Bill Munns: Is This Matilda?

It's not clear how Bill Munns obtained the still images of the "Matilda" video above, but if it's from a real private copy of the "Matilda" footage, this could raise many questions about the authenticity of the Erickson Project footage. According to a recent interview with Matt Moneymaker who privately viewed the footage in Colorado, Erickson had offered to sell the footage for $1,000,000. It's uncertain whether or not anyone had purchased the videos, but recent rumors suggests that Dr. Melba Ketchum or Nat Geo may have purchased the rights. If someone did buy the rights, the purchaser may have also bought themselves a video of a costume -- that's if this short analysis by professional creature effects artist, Bill Munns is correct:

The source the "creature" images never referred to it as "Matilda", but the descriptions I have read about "Matilda" seem to fit what is seen here. To me, it is obvious tihs "creature" is simply a Chewbacca mask with the hair reworked to be a different color and texture. I welcome comments from anyone who thinks otherwise.
Munns on the Bigfoot Forums is now inviting anyone who has seen Erickson's footage to come forward to correct his analysis:

With this posting, I cordially suggest the following:

1. If anyone wishes to publicly acknowledge that this is their footage, I invite them to do so, and if they are correct, I’ll acknowledge it to be true.

2. If anyone feels the video frames show a real creature and not a Chewbacca mask, I welcome their analysis of why we should consider that to be so.

3. If anyone has seen the “Matilda” footage, I invite you to let us know if this is or is not the footage you call “Matilda”, because maybe what I’m looking at isn’t her, and I welcome being corrected if that is so.

4. If my display of this chart causes anyone to feel that they should file some type of civil action against me, please have your lawyer contact me at so we can set an appointment for my receiving the service of papers, and we can discuss the matter on the public record, in a court.

For the record, I will confidently and clearly offer an appraisal of evidence as being something real, if I truly find the evidence leads to that conclusion, and my appraisal of the PGF as being real supports that position. But as much as we must support what we find to be real or valid, we must also reject or discount what we find to be false or fake. Our obligation is to find the truth, and I think it’s time we all knew the truth about this “Matilda” thing. I finally decided it’s time I did my share to get the truth out.

So hopefully, someone who has seen the “Matilda” footage will tell us the truth. Is this her (pictured below), and is she real?


Listen to Matt Moneymaker describe the Erickson Project's footage of Matilda:

We also just want to plug this awesome song about Matilda:


  1. Replies
    1. Anybody remember this gem from Season One of Never Finding 0igfoot? "Bigoots have black noses." - Matt Moneymaker

    2. The Bigfoot house of cards keeps crashing down....Wait that isnt Chewbacca its a Homo sapiens cognatus, named Matilda. Throw her a rib bone or blueberry bagel and she'll snarl at the camera.

    3. The supposed stills of Matilda's face don't look muuch like the Wookie at all. One is obviously phony; the other is unknown so far. This is a poor comparison.

      In light of the supposed April Fools referenced work in the Ketchum paper, the Matilda video and whatever other follow ups can be part of a prank, though five years in the making is a little strange and unlikely.

      It's good for believers to continue to be skeptical, especially now, about this coming video.

      Be skeptical, within reason, not skeptardical.

      Skeptic OK; skeptard bad.

    4. Very true. Suit or not here, what does it matter when we all including Munns know the PGF is real thus proving the species does exist yet we also know there's always been lots of fakes out there that just goes to further prove Patty real. Matilda on the other hand, who knows or cares until we see the whole thing.

    5. No Gimlin can say that the PGF is real the rest of us don't know because we weren't there to witness it ourselves. It's not solid proof unless you find the remains of the massacred Bigfoots lol

  2. Even though the sleeping footage of Matilda was in higher quality, and this frame looks like one from a video from the 90's, people are going to use this as undeniable proof off the videk being fake.

    1. And of course, if the stills are not from the Matilda video, then that constitutes absolute proof that the actual Matilda video depicts a real bigfoot.

    2. Whatever video those stills are from, they definitely show some kind of Chewbacca mask. I recall people who saw Matilda saying she looked like Chewbacca, too, and the drawing up on the site a while back looked Chewbacca-ish as well and was supposedly meant to be Matilda. Maybe this is not the correct video, but it does raise suspicions.

    3. There is snow in the background of the still and the video had none .

    4. What video? I haven't seen jack!

      It's all smoke and mirrors until someone finally goes all in.

      Erickson was to release his evidence once the DNA study was released, NOTHING.

      Melba was suppose to release convincing video, NOTHING.

      Melba's pier reviewed data, NOT REVIEWED and published in a recognized journal FAIL.

      No bodies, TONS of hoaxed video

      Now this, It's all crap.

      It seems anyone who wants to "protect" these animals has effected the opposite producing fake or crappy evidence. A body is the only thing that will get it done at this point.

    5. The 19 second clip. Go back and watch it and calm down!.^

    6. Melba's paper was pier reviewed she wrote the whole thing on a pier at the beach while she day dreamed about all the people she was going to rob

    7. I thought Munns stated he's SEEN the Matilda footage.... If so, why is he skirting around it hither and yon. LOL

    8. Pier ? PIER ? You geeks are hilarious.

  3. This is getting stranger by the minute! Very baffleing! Looks more like an ewok to me than a wookie but who knows, it could be real.

    1. It's every inch a wookiee not an ewok. Look at that profile. Ewoks have flat faces.

  4. Nose is different (flatter and larger) and canine length doesn't match (shorter)

    1. It looks very much like a Chewie mask by like Don Post or some one. I'm loath to admit that I'm agreeing with an SFX hack like Munns but think he's right. They've recoloured the fur and back combed it to give it more thickness and coloured the mouth too, it looks like fun fur for sure so not even like they tried that hard or they would have used better materials! It looks way too dry to be real fur, it's got no sheen to it like animal fur it just looks like nylon plush fun fur. Yeah the quality is poor compared to the sleeping shag pile we've seen so far but to be fair to Munns it could be a copy of a copy of a copy etc. Also, it could be bs and someone is hoaxing Munns. Who knows?

    2. On second thoughts it looks very Muppet like, didn't Todd Standing visit the Erickson Project? Wasn't there a rumour that his sister is in the makeup effects business and was with him too?

    3. There are MANY types of Chewbacca mask, and this looks very much like one of them in overall details. But who's to say Matilda is not a real bigfoot and just happens to resemble Chewie, right? Hmm.

    4. Clearly the stills are from a VHS tape source probaby at least ten years old not new HD video.

  5. Not the same as the wookie mask at all - the nose, teeth and hair are very different. Bill needs to take another look at this.

    1. I agree this is exactly the same creature that we have running around in my area! PROOF at last!

    2. The teeth are absolutely identical in the top pic you idiot. Your house of cards, church of Bigfoot false religion is crumbling all over. Deal with it you degenerate scumbag schmuck. Even the incisors are spaced and placed back from the front teeth identically in the top pics.

      I guess George Lucas just "knew" exactly what a Bigfoot looked like didn't he? That's what you're suggesting when you say idiotic things like the teeth are entirely different. They're a spot on match and furthermore, idiot, you don't think a mask can have the hair, nose and lips reworked rather easily?

      Never breed you buffoon!

    3. i9 think u need your eyes tested.if this isnt identical to the wookie mask i dont know what u are seeing

      as munns said there has been reworking but the obvious parelles are there.

      obnviously the hair has been colored as has lips.teeth realighned a little bit. For me its just different coming and extra fur asnd colored differently

      if this is 'matilda' then its one big hoax.You have to think it is since theyve never relesed,whats te hold up.if there is only 30secs[if moneymakes is to be believed,why woukld he lie,he wants it tio be true.he hardly shouting this is it guys,we have the evidence is he?]
      from 5 years of working in their habitition site. a lot of utter nonsensen and theyve taken adavantage of our desire for it to be true

      ketchum has ben shown to be know scientost. she should stick to sick bunnies and cats and leave science to experts. A vet is no expert

      all very pathetic and a let down

    I'm a troll & on the road but you better hope I don't remember to come back to this shit & tear you guys and or gays a new one for this !!
    I thought you guys said this Matt Moneymaker HOT SHOT Bigfoot T.V. Queer said this was real?
    Show us your tits girl-
    Have you driven a FORD lately?

  7. Once again, more heavy pro-Team Tazer anti-Melba posts from BFE. The backround of the picture of Munns 'Matilda' is heavily pixilated when compared tk the much more clearer backround of the Erickson Footage, in which details on leaves could be seen. Here, you can barely see the things face. Obviously filmed on different camera's, most likely during different decades.

    Love the bias from the articles lately btw.

    1. Apparently Shawn is Team Tazer, so I guess it shouldn't surprise anyone. I just laugh at how Shawn use to say he tried to be fair with everyone.

    2. No Bill Munns is on Team Dorking It !

      Wonder dork powers activate !

      Form of an Ice Bridge!
      Form do a super soft penis !

      Mean while back at the Hall of Dorks Bill is longing to fire up his Apple II plus in hope of copying games & out dated software so he can monopolize this small segment at his local flea Market !!

    3. Shawn makes fox news look fair and balanced

  8. Well, they said that they are a type of people, but this doesn't look like it is a more human face than ape. It's the opposite. So many witnesses say they are struck by how human their facial features are. This reminds me of a gorilla. Not sure what to think.

    1. Exactly, if this footage is real then it doesn't coincide with Ketchum's DNA claims at all.

  9. Ask Justin and other witnesses here! Does this look like what you saw?

    1. Yeah like he really knows LOL!!

      "gosh i just feel so dumb about leavin the body there" mean ask this LIAR what he LIED about seeing?

      Funniest comment of the day anon!

  10. I've taken some crap for being skeptical of some of the evidence presented on this blog. But I must say, not only is that a sasquatch on the right but in my professional opinion the image on the left is as well. It is mimicking a wookie to avoid detection

    1. I totally agree. As Dr. Melba has repeated many times, the bigfoot is like a ninja warrior and can instinctually adapt to its environment, camoflouging itself to avoid detection.

      In fact, I think it's clear that the woman being kissed by the wookie in the bottom photo is a bigfoot as well.

    2. To be honest, I've heard from reliable sources that bill munns himself is a sasquatch. In fact Many believe that this blog is a sasquatch mimicking binary code. Holy shit, my refrigerator has a compliant gate... Hold on

    3. My god...bigfoot really does exist!!
      Serve up the crow!

    4. Munns could be a Sasquatch as he's seemingly unable to use tools, any fan of Return Of The Living Dead can tell you that

  11. Hahaha. Footers' last hope, "Matilda", is just a Chewie costume. I love it!

    1. Anon 12:00! What are you talking about??

      Based on these pictures Facebook Find Bigfoot just confirmed coned head, midtarcal break, tree peaking, and rise & fall! This is a living breathing sasquatch you fool!!

    2. ^ Unknown troll. Matilda's no one's hope the solid good DNA study data is.

  12. Bill might be working for the FBI. The government knows that if the sheeple find out bigfoot is real we might have a situation twice as chaotic as Y2K

    1. Not Bill no but you troll geeks yes.

    2. Oh dear Lord! Twice as chaotic as Y2K? Why, that would be... well it might be annoying to some people. What shall we do?

      You conspiracy nuts never fail to crack me up!

  13. I'd shag Matilda rotten baby Yeah !!!!

  14. Replies
    1. I heard that when Matilda took off she was so fast that she made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs!

  15. What dose Cliff Barackman think? Has he seen this Matilda video? Does he think its real? Dose he back Matt' as being credible?

    1. Cliff Barakman ? Man after all this slap happy horseshit I wouldn't be surprised if that is CLIFF BARAKMAN !!!

      He's probily laughing at all us knuckle heads !!

    2. I wonder if this is why Ciff left the BFRO ? Because he can make a better Bigfoot !
      & of course gayer with a triple jointed penis!

    3. Oh my god that would just be super'
      Cliffs a super special giuy he can do anything when he gets all excited.....if you know what I mean!

    4. Helllllo sailor that's just my kinda Bigfoot

  16. Dose this fucken thing drive an Acura?

  17. For anyone interested, remember the leaks from a person who saw the matilda 'full facial clip' back in 2011 - this was the quote -

    "Here is just some of what you are going to see:

    A full facial close-up:
    ~ nose similar to ours (but w/ larger nostrils)
    ~ slightly chapped, rosy lips
    ~ pink mouth, blackish tongue
    ~ pointed teeth, like fangs
    ~ deep set eyes that dart around and don’t blink
    ~ her head is round, shaped more like ours than a gorilla’s, but her brow is much more prominent
    ~ she has lots of fine, flowing hair on her head (dark reddish brown) and soft short hair on her face
    ~ when she walks away, she moves just like the female in the Patterson Film"

    1. This certainly does not describe the figure in the above photos.
      I wonder if Matt M. would comment on this as he has viewed the HD Matilda footage and can at the very least substainiate if we are comparing the same pieces of footage.
      BTW Is this where Matt got his hooded nose like a dog reference?

    2. Those stills most certainly aren't Matilda very different hair and like Harry says the descriptions don't match. Skeptards should realize these beings aren't animals.

    3. And footers should realize that these beings aren't real!
      If they are, they are not "people" as the habituators (aka habitual liars) contend. Pretending they are humans is just to project their stupid fantasies about their imaginary friends in the woods.

  18. Only time will tell ....they are real but most evidence is fake. People just wanna make a quick buck and who can blame them.

    1. Uhhh, we all can blame them, if we don't this idiocy will just continue to get worse.

  19. Well blazing fucken saddles ! Would you believe it ? This is why some people want to shoot one of these things, because of Tom Foolery crap like this Right here folks!

  20. Micheal Obama has more Sasquatch in her than this thing whatever the hell it's suppose to be!!!

  21. Not again, Charlie Brown. Has Lucy snatched the football like always? WUMP!

  22. Pwned. All those so called "knowers" are delusional. Saying you are a knower is not going to make this mythical creature real. A bunch of you saying it on the bff is still not gonna make it real. Seek medical help.

  23. Wow....Ketchum and her other pals are losing credibility very quickly!

    1. Just because anyone posts this garbage? She didnt post this! So why does she lose credibility. If I Post SPONGEBOB pictures then she loses more credibility? People are so gullible on this site. If I want to start a scam I'm going to start here with the sceptics.

    2. Jay grow the fuck up bud, were you always this naive.

    3. When I first read the Ketchum paper, I was shocked and though she had something. So I had given her a chance. I guess I am jumping the gun a little bit by assuming that these are from the Matilda footage. But Ketchum had referenced the footage in her DNA paper, and if it is a hoax then she surely does lose scientific credibility.

  24. i'm waiting for a statement from Harrison ford

    1. May the farce be with you...

    2. Maybe Matilda will be in Episode VII ? Chewies' daughter or neice maybe? It does look more like something from the Holiday Special tho lol!!

  25. Can someone let me know when and where Melba Ketchum is going to lecture on her DNA findings?

    1. At the Jacob Javits Center during the Star Wars Convention. I am going to have her autograph my wookie...

    2. She just spent 5 Years working her ass off give her some time. It took Bill Clinton a year to start the Lecture series after being president. I want it Right NOW World crap has to stop!

    3. Yeah she spent 5 whole years making shite up and looking up big words she didn't understand to writ a 2 hr phony paper and spent the other 4 years and 350 days telling us it'll be out soon you guys know how hard that is to keep a straight face while screwing a group of people and the Nda was so no one could spill the beans that she was about to rob the Bigfoot community

  26. Don't worry folks the woodape hunting season is just around the corner that's sure to be a lol a minute.

  27. I can't stop laughing I really can't! It's so funny how hard people will hang onto a belief system no matter how ridiculous, insane and mentally unstable it is. I guess if you invest so much time of your life into something you just can't face the fact that you were wrong and it was a waste of time. People's egos just won't allow failure. Ketchum is a perfect example of this.

    1. Tell your bosses the ridicule trolling here isn't working.

  28. Fits the description of some yowie sightings. The starwars likeness.

  29. true about the snow. also the leaf litter in the matilda video looks dry. even if the snow had melted in the area where matilda is sleeping, the leaves would likely still be matted down flat from recent snow melt.

    surely someone making a fake video on their budget would do better than chewbacca costume?

    (3rd image - i always figured chewie to be good with the ladies! )

    1. wait, is that snow? or just sunlight vs. shadow? 'cause if it's sunlight, then bigfoot is real, but if it's snow, then for sure bigfoot must not be real.....

      did it snow on the forest moon of endor? did ewoks have a mid-tarsal break? what about the bi-pedal creature that imprisoned luke in the ice cave in 'empire strikes back'? these questions have to be answered!

      why do these dorks have hours of footage and only release a snippet?

    2. wait a that renae holland kissing chewbacca? suddenly it's all starting to make sense.

    3. No obviously the Hoth Wompa from Empire is more closely related to the Yeti

  30. she did it all for the wookie !

  31. Hats off to Bill Munns for bringing this out in the open at what sounds like risk of a possible lawsuit. This "we have tremendous footage, but you can't see it" stuff has gone on long enough.

    1. He isn't even sure if it's Matilda so what was it again he Brought out in the open.

    2. It IS Matilda, bank it. Your phony religion is crumbling all around yet you're too fucking stupid to get out. Fucking dumb shit degenerate.

  32. If Moneymaker says it's must be a fake

  33. So if Moneymaker says it's fake then.... It's real?

  34. I think Shawn Evidence should contact Moneymaker and ask him if that is the Images he saw.
    If it is well then all the patting on the back they did with Moneymaker will look foolish.
    I mean I sat and looked at them all nodding their heads when Matt was trashing Melba they were all giddy over it. And we are suppose to believe this is Matilda. A Chewbacca costume.

  35. I like Matt.He is Bigfoot..Plus his hair is so cool..keep it up..2013 is the year of th Foot.

  36. As a witness who had an up close sighting of 2 sasquatch together i can say with out a doubt that is not a bigfoot, just as a said the same about Melissa H bigfoot photo. When i first heard about the Matilda footage by some one that had seen they also said it looked like a wookie. Well then that tells you its a wookie costume.

    1. Agreed. Bigfoots aren't Wookie or Chewie up close they're humanlike, Lucas however did get inspired for his movie figures because of the rumor that Sasquatch hails from elsewhere. These beings were encountered worldwide many centuries before Hollywood movies.

    2. That's not true at all anyone who's seen Ralph McQuarries concept art knows that isn't true, there's no Sasquatch Star Wars connection except for the bad masks in Munn's photos

  37. Did you ever stop to think that it's bigfoot in a wookie costume? I mean Cmon people bigfoot doesn't want to be found and needs a disguise. Jeez...

  38. Looks like it is the real thing, folks.

  39. Can someone who downloaded the Ketchum Study PDF please mail it to me? Would like to read it:

    1. No, its not worth the bandwidth it would consume.

  40. I remain somewhat open to the Erickson project delivering something of real value but I have been skeptical from the first glance at the sleeping "Matilda" clip simply because I don't think a creature that spends its nights barging through the undergrowth and its days sleeping on leaf litter can afford to have shaggy, tousled hair like a musk ox. It works for a tundra creature, not for a forest creature IMO.

    Also, I'm a bit nonplussed at the fact the voice on the video draws our attention to the respiration rate of the shaggy thing, as if getting a video of a napping Bigfoot is a nothing exceptional compared to the amazing discovery of the respiration rate that we've all spent endless hours wondering about(NOT!).

    Finally, why end the video without showing more than shag? (Yes, I'm aware that blog-squatch sleuths have found every important anatomical feature but I'm afraid I demand something less open to interpretation.)

  41. It seems to me that Matilda's eyes are much further apart than the Chewy mask. Also, bigfoots don't have fur, they have hair, and there is a big difference. I think these pictures are real. I don't think a costume maker and makeup artist would give the creature black gums and lips...also the nose is an unusual shape, just asymmetrical enough to look real.

  42. There is no Matilda. There is no bigfoot. Just as there are no witches or vampires or werewolves.
    This is mass hysteria and a nasty money making scheme.

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  45. Bill Munns work on PGF has been discredited. Worse analysis than Moneymaker and everyone laughs at Moneymakers TV adventures.

  46. Can anyone tell how someone determined this was a female without turning back a corner?


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