Dr. Melba Ketchum Addresses Hoax References, Damage Control On Full Alert

On Sunday, we reported that Dr. Melba Ketchum's paper currently references at least two fictional scientific literature including a paper written by Milinkovitch paper titled, "The Yeti DNA sequenced". The 2004 paper is well-known to many students of science and it is often brought up as one of the best known April Fool's jokes in research literature.

Here's a response from the Ketchum camp to the "rumor" posted by Troy Hudson:

Dr. Melba Ketchum (Troy Hudson) @Lino, these comments just keep coming, I would treat things like this like any other tabloid, Dr. Ketchum is aware of these comments, she will address these soon, but for now they are in error. People are trying everything they can to discredit her and her paper, just keep that in mind.

Here's an official statement from Dr. Melba Ketchum herself:

Do to the wild rumors out on the internet. I felt it important to address a new rumor about a possible hoax. First we have never hoaxed anything as there is no need to. We have the proof we need in the science. I hope this helps everyone understand.

One of the early reviewers asked for any and all references related to our subject matter. We neither agreed with nor endorsed any of those references used though Bindernagel's books are a good effort since at the time he didn't know the human element involved. It was not our choice to use any of them though. That ref was a testament to the idiocy surrounding not only the scientific bias against the existence of these "people" but also the request by reviewers for refs that we had not felt had any place in our manuscript and were not included originally. This same reviewer required the so-called folklore that is in the introduction. That also was not in the original manuscript


  1. Replies
    1. Guess who's sucking on the Wally teat?

      Wally made my dreams come true because without his contributions and support at key times, I don't have my 2007 thermal sighting to know for myself, or this footage from last Aug in the Sierras many of you have seen already.

    2. When in doubt, toss Bindernagel's name out.

    3. I just read an article that says non of the scientists in her study are real and she is or was having legal issues because of patent infringement charges against her. Wish I could post the link

    4. ^ just go to the link for Fox News. They referenced a study from the Tea Party .

    5. It was Bindernagels fault.

    6. This screams fraud. I hope criminal charges can be brought.

    7. ^ Exactly I hope they do bring charges against those who are slandering her!

    8. Slander? It's not slander when it is not a lie. She is defrauding people of very real money. She should be in jail.

    9. First, you can't "Charge" someone with defamation. "Charge" implies criminality. Defamation is a tort, not a crime. Second, it's not defamation if it's a true statement. Truth is an absolute defense.

  2. And that COULD have been pointed out and stipulated IF what she is saying now was true. Would any sane person include a known joke paper in the references and NOT point that out in the body of the work????

    I think not.....

    But keep on trying melba, I am sure your believers will keep on believing......

    1. Yep. They cast their lots with her long before the paper came out, and they're stuck with her now. They would have believed her no matter what the paper said.

    2. You sir, like the skeptics, are an idiot. Check out the evidence!

    3. Talk about someone covering their ass - she has an excuse for everything . . . and it's always after the fact.

    4. So the April fools part of the paper was a joke then huh?

    5. I see what you did there.lol

    6. Too bad the reviewers did not make Ketchum put actual science in the paper

    7. No, the entire paper is a joke. I've read it and it is packed with childish claims and fictional references. Furthermore, it didn't pass a peer review. She circumvented the process by purchasing a fake journal that is not referee'd and self promoting it. T
      Her GenBank excuse is comical in itself. GenBank does that easily.

      At this moment in times like these, its sort of embarrassing to be associated with this field. Its too wide open for bat shit crazy people to finger around in.

    8. ^ you're batshit crazy you freak!

    9. Sure when you have nothing intelligent to argue someone just call them names. It worked so well that one, wait no. but that other time no that didn't work either. Oh but the time nope, well hell it's a great formula keep it up.

  3. Keep working hard Dr Melba Ketchum after listening to your interview on Coast to Coast I am confident you can prove the species keep working hard

    1. Rule of thumb: if it's covered on C to C, it's guaranteed bullshit.

    2. C2C is the best radio show out there, all the others suck

    3. Back in the day KLOL 101.1 with Stevens & Pruitt was the best radio show ever.

    4. ^old ass prolly heard Orson Welles live

    5. Coast to coast is awesome.

    6. Rule of thumb if its on BE. Then it is bs

    7. Coast to Coast has some leading edge science on it. It also has some paranormal stuff, that of course can't be proven, but many times is still interesting, many times not. The latest awesome show was about the curative powers of turkey tail mushrooms, and dietary mushrooms in general. C2C is hit or miss for sure, and you have to pick your interests. The crypto stuff is fun, and interesting. The mainstream media is just too institutionalized, and not really interested in the science mysteries and open-ended subjects.

    8. Mainstream media is covering up instructed to feed you with bullshit to keep you numb, there's no free press essentially they're all complacent and really indifferent unless it's straight out of some official authority figure mouth.

  4. Replies
    1. Melba got a load of Squatch gravy.

    2. lol sounds like she'd still "sore"

    3. Well, some reviewer told you it had to be in your journal before you posted it online? Really???... And you keep the name of this so-called reviewer private? The sad thing about all this is Dick Dyer didn't even make this many mistakes in his hoax... And was called out on it. What else would you expect?

      So, Melba when are you going to go on a lecture tour, Lecturing at the pristine Universities you site in your journal? It would be a great venue to explain in detail, to the greater scientific community, your scientific findings... Maybe have a video or two, for a complete and thourogh discussion!!

    4. I can't but wonder what the faces of reputable scientist would look like when they viewed the Breathing Carpet video... I think most would laugh their f'ing asses off and walk out!!

    5. ^ you apparently havn't walked out On this site after you saw the 19 second clip So that makes you an idiot!

    6. The Erickson video is a hoax, the subject of the video was nothing more than a person wearing a costume, a Wookie costume from Star Wars. I will tell anyone who believes in Melba Ketchum's study, you are being lied too, deceived and made fools out of.

  5. First

    She is running out of time and our patience.

    1. Nonsense you hairy hominid! These footers know that you duck out of sight for a couple of weeks while some other footer self-destructs and you're back in the game. Hell, look at MK Davis. He was public taterhole #1 on at least two occasions.

    2. Yes 4:46, it's kind of like the skeptards; they get embarrassed and then use forever-rotating aliases to avoid the flak: Timmy, Parnassus, Bigfoot is BS, and variations thereof.

      Pot and kettle, 4:46, pot and kettle.

      Tard on, baby.

  6. First. That was nice and vague

  7. Blame it on the mystery reviewer. *Rolls Eyes*

    1. ...and I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you Meddling Kids!

    2. I beleive in scooby more than I beleive in Melbard

    3. Turns out it was just Old Man Chewie in a Matilda suit. Luckily Daphnie had her camera got the photos which saved the gang!

    4. The Scooby Doo "Meddling Kids" reference is the best thing I've ever read on this site. NAILED IT!

    5. Your comment makes me sad. I feel sorry for you

    6. Don't be Sad. This is a Happy Place.

    7. It's a madhouse deliberately made so by the trolling and scamming anti bigfoot cult.

  8. What about the BLEACH? What about that Melba? Give it up already; we are not buying the horse shit you are selling.

    1. That story is 100% true too. If people are too stupid to open their eyes then they deserve every bit of heart felt hurt they endure. Its comical.

      She's a Veterinarian NOT a Geneticist

      GenBank easily does what Smelba says it won't

      Her business has a Grade of "F" by the BBB

      Bigfoot braids her horses hair

      Bigfoot speaks to her in her dreams

      Bigfoot communicates with her when she holds a sample in her hand

      Bigfoot used telekinesis to knock her out and make her "sore" down there

      She communes with a family of 5 but has zero proof

      She buys a fake journal and website

      Publishes her non peer reviewed paper in a fake journal

      Uses real science and scientists as an excuse for it not passing a peer review and being published in a real/credible journal

      Cites The Epic of Gilgamesh as supporting evidence

      Cites a Daniel Boone story as supporting evidence

      Cites an April Fools joke unknowingly as supporting evidence

      She tries to get Smeja to degrade his sample so there would be no other sample to disprove her botched findings

      When that didn't work, she used the only excuse she had (Smeja switched samples)

      Trent University tested the same sample as her and found Ursus Americanus and human DNA (homosapien)

      She never even asked for Smeja's DNA to rule out his DNA as contamination

      I think this one is pretty damn easy to figure out, that is if you have 1 functioning brain cell.

    2. The blind studies were done in other labs and not by her and they had the same results. Your welcome.

    3. LMAO, Trent University (one of Canada's most respected forensic labs) and an Oklahoma lab say different.

      Those aren't Looney tooned labs and also don't sport a Grade:"F" rating by the BBB.

      Besides Smelba's Grade "F" rated lab, name the others.......

    4. They tested one sample out of over a hundred? Nice try you uneducated dink tip Anon 4:52! Anon 4:28 is just spreading pure lies and half truths. Quit being a liar and stop pretending to know what's going on.

    5. Its all out there. Every credible scientist has destroyed her self promoted farce. That IS whats going on, you schmuck.

    6. These extended pseudo-educated-pseudo-science long-winded attacks certainly sound like Sharon Hill/Bigfoot is BS/I Doubt It. I've never heard anyone say she is a nice person.

  9. I love Melba, Matilda, & Hovey. Can we all get together and make a new hybrid hominin?

  10. Enoch ya! Chock rock tock ya! Enoch! Enoch ya!

    1. Lots of squatches on the plains of Kansas I hear.

    2. Emkay Davees! Chock chock. Enoch ya!

  11. Keep polishing that turd Melba , it's never gonna shine.

    1. Put that turd in a jar, already, and send it to Sykes.

  12. Anyone seen the movie, Argo? There's a really cool blue tinted Chewbacca Costume on there. Someone please post it so we can talk about how real it is. I personally think it's a real Sasquatch that turned blue from eating too many Blueberry Bagels.

    1. The chebacca joke isn't funny anymore. It is overdone. New material please.

    2. Sorry, I meant to say ChewCocka

  13. Well, that means the reference is in the actual paper. All you bleevers who claimed it was guviment agents posting lies will have to change the subject or dream up some other nonsense to keep your hopes alive.


    1. It's a conspiracy I tellz ya!

    2. Data is still good though. And that aint no hoax or government cover up son. Freakazoid out.

    3. Ya, jus' lissen tu me guys, jus' lissen, seereus, I'm totaly ssereus I sware!!!

      Gol dang I'm smart too.

    4. Wow. That was clever.

      You don't have to be an idiot or a ten year old to believe, but judging by what I see on this site, it sure helps.

  14. Replies
    1. I bet you drink from that jar too...

    2. Of course. We footer follow all proper scientific protocols.

    3. How many jars to you have filled?

    4. What is the proper protocol? One turd per jar?

    5. They work great as pooptov cocktails.


    6. Got a couple used jelly jars gonna give it a whirl .

    7. come on guys, quit saying the same things over and over...where's the originality? Come up with some new good stuff please

    8. I done burnt my taterhole!!!!!

      Is that knew?

    9. The gentle giant enjoys flaky pastries and offerings of love.

    10. No way! long live BE catch phrases!!

    11. I keep my copy of Melba's paper in a jar, but I am not advanced enough to go literal. You the man poopster!

    12. I keep my jar in a poop.

  15. Replies
    1. There's really nothing the magic monkey can't do.

    2. Thank you. I wasn't sure...

    3. Well monkeys flew in the Wizard of Oz. And as you can plainly see in her paper they are genetically linked...third cousins or something....so I'd say yes Bigfoot can fly.

    4. I am the wind beneath Sasquatch's wings

    5. The answer is yes, Bigfoot can fly. Only the smaller single engine planes like the Cessna; large passenger airliners are too confusing. No word on piloting hovercraft.

    6. Damn son, how many times do I have to tell you about the turquoise squatches on their hoverboards?

      I've seen em. They're here.

    7. yes they can fly, and they can swim like dolphins as well.

    8. Jill needs to go into the remote mountainous woods for a while.

  16. Poor little Footer...

    All your hopes and dreams dashed on the rocks.

    Feb 2013, when Bigfootery died.

    1. Bye bye Mr. Bigfoot good bye

      I beleeved in you

      But it was all just a lie

      And all these greedy hoaxers

      I just have to ask why

      Was it worth it to make the dream die ?

      Was it worth it now you made the dream die !

    2. ^ that person is one messed up person! Take a few drugs in your lifetime?

    3. What do hoaxters and huxters have to do with bigfoot?


    4. lol Pity these bf deniers they think it's going away.

  17. Guys you have to understand if there is no Bigfoot than why do they have tv shows about them? Why is it on the internet? They can't put it on tv or the internet if its not true!

    Now excuse me, Daisy and Matilda are here and we are going out for pancakes and blueberry bagels....If Im lucky we will be filming the night cap but you guys will only see the blurry non HD thermal version.

    Anyone wanna join? Chewbaca is picking us up in the millenium falcon.

    1. Why don't you come with me, little Squatch...on a Magic Shag Carpet Ride.....

    2. I heard Chewbacca was a French Model.

    3. Do sasquatch have hair on their cocks? Or are they all hairy ballsacks?

    4. What I want to know. Do bigfoots balls hang low?

    5. anon 3:52, ask Melba, she has special erotic "sore" experiences with the sasquatch people

    6. Yes they do.Damn all the poison ivy.:-(

    7. Do they swing to and fro? Do bigfoots balls hang low?

    8. They look more like a human, but hung more like a Gorilla.

    9. She hoaxed us! it was all a scam!
      I do no like Melba Ketcham!

    10. Don't worry, Rick Dyer will save the .... Ok I can't do it, lollers... '12-'13 has been great for us buttplugging skeptards!

    11. Squatches are all balls or as Fred (the Bigfoot Dyer shot) use to say "I'm all grow and no show"

  18. I think it's well past time for Melba to clam up. All she does these days is make herself and her study look worse when she tries to "explain" things.

  19. believe nothing.
    get out and look for yourself.
    this site is as guilty as anyone that their half ass hack jobs are aimed at.
    bunch of dumb dogs chasing their own tails.

    fact: the matilda tape hasnt been released but this site is already trying to "anal-ize" alleged frames of a video that everyone who has actually seen is swearing genuine, including the king of douche mountain Moneymaker(still can not believe thats a real name)....

    fact: no contributor of this site has had access to the full genomic data(of which im sure they could understand anyway) of the dna report but have already stated it as a hoax...

    you people are fucking retards....

    either go in to the woods and think for yourself or go away with all this dribble.

    peace bitches.

    1. You will get nothing, and you will like it.

    2. ^^^^^^^^^. You are wrong

      This site is simply putting on the pressure to see a video released that should have been released long ago. IF IT WAS REAL

    3. I'm trying to find out from anon 3:56's writing style and vocabulary if he's a geneticist, biologist or perhaps an anthropologist? He or she is clearly more intelligent than us mere mortals and understands the Ketchum study in it's entirety. Or maybe they're another idiot shouting their mouths off crying foul because Ketchum's little hoax is falling apart.

    4. anon 412
      from your writing style it is apparent that you are one of the retards anon 356 is talking about.

      no one is defended in that post, just another observation of the biases that is BE.
      its there in line 3: "this site is as guilty as anyone that their half ass hack jobs are aimed at".

      that seems to mean ketchum or anyone who jumps to conclusions with even a shred insight.

      and i agree, go into the woods and think for yourself

    5. So just believe everything wholeheartadly,right?

    6. If people are too stupid to open their eyes then they deserve every bit of heart felt hurt they endure. Its comical.

      She's a Veterinarian NOT a Geneticist

      GenBank easily does what Smelba says it won't

      Her business has a Grade of "F" by the BBB

      Bigfoot braids her horses hair

      Bigfoot speaks to her in her dreams

      Bigfoot communicates with her when she holds a sample in her hand

      Bigfoot used telekinesis to knock her out and make her "sore" down there

      She communes with a family of 5 but has zero proof

      She buys a fake journal and website

      Publishes her non peer reviewed paper in a fake journal

      Uses real science and scientists as an excuse for it not passing a peer review and being published in a real/credible journal

      Cites The Epic of Gilgamesh as supporting evidence

      Cites a Daniel Boone story as supporting evidence

      Cites an April Fools joke unknowingly as supporting evidence

      She tries to get Smeja to degrade his sample so there would be no other sample to disprove her botched findings

      When that didn't work, she used the only excuse she had (Smeja switched samples)

      Trent University tested the same sample as her and found Ursus Americanus and human DNA (homosapien)

      She never even asked for Smeja's DNA to rule out his DNA as contamination

      I think this one is pretty damn easy to figure out

    7. Go learn about real science and evolutionary theory and think for yourself, my footing friend.

    8. Even the skeptard guy who usually posts about 20 times on every Melba thread has given up the fight. When the insane footers are abandoning her, Melba must know that it's over.

    9. Here's the facts:

      She's a Veterinarian NOT a Geneticist

      GenBank easily does what Smelba says it won't

      Her business has a Grade of "F" by the BBB

      Bigfoot braids her horses hair

      Bigfoot speaks to her in her dreams

      Bigfoot communicates with her when she holds a sample in her hand

      Bigfoot used telekinesis to knock her out and make her "sore" down there

      She communes with a family of 5 but has zero proof

      She buys a fake journal and website

      Publishes her non peer reviewed paper in a fake journal

      Uses real science and scientists as an excuse for it not passing a peer review and being published in a real/credible journal

      Cites The Epic of Gilgamesh as supporting evidence

      Cites a Daniel Boone story as supporting evidence

      Cites an April Fools joke unknowingly as supporting evidence

      She tries to get Smeja to degrade his sample so there would be no other sample to disprove her botched findings

      When that didn't work, she used the only excuse she had (Smeja switched samples)

      Trent University tested the same sample as her and found Ursus Americanus and human DNA (homosapien)

      She never even asked for Smeja's DNA to rule out his DNA as contamination

      I think this one is pretty damn easy to figure out

    10. ^Written by a true lying asshole.

    11. Last place anyone would release Matilda Footage would be on this site ! Bunch of pricks who Read this site wouldn't know real evidence even if they saw it.

    12. Enoch ya rock tick chutock rictick rocktock ya! Emkay Davees!

    13. 5:17,

      What part you schmuck? Why dont you back up your lie with evidence. Anyone can say: "liar liar" but in the end you look like a child.

      Again, what part of ANY of that is a lie? Its all been documented somewhere, all of it.

    14. Yes, 4:36, evolutionary theory, "theory", right. Kind of like some certain other things, it's unproven. Interesting, that.

    15. OK let's see:

      Anonymous Monday, February 25, 2013 at 4:47:00 PM PST

      The skeptard guy is an insane footer?

      We don't know if he or she is even a footer.

      If so, how does that compare to an insane skeptard?

      I think bleeving in invisible bicycles and no-bigfoot-at-any-cost-come-hell-or-high-water is a mite more insane than simply considering the possiblity of the relict hominid.

      Back to the drawing board for you, anon 4:47.

      Bye bye now.

    16. Skeptards aren't really skeptics they're only too well aware it's all real, or they wouldn't waste their time here every day effectively becoming footers themselves.

  20. Wipe that Melba shit off your nose, you look ridiculous .

  21. Read the zoologists article from yesterday she nailed all the problems and issues in a professional manner.

    1. If she did it that way consistently it would be great. Unfortunately, she comes off pretty mean spirited against people she doesn't like most of the time.

  22. ...looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffin glue.

    1. Welcome back Airplane joke guy

    2. No it's ok don't start that dirty habit again that's nasty. All we have to do is fill this ziplock with spray paint. Lol

  23. If people are too stupid to open their eyes then they deserve every bit of heart felt hurt they endure. Its comical.

    She's a Veterinarian NOT a Geneticist

    GenBank easily does what Smelba says it won't

    Her business has a Grade of "F" by the BBB

    Bigfoot braids her horses hair

    Bigfoot speaks to her in her dreams

    Bigfoot communicates with her when she holds a sample in her hand

    Bigfoot used telekinesis to knock her out and make her "sore" down there

    She communes with a family of 5 but has zero proof

    She buys a fake journal and website

    Publishes her non peer reviewed paper in a fake journal

    Uses real science and scientists as an excuse for it not passing a peer review and being published in a real/credible journal

    Cites The Epic of Gilgamesh as supporting evidence

    Cites a Daniel Boone story as supporting evidence

    Cites an April Fools joke unknowingly as supporting evidence

    She tries to get Smeja to degrade his sample so there would be no other sample to disprove her botched findings

    When that didn't work, she used the only excuse she had (Smeja switched samples)

    Trent University tested the same sample as her and found Ursus Americanus and human DNA (homosapien)

    She never even asked for Smeja's DNA to rule out his DNA as contamination

    I think this one is pretty damn easy to figure out

    1. Bleeving footer says go into the woods and think for yourself. It will all make sense.

    2. Just about everyone lies or exaggerates about their background in bigfooting.

      Steve Kulls doesn't have the L.E. and investigation background that he has claimed.

      Michael merchant got a gig being a herpetologist on animal planet, although I guess you could blame that one on them.

      Matt Moneymaker was at one point claiming to be a lawyer.

      David Paulides was fired or asked to resign over a scandal when he worked for the police department.

      I could go on, but there is a pattern.

    3. Oh yes, every twig breaking, nut falling, tree falling, coyote call, wolf call, fox call and town ordinance siren will be proof, right?

    4. The pattern is: they are all bat shit crazy, liars, hoaxers, queer or not man enough to keep a wife.

    5. As bad as Melba is, some of her worst critics support a pretty tall tale in the Sierra Kills story. There's not a damn thing there except for some guy's story. What a surprise.

    6. How dare you! Smeja is an American hero!

    7. Actually there's more then a story, smeja passed a poly 100%, bart got what i thought was impressive thermal footage there, many previous doubters had some amazing experiences there. I think the Sierra project guys are very impressive for what they've done thus far including being transparent with results. Thumbs up from this fence sitter for great effort and follow through

    8. Smegma's only a hero to his bedfella Ro.

  24. Stick Structure - "If you build it, they will come."

  25. He's just a boy...he don't know no better.


  26. I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
    See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.
    I'm crying.

    Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.
    Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody tuesday.
    Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.
    I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
    I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.

    Mister city policeman sitting
    Pretty little policemen in a row.
    See how they fly like Lucy in the Sky, see how they run.
    I'm crying, I'm crying.
    I'm crying, I'm crying.

    Yellow mother custard, dripping from a dead dog's eye.
    Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,
    Boy, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.
    I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
    I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.

    Sitting in an english garden waiting for the sun.
    If the sun don't come, you get a tan
    From standing in the english rain.
    I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
    I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob goo goo g'joob.

    Expert textpert choking smokers,
    Don't you think the joker laughs at you?
    See how they smile like pigs in a sty,
    See how they snied.
    I'm crying.

    Semolina pilchard, climbing up the eiffel tower.
    Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna.
    Man, you should have seen them kicking edgar allan poe.
    I am the eggman, They are the eggmen.
    I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob goo goo g'joob goo goo g'joob.
    Goo goo g'joob goo

  27. It's not a good sign when she can't even correctly spell the first word in her statement.

    It's "due" not "do."

  28. So basically it's up to Jeff Meldrum to find Bigfoot and he won't even show up for less than 5K...


  29. My right testical hurts. Should I go to the doctor or should I rub one out?

    1. Rub some icy hot on there it'll clear it right up

  30. Amazing how there are so many posts from you fart blossom losers that are sinceless, meaningless and foolish. To think that you actually come to this site to post and then comment to yourself.

    1. Sinceless? Did you go to the same school as Melba's "spokesperson"?

      By the way, what ever happened to her?

  31. Something that gets lost in all this is that guys, people, we have to do something for one of our own...it's terrible to think about but...

    Melba was date-raped by Bigfoot.

  32. When a 'scientific researcher' begins a paragraph with "Do to"? instead of "Due to", one can only question the rigour with which they carry out any activity.

  33. When a 'scientific researcher' begins a paragraph with "Do to"? instead of "Due to", one can only question the rigour with which they carry out any activity.


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