Bigfoot Pushes Tree Over [Tazer Breakdown]

Michael enhances and examines video of a Bigfoot pushing down a tree. There's a lot of activity in this one, including trees falling down and dogs and people running for their lives. Michael includes some still frame shots enhanced with Next-Gen imaging software. Did a Bigfoot push the tree down? To help you decide whether it's a Bigfoot or not, all facts and details are here enhanced in this video.


  1. Replies
    1. Clearly a wookie in a bigfoot costume wearing melba's granny pannies.

    2. The videos are getting way better keep up the good work Mr. Merchant and I should've listened about Melba but we were both wrong on that had you given me the facts without the lip I would've listened without giving you lip so call it even we both learned a lesson

    3. ^^Oh honey, it'll be alright. Just look in the mirror and say bigfoot three times and he'll appear.


      Look, there he is!

    4. Holy crap I did and he i oh my it was so awful .............. I need a shower why Bigfoot why would you do that too me.... I have to lock myself in the closet I'm so abused

  2. First.

    Bigfoot's gone down the shitter in record time recently.

    1. Actually that's where the Squatch as always resided.

  3. Wat ryhmes with thirst? Firstttttttttt

  4. There is no bigfoot there, where is the warning, the growls, pine cone throwing the dog smelling the bigfoot before they are 10 feet away, etc etc

  5. Just a quick point, I'm curious as to the mindframes of the anonymous "Skeptics" who post. Imo, every single post on this site fails unless it is informing the world of a captured specimen, alive or dead, therefore I never usually have any reason to comment.

    Seriously though, if you go by the comments posted, the ratio of people who use view this site is 9:1 Skeptics to believers. Honestly guys, if you know this creature is make believe, why do you spend so much time on a website devoted to it?, are your lives that empty?. The hard-core bleevers are bad enough, but you "Skeptics" are actually pretty pathetic!. If it doesn't exist then why are you here!.

    What's worse is you don't even have the balls to post under legitimate names! :O

    P.s. I dare one of you to answer me with a legitimate response, posted with a valid name, No "anonymous", any of you little children game?

    1. They're a kind of people.

    2. Another child without the intelligence or the courage to argue a point. Next please.

    3. I came here to laugh at Finding Bigfoot...and kept coming back.

      No offense or anything, but this place is a riot if you haven't figured it out already...thanks mainly to people like you who can't fathom why people take exception to this notion that a 10ft tall man ape is wondering all over NA

    4. Mike L., you need to buy a clue, son.

      If you can't fathom that this is one of the more entertaining blogs on the enterwebz, then I don't know what to tell you.

    5. Note, I used my real first name and my real last initial. Which makes my comment hold SO much more weight.

      and Mike L headed for the a Squatch chasing after Dr. Melba in heat.

    6. Yeah, he's like Mulder, gets his panties all bunched up, then high tails it.

    7. @Adam P

      No, I take exception to the fact that tens of thousands of Americans report seeing something unusual in the Forests, I live in Ireland, and I am an Avid outdoorsman, I therefore find it interesting, either there is a kernel of truth to the vast minority of sightings or the US is a nation of liars, hoaxers and cheats. Many professors of anthropology have endorsed the possibility that there is some truth to these stories, are you an anthropologist?, Do you know more about primate tracks and locomotion than these scientists?, What qualifies you to unilaterally label every single sighting of an upright, bipedal creature as a hoax?, What are your credentials?, Where did you complete your studies?, How much time do you spend in the wilderness?, etc, etc. You see my point, and hence, my interest. The people on this site can label me as a blind "BLEEEVER" all they like, That is simply not the case, I look at this phenomenenon logically and objectivly.

      And I don't take exception to it per say, I just find the notion that people can insult those they have never met while hiding behind anonymous aliases quite interesting.

    8. Oh boy, another UK footer who's queer for bigfoot.

    9. As an avid hunter, camper and fisherman, I've spent enormous amounts of time in the woods. I live in what's supposedly prime squatch habitat, yet I've never seen, smelled nor heard a bigfoot.

      From blinds and tree stands I've observed, deer, bobcats, panthers, black bears, opossums, squirrels, rabbits, owls, hawks, ect, ect.

      They're simply not there.

    10. Why do teachers teach?

      There's nothing wrong with wanting to teach the lesser educated believers that Bigfoot ain't real.

    11. @ 1st Anonymous 9:02:00

      Describing Ireland as being in the UK, while also calling me a "Queer", is just proving my point, you are an ignorant moron, please my friend, do not breed, for all our sakes.

      @ 2nd Anonymous 9:02:00

      I don't doubt that mate, and as I said in my opening post, what it would take to convince me is a body, alive or dead, no more, and no less. DNA/ pictures / Video, not interested.

    12. ^^You're all the same to us, call yourself whatever you want.

    13. Mike, I don't claim to be an expert...but I know misidentifications take place in the woods. And I know for a fact hoaxers are actively out there trying to fool people.

      that's all BF is...hoaxes and misidentifications.

      I know this because I saw Matt Moneymaker hold up a the skull of a pronghorn and identify it as a deer. He claims that he's been "tracking bigfoot for 25 years". He is the one who claims to be an expert...and he's a MORON ok. Do you get that? How on earth does your BF expert pick up a Pronghorn and identify it as a completely different species? A man who's been in the woods for 25 years.

    14. In the 2008 Census, 38,000,000 Americans, or just under 12% of your country's population, claimed Irish ancestry, So no, We're not "all the same to you", you absolute moron.

    15. @ Adam P

      You have picked the easy target, I put no credence in anything Matt Moneymaker says or publishes.

      Point in case, Dr Jeff Meldrum, or Dr Grover Krantz, both of these men have Phd's, Doctorates and over 60 years lecturing in Primate morphology and locomotion. If you are a rational human being, you are going to give weight to their opinions, and if two such highly educated men spend the majority of their adult lives investigating something, well, which is the more ignorant person, the one who says "Yes, ok, I accept your argument, show me the body", or somebody who says "OMG loser bleevers it's not Bigfoot it's Mary poppins". Are you beginning to see my point Adam?

  6. My dog would away and try to hide behind my legs. Sad but true.

  7. I see Merchant finally pulled his head out of his ass, and started making good content. Keep it up Michael. I might resub your channel if you keep doing these.

    1. I hate to say it, but I have to agree. Good stuff.

    2. I see he's making an attempt to lose the Mr Rogers delivery too.

      It's an improvement.

  8. How can you argue with circles and arrows? YOU CAN'T!

    1. John Madden could'nt have done better. Well maybe the seagull in the parking lot but meh....

  9. That dog behaved the way it did because it was hypnotized!

  10. well sherlock stated the fucking vious again.why do i click on this dickhead

  11. Top of 1st pic has all kinds of faces there and the biggest ones. The ones you show are just standing out the rest look for eyes and teeth, arms and hands.

  12. It is highly improbable for a tree to fall where a person is filming, unless you are doing a logging show.
    I spend a lot of time in the woods and in my life only heard a tree falling after heavy rains and at least a mile away.

  13. Stop posting garbage like this until you actually find one... WHICH WILL BE NEVER!


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