Michael Reviews Top 5 Bigfoot Photos of 2012

One of the photos above was viewed over 260,000 times last year. It's the number one viewed photograph on Bigfoot Evidence blog. Can you guess which one? In this video, Michael reviews 2012's Top 5 Bigfoot photographs. Watch below:


  1. Replies
    1. THIS WEBSITE IS WHACK ... LOOK AT THE TOP 5 BULLSHIT PICTURES THEY POST.What a bunch of assholes.. Doooooonga!

  2. All 5 photos are authentic forest beings

    1. In physics one of the most important analytical tool that is used is called frame of reference. Einstein was a genius at using this tool which is why he developed so many ground breaking theories. A common example is if you are driving in a car at 60 miles an hour and you roll down the windows do you feel wind? If you are not in the car but outside it do you feel the same wind? Einstein would often change his frame of reference using his imagination, putting himself at different points in whatever theory or idea he was thinking about thus creating ground breaking theories. He very often said we are all capable of doing this there's no genius or magic behind it. People are not capable of the proverbial changing someone's mind. But we are capable of changing someone's point of reference. But first we have to be willing to change ours.

    2. Shawn thats a sarcastic remark about Melba. Stay unbiased or your site will only attract Trolls and sceptics.

    3. Yeah, be very careful. You definitely don't want to have a bunch more hits on your site.

    4. Lose a bunch of clicks and gain the same amount or less is not a overall gain. Shawn won't gain when it becomes a Fox news outlet!

    5. 6:01 That is a simple Galilean transformation. Einstein's genius led him to the discovery they are WRONG: He postulated the speed of light is constant for all observers, no matter their relative motion. The old, simple, transformation laws do not account for this and he applied new ones first described by Lorentz(his paper tried to account for the failure to detect the aether). The Galilean transformations are a first approximation to the new Lorentz ones-meaning they are fine so long as no one is moving at over 10% the speed of light!

    6. I was using Einstein as an example his life wasn't simply about physics and theories he tried to teach people how to see different view points. I used physics as an example because that's where I learned frame of reference. I am not a physicist. I just learned about it in a few college classes and thought it was an interesting way to try and understand somebody elses point of view which I think is important on this site. It doesn't matter what the discussion is or about , but if people can't at least try and understand someones else point of view and HOW they arrived at it, you end up with a pointless argument.

    7. ^Oh, I got it and I agree..

    8. If Phil has 'passed on' Shawn please have the good grace to tell us.

      We cannot take take this Merchant shit any longer.

  3. Ummm, Where is Joe Black's authentic photo? I don't see it, did you forget? I guess you must have, there were plenty of contenders...shoulda had the top ten photos.

    The Chewbacca/Matilda photo will be on the 2013 top 5 for sure, maybe even top 3.

    We can expect a plethora of authentic photos being taken of these wonderful forest people this summer!

    I can't wait!

    Things are going to get more and more exciting each day!

  4. Huh, so now that everyone has better cameras it turns out that Bigfoot is camera shy and won't show his face.
    It's always one thing or another messin' up these photos.

  5. Matilda looks very like the Myakka skunk ape photos of a few years ago? anyone?

    1. Yes, I remember, that was also a legitimate video. FB/FB even said so! Therefore I know it's authentic.

      Seriously though, it does look good.

      I don't think Matilda is a skunk ape however.
      I bet she is from the southern/middle U.S. Kentucky species of hominid genus thingamabob

    2. i think she is a rug pile with a foot pump.

    3. ^I think you're a dung pile with a pecker pump

  6. Definitely a bear, could also be a turkey though.

  7. So I'm guessing Michael is going through his manic phase right now.

  8. the hovey photo is the only one that's legit.

  9. The trail camera looks legit to me. Hovey's Bigfoot looks like a it came from a Movie set. Canada is going to give up a Bigfoot soon.

  10. havent read other comments. hovey is a hoax. why would a trail cam be pointed at a bush. why only ever 1 shot always from the back,no front/side etc....where are the other shots in the series. \theyve never surfaced.Hoax

    The 'bigfoot blasting through' is a monkey,again, cleary. The big black HD one is photoshopped.

    The other black one with what we are expected to think is an arm is a bear.Why only one photo= It was a trick of he bears weird position /opitical illusion or there would be a series of pics that would identify creature[what he just took 1 and walked away].He knew it was a bear, when he saw it, thought i'll post it on the net and idiots will thnk its a BF
    The white one has hoax written all over it. Again 1 shot of the BACK of it! why no series of photos to idenify creature. Its always 1 shot

    If you take photos of the family etc...you take afew even in that scenario, never mind a bigfoot encounter.If youve been fortunate enough to come across a BF ,and youve a camera, youd be firing of shot afetr shot.Not 1 showing its back!

    they are all photoshopped or hoaxes. sad effort

    If thats the 'best' from last year.I am at a loss as to why people think there is viable breeding population of these forest giants in our campsites/national parks etc

    I know im a troll.'loser etc etc... funny i know for a fact the peole who called me this wouldnt dare say it to y face.I guess it typical of some of he people on here when there only retort to questioning the vability of BF's being real is to act the cber tough guy and point out my typos. is it oly believers in BF that are allowed to comment.If you question their existance youare a troll/loser. Not really in the spiorit of debate and finding out the ruth. Unless I saw a BF with my own eyes then i cannot believe. There is no film out there to make me do so. so cut out the cyber tough guy act and kep it real guys.you sound as if you are geeky ,nerdy singletons who have nothing better to do

    Maybe one ay,by some miracle, bigfot will be proven to be real. Then ill be as happy as any believer is[or is that knower]

    1. You're not a troll unless you're bashing the other side and coming to the site just to piss people off. All these points are valid. They may not all be hoaxes, but they certainly don't constitute "proof".
      Photos are fun but they are completely beside the point. We need the bag of bones.

    2. There has been so much garbage over the years that I think that by the time it proves to be real, nobody will really give a shit. Actually, I will care, but not as much as I should.

    3. You're not a troll unless you're old and grumpy..and live under a bridge. Don't believe, me? Ask Dora the Explorer. She knows what's up.

    4. ^ ^Has kids... or issues...

  11. I'm more than 100% sure the ontario ones, incl the Hovy pic are legit. I live in ontario and spend copious amounts of time in the woods between Kingston/Napanee to Hwy 7, and I've seen Sasquatch structures of wood or rocks, foot prints and have heard sounds similar to the sasquatch sounds videos on YouTube. Once in late autum I saw something huge swimming across a lake that's about 1.5 to 2 miles across at the spot it was swimming. I hopped in my boat and went for a closer look. When I got to it, I was in shock at what I was seeing. No it wasn't a Squatch, it was two deer. I didn't see anything chasing them, but when I got close I heard a couple grunts and really weird sounds similar to the screams from that video of the people who broke down at night and recorded the sounds. I thought I saw a large shadow on the lake bank, but nothing I could be sure of. The crazy part is, where the deer went in, is where I heard screams and grunts coming from. Then after 10 mins or so, there where similar sounds on the other side of lake but not from the shoreline area where deer went in. Instead the sounds came from fairly deep in the woods in the area that the deer would make landfall.
    I'm not saying its a Sasquatch cause I don't know 100% but it wasn't wolves or coyotes. It was creepy beyond words

    1. ^^Translation:I didn't see a bigfoot, but I wanted it to be a bigfoot so guess what, it's a bigfoot.

    2. Hey Kingston/Napanee, this is not far from the area that I have these forest people running rampant in my backyard!
      Small world huh? Are you near Peterborough by any chance?
      Just curious.
      The "creepy" sounds that they are making is only to let you know they are there, and would appreciate privacy. They know these strange sounds are disturbing to us, therefore...more often than not, it scares us away!

  12. You're not a troll unless you're bashing the other side and coming to the site just to piss people off.
    All these points are valid. They may not all be hoaxes, but they certainly don't constitute "proof".
    Photos are fun but they are completely beside the point. We need the bag of bones.

  13. The pic of the bear with it's face down/ass up really speaks to me. Mindspeaks, that is.

  14. The fact that a bear's ass made it as one of the top bigfoot photos reinforces the idea that bigfoot enthusiasts are incapable of discernment and foolish.

  15. These pics are all pretty good, but where the hell is the pic of the blowing leaf?

    1. Laying on top of stumpfoot pic.

    2. Ahhh, yes. I see it. Wonder Squatch powers..ACTIVATE...Form of...LEAF

  16. Anyone know where I can find a Shag Rug for my 70's room? Preferably, one that breathes.

    1. If you really get into this 70's thing the rug, walls and couch will all breath. Trust me on this..

  17. fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."


  18. Replies
    1. I bet you dubya believes in bigfoot. Cheney shot one in the face.

  19. top five fake ones more like it

  20. I just don't undestand how the #1 picture is the #1 picture.

    It screams hoax

    Well, actually, maybe now it makes sense as to why it's the #1 picture.

  21. THAT'S a squatch?!! I see 4-5 of those things every time I go out in the woods and bang sticks together.

  22. Bigfoot shouldn't be smoking thats bad for him

  23. That Hovey pic is not of a Squatch!! It's my buddy at work. His name is Wag. All that man fur really turns the ladies on. They FORCE themselves on him. She's your Kool Aid now Crouch!!



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