Bizarre Theories and Evidence for Bigfoot Juveniles

Mother and Child portrait by Thomas Finley

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Jay of the Bizarre Zoology blog. For info on weird and amazing facts/theories of zoology, paleontology, and cryptozoology go to or follow him on Twitter.

If there are a population of unidentified bipedal primates in North America, then there has to be a breeding population. And if there is a breeding population, there have to be juveniles of this species. In this article, I will discuss one of the least explored aspects of the life of the bipedal primates known as Sasquatch or Bigfoot (assuming that they exist). This aspect is the life of and interactions between a mother and juvenile Sasquatch. However, the purpose of this article in not to explore every aspect of juvenile Sasquatch life, but rather to explore the bizarre aspects that are not often explored. We will also look at intriguing data (in the form of evidence) which possibly suggests the presence of juvenile Sasquatch.

In this article, I will refer to these bipedal primates as Wood Apes (a name which seems to have originated in East Texas). There are many people who theorize that Sasquatch (used as a singular and plural form) are a member of the genus Homo, but the evidence (such as the mid-tarsal break exhibited in footprints, the ape-like orientation of the thumbs shown in hand/knuckle prints, reported behavior that coincides with ape behavior, and the lack of reported tools and advanced culture) suggests a primate which is not of this genus. A theory that has been proposed by Dr. Jeff Meldrum and others is that Gigantopithecus could have had an evolution that was parallel to that of hominids, producing a biped with hominid shaped feet. The hominin like jaw shape of Gigantopithecus does seem to suggest an ape which was bipedal. Gigantopithecus could have easily travelled to North America via a land bridge and account for the Sasquatch sightings of today. Another theory is that these animals are an offshoot of the Hominin family tree, but are not of the genus Homo, known as Paranthropus. While these were robust australopithecines with large jaws and sagittal crests in both genders, the maximum size known for these hominins is about five feet tall. However, a larger form of Paranthropus could have existed and some anthropologists theorize that the large (possibly 7-8 feet tall) Asian hominin dubbed Meganthropus may be a form of robust australopithecine. Australopithecines are often referred to as "bipedal apes" by anthropologists, which would justify my use of the term. If these animals are members of the genus Homo, then they are very ape like in their habits and physical appearance. Humans have also sometimes been referred to as "naked apes" and many people think that there we are a kind of ape, which further justifies my use of the "Wood Ape" term.

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  1. Replies
    1. There comes a point in every footers life that they must seek medical help.

    2. Sierra kills - FAIL
      Ed Smith (Daisy) - FAIL
      Dyer body - FAIL
      Matilda - FAIL
      Ketchum - MAJOR FAIL

      And that's just this year.

      Last year, Bigfoot had a lot of huge failures, but wow, two months into 2013 and the world of bigfoot has come crashing down.

      But the footers continue on, as if nothing is wrong. That is some special kind of crazy right there.

    3. You can't deny the thousands of eyewitness reports and the prints.

    4. 100% denied. 1000s of eye witnesses yet zero evidence = 100% proof they ain't real.

    5. Can't prove they're not real.

    6. You can both prove they exist and do not exist. It depends on the lens that you are looking through. From a scientific point of view they do not exist. The habitats, breeding requirements, and the fact that the idea of Bigfoot has been around for over 173 years (if you go by the 1840 claims) yet no verifiable physical evidence has ever been produced to substantiate the existence of such a creature has surfaced makes the possibility of Bigfoot an impossibility. If you are willing to take less evidence than the scientific community demands, sightings, blurry photographs, videos and such they do exist. It all depends on the criteria you select for your belief system. There is no right or wrong answer to the question of bigfoots existence simply because the answer is going to be very personal and the standard s will be very individualized. People really should stop arguing belief systems with each other. A skeptic has his or her own criteria just as a believer has theirs. I

    7. It's more than belief. There is factual evidence.

    8. They are a kind of People

    9. To me at least there is no factual evidence. For you I guess there is. No problem.

    10. If they weren't real you'd not get the sucker trolls here so of course these unknown beings exist, we can basically thank the sucker trolls for confirming that on a daily basis. Whistleblowing via idiocy? The reason we have no official proof while unofficially we do of course, just see the way mainstream science expectedly reacted to the Ketchum study, is the best proof this is not Gigantopithecus or any other wild ape as there's no chance of thousands of such creatures running loose. Totally impossible. Therefore the species is either hominin as her DNA findings suggest or its origin is from another planet, and the longer it takes us to find and prove the hominin which only means another human being after all, the less likely that probability seems. That leaves the last option of ET origin as much as many researchers don't want to go there in the end they may have to, because in today's high-tech world a humanlike being in theory can only hide so long. And then what? Troll on illogical suckers, keep showing us the trail is warm.

    11. ^^Skeptics are to blame for bigfoot not being real?

    12. I guess so. Anon 9:15 that argument didn't even remotely make any logical sense. Someone's disbelief in something doesn't make something real. I dont beleive in Santa Clause but that has no affect on his reality.
      The sucker trolls come here for various reasons but that doesn't make Bigfoot real! Oh and of course there will be some ET connections! It's all part of popular culture right now! And how convenient is that?! Ancient aliens already had a program where they already made the claim that Bigfoot is an ET. Another group of fine scholars I might add! They take archeological, architectural and geological data/ research and reinterpret to fit their own theories. It's easy for them because they are dealing with iconography and ancient sites. Peace of cake !

    13. I'm a skeptic I'm just here for the laughs

    14. Good posts anons 12:22 and 12:55! As for all this Ketchum was rejected garbage she just told you what your conspiracy addled minds wanted to hear so she wouldn't have to be exposed as a fraud.

  2. Replies
    1. Is that what that smell is I thought that was nerds hitting up the dog since it smelled like ass and peanut butter

  3. Are Ewoks the juveniles of wookies?

    1. No, not at all...different species, altogether.

  4. Can someone let me know when and where Melba Ketchum is going to lecture on her DNA findings?

    1. She should be hitting the lecture circuit soon.

    2. She would get roasted if she were ever to be questioned by a real scientist.

    3. 2014: Year of the sasquatch.

    4. Get screen shots of Ketchum's journal and genome sites. I have a feeling neither of them will be up much longer.
      After that the footers will try to erase her and everything about her study from the internet.

    5. She's not going to ever. If you haven't figured it out she is full of sh€t. She pretty much has done everything except tell you flat out it's a hoax. She even said on C2C in an indirect fashion that she is robbing anyone dumb enough to buy her paper. The only other thing she can do is directly tell us this was a hoax.

    6. Trust me I was one of the biggest loudest supporters of her paper. I've not turned my back because anything Shawn or anyone else has said. I researched researched researched and read everything mostly written by her. And I'm sad to say she rode us hard and left us dry.

    7. ^^Sorry about your luck.

      Wait...luck's go nothing to do with it.

      Sorry you're a dumbass.

    8. She's just another dick Ryder smegma and Ed. I'm sorry to say that I really hoped she was a decent human being that's why all the geneticist have never heard of the paper. There was no testing even done she wrote a high school book report practically and used big words there's no data because there isn't any. Not because she's holding out on us.

    9. She still has at least one supporter...Linda Sedlak.

    10. I'm not saying oh bitchum is full of crap so Bigfoot is a figment of the collective imagination I do still believe the is an unknown animal out there and that people do catch glimpses but up until I joined this community I've never heard of these hoaxes for the simple fact that these sociopaths directly target the hardcore believers who go to a blog cause they want a little more in depth sight into evidence and photos that's the exact reason I came here I was like the finding Bigfoot show was passing off bullshite for evidence so one day I was like let me see if there's more believeable evidence so I google Bigfoot and here I am and have kept reading for a year because I spoke to sincere people that believe and these hoaxin little fux know that they are a money version of a pedophile the target a group and play out their ill will sound familiar

    11. Anon 6:54

      Thanks for your post, I couldn't have said it better myself. I did exactly the samething as you. I found FBFB and started going thru their pics and video, it didn't take long when I noticed there was no legitimate evidence with their stuff, some of I has even been proven to be faked. I have also found most of the BF community are kinda wacked out... now I have become VERY skeptical of all this crap!!

    12. Gotta adore the Ketchum hating trolls trying desperately to stall and stop.

    13. ^^You've got us trolls on the ropes and we're going down for the count. We can't take this brutal beating you're giving us.

    14. Go on the lecture circuit???? Ummm maybe at chunky cheese or some other venue that caters to individuals who have the IQ of an 8 year old. Maybe she can go visit that class with the autistic kids they would probably enjoy it.

    15. I know the trolls are scared! They don't understand just how big this is! Dr Ketchum will probably have to go in hiding for awhile!

    16. Is that because the FBI fraud unit will be looking for her?! It's interesting to read the comments from people and how they found this blog. I've been a casual fan of Sasquatch since I saw stills from PGF in a kids monster book and I always thought it was cool, years and years went by and totally by accident I discovered MonsterQuest. It was a good show and made me think about Bigfoot again and later I discovered Finding Bigfoot by accident again and thought it was kinda fun. If you spoke to me a year ago I'd say Bigfoot was as real as another animal out there, I'd say that with all evidence, eyewitness reports and all the woodland area out there he had to real! Now after coming on here the last six months I'm one of the biggest sceptics on here, that's nothing to do with Shawn's posts, or SWP's videos, the hoaxes or any negative comments, it's the believers on here. Sorry guys but a lot of you are just plain crazy and seems like you've abandoned all rational thoughts and healthy scepticism to the point where I swear if Melba gets exposed there could be a Ketchumite Jihad! Lol! Seriously, guys you're devotion to the big hairy guy is admirable but some of you just take things too far and the majority of you are unable to engage in a reasonable debate and often just resort to insults or attack the blog for being anti-Bigfoot. To me if I believe in something I can back it up with REAL evidence and I can handle people knocking that belief and engage in a debate with out handing out the insults are crying about Shawn's blog.

    17. Wow, totally rational, well written and thought had to go in to this post!! Ummmmm you don't belong here. We are all tards of some kind here Lmao

  5. Chewie chewie bo bewie, banana banna bo blewie, fee fi fo fewie...Chewie!

  6. Holy woodland wookies, Batman!

  7. ye ye,didnt even ead but know giganipithisus[sp[ came over the bearing strainght thousands of years ago and remained undetected ever since.

    when wil footers realise there is no such thing

    alredy the matilda thing is coming out to be more and more nonsense. their is no giant ape standing up and facing/growling at the camera. it a mask and its a man in a suit standing with the shadow of the sun in it face[according to moneymaker who has seen it.he said it will be as conclusive as the paty film IE footers will believe it. Skeptics or people with common sense will think its a man in a suit]

    if 10k of these giants were living in North America theywould be common sight ,as are bears etc... not some super elsuive being who is able to detect when someone has a camera.What he understands theres the internet and film wil appear on there and people will come looking for him. Newsflash people have been looking seriously for him for 60years and found zip

    ketchum study- not one of her peers hssuported it. what is it some conspiracy. No its bad science

    smeja/Dyer- 2 chancers trying to make a buick with tall stories. put up or shut up

    erickson film[my only real hope]- cleary this is going to be nonsnese. hemistake that was released[mistake,its a pricess to upload a film to the net,youve plenty of time to realise wha yo are doing,it wasno mistake.Its a shaggy carpet with foot pump]

    No doubt i'll get called fool, trol etc ...dont give a flying fuck what others think

    Im sick of these people taken us for idiots and people still believe. What is it they believe in,tha paty film, a 50year old hoax. We all know the back story, the rented camera managing to catch the same female he drew a year before.Million to 1 at any bookmakers!]I think Gimlin will confess to it as he eems a decent guy. He probaly gt caught up in something a very long time ago

    What have we had since. Fuzzy,shaky shite. Hoaxers like fasano ,squatchmaster,dyer[all self confessed at some point] and idiots like standing.barackmann etc...

    i wont be back youll be glad to know

    1. +1000000

      There's no monkey suckers.

    2. You're fucking demented 5:59, what are you six years old and you too 7:50. 5:59 you're not sick of anything, you're just palin sick probably otherwise if this really bothered you why stay. You're here like the other kooks because you're giving us a performance here.
      Bears aren't spotted very often so out goes that lame excuse, the squatches aren't apes or it'd all been over ages ago for them, were the apes you can bet your asses the trigger happy settlers would've done them all in by now.
      So that's not what these are they're either people or aliens either way their reality is obviously being denied by authorities, most of the trolls here are those folk, that's what we really have to worry about the deceit not this species.

    3. I personally never thought that the Ketchum study and Matilda were evidence of Sasquatch, in fact I've been saying quite the obvious.

    4. Think anon 9:25 is off his meds again, some people are just crazy I guess....

  8. Where's big jim when you need him?

    1. Probably eating up all the bs claims on an ancient aliens blog.

  9. If a tree falls in the woods and Moneymaker is there to hear it, does Gigantopithecus exist?

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