Michael Breaks Down Creepy Scary Bigfoot Alien Creature Thingy

We posted this photo on Bigfoot Evidence last night and we still have no idea what we're looking at. This strange Pennsylvania creature has a skull for a head and a demonic posture.

In this video Michael Merchant applies Team Tazer's patented Next-Gen imaging software with the processing power of a system just recently declassified and available at great cost to the public sector. Is this a Bigfoot? A Demon? Or something completely unexpected? Watch below:

Some believe the image above is the Pennsylvania forest creature that was caught on tape in 2008:


  1. Your to slow Balboa!! Reporters, get ya cameras ready..here it comes...FIRST!!

    1. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=413626202065776&set=a.351767048251692.82994.351765408251856&type=1&ref=nf

    2. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=ZYqh8JrYRUca5M&tbnid=y2JnrzpiPuapSM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.everylol.com%2Fthis-is-what-a-shaved-black-bear-looks-like_20779.html&ei=inswUdTfAsvv0QGD0gE&bvm=bv.43148975,d.dmQ&psig=AFQjCNEJnWaV2yst8beB4Fw4YH20g7spXw&ust=1362218235508160

  2. Michael is great, but his 'breakdown' videos suck.

    Asking the audience what something is does not make it a 'breakdown'.

    Merchant, drop the breakdowns. You're just creating filler. You're not really adding anything to 'em. Just my two cents

    1. I like his break downs they are funny! They are better than Phil's by far!
      AT ATS , that's what those things are called from Star Wars

      I see a dogs head and snout in this pic

    2. Michael is great.

      This combination of three words I'd never thought I'd ever see.

    3. Why do i get annoyed everytime he talks? He chops his voice when editong and frankly... It fucks me off!!!

  3. Deformed dogman. Or an monster chupachabra.

    1. Dogman. Now your feckin talking. Dogman rules!


  4. It's a Wookie looking for the keys to the Millennium Falcon

  5. I get sick of this idiot talking on and on but not saying anything.

  6. Chimps that are kept as pets and they either escape their inclosures or their owners just get tired of taking care of them and then let them loose. I believe this could be the case. In my opinion it is a chimp.

    1. I live in this area of pa I know many people with all sorts of animals and enclosures no one has any apes out monkeys yada yada yada... Long story short it may not be a bigfoot but it isn't a fuckin chimp so do yourself a favor and get a hemlock enema for fucks sake...

  7. In my professionsl opinion he should take a paranormal ghoul sniffer into those woods and see if it starts grunting. Any word on how the dogs in the area are behaving?

  8. Hush Little Footer, Don't say a word.
    Matilda's gonna pinch you off a little wookie turd.

    If that Wookie turd don't stink, Patty's gonna show you somethin hairy and pink.

    If that Hairy Pink thing don't Queef, someone's gonna post a video of a leaf.

    If that video of a leaf's no good, Daisy's gonna show you her box made of wood.

    If that box made of wood you don't like, someone's gonna show you a Sasquatch on a bike.

    If you think that BikeSquatch is just a teaser, someone's gonna show you a RubberSquatch in a freezer.

    If after all this you're still not convinced, someone's gonna hoax you another set of prints.

    If the prints make you say NO WAY, someone's gonna show you Human/Bear DNA.

    If you wish that I would just quit, Remember you'll get nothing and like it.

    1. Hush little squatchers don't make a sound, this elusive beast weighs a thousand pounds

      And even though we don't have a body or bones, here's a sketchy tape of some distant groans

      And if those distant groans aren't enough, watch the film of a beast by a creek named bluff

      And if you try to say its a monkey suit, I'll tell you go to hell and you have no proof

    2. You seem very stupid. Both of you. Congratulations. Golden Idiots all round for each of you.

    3. Thanks, Triple J. I appreciate your input. I will try to get smarter.

    4. Geez, I'm no Robert frost but I thought it was some of my best work. In all seriousness what type of paranormal cryptid are we dealing with here? I'm guessing some type of intergalactic prawn hybrid

    5. I appreciated the BikeSquatch reference and the you'll get nothing and like it finish. Very nice work.

    6. Thank you very much. I started the You'll Get Nothing and Like it on here. It just seems to fit so perfectly with...well, with everything. I honestly do hope to get something one day. Until then, I can't help but to poke some harmless fun at this whole thing.

    7. If the prints make you say NO WAY, someone's gonna show you Human/Bear DNA.

    8. Sorry, correction: "Unknown Relic Hominid" DNA. I'll show it to ya for 30 bucks.

    9. ..lol...Nice job working in the "you will get nothing and like it" bit...

  9. I love how all of these things just know to stay just out of the complete frame and partially blocked by something.

    So where's the rest of the footage? 30 seconds was enough? Who wanted to see it back away or move forward anyway. Oh right, the battery died.

  10. The thing has sleeves for Christ's sake.

  11. I still think its a toad making itself look bigger.

  12. Videos always end along the same lines:

    "Now I'm not gonna say what it looks like...I'll just let you see for yourself...I'm not gonna say it ok? OK!?.... *cough* bigfootmangorilla *cough*"

    LOL clearly they're all footers looking for their 5 minutes...and they think just because they act like they are NOT footers, it makes them more credible.

    1. Somebody go get your damn mangy ass poodle. It is scaring the hell out of the locals.

      Remember to spay and neuter you pets.
      -Bob Barker

  13. The Western Pen. forest creature sighting is a fake. At least from the description standpoint.
    That is not a fully zoomed in image. Everything is in focus, foreground, subject and background.

    Meaning the lens was zoomed out all the way. Not zoomed in.

    Dumb Asses

  14. Holy squatch crotch Batman! Do u smell that? Its hoax soup!

  15. Mr. Micheal Merchant, you are an educated man, a Biologist? I'm sure this video was made for nothing but jest, humor, just for gags and laughs.
    However, I am sure you've seen humans, hikers, back-packers, mountain climbers with back packs on negotiating slippery or semi steep inclines before, yes?. If not, then you need to simply go to the nearest sliding hill where children and adult alike slide down the hill, then scamper up the slope. where its slippery or a bit steep, you will see virtually every human, adult or child alike. Assume this position while negotiating such an incline.
    This is not something outlandishly unique but rather common on any hill side anywhere humans tread.

    1. Do you really think this is a person trying to walk up a steep hill?

      Did you forget to take your meds today?

    2. Prokill, you seriously cannot think the photo of a man with a back pack on is anything other then just that can you?

    3. Something tells me you can take PROKILL out the the desert and sell him a pound of sand.

    4. Can i sell Prokill a shovel full of snow?

  16. Team tazer's patented next-gen technology is good at identifying aliens (both in this video and with Matilda the Wookie) but it is not so good at identifying Bigfoot.

    1. i have to agree with Anon@8:50 , team tazor seems to be tossing aside, logic, common sense and rationality in lew of hits/clicks/ratings.
      However, atleast they are doing it in an entertaining format that is still enjoyable to watch. The moment they start turning into the next M.K.(peter griffin)Davis, then they'd have lost all credibility.

    2. theyve never had credibilty,imo, at least people like MK give us Bigfoot film to look at. If it wsnt for the types of people wed have nothing to look at. yes some is good n bad but they at least produce some worl=k. I dont think MK is a hoaxer maybe the vicitim of a hoxer. i read he gets the tapes from the same source.He says he doesnt ,no who knows. Att very least some of his tapes are interesting. others are cleary mis identifications ie horse. Others are interesting

      whta has team tazer done for footery?

      its very easy to breakdown obvious hoaxes! anyone one of us can do that in a man child,whacky ,stoner way!

      these people are the defination of parasites. they live of others work and prodce nothing of worth

      I hear they belive in bigfootbut i hear/ee no evidence otherwise that they belive anythng. dissing others work is pathetic. he has virtualy taken over this site. he currently has 4 breakdowns on the home page and doznes over this site.ll the same Hm standing there in hat, shaades in the sno ,with no jacket on,i guess he believes he looks coo1 lol

      The guy seems to be a weld=fare bum to me with limited intelligence taking the mick out of everything. loser,but u like him,its free world

    3. a logical point @Anon 12:19

    4. opinions are kind of like a@@h@@es, every ones got one.

    5. @12:19, i think Micheal Merchant is doing these break downs to show people how gullible people can be.

      Instead of being out right rude by telling you it obviously is not a bigfoot/sasquatch he posts it as a semi-joke of sorts, and if you can understand the humor, sometimes we need this too keep ourselves in check.

      To be able too understand whats ridiculous and whats funny and whats objective about this whole bigfoot/sasquatch scenario.

      I for one look forwards to more break downs as long as they are done in such a fashion that does not out right blast of over exaggerated opinion but let us as the viewer take our own logic and common with a grain of salt and sense in hand.

  17. the 2nd one ispointless even being allowed to be shown. i kno shawn has to keep new material coming al thetime,to ustify his 24/7 tile, but b=not t the expen=se of credibilty.

    its obviously not a trail cam. so if u were faced with an ape like creatue surely ,if u hadnt run away, youd have filmed i mre cleary ot sur why some are sayinng its a chimp.its a hoax. the outstrched arm is almost squard off nd has know bend to it or movement of a real arm. it a poor quality cotme that the haxer did their bet to hidehow bad it was

  18. It was a PERSON.in long sleve shirt rummiging around in leaves...looking for somthing
    ..and it was put up for a LAUGH!!! Sorry END of STORY.

  19. It's a small bigfoot or gorilla carrying what looks like 2 dead dogs

    1. The 2 legs that look like the creatures back legs are actually the bigfoot standing on 2 legs the other 2 legs are the dead dogs legs hanging down while he's carrying them in his arms. You can see half of the bigfoots face the other half is covered by one of the dogs faces


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