoot IS BS

    3. Has phil analyzed this footage yet? Until then, I will wait to form an opinion. He is a very smart man.

    4. There's just something about this video that makes me think that the creature is a real bigfoot. It looks to me, like it has an animal or something thrown over it's shoulder. Maybe a pig? And the bigfoot's head is hidden behind what it's carrying. Take a closer look.

    5. Phil would be the last person that could figure this one out that's for sure!

    6. Screw Phil, he sucks at breaking down videos & it's obvious he knows nothing about film!

      He needs to keep his annoying mouth shut & hit some books - he has no or little experience - they should just let merchant do these breakdowns.

  2. Replies
    1. The head is almost as big as the body.

      Somebody stuck a special needs kid in a crappy halloween costume and made then run around the pasture.

    2. And his trusty sidekick McMillan.

      That ones a live wire.

    3. If your lookin for trouble

      I'm the one you need

      If your lookin for satisfaction

      Satisfaction guaranteed

    4. "Stick this in your fuse box!"...lol
      RIP Bon Scott

  3. Bears routinely get up on their back legs to get a higher view and can walk this way for a good length.

    1. Everywhere you have Squatch reports you also have black bears. Hmmm....

    2. yeah, they can also make and wear bigfoot costumes, play cards, sell honey on Ebay,
      become forest rangers
      what can't a bear do ...

    3. I have seen a bear ride a little motorcycle at the Circus, you can train them to do some crazy stuff !

      This is not a bear I can tell you that much!

      Bigfoots have been reported in areas that have no bears many times, I'm not saying this is Bigfoot but its not a bear that's for sure!

  4. oh so it's paralyzed....now it makes sense.

    1. Amputate your logic, you're hypnotized
      You lost all emotion, your paralyzed!

  5. It's hilarious when the head of the costume is about to fall off and it makes it look like bigfoot is looking straight up.

  6. Wanted = Bigfoot Dead or Alive - Then we will see the hoaxers showing up in body bags.

    1. and some party goers just trying to peacefully puke in the woods,lol

    2. If you're going to make a cake you gotta break a few eggs.

      If a few wood-hippies got offed in the process, so what, it's in the name of science!

  7. Ken: that look kinda freaky, wonder who or what it really is?

  8. Careful with your comments or Tard Squatch will indeed, Rip Your Face Off.

    1. You will be torn limb from
      Limb and fed to the wild pigs

    2. Went to shit and the hogs ate him.

    3. This video's area definitely deserves further investigation. There are many credible sightings from the area.

  9. Its a snooty pretentiious bigfoot and hes not having none of that

  10. Ken: Only the Brain is paralyzed.

  11. Whose woods these are, we footers know!
    Bigfoots a trampin’ to and fro;
    He always sees me stopping here
    I don’t see him, so I eat crow.

    Dumb footers we do think it queer
    To never see a Bigfoot clear.
    Between the woods and frozen lake
    The hoaxes dumber by the year.

    We leave gifting baskets to take
    And just so there is no mistake.
    We offer breads and bagels there.
    With crumbling crusts and deep-fried flakes.

    The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
    And us dumb footers, we are like sheep.
    With blobs to film before I sleep,
    And blobs to film before I sleep.

  12. Replies
    1. Just Google the image of the giant anteater. That's his tail. In the video its just backs up turns to its left and walks across.

    2. yep giant ant eater, solved.

    3. Thank you. Now what do I win. Lol

    4. You'll Get Nothing and Like it.

    5. I think that's what the anteater/Bigfoot said as it walked away.

    6. it can't be an anteater, the skeptards said it's a guy in a suit, and they know everything!

  13. I have a dog that drags its ass like that when he has turd stuck in his hair. Maybe the Squatch was just cleaning his ass??


    1. Good Call. Definitely DogMan with Impacted Ass.

    2. It just got kicked in the balls by the densest shins in the world. You'd do that too!

    3. Maybe the Yam got ahold of it. Probably has roast beef now.


    4. Payne will bring the pain!!!


  14. its a bigfoot with a baby squatch riding on its shoulders.. watch it again

  15. They are a special kind of people. Whatever you do, don't touch his ears. A mind-raping from this guy would not be pretty.

    1. This special kind of Squatch prefers Franks-n-Beans in his gift basket...and if he grabs a hold of your face, it's best to just let him finish.


  16. looks like a bear standing on its hind legs with his tongue hanging out

  17. So stupid... It's that Halloween costume. The bigfoot with the giant head. Obvious, much?

  18. I actually laughed at a Merchant video, WTF? When the herb is good...

  19. I do believe there's a tard in these woods

  20. its a giant anteater and they have just reversed the video, its actually going the other way

  21. Looks like a bear costume with a bigfoot head instead of the bear head. It does not look natural,the head must be the one that you look through the neck.

  22. it's some dude with an ill fitting monkey mask on

  23. Seriously? This is so obviously a costume. Not only that but if you can hear the audio of the original footage it is completely staged. The acting is terrible. Must be slow in the bigfoot biz if we keep having to "break down" fake vids.

  24. It's a dude wearing someone's too-small parka; hood pulled up.

    The coat being too tight, dude holds his head back, neck stretched, to keep the hood from slipping off.

    He's obviously very intelligent.

  25. Was out squatchin last weekend. Made some of my legendary calls. Heard a squatch call back!!! Made another call... Heard one back again! Closer this time!!!
    After a few more calls back and forth was now mere yards away!! Then moneymaker and crew jump out. Another case of bigfooters calling other bigfooters.
    Oh and yeah I shot him and have his body in my freezer for future viewing. Press release forthcoming...

  26. If you look really closely, you can see an extra chromosome.

  27. That's a squatch! There's NO WAY a humans head could fall off that fast

    1. That's what I was saying. They just don't get it.

  28. Michael this is a black bear with a cub standing between the mothers shoulder blades ! Look at again .

    1. Holy Crap. I think you're right. I can totally see it. Mama walking on all fours, baby on top. Good Call. Hope everyone else can see it now.

    2. I see it too! No wonder it looks so damn weird if you try to see a person in a suit. I take back all my comments refererncing the mentally challenged.

    3. Touche' In the end, it is me who is the Tard. Sweet irony!

    4. Bears don't put their young on their back and run on two legs man! Your joking right ?

      Bears do not do anything like what you see here - and when a bear walks or stands up it will move very slow

  29. Oh you are right it is crawling on all fours !

    1. Yep. "Final" Breakdown Analysis needs to be posted then we never need to see this video again. Great Job to the above anon who figured this one out.

  30. You just made everyone else on here, including myself, look like a complete moron with your correct analysis. See, I can admit when I am wrong. Can any of you???

    1. Slow down...do baby bears surf on their mama's backs?

    2. No, I still believe it's Bigfoot.

    3. bear cubs are notorious back surfers...Dude

    4. Lol.. Haven't you heard about the bear? When everyone knows the bear is the word? Baba-Bear, bear,bear,bear is the word...

    5. Progress. We narrowed it down: we have a bear surfin on its mama's back or bigfoot is real. Laugh, but that is far less retarded than arguing about how Lucas came up with the Wookie. That is baaaaad...

  31. Sorry call it like I see it ! J.V.

  32. Paralyzed Bigfoot....Mama Bear walking with Cub on her back...Same Thing.


  33. Yeah right, if anyone here has proof that black bears exist, prove it. Sounds like liberal media propaganda

  34. Bigfoot is the product of paralyzed brains

  35. Considering it's like a pitching wedge from the back of the Old Forge School and a 5 iron from the center of town, I kinda doubt it's legitimacy.

  36. A bigfoot with hunchback disease perhaps?

  37. Obviosly Sasquatch is a HUGE fan of the Rolling Stones because it's moving and strutting around just like Mick did during the 1981 Tattoo You tour.

  38. im in he twilite zon

    stoener apologiss in advance for showing twice

    surely the point would be too clear up the film not leave exctly where we were before.its obviously not a bf,since keychun report has= just been dissed by half dozen scientits and the erickson film is wookie suit.that leaves these flmas proof[lol]

    why does this page not do what im doing. ie call it a day.look for another subject to look at.there cleary are np 10ft apemen walking around remembering not to leave any evidence or be seen by someone who hasnt got parkinsons

  39. This is fake. It's shot in Old Forge NY on the hillside behind the school on main street. I'm from there and this is fake.

  40. It's a person in a jacked up monkey suit.


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